Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2)

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Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2) Page 45

by Sariah Skye

  I sniffed, scenting a slight burning spell from nearby. I looked down and noticed fire sparking from Gabriel's fists, seemingly involuntarily. I let out a panicked yelp, and with a flick of my wrist felt the cooling water escape my fingers as I splashed his hands.

  Surprised, he jumped back slightly, looking at his hands. Obviously, no worse for the wear, he took a deep breath of composure before crossing the room to my grandfather.

  “Gabriel...” I started, noticing for the first time a look of apprehension in my grandfather's elder eyes as the sorcerer stared him down.

  “I cannot, I…” Gabriel let out a pained laugh. “How dare you mess with us that way? Our hearts, our feelings?”

  My grandfather winced slightly, but forced himself to sit up straight and look Gabriel in the eyes. “I'm sorry... I figured I’d be long dead before this happened, and no one would ever know. You'd just fall in love and live happily ever after. You'd never be the wiser!”

  “But, that's now how it happened, did it? Did it?” Gabriel exclaimed angrily, glowering at him. He glanced back at me as I sat there, stone-faced, trying to come to terms with what I'd just learned.

  Gabriel opened his mouth to speak again angrily, before clamping it shut again. He turned to my grandfather again. “You realize what you've done? You could have screwed up relationships for us. For both of us! How fair is that? What if I was horrible to her—and she was still in love with me? What if I was an abuser, a drunk? Is that what you wanted for your granddaughter?”

  “I hadn't considered that,” my grandfather replied sullenly.

  Gabriel shoved his finger in my grandfather's face. It was humbling and terrifying to see anyone confront him like that; I’d never seen it ever in my life.

  “But... I thought Daniel foresaw our meeting,” I protested in confusion.

  “Daniel and Gabriel are twins... stands to reason that Daniel was also affected by the spell,” Grandfather hypothesized.

  Gabriel snorted. “So, it was a forced vision.”

  I played with the hem of the luscious, pink robes I was wearing, running my finger up and down along the Celtic embroidery in black that ran up and down the front seam anxiously, but I said nothing at this new revelation.

  Gabriel threw himself on my grandfather's bed and let out a groan. “I can't believe this...”

  I glanced back at my grandfather who wore shame blatant on his face before turning to Gabriel. I tried to console to sorcerer, but he quickly pulled away, offering a warning stare. I pulled away, quickly, feeling wounded.

  “So, none of any of this was my choice? Was our choice!?!” Gabriel got to his feet and stormed off to the other side of the room. “I...I can't take this right now. I need to get out of here.”

  I started after him, pulling at his arm to urge him back but he pulled away. “Just... give me a second Leo. Please.” He turned and his gaze softened when he saw the saddened expression on my face. “This is a lot to take.”

  I laughed shortly. “You're telling me! I just learned my grandfather essentially turned me into some... X-men style mutant dragon!” I grabbed for his hand again and squeezed it lightly. “Besides... I'm not sure it's a great idea for you to be walking around here?” I was still sort of confused.

  Gabriel waved me off. “Oh, that. Daniel, Finnian and I have been walking around here like we own the place for days. Your mother has been most welcoming, believe it or not.”

  My mouth fell open, stupefied. “What.” It wasn't even a question; but a statement of utter disbelief I couldn't comprehend. It was like he had just said there was a Pegasus wearing fatigues, farting rainbows and dancing an Irish jig was in the foyer area of the house. My mother being “welcoming” was almost just as unheard of. In fact, I'd expect to find the camp-wearing Pegasus before my hospitable Mother.

  Gabriel paused momentarily and leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Don't take offense, Leo. I just... I need to talk to Daniel a minute about this. He knows more about that backstabbing psychopath Niall than I do.” He pulled away and I allowed his hand to drop and, he opened the heavy wooden door with a flick of his wrist and closed it behind him the same way.

  Leaving me alone with my grandfather, I paused briefly before turning to confront him.

  “Leorah... I'm so sorry,” he said, in a demure voice. I've never once heard my grandfather be demure. Quiet, peaceful but demure? Never.

