Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2)

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Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2) Page 46

by Sariah Skye

  I grumbled under my breath. I wouldn’t have time to properly take care of my appearance so I filled up handfuls of water from the basin and smoothed out my sleep-kinked hair. Finally, after the back remained in a permanent-shelf state I said “Fuck it.” I stepped back so I wasn't centered in the room and willed the shift to my dragon form.

  “You okay?” Maxxus called. I wasn't the largest dragon, but I still managed while I was shifting to bump into the tub and rattle it against the wall slightly.

  I replied with a noncommittal growl and shifted back into my human form. I reached up and patted my hair, which was now tamed and sitting appropriately on my head instead of sticking up every which where. I took one more glance at my face in the mirror: the redness and dark circles diminished, but I still looked pale and tired. I groaned. It would have to do.

  I untied the pink robes I'd been wearing and let them drop down my body to the floor, reaching for the new ones I'd left atop the sink. I fastened them around my neck and made sure they draped correctly in front. It wasn't terribly cold, but I was still tired and chilled from stress so I wore a green long sleeved thermal V-neck tee and black yoga pants underneath.

  Maxxus let out a laugh from the bed. “You know, you don't have to be so modest; you could have changed out here. It is your room. I could have closed my eyes. You're a dragon, you know…. like it or not. And, I have seen all that before you know,” he added with a wink.

  I feigned offense. “Hey now—things have changed since we last did...” my face warmed with a blush as I recalled our last “romantic” interlude still fresh in my mind since I'd only just recalled it a few days ago. “Well... you know.”

  “Or have they?” He wiggled his brow at me playfully and snickered. “I know. I mean it though... you couldn't possibly look bad no matter what you did.”

  I smiled shyly, as I avoided staring at him laying on my bed all casually. He wasn't wearing a shirt under his robes and they didn't fasten well in front. They splayed open on each side of him, exposing several inches of abdomen and chest. He did wear a pair of fitted blue jeans and his long legs draped over the side of the bed. My heart skipped a beat and right then, I wanted nothing more than to climb him like a tree but obviously, I couldn't. Yet. We had places to go, people to see. Dammit.

  I twirled my underwear around in a circle and smirked. “Perhaps I’m saving the reveal for another day, huh?”

  “You—what?” Maxxus nearly choked at my flirtatious tone. I chuckled wildly, turning around and tossing the underwear back into the armoire.

  I laughed wildly. “Oh, that was so worth it!” “Come on, let's get this over with.”

  Maxxus grinned sheepishly, noticing his robes were splayed and as he stood, he properly adjusted them. I shook my head and sighed, smacking my palm against my face. “You’re killing me, here. Killing me…”

  He let out a light chuckle and, with his hand on the small of my back, guided me out of the bedroom.

  The remainder of the stone home was empty—Maxxus had explained both of my parents were assumed to be helping right now in the infirmary castle near the Court; my brother and Kiarra were attending to duties at Court that including helping identify the Shadow touched and, helping Finnian prescribe magical treatments.

  Daniel and Gabriel were out back behind the castle, Maxxus informed me, waiting to join us for the Court, perched on wooden benches that overlooked sprawling rose gardens that my grandfather tended to regularly. They appeared deep in conversation and didn't hear us come up behind them. “It's really pretty, isn't it?” I mused out loud.

  Gabriel started slightly before noticing us. “Oh,” he said with a laugh. “For dragons you think you'd be a lot...stompier.”

  “This better?” I asked sarcastically, pointedly stomping my feet loudly, letting out a few growls.

  “Much.” Gabriel and I paused in our comfortable joking to acknowledge the new discomfort between us in silence.

  Daniel let out an interrupting cough, and I was grateful for the distraction. “Well. This is some place you have here,” he said, turning back towards the never-ending field of flowers, that rose and fell slightly before a pristine green meadow that eventually gave way to sudden grass covered hills and mountains in the distance.

  “Yeah...” I said, staring dreamily out at the field. “My grandmother grew these. Long ago. They're all direct descendants of the rose varieties she cultivated.” I nudged at Maxxus nearby. “Being a green dragon, she had a thing for plants.” He just grinned warmly.

