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Page 7

by HelenKay Dimon

  Whatever esteem she’d had for him had fallen, and that pissed him off. He wanted to earn it back without having to give her every detail. And up until now she hadn’t exactly been shy about asking him things or speaking her mind.

  He turned and faced her back. Pushed up on his elbow and watched her. “Do you want to ask me something?”

  “Do you see him?” she asked, in a voice muffled by blankets and pillows.

  “All the time.” Letting Brandon live a normal life had been a daily struggle for Gabe. His instincts told him to protect and hide, but his early years with his father had been such a shitshow that he refused to take Brandon down the same path. The kid had been blessed with book smarts and street smarts, and Gabe had to let go enough to trust those.

  She rolled to her back. Didn’t face Gabe but kept her eyes open as she stared into space. “So, it’s not like you sent him away to a boarding school in another country.”

  As much as her immediate belief that he left his kid behind pissed him off, he did like the way she rushed to Brandon’s defense. Didn’t even know him and her first thought was to protect him. All those men who tagged her as being cold and unfeeling were jackasses.

  “He’s very close by at all times,” Gabe said, carefully dodging the wrong words.

  She glanced at him then. “Here?”

  “I live in Virginia.” Not that he ever divulged that information. Anything that could possibly threaten Brandon and his normal life caused Gabe to hold back. But for some reason, he trusted her to know this much.

  “Your file says Maryland.”

  Of course it did, because that’s what he let people think. “A lie.”

  “I’m surprised you shared that with me.”

  “Me, too.” The place in Maryland was a real place but just an outpost of Tosh. A business property, not his house.

  She laughed. “Now that’s the Gabe I’ve come to know.”

  The sound of her voice was contagious. The thoughts running through his mind . . . her under those sheets . . . “Are you a danger to me, Natalie?”

  “Only if you act like an asshole.”

  And there was the Natalie he’d come to know. “I could be in trouble then.”

  Her smile and her gaze skipped away from his face to the wall behind his head. “It just sucks to be sent away. That’s all.”

  He wondered how long it would take her to circle back there. “Like you were?”

  “Do you have my file memorized?” Her gaze met his.

  “Pretty much.” He reached out and smoothed the hair off her cheek. Let the silky strands slip between his fingers. “I know the basics. Your uncle got custody and sent you to a girls’ boarding school.”


  His fingers lingered on the side of her face, brushing over her soft skin. “I’m guessing it sucked.”

  Her eyes searched his. “Are you saying that because you’re worried about your son?”

  Now was the time. He could just set the record straight and move on . . . but the need to test her pulled at him. “The situation is very different.”

  “Forget I said anything.”

  He dropped his hand to the mattress. “I think you’re disappointed in me.”

  “I don’t know you.” She looked away, but not before a shadow moved behind her eyes.

  “We’re in bed together.” Him on top of the covers and her beneath, but the inches of material didn’t matter. Being right on the edge, if she gave him the okay he might just rip through the covers to get to her.

  “I thought you were supposed to be sleeping.” She picked at the blanket. Folded it down and tucked it under her armpits.

  The shirt outlined her breasts. No bra here. That meant no sleep for him. Blew his concentration all to hell as well. “Not really in the mood right now.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Touch you.” A stupid but honest answer, and it was out there now.

  He started to get up, move away. Last thing he wanted was for her to worry that the threats to her safety started inside the cabin. No matter how many times he told her she held the power and he had full control over his needs when he dropped his zipper, he needed to back it up by showing her.

  “Do it.”

  The scratch in her voice hit him first. He froze, then sank back down with his weight on his elbow. “I’m not sure that’s a great idea.”

  “Me either, but I want you to.” She lifted her hand and traced the backs of her fingers over the scruff of his beard. “Just wipe everything away.”

  He could give her relief. Let her find a release of some of the tension trapped inside her. She deserved that. Probably needed to find some sense of peace, if only for a few minutes. But that meant touching her, just like he’d been aching to do.

  The call to forget the job and lose himself in her echoed in his head until he couldn’t hear anything else. He’d taken this assignment instead of farming it out to his team because he needed a diversion. Rick kept coming around, insisting they talk. Gabe had never been a runner, but he’d needed to break away. Gain perspective. Not kill Rick even though every word he uttered begged for it.

  “Here.” She took Gabe’s hand, weaving her fingers through his.

  Her warm palm pressed against his as her shoulder touched his arm. The brush must have had her nerves jumping around because her legs shifted in a flurry of constant motion. She’d gone from stiff with an expression of deep concern, to one of wonder.

  A danger sign flashed in his brain. He should drop her hand and scoot his ass off that bed. Should have done a lot of things. He picked kissing her. Not a shattering move. A simple one. Lifted their joint hands and pressed his lips to the back of hers. Licked his tongue down to her wrist.

  She watched him, her gaze following every touch. “The beard.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “The opposite.” She traced a finger around his mouth. “I can’t help but wonder what it will feel like everywhere.”

  Jesus. “You are a temptation, Natalie Udall.”

  And that was a fucking understatement.