  I shot him daggers from my eyes. “Why didn't you tell me, at least? Why didn't you at least tell me I had magic!?!”

  My grandfather threw up his hands in exasperation. “I didn't know! I have no idea why you were never able to perform magic! I am still unsure as to how you're even still alive!! No pink dragon in Anarach has been allowed to live in... centuries!” He rose and stepped towards me cautiously, like a cowboy taming a wild, jumpy mare. “I am so glad you are here; I love you Leorah. I thought that since the magic never surfaced, perhaps it wasn't you after all.”

  My mouth formed a thin line as I put my hands on my hips. “No? Not even when the Professor during my first year contacted you about the 'magic' I performed on that black drake? When I stopped him from barbecuing me on that field?”

  My grandfather looked back blankly. “I'm not sure what you mean.”

  “What? How could you not—my parents—your son and daughter in law nearly tanned my hide that day! Of course, I had no idea that's what had happened but still! You had to know then!” I insisted.

  Grandfather shook his head slowly. “Sorry, I'm really not sure of the time you're talking about.”

  I groaned in exasperation and regaled the tale of that First day of first year, where Maxxus was being tormented and my grandfather was still confused.

  “I didn't know you even knew Maxxus before I started tutoring him.”

  “Oh my... you must have a magic block on you too. I didn't really remember him until Finnian's magic removed the block. All the blocks.”

  My grandfather appeared angry for a brief moment. “Now I know how you feel.” He stood and offered a wry smile, opening his arms for an embrace. “Truly, I'm so very sorry, Leo. I wanted to tell you, but by the time I could—it was too late.”

  I sighed and stepped back from him. “No. I just can't. I can't. That still doesn't explain the block on me. On Maxxus. Now, on you. And... exactly what was in that spell?”

  He shook his head slowly. “Like I said, fae magic, dragon magic… I have no idea exactly. No idea how they gained this magic to add to the spell—Niall and Cyril. I should have asked, but Niall was somewhat intimidating and foreboding, if you can believe it,” Grandfather chuckled. “Believe it or not there is a strong physical resemblance between your magic brothers and Niall—though he does appear to look more like Daniel; at least from what I can remember. It's been a long time.”

  “So—wait. Fae?” I recalled my time in Castle Danger, to the faerie people who lived there... and their dainty wings on their back. “So, could that be why I have these stupid wings? They're faerie wings—really?”

  He shrugged. “It's possible. Cyril never had wings like that.”

  “And the fact that I can—” I closed my eyes quickly and felt the now familiar pricking sensation between my shoulder blades and felt the muscles around stretch as my wings exposed themselves. “Well this.”

  My grandfather's eyes widened in surprise. “Leo—that's amazing! I had no idea that was possible!” He leaned over to examine them and I turned slightly, allowing him better access. He ran his hands up and down the length of them. “Do they help your magic?”

  “Yes, mostly,” I said, with a sigh. “How exactly did you do it? I mean... did you just read some incantation one day Niall gave you and, that was it?”

  Grandfather shook his head rapidly. “Oh no, it was very complicated. Literally, we gathered around a cauldron on the night of a full moon, and I had to drink this potion every night for a month,” he shuddered briefly at the memory. “Terrible tasting stuff, it was. Like, licking fee
t or something.”

  Normally, I would have made the obvious quip, asking him if he'd licked many feet before but, I wasn't feeling very jovial. He continued when he was met with my silence.

  “On the thirtieth night of October, near Samhain, an entire circle of sorcerers or witches or something made me stand in this circle with Niall. There were candles and I was zapped with a bunch of magic... and that was it. It didn't hurt, I didn't even feel anything. Perhaps if I had I would have thought more about what I was doing.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. What did this mean? “Does this mean I really don't have any feelings for Gabriel? It's all magic? And you seriously don't remember me being with Maxxus at all? You risked totally fucking that up! The one dragon to have my back from the beginning.”

  “Well, not the only one... wait.” He shook his head before raising his brow suspiciously. “When you say being, what exactly—”

  But he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and smacking against the wall. Maxxus tore in and threw himself at me, with little regard to our audience.