  “She was green too?” Gabriel questioned out loud, and I nodded.

  “Yeah, she was. It's been a long time since I saw her, but I still miss her very much.” I shielded my eyes with my palm as the first afternoon rays of sun parted through the heavy gray clouds above. It was probably around 11:00am judging by the position of the sun in the sky. “Usually, these fields are covered with mist until early afternoon, but it seems to be a bit warm for that, today. Which is... odd.” It had to of been around fifty degrees right now; which was rather unusual.

  Daniel snorted. “Here I thought Global Warming only applied to the human realm.”

  Gabriel slapped his face and let out a groan. “Global Climate Change!!! There's a difference!”

  Daniel cackled playfully, reaching over to give his brother a shove. “Yes, yes... whatever you say,” he said, rolling his eyes at me. “Just drives him nuts when people say that.”

  “Ugh...” was all Gabriel said, shaking his head; Maxxus and I chuckled.

  “We are requested at Court by the queen. All of us. We need to go as soon as possible.”

  Daniel let out a surprised yelp. He stood up immediately and attempted to smooth out his black button up shirt over dark blue denim jeans and run a hand through his wavy hair. “I can't wear this to a palace!”

  I raised a brow. “Where did you find jeans here?” when both of us said simultaneously: “Finnian.”

  “Yeah, he's been in and out quite a bit. I was thankful to get what little clothes I have here,” Gabriel said with a chuckle. He shrugged down at his red hooded sweatshirt and worn, faded blue jeans and skater-style sneakers. “Guess this will have to do. I was sort of sick of all the robes, no offense.”

  “I understand.” Another awkward vibe.

  “You'll be happy to know both Kit and Sona are doing just fine,” Daniel reported as I gasped. With all that was going on—and it still didn't feel like that much time had passed—I hadn’t even had time to think about them. “Kit said to tell you she's working on selling the coffee shop, and Sona is still running around like she owns the place.”

  I grinned. “Same as usual.”

  “Well, shall we?” Maxxus coughed pointedly. I agreed reluctantly. Even on the best of days, I wasn't anxious or happy to visit the castle.

  “We walking, or…?” Gabriel asked and I snorted.

  “Hell no! Walking would be forty-five minutes. Fuck that. We fly. I've been dying to fly around here ever since I learned I actually could!” I said, grinning knowingly at Maxxus who as a portal guard, more than anyone else had been on the receiving end of how frustrating it had been for me.

  Daniel pulled out two new leather cuffs from his jeans pocket and handed them to both Maxxus and me; I wasn’t sure what happened to the others.

  “Finnian has spares?” I asked, with a chuckle.

  Daniel just nodded, with a wink. “All that, and more!”

  “Hot damn!” Maxxus took his and fastened it to his wrist. He needed no further and, quickly grew into his large green form, wings stretching outward as he accustomed to his other form again.

  I laughed, strapping on my own and willed the shift and felt that familiar stretch of muscle and bone. Gabriel didn’t have the makeshift harness this time, but managed to climb on with little difficulty.

  Maxxus, with Daniel situated carefully on his back, smiled at me from the side of his mouth. “After you,” he said.

  Triumphantly, I kicked off and pulsed my w
ings, catching the wind under me and launching us high into the air with such force Gabriel tightened his grasp on me with white knuckles. “Whoa there... slow down!”

  “What am I, a fucking horse?” I beat my wings harder, feeling the blissful freedom of the wind around me and the weightlessness and flew even higher; faster.

  Maxxus had caught up to me and offered a dragon grin. “How does it feel?”

  Leveling out, I paused in the air to allow Gabriel a moment to compose himself. I stared down at our family home, the long, sprawling flower fields and over the river that ran through our land before turning in the correct direction towards the Court palace, its turrets barely more than sticks in the distance and I smiled. “It's awesome.” With a piercing yell, much that of Xena, Warrior Princess, I took off towards the Court. I felt Gabriel on my back casting protective air magic around us and muttering nervously but I ignored it.

  This was a moment I'd waited for forever.

