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Page 14

by HelenKay Dimon

  She didn’t even notice Gabe still covered Rick. Seemed like a smart idea to her. “If he does, I’m still keeping mine right where it is.”

  Rick unzipped his coat as his stare stopped on her. “I’ve been hired by a group within the CIA that’s concerned about your loyalty.”

  “That’s bullshit,” Gabe said. “She hasn’t shown one sign of disloyalty or breaching her extraction agreement.”

  “I happen to agree. It’s why I took the job, so I could control the reports back to the concerned party and keep you both safe from some trigger-happy assassin sent out here in my place.”

  She didn’t buy it. Rick was setting himself up as some sort of avenging angel. Him, the guy who had his hands all up in his brother’s business. He was supposed to be the one to save them all? No way. “So, you’re my savior now?”

  He exhaled as if to say he was bored with her questions. “I’m trying to help.”

  Gabe walked around the room until he stood near the kitchen. This time he lowered the gun, but it remained in his hand. “That’s new.”

  All traces of lightness left Rick’s face. “Do you want to have it out right now?”

  “There’s nothing to fight about. You fucked the woman I was seeing. Didn’t care what she meant to me. Then when you hit some sort of midlife crisis brought on post-injury—”

  “Watch it.”

  “—you decided to have a kid by taking mine.”

  Of all the things that could tick Rick off he picked a shot at his age. She would never understand men. But focusing on his comments proved easier than thinking about Gabe’s. What she meant to me . . . The words had the gears in her mind spinning. For whatever reason she hated hearing about this other woman, the one who held two MacIntosh men enthralled.

  “You telling me you wouldn’t try to find out if a kid you thought was yours actually was?” Rick asked, in a low, soft voice that carried a note of threat with it.

  “Not if he was my nephew and was doing well and loved.” Gabe’s shoulders fell. “Goddamn it, Rick. Why would you put him through this?”

  “You mean you. Why would I put you through this?”

  Gabe threw up his hands. “Okay, fine. Why do this to me?”

  “That’s the point, little brother. This isn’t about you.”

  Gabe moved like lightning. He flew across the room. Gun gone, he grabbed Rick by the throat and pinned him against the back of the door. “Your time here is up.”

  If she hadn’t been standing there she wouldn’t have believed the change. So primal and unexpected, yet not a surprise the longer she thought it through. The man who held her while she unburdened about her father vanished. Turned into a giant ball of fury. Looked ready and quite able to kill at any moment.

  Rick didn’t panic, but he did try to break Gabe’s hold. Clawed at the hand tightening on his neck. “Let go.”


  Rick dropped a hand to his side. Moved it around to his back.

  That’s all she needed to see. She whipped her gun up and aimed it.

  “I wouldn’t do that.” She moved to stand next to Gabe. “See, he’s related to you. I’m not.”

  “I don’t get it.” Rick tried to shake his head but Gabe held him steady. “You sat in an office all day. What’s with the sudden need to rush to Gabe’s defense?”

  “Please test my skills. I’m begging you.” Not that she would do anything in front of Gabe unless he was threatened, but Rick didn’t need to know that.

  After swearing under his breath, Rick dropped his hands to his side. Lifted his chin. “I’m actually trying to get the CIA totally off your backs.”

  Gabe hesitated a second before letting his vise grip go. “Since when?”

  “I was threatened to make it happen or else.”

  She didn’t get the comment. “What?”

  “Your lawyer sent Elijah Sterling to see me. That guy’s record . . .” Rick blew out a long, ragged breath. “It can’t be real.”

  Leave it to Eli to swoop in and provide backup. “I ran his team. It’s real. He’s that scary.”

  “Thanks to some well-placed comments by him, I have something to work with. I’m going to push back on the people who hired me,” Rick said to Gabe. “Make it clear Natalie’s leverage and this hidden information she compiled is not something you play around with. Buy a bit of room, let them see everything is okay, or at least convince them that they have a lot to lose if they don’t ease up.”

  “How much time will this take?” Gabe asked.

  “A week?” Rick shrugged. “Hell, I don’t know.”


  The word clunked in her brain. An unending run away from some unseen threat? No, thank you. “How is any of what he said good?”

  “Rick is going to handle his end, which will support all the threats Bast is making on your behalf.” Gabe talked slowly, emphasizing each word. “We’ll lay low while all of that shakes out.”