  “Oh my gods, Leo, you scared us all so much!” He wrapped his arms around me tightly, pinning my arms at my sides so I could do nothing but just sit there and take his 'abuse'. He kissed my cheek repeatedly as I giggled like a school girl.

  “Geez, Maxx, calm down!” I said, between laughs.

  “I'm sorry, I was just so relieved to hear you were okay!” Maxxus reluctantly let me go but kept me at arms' length. I looked into his sky blue eyes deeply and saw his inner torment as he blinked away happy tears of relief. Suddenly, all things felt clearer. I felt my heart swoon as I looked over his handsome—but confused—face.

  He raised a brow, questioningly. “Are you okay?”

  I let out a laugh and shrugged. “I don't know.” I reached out and squeezed his shoulder tightly, offering him a warm smile. “I am just glad you're okay. Where were you?” I had been surprised to see he hadn't been there. “Are you sure you're okay to be up and about?”

  Maxxus snorted. “Oh, I'm fine. Still a little sore, a little tired, but Finnian has been working tirelessly to mend us all. Say what you will about the guy, but he knows his shit,” he said, offering me a wink.

  I gave him a wry smile. “Ha. Now you're a fan?”

  He shrugged. “Can't argue with the results,” he said with a laugh, as he flexed his biceps and screwed up his face all serious. “See? Just fine.”

  I giggled and gave him a playful shove, but our reunion was interrupted by another hinted cough from nearby.

  Maxxus remembered where he was and the heat on his cheeks was unmistakable. “Lord Aleron, I'm sorry for my intrusion, I was just glad—”

  With a chuckle, my grandfather dismissed him with a sweeping gesture of his hand. “Think nothing of it, son. We were just talking about you, actually.”

  It was Maxxus' turn to raise a brow. He looked at each of us and said, “Oh?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Nothing like that. Apparently, my grandfather here has a magic block on him as well. He doesn't remember our relationship either.”

  Surprised, Maxxus winced at this admission. “Really? That is so odd because you were frequently the one that stood up for us.”

  My grandfather gave a shrug. “Glad I was able to do that for you; I just wish I could remember it.”

  “Finnian. We'll get him to work up a potion—we'll—” he began, and I cut him off.

  “He is also the reason I have such screwy fucking magic,” I replied dryly, giving my grandfather a slightly mirthful look. “And, he cast a love spell on my and Gabriel's bloodlines.”

  “Oh.” Maxxus crossed his long arms over his chest, causing the sleeves of his green robes to slide up his forearm, exposing several battle scars that had yet to heal. Two them appeared still raw and red. He looked at me with confusion. “What does that mean?”

  I shrugged. “It means everything is all fucked up.” I reached out to finger the outline of a gash near his wrist. He clutched my hand in both of his and brought it to his lips, offering a small kiss on my knuckles and winking at me slightly.

  “It's just superficial. You did most of the dirty work. Clearly, it did not come without repercussion. How are you feeling?” He questioned me, most selflessly.

  I shrugged. “A bit pissed actually. I'm dealing but... a bit pissed. And confused, and—”

  My grandfather sighed. “I'm afraid as she said I'm the cause for that.”

  Maxxus frowned slightly. “Well, there will be time for that. You will have to explain it to me on our way to the Court. What does this love spell mean?”

  “It means my feelings for Gabriel were not my own,” I replied, resentfully.

  “Oh. Oh.” Maxxus expression went from confused to sudden realization. Surely he was thinking that, if Gabriel was out of the picture...what that meant for him. For us.

  “What about… me?” he asked with hesitation. “Does that mean I—”

  I grinned up at him, taking one of his hands between mine and placing against my rapidly beating heart. “It means those feelings are my own. You are mine, always were and always will be.”

  He beamed widely, looking awfully gleeful for someone that had been near death just a short time ago (well in my mind). “This—this is good news then!”

  “Well, that's the only piece of good news.” I sighed, but didn't drop his hand; I felt like holding on for dear life. “What about the Court?”