  I was a dragon... flying. Like I should be.

  Chapter 23

  It was only around a ten-minute flight; and I was thankful we encountered no others as we flew. Looking down, it still appeared rather calm; hardly anyone was out and about which was unusual for this time of day.

  We stopped, just over the castle courtyard that housed many of the court members and where vendors met weekly to sell and trade their goods and scanned the remaining damage.

  The Castle didn't look too much worse for the wear, but there was a certain dullness about it; like looking through a cloudy window. None of the usual hustle occurred today so we could set down wherever; I chose an empty vendor courtyard.

  Maxxus landed first, the sound of his beating wings slowed to a stop and I landed right behind him.

  We were met with a small cry. We turned to see the owner of the noise as we allowed our human passengers to carefully slide down. We turned and saw a single light brown colored dragon in her rather unassuming form glaring us down with her yellow eyes. She was behind a vendor booth and she came around—more like stomping angrily—to confront us.

  “Traitors to the Crown!” she called out in her deep voice as she took a deep breath; apparently intending to breathe her fire at us.

  Maxxus started for her, ready to retaliate, but with an outstretched wing I stopped him. I took a few steps forward, narrowing my eyes as I stepped.

  “Don't come closer!” she warned, and I could feel the energy of her magic being summoned. She opened her mouth to exhale but before she could get so much as a spark out, I breathed out with a massive, growling roar, sparkles and mist everywhere, effectively subduing her magic. Surprised, she quickly clamped her mouth shut and took a few steps back, staring at us with wide eyes.

  “For your information, brown,” I challenged, staring her down. I smirked quickly at Gabriel, who just chuckled, knowing probably what I was about to do, “we're here at the invitation of the queen.”

  You can't move. You're motionless besides breath. It was nasty and mean, but damn, it felt good. I concentrated, sending the magic to her in invisible waves and her eyes became saucers as she cried out, struggling slightly; only as much as my spirit restraint would allow. She tried to protest when I finished my statement.

  She lowered her eyes at that point and I felt her resolve slacken. “I am sorry, I didn't realize.” She looked up again, at the Gabriel and Daniel. “All of you?”

  “All of us,” Maxxus said, joining me at my side. “In case you weren't privy, Shazandre,” I assumed that must be her name, though I'd never heard of her before, “we were instrumental in saving the queen. All of us.”

  Gabriel let out a short chuckle. “Instrumental? Hell, we pretty much did all the work.”

  “And nearly lost our lives in the process,” I said, agreeing with the sentiment, before turning back to the brown dragon. “Now, if I release you, will you promise to not give us any trouble and allow us about our business?”

  She moved her head slightly. “Y, yes I will.”

  Behind her in a large, stone cottage emerged another dragon—this one gray—from behind heavy doors. He noticed Shazandre, motionless and gasped, before noticing us. He glared, becoming combative.

  “It's okay, Kreegan,” she insisted, offering a wry smile.

  Kreegan growled, plumes of gray smoke escaping his nose. “I just got word that the bounty has been removed from your heads, but you aren't doing much for your case, imprisoning innocent dragons with your demonic magic,” he said somewhat calmly but entirely angry.

  “Hey, she challenged us first!” Gabriel insisted.

  Kreegan snorted at him. “What are you going to do, human?”

  In a split second, Gabriel had a fireball summoned in his palm, shutting the gray dragon up quickly. “Would you like to find out?”

  “You know, if it wasn't for us you'd be suffering a lot more than just Shadowed auras,” Daniel stepped forward, crossing his arms defiantly. The two dragons looked somewhat shocked. “Yes, I can tell; I'm a Seer. Another hour and you'd both be dead.”

  Maxxus nudged Daniel with his large nose and motioned for him to step back. Reluctantly, he did.

  “Leo,” Maxxus said calmly from nearby. “Release the magic. I understand you're a little... wound up. Given everything that's happened to you—to us. But you're better than this.”

  I heaved a sigh, realizing he was right. I released the magic with a nod of my head and, Shazandre relaxed once again. “She still challenged us first.”