  He didn’t hold back one more second. Shifting his weight, he leaned in, giving her all the time to pull back, slap him, hell, knee him in the groin. But none of that headed his way. If anything, she lifted her chin, bringing her mouth closer to his.

  Then he was kissing her. Not sweet or lingering. No, he dove right into a devouring, oxygen-sucking kiss. Heat blasted around him as a hand slipped around her waist and tugged her in closer. Soft grumbling sounds filled the room as he crossed his mouth over hers.

  Forget treading water. Hands, lips, the sweep of his tongue over hers . . . it all mixed together and combined to pull him under. Before his brain could send a signal to his hands to keep still, they started moving.

  His fingers slid under the covers. Over her stomach, learning every amazing curve. He didn’t stop until his palm rested on top of her underwear. Her heat warmed his hand. Raising his head, his gaze locked with hers as he started a gentle rub, a brushing back and forth of his thumb, inching lower.

  When she opened her legs even wider, he peeled away the sheets and blankets cocooning her. Pushed them to the side, freeing her.

  He needed to see her, all of her. Touch her.

  A sudden burst of energy pumped through him. He could feel his nerve endings snapping to life as he trailed his fingertips along the inside of her thigh. The lean muscles intrigued him, but the softness of her skin turned him inside out. The curves, every inch of her alive with feminine power.

  She didn’t wait for him. She covered his hand with hers and brought his fingers right to the place she wanted them—between her legs—pressing them tight against her.

  He leaned down and kissed her neck. Felt the thump of her erratic heartbeat under his lips. His mouth traveled over her as his finger slipped under the elastic band of her underwear. Over the soft patch of hair. Sliding down as he drew the tip through the wetness there.

  He circled and caressed as her muscles tightened. “You’re ready.”

  “Yes.” Her fingers clenched against his arm.

  “This time.” He kissed a line from her throat to the back of her ear and felt her shiver in response. “But you won’t be in charge after this.”

  “Yes.” She exhaled the word on a breath.

  He eased his finger inside, just barely, and stopped. “Say it, Natalie.”

  Her head shifted on the pillow as she reached down to drag him in deeper. “Now, Gabe.”

  “I say when.” He toyed with her. Licking her ear. Rubbing his fingertip around her clit.

  A low groan rumbled in her throat. Her knees rose and her inner muscles clamped down on him.

  Sweet damn, she was ready. Her body begged for more, and he needed to see her lose it. Watch that mouth drop open and feel her close around him. But not yet. He knew he could get her there, make them both ache for release.

  He kissed her, deep and long, as his fingers slid in just a bit farther. When he raised his head, she grabbed the back of his neck and kept him close. “Gabe . . .”

  “What do you need, baby?” He kissed his way back down her throat to that sexy collarbone. “Tell me.”

  Her back arched. “I want to come.”

  Good girl. He debated using his finger versus his mouth but the need to taste her overtook him. Sliding along the mattress, he took the covers with him, pushing them to the end of the bed. Of course she didn’t wear pants or sweats, because then he might have stood a chance against his need for her. He sat back on his heels and took in every last inch. Her long legs carried a faint hint of a tan from the summer that had ended months ago. From the dark purple toenails to the shadow at the edge of her underwear, he loved every secret she hid under all those boring work clothes. But he had one left to discover.

  He skimmed shaking hands up the outsides of her legs and up her thighs. Didn’t stop until his fingers slid under the leg bands of her underwear and his palms traveled around to her ass. Firm and tight, her cheeks filled his palms perfectly. He’d enjoy that sensation another time. Now he needed her on his tongue.

  He peeled the material down and off in one long, tortuous pull. Whipped the underwear behind him, not caring where it landed. With all his focus centered on her body and the peek of the flat stomach he saw beneath the hem of the shirt, he put his hands on her ankles. Pushed her legs up and out, opening her wide.

  His shoulders fit perfectly between her thighs. He inched his way in as her scent filled his head. At first his finger dipped inside her. Then, no longer able to play and tease, he slid his finger deep and felt her pulse around him. His tongue danced across her clit while his finger pumped inside her, first slow then fast, then back to slow again.

  Stiffness settled in her muscles and her fists twisted in the sheet underneath her. He did not stop. He licked inside her, tasting her as a tremble moved through her. He felt every pulse and every shift. When her hips lifted, he blew a breath of hot air over her that had her insides clenching.

  The tension wound around them, and the room filled with a thumping sound from the leg of the bed against the old floor and the heavy breaths escaping her lungs. All those days of wanting her piled up on him. He increased the pressure, so slightly. Pressed a second finger inside her and opened them to caress her slickness with his mouth.

  With the last swipe of his tongue, her body went wild. Her hips bucked and she whispered his name. Those beautiful eyes drifted shut as her chin lifted. He sat there, taking in every moment of the stunning view playing out in front of him. The long line of her body and tightening of every muscle inside and out. When she let her body go, she came with a rush and a punch of an exhale that had her dropping back into the mattress.

  For a few seconds, he stayed there, with her legs wrapped around him. The temptation to get up and slide inside her nearly overtook him. But this moment was for her. She’d had her world tossed upside down, her life dissected, been pushed around and dragged across the country by him. She deserved a release of tension and a few minutes to think. He needed an ice bath.

