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My Soul Is Yours

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  I took a shower then headed into the kitchen. There was food in the refrigerator but I wasn’t a good cook. And instead of asking Trinity what was for dinner, I made a sandwich. Trinity hadn’t come out of her room and I didn’t dare go in there. I needed clean clothes but everything was in the room. All I had was a pair of clean boxers from the dryer. So I walked around in those and sat on the couch.

  Trinity left her room eventually, probably hungry. With her nose turned in the air, she walked past me. She wore evening clothes so I knew she was planning on leaving.

  “What are you doing?”

  She grabbed her purse and ignored me.

  I headed to the door then blocked her escape. I hoped seeing me shirtless would get her in the mood to stick around, but she didn’t look at anything below my face. “This fight is officially on pause.”

  “Get out of my way,” she said calmly.

  “Where are you going?”



  She grabbed me and tried to move me, but like a heavy steer, I wouldn’t budge. Instead, I grabbed her and pulled her to my chest. Then I kissed her hard on the mouth. I migrated her to the refrigerator then pinned her against it, kissing her passionately while squeezing her tits through her dress.

  She didn’t fight me. The second I touched her like this, she reciprocated. One leg wrapped around my waist and both her arms circled my neck. Her tongue moved down my throat then she bit my lip on purpose. I tasted the blood but kept going, liking it when she was aggressive with me. I lifted up her dress up to her stomach and pulled my cock out of my boxers. Then I moved her foot to the adjacent counter and slipped my dick inside her.

  She was wet. Not surprising.

  I was angry with her and she was angry with me too. I clenched my ass and fucked her hard against the refrigerator, still kissing her and grabbing anything I could. She moaned for me then dug her nails into my back, making me bleed a little. That turned me on more so I fucked even her harder.

  I breathed hard into her mouth, and when I made her come, she released a loud scream. The neighbors probably thought I was killing her but I didn’t care. I kept moving inside her, loving how slick she was. Then I released a final groan and filled her pussy with everything I had. I loved coming inside her. I loved knowing only I got to do it. It was sexy and hot. But it was also romantic; at least it was for me.

  She still clung to me as she caught her breath. She was sweaty and hot, with moisture on her upper lip and chest. I was drenched in sweat too. Now that we were finished, she didn’t push me away. She stayed still, breathing hard.

  I was dirty all over again, so I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. After I got the warm water running, I pulled her underneath it and held her close to me. My lips sought her neck and I kissed her gently, making up for the savage way I took her a moment ago.

  She leaned her head back and gave me more room, liking what I was doing to her. Her hands trailed over my back, this time being gentle instead of deadly.

  I kissed her gently, feeling her lips with mine. I loved kissing her. It was my favorite thing to do. Making love was great, but I felt my soul connect with hers even when I kissed her. Sometimes I kept my eyes open just to look into hers. My eyes were always closed when I kissed other girls because staring contests were awkward as hell. But with Trinity, it never was.

  I felt her engagement ring move across my skin every time she touched me. I liked feeling the metal. I liked knowing she was claimed by me, forever. Any guy who saw the sparkling diamonds would know she was unavailable, and that she was already fucking some other guy every night.

  Trinity ended our embrace then gently touched my back. “I’m sorry I hurt you…”

  “Hurt me?” I asked. “I liked it.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  She felt my lip with her finger, touching the blood as it still leaked out. “I got carried away…”

  “Again, I liked it.”

  “You like it when I hurt you?”

  “In a dark way, yes.” I kissed her gently again and pulled her close to me.

  “You just really pissed me off. I’m still pissed off.”

  “I know. I’m going to piss you off for the rest of our lives. Are you sure you want to marry me?”

  “Yes.” She said it quickly and without hesitation.

  “Then get used to it.”

  “Just give me what I want,” she said.

  “Give me what I want.”

  Her cheeks started to tint in anger.

  I pressed my finger over her lips. “Pause.”

  “We’re running out of time. We need to start planning.”

  “Pause.” I threatened her with my eyes. “The rest of the evening is just for us, okay? I’m glad we’re together again, but I’m not exactly whole. I need you in the way you need me. So let’s forget about the stupid party—”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I mean, beautiful wedding and let’s treasure each other.”

  She calmed down slightly. “Okay.”

  “And you’ve never walked out on me like that before. Why?”

  “I was just mad.”

  “I didn’t like that,” I said.

  “I’ve left an argument at some point,” she said.

  “This was different. I didn’t like it. I don’t want you to do that again.”

  “And what do you want?” Trinity said.

  “We stay in the same apartment. No running away.”

  “You’ve run out on me before,” she noted.

  “I won’t do it anymore. Married couples don’t do that.”

  “Just because we’re getting married doesn’t mean we need to change who we are.”

  “But people do stupid things when they’re upset,” I said. “When you’re mad at me, you go to your apartment and sulk. Since we have the same apartment, where are you going to sulk at? I’d rather you stay here instead of walking the streets or hanging out at Mega Shake.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Fine.”