  Maxxus grunted in agreement. “I know. But we are four and she was only one. Not much damage she could do.”

  “She didn't know that,” I protested. “As far as anyone here is concerned, we're two magicless—or nearly magicless—dragons and two unassuming humans.” I growled, shooting the two dragons dirty looks before stalking away, through the pathway between the Courtyard that led to the palace. We didn't say much as we walked the short distance to the palace doors, but I was thankful we encountered no other dragons along the way.

  We hesitated when we reached the doors. An oily, somewhat transparent black substance still coated the dark wood. Before entering we paused to shift into our fully-clothed human selves. Seriously—best magic ever!

  “Ready?” I asked my cohorts, and everyone nodded. With a sweeping gesture, Gabriel parted the doors with his magic and we stepped in.

  The castle had recently been the scene of a battle and still appeared it though, this time all the torches had been lit to illuminate our way through the war-weary castle; to the queen's chambers in the East wing.

  Patches of the murky Shadow substance remained here and there. Statues had been knocked over and were out of place, but some that weren't permanently broken had been attempted to be set upright; tapestries hang haphazardly on their hooks and scorch marks from dragons' using their magic dotted the walls. I sighed, saddened at the scene. No, I had no love for the Court or the castle, but I knew that my grandfather and brother and Kiarra had spent much time here and enjoyed the large castle very much. And, this was the spot where many dragons had perished—including the king. It wasn't just the leftover Shadow energy that hung in the air in the castle hallways; there was a certain remorse over the lives prematurely lost.

  At the end of a large, long corridor that had remained mostly untouched, we reached two heavy sets of doors. Maxxus spoke loudly, announcing our arrival, while placing his fingertips on the large iron handle to prompt the door to open.

  I had never been to the queen's chambers before, obviously—no one had—and I was expecting something rather spectacular, but the décor was simple, resembling my grandfather's bedroom without the walls of books. A large, dark wood chaise, covered in fluffy blue velvet sat in the middle of the room, and several blue large pillows and chairs dotted the space around her. On the opposite wall, set another large door and I realized this must be a sitting room of sorts, where the queen entertained her own private groups of friends. Her actual bedroom lay just beyond.

  The door swung o
pen and Queen Valessia emerged in her willowy human form. She was tall—even for a human—and thin-framed. She had soft, curly black hair, dark brown eyes and a friendly smile on her heart-shaped lips. Upon her entrance, Maxxus and I bowed our heads and the brothers imitated us.

  “Appreciated, but not necessary,” she said, with a smile as she folded her long body into the chaise.

  “How are you doing, your Highness?” I asked hesitantly, trying to hide the nervousness from my tone.

  “Oh, I will be all right. I am saddened at all that's happened and, with the Shadows’ attack, I'm mostly tired. Your Loremaster has been key to helping me regain my energy—in fact, I've allowed him and his friends a temporary portal in the Throne room so he can easily bring in healers from your Earth realm. They have been instrumental in helping us to heal... but even with all their efforts and the efforts of all the healers here, it is not enough. Which is what brings me to why I asked you here.”

  I exchanged a brief glance with Gabriel and Maxxus and lay back in the chair, crossing my arms casually in my lap to await her explanation. I was dying to hear it, but figured it was better to remain patient. “And why is that, your Highness?”

  She looked away with a distant expression; you could see in her face, she struggled to remain composed at this admission before she turned back to us, offering a serious thin smile. “The Court has virtually been decimated. No one is quite well. Some of us are prone to fits of madness, others are just completely exhausted and depressed. I've never seen anything like it,” she said, with a sigh. Another knock at the door sounded then and the door opened, and my brother and Kiarra stepped through.

  Feeling a sense of joy, I wanted to jump up and throw myself at them but, protocol dictated I remain calm in the presence of the queen.

  However, Kiarra clearly didn't give a single solitary fuck and was squealing with delight as she threw her arms around me. “Oh, Leo you scared the shit out of us!”

  I struggled to embrace her back, but my arms were being pinned to my sides. Braeden, in his human form, dressed in his red robes was behind her, smirking over her shoulder. “A little help?” I insisted.


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