  When she tugged on his arm, he gave in. Crawled up her body, stopping to kiss a sliver of exposed stomach, before settling in beside her. Before he could roll over and away from her, she had her arm around his back and her fingers brushing over his skin.

  None of that helped him restore his common sense. “You okay?”

  “That helped.”

  He rested his forehead against hers as he struggled to keep his breathing even, or at least out of heart attack range. “Happy to hear it.”

  When her mouth found his again, all thoughts of work and protection slipped from his mind. Those fingers trailed down his chest, burning a path through his shirt. Much more of this and they’d both be naked. No boundaries.

  Yeah, he had to sit up. Walk away. Just for a second before he pulled them past the line between professional and very fucking personal.

  Even with his brain scrambled, his muscles got the message. He leaned back, trying to put at inch of space between them. No way would he be able to stand up and slip out if she continued to touch him.

  “I need to . . .” Yeah, that was close enough. He didn’t really have the strength to say much more.

  He made it to the end of the bed and stopped. His legs better work or he’d fall on his ass. There was nothing impressive about that.

  “Where are you going?” Amusement kept her voice light.

  “Outside.” He barked out the word as he grabbed the doorjamb and stood up. He was half surprised he didn’t rip the wood from the wall.


  “Huh?” He gave in and glanced over his shoulder at her then.

  “Well”—she balanced her upper body on her elbows—“it’s freezing.”

  That was the point. “I sure as hell hope so.”


  Andy looked up from the security feeds in time to see Rick barge into the communications room. Andy had given the okay for him to come into the building but hadn’t expected the fire-breathing furious act that had the two Tosh tech guys clearing the room.

  “Always nice to see you.” Andy sat back in his chair and waited for the explosion.

  It didn’t take Rick long. He stopped on the other side of the table with his hands resting on either side of the video monitor. “He picked fucking Montana?”

  Ah, yes. More yelling about Gabe. Just what Andy needed today. But he did have to give Rick credit for tracking down the location in record time. That shook Andy a bit more than he wanted to admit. “He likes a challenge.”

  “It’s been snowing there like a son of a bitch for days. Getting in is not going to be easy.”

  Not usually one to state the obvious, Andy went ahead and did it anyway. “Which I’m assuming was the point. How did you find him exactly?”

  “I only know the state. He slipped all tracking at the border.” Rick leveled his gaze at Andy. “I need an exact location, even a square-mile radius will do.”

  Nice try, but Andy wasn’t budging. “Did you answer my question?”

  “Through a series of private plane movements. Gabe threw me off with a decoy. Almost thought he went into Canada. That’s where the CIA thinks he is. Meaning he did buy Natalie extra time, but it will run out.”

  Good for Gabe. But Andy played it cool with a shrug. “Maybe he is in Canada.”

  “I know how he thinks.” When Andy didn’t say anything to that, Rick kept talking. “I’m also calling in about a hundred favors and talking to some contacts in the full-time ‘getting lost’ business. Repositioning a satellite and looking through top security-coded video from the day he left.”

  That was some serious spy shit. “What the fuck, Rick.”

  “I don’t have a choice. I have an eight-man team running round-the-clock on this. It’s taking all of us, plus outside help. You could help me cut down on how long this will take by coughing up some intel.” Rick pushed off the table and stood up str
aight again. “Because I will find him eventually.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “When do you call him next? I need to be in on that.”

  Finding Gabe and talking to him were two different things, and Andy was pretty sure Rick knew that. “You want to get on the line and say hello?”

  His scowl deepened. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m trying to help him by being the one who finds Natalie and reports back to the CIA that everything is fine.”

  Andy had been hearing this argument in one form or the other for far too long. It was as if Rick got stuck on some sort of sure, I fucked Gabe over but I really want to help now wheel. Rick messed up and somehow always found a way to blame the fallout on Gabe. Andy was done. “You mean, you’ve decided to step in on this job and help him after screwing him.”

  “Don’t go there.”

  “Or more accurately, screwing his girlfriend.” The shot landed. Andy could see it in the way Rick’s stance stiffened.

  “This is not your fight, Andrew.”

  “You made it my fight when you announced your big news at the fucking dinner table one night. You acted as if you were going to talk about some sort of life change after being injured on a covert operation we didn’t even know you were on and ending up in rehab. Then you dumped that admission on Gabe. Your guilt.” With a few words Rick had ripped the family apart, and Andy wasn’t sure they’d ever be able to put it back together again.

  Losing their mother in a freak accident when Andy was still in elementary school had been horrible. Dealing with their demanding father both while he wasted away from cancer and before that had been pretty rough. Hell, so had having the air knocked out of him when Eli walked away without an explanation. All had sucked, but no day compared to the one with that dinner.

  “He deserved to know.” Rick’s cheeks got red and his chest puffed out. But he gave up on eye contact, which had to mean he knew the truth.

  “Don’t act like you did it for him.” Andy had been there and heard every word. Rick created the rift then shoved it even wider by making demands.


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