  “Okay.” I cupped her face and kissed her again, letting the water fall on us. She and I didn’t make any sense, but somehow that made sense, if that makes any sense at all.


  “Nice ring, pussy.” Razor came to me and eyed my left ring finger.

  This wasn’t the first time I’d been teased for my premature wedding band. “I’m not a pussy.”

  He pointed at it. “Dude, that’s shit pussies do.”

  “Then fine. I guess I am a pussy.” I shrugged. “Marking my skin to prove my commitment to the woman I love is badass, not lame. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you just ask my dad—who you know as your boss?” I threatened him with a look.

  “Ryan has the tattoo because he’s actually married, not because he’s engaged.”

  “He got it when he proposed to my mom,” I argued. “So if I’m a pussy, I guess he is too.”

  “I just think it’s lame. You’re practically wearing an engagement ring.”

  “I think it’s lame that you’re almost thirty and have never found a woman like Trinity. Actually, I think it’s pathetic.”

  “Fuck you, Slade.” He marched back to his station.

  I stayed at the counter and kept working.

  Dad came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. “The guys are still giving you a hard time about it?”

  “I don’t care,” I said immediately. “They can say what they want.”

  He eyed my face. “Why is your lip swollen?”

  I immediately touched it. “Trinity bit me.”

  “She bit you?” he asked in surprise.

  “It’s a long story…”

  “And I don’t even want the short version.” He laughed then walked to the back.

  The door opened and the bell rang overhead. A shadow passed over me as a man approached the counter.

  I looked up and saw my future father-in-law. “It’s about time you
came around to getting some ink. You should get something on your arm, like a cobra.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll pass.”

  “I’m telling ya…the wife will love it.”

  “You got a minute?” he asked.

  “Anything for you, Dad.”

  He smirked at the intimate name. “Trinity told me about your insistence on rejecting my offer to pay for the wedding.”

  I felt ice cold. I couldn’t believe Trinity went behind my back and talked to her father about this. The debate was between she and I, future husband and wife, not us and her father. “I’m going to spank her ass when I get home…”

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “Sorry, I was thinking about something else. What were you saying?”

  “Trinity told me you’re refusing my money. Is that true?”

  “Damn right, it is. We don’t need it. But thank you.”

  “Well, I got the impression the two of you are broke,” he said simply.

  “We’ll get by just fine,” I said, feeling offended. “I can take care of her.” It was a matter of pride at this point.

  “While I find that honorable, what kind of wedding will you have?”

  I shrugged. “Something small at your house.”

  He considered me for a moment. “Trinity isn’t going to want that.”

  “Well, all that matters is us spending our lives together. Where it happens and how much we spend is irrelevant.”

  “I agree,” he said. “But my daughter has been planning her wedding since she was five and threw a pillow case over the back of her head like a veil. Slade, weddings aren’t important to guys. I couldn’t care less about mine. I just wanted to marry Cassandra. But it’s a really big deal for women. Like, a really big deal.”

  “Well, we just can’t afford something extravagant right now. I spent most of my money on that ring she adores.”

  He nodded. “And it’s a very beautiful ring. She loves it and will love it forever.”

  “I know I’m not a zillionaire like you, but that doesn’t make me less of a man than you are. So don’t come in here and tell me I need to take your money because I can’t give Trinity what she wants on my own. Trinity will marry me rich or poor. She’ll realize that her dream wedding isn’t important. It’s the guy waiting at the end of the aisle, which is me.”

  He sighed. “My intention wasn’t to offend you.”

  “Then get out and stop waving your money in my face.”

  “I’m not doing that,” he said angrily. “I just want you to accept this gift. Taking it doesn’t mean you can’t take care of Trinity. It’s traditional for the father to pay for the wedding. It doesn’t reflect poorly on you.”

  “Mike, you’ve never liked me. Let’s not kid ourselves here. I know you’ll be watching every move I make until the day you die. The last thing I want is for you to resent me in front of Trinity or our kids. I’d rather just steer clear of your money and prove I can take care of her on my own.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “I apologize for the way I treated you.”

  “And I accepted that apology. While I meant it, you can’t erase years of disapproval. I put up with it because I love Trinity, but that doesn’t make the pain any less easy to take. If Trinity knew the way you treated me recently, she would understand why I don’t want your money. You’re lucky I’m not a jackass and haven’t ratted you out.”

  His eyes darkened then he took a deep breath. “I love you like a son, Slade. I didn’t express that very well and I know I’m guilty for that. When it comes to my daughter, I don’t see straight. It’s my biggest flaw. Cassandra hates it too. I have complete faith that my daughter is in good hands. When I leave this earth forever, I’ll be at peace because I’ll know you’ll take care of her. Offering you this money isn’t a test of some kind. I’m giving it to you because I want you to begin your lives in a beautiful way. It’s my last parting gift to Trinity before she officially leaves behind the Preston name and takes Sisco. Please don’t read between the lines. Cassandra and I love you—now and forever.”