  “We've been working fairly hard to rid the castle of the Shadows, though there is a certain aura of them that remains. If you're feeling up to it, the queen is requesting an audience of you. Her dressing room in the Castle is about the only place that remained relatively Shadow free and we were able to clear what was left with some effort. She rests there, now, and waits for you,” Maxxus explained.

  “How is she doing?” I asked, remorsefully. Sure, we'd just saved her life but, her husband had died and until about five days ago, she had a price on our heads and was part of the conspiracy that led our entire realm to despise pink dragons... causing me years of torment. I should have felt nothing but resentment towards her, but despite everything, I couldn't imagine losing someone I loved very much in that way. Obviously—we see what happened when I faced it.

  I exploded in a ball of light and apparently scared the shit out of any Shadows within a mile radius or... something. Even if I wasn't actually in love with Gabriel—and I'm not sure what all that means—I still cared about him. However, clearly I can't deal with it, and I wasn't even in established relationships with either of them. I couldn't imagine losing someone I'd been mated to with as long as she was mated to King Athalos. The pair ruled for around a hundred years, but were mated long before that. She could have many years left on her to rule, though they rarely did after their mates were lost prematurely. I wondered what it meant for the kingdom now.

  Maxxus hung his head solemnly. “She is… coping. But she is a paradox of feelings right now. Sadness for her husband's loss, of course, but... remorse for how you were treated for so long. She feels guilt, and shame that she allowed it to go on.”

  My eyes widened. “What the what?” I frankly didn't think she cared one iota about it. Even the few times I'd been in the Court—at the request of my grandfather for whatever reason—I'd been relatively ignored by her. Which, I supposed was an improvement from the outright scorn I'd faced from most others. Feeling a sudden sense of anxiety, I looked down at my rumpled robes and ran my hands through my matted, dirty hair. “Oh balls, I can't go there looking like this...” I muttered. I shot up like a rocket, feeling a sensation of wooziness. Maxxus raised to steady me on my feet. I barely glanced back at my grandfather, who sat rather quietly in his chair. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't speak. And I was too angry to say anything. I ignored him and allowed Maxxus to escort to my room slightly down the hall, next door.

  He snorted as he helped me through the doorway, much to my protest. I was fine now, but Maxxus
wasn't hearing it. He scanned the main bed chambers and shook his head with a wide grin.

  “What?” I asked innocently.

  Obviously, I spent little time in my own bedroom; my apartment was my home now. Or, was it? So, things had remained virtually untouched since I'd left. While everything in the castle was typical, traditional dragon; tapestries of our official House seals, oil paintings of ancestors long passed on, statues and gargoyles and candle lanterns and a lot of plain, ol' gray brick, to piss off my family I tried to make my bedroom look as much as a typical, teenage human girl's at the time as I could.

  “I am just now remembering how ridiculous your bedroom is,” he said, with a laugh. “Oh look—a ship!” He chuckled at an inflatable USS Enterprise from Star Trek I had hanging from the ceiling.

  “Stahhhhhhhp,” I said, feigning offense. “Hey, what can I say, I had to amuse myself.” I chuckled, as we entered and he folded himself on my large king size bed. I crossed the room for the heavy, black armoire I had painted all sorts of song lyrics on with spray paint like graffiti. I opened the doors and laughed even harder, remembering the small, twelve-inch tube TV and VCR I had tucked inside, hiding under all the robes I draped over it. “Oh, that's good... I almost forgot I did that,” I said to myself. I grabbed a set of white velvet robes with black cording up and down the seam and sides. I tossed him the remote control. “Good luck trying to get something to come in; I can't tell you the trouble Braeden and I had trying to pipe electricity in here for that.”

  He laughed, and lay back into the pillows. “I'll just sit and relax. The queen seemed pretty impatient, so we don't want to keep her waiting too long.”

  I groaned, disappearing into the washroom. I had a large mirror, outlined in scrawling iron over the large wash basin. I groaned, looking at my appearance. Dark circles under my eyes, my hair—which was growing out and was nearly chin-length in front—was a literal mess. I sighed. “I look like shit!”

  “That's simply not possible, Leorah!” Maxxus called back from the bedroom.


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