  I considered his words and heard his sincerity. But I still felt guilty taking that money. It didn’t feel right. “I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline.”

  He rubbed his chin in agitation. “What can I do to change your mind?”

  “Nothing,” I said simply.

  “Keep in mind that the person you’re hurting most is Trinity. She wants a beautiful wedding. As her fiancé, you should do everything you can to make that happen.”

  “Don’t tell me how to take care of Trinity. I know what I’m doing.”

  Mike had officially given up. “Let me know if you change your mind.”

  “I won’t.”

  He gave me a sad look before he turned away. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Yeah.” I turned back to my paperwork, trying to forget he was there.


  When I got home, I was livid. “Why the hell did you tell your father that?”

  Trinity jumped from the couch. “Excuse me?”

  “He came to the shop today and tried to shove the money down my throat. Why the hell would you bring him into this? This is between you and me. If you want to marry your dad, then tell me now so I can stop wasting my time.”

  She stood up and brought the heat. “I didn’t tell him. He asked me for a quote for the wedding and I said I wasn’t sure if I would need any money. And that’s how the conversation started.”

  “You could have just said no,” I said. “You didn’t have to tell him about our fight.”

  “Well, we haven’t come to an agreement yet.”

  “Yes, we have,” I said firmly. “We aren’t taking a dime from him.”

  She stomped her foot and screamed. “Why are you being so selfish about this?”

  I wanted to tell her what Mike did to me. I wanted to rat him out, not out of revenge or anger, but just so she would understand the position I was in. Mike burned me enough times to tell me he could like me one moment then hate me the next. I wasn’t bitter and I accepted his apology, but that didn’t make me blindly trust him. “Trinity, this is what’s going to happen. Just accept it.”

  “Just accept it?” she asked incredulously. “If you thought I was a woman from Pride and Prejudice who just blindly did what she was told, you’re sadly mistaken, Slade. I will not just accept anything for a stupid reason. This is my wedding and this is what I want. You’re just being a jackass about the whole thing. Give me the wedding I want.”

  “Believe me, I wish I had more money. But the fact is, I don’t.”

  “This is a gift from my father to me. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “I’m marrying you, so it does have to do with me.”

  “My dad even said that accepting the money doesn’t make you less of a man. He isn’t disappointed in you or judging you.”

  “Beside the point.”

  She gripped her skull then closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. She breathed hard and forced herself to take it down a notch. “Slade.” Her voice came out quiet. “I’m trying to understand this. Help me understand.” She opened her eyes again and looked at me with desperation in her gaze.

  I would never tell her. It wasn’t because I was some selfless hero. It was because I didn’t want to jeopardize her relationship with her father. He irritated and annoyed me, but I knew she needed him in her life. I would never take that away from her. So I kept my silence.

  “Slade, help me understand.”

  There was nothing I could say to fix the situation or win the argument. So, I said what I always said. “Pause.”


  When my shift ended the following day, I was excited to go home and see Trinity. We would probably fight about the wedding, but that would last two hours at most. Then I’d get to spend the rest of the evening with her, taking a bath with her or cuddling on the couch. She said she was making tacos for dinner. My favorite.

  I clocked
out then headed to the front, but I ran into someone I wasn’t exactly fond of.

  “Hey, son.” Mike stood with his hands in his pockets.

  I appreciated that he called me son, trying to make an effort, but I remembered the way he called Reid that right in front of me, intentionally trying to make me feel like dirt. It would always remind me of that moment. Even Reid agreed it was cold. “Hey.”

  “I just got off work,” he said. “You want to get a beer?”

  He never wanted to do anything with me before. Was he offering because he sincerely wanted a relationship with me? A new one as his son-in-law? Or was he just trying to manipulate me into taking the money? Or was this a trap I didn’t foresee. “Well, Trinity is making tacos for dinner…”

  “Just one beer,” he pressed.

  “Uh, okay.” My body was synced to the time, so every morning I had a boner because I’d get morning sex with Trinity, every afternoon around this time I’d get another hard-on because I usually had sex with her right when I got home, and then another one would come around bed time, when we would make love as we told each other how we couldn’t live without one another. So, now I was uncomfortable because I had a semi-boner in my jeans. The last thing I wanted to do was have a beer with her father.

  “Great.” He walked out and headed to Rogers. It was nearby.

  We ordered our beers then faced the TV.

  “How was work?” he asked.

  “Good. This one guy got this sick tattoo of a yellow tiger. My dad did the ink. It looks really cool.”

  “Neat,” he said.

  “How was the office?” I asked.

  “Pretty uneventful,” he said. “Cassandra stopped by so we had lunch.”

  “What does she do at home all day?” I couldn’t imagine my mom staying home all the time. She would go crazy.

  “Cleans, reads, does yoga, hits the beach…stuff like that.”

  “I can’t imagine Trinity staying home like that.”

  “You’re right,” he said. “She’s far too ambitious.”

  “Not that she couldn’t,” I added. “Because I could afford it…”


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