  She knew he was trying to tell her something, but she didn’t get it. Didn’t really want to. They were talking about her life like it was nothing more than a cheese sandwich to be bargained for and discarded. She expected that from Rick. Not Gabe. “You trust him? You think whoever is paying him will just back off because we’re all waving threats around?”

  Gabe nodded. “Yes.”

  “Of course,” Rick said at the same time.

  They seemed so sure. Both stared at her with an annoying stop-worrying expression. As if she was the one out of line here. “Up until right now I thought you both were pretty competent.”

  Gabe stared at her for an extra beat before turning to Rick. “It’s time for you to go.”

  “A storm is kicking up.” Rick touched the tab to his zipper as he glanced out the window.

  “Then you should move fast.”

  “Gabe.” Even she thought that might be taking the vengeance angle too far. If something happened to Rick out there, Gabe would not forgive himself. Forget how mad he might be, this guy was his brother, and Gabe had proven over and over again to be decent.

  “I don’t believe for one second hanging out here for the rest of the day and tonight was his original plan. He has a plane waiting or some mode of transportation.” Gabe shot his brother a skeptical look. “I’m just wondering why you came all the way out here to deliver this news yourself.”

  “Didn’t think you’d believe one of my employees if I sent him out here, talking in code and shouting about Bast’s arguments and Natalie’s leverage.”

  “True, but Andy can reach me.”

  This time Rick zipped his coat. “He hasn’t been all that helpful to me on this operation.”

  She knew she’d liked Andy. “I wonder why.”

  “I’ll walk you out. Make sure you leave.” Gabe grabbed his jacket with one hand as he shoved his brother toward the door with the other.

  • • •

  Somehow they made it out onto the porch. The snow had started to fall, a bit harder now than earlier. Gabe knew because he’d spent the early morning walking the area around the cabin, looking for tracks or any other signs of life. If he had known he could have stayed in bed with Natalie a few more minutes and let Rick come to him, he would have.

  Natalie. Gabe shook his head. Fought off a smile.

  She’d been on his side through this battle. Got all furious on his behalf over Rick’s choices about Brandon. Gabe often wondered if the world flipped upside down who would defend him. Now he had an idea. Had no clue what to do about it or think about her, but her loyalty meant something.

  If a man could wrangle her into a relationship, she wouldn’t cheat. That might be a low bar for some men, but not him. Combine that with her resilience and sexiness and he was having a hard time thinking about anything but her.

  Rick turned right before starting down the porch steps. “She’s not your type.”

  True in some ways but not in others. The main difference is that with other women, Gabe had counted the days until it
ended. With her he dreaded the day it would. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “Come on, Gabe. I told you the truth about what happened in the past because I thought you deserved to know.”

  He didn’t pretend to misunderstand. This wasn’t about Natalie or work. “You told me because it was expedient to get what you wanted. Brandon.”

  “I love that kid.”

  The word grated across Gabe’s nerves. Before the admission and epic fight a comment like that would have filled Gabe with pride. It would signal that Brandon would always have family. Now everything Rick said came delivered with two edges, both sharp and dangerous. “So do I. Try to take him away from me and you’ll see how much.”

  “You think he’ll love you any less if he finds out you’re his uncle and not his father?”

  That question played over and over in Gabe’s head. Had for what felt like forever. “We will never know.”

  “I need this, Gabe.” Rick blew out a long breath. “I’m not letting this subject drop.”

  There it was. The constant threat that sucked the life out of everything else. “And I’m done talking. Have a nice hike.”

  Gabe turned around and shut the door before Rick could say anything else. But one day, soon and before he was ready, Gabe would have to hit this horrible issue head-on. Then he’d see how much blood mattered.


  Gabe shut the door, blocking out the cold wind and every memory of his brother. Inside meant Natalie. It was just the two of them, safe and warm. No new threats. No realities to face. And if Gabe guessed right, at least until Rick landed back in D.C. and delivered his report to whomever needed to hear it, very limited risk of attack.

  That meant no more kissing Natalie while a warning light flashed in the back of his head to be careful. He’d told her he needed to watch the door and have a gun nearby. All true, up to a point. Now, not so much. And as soon as he burned off some of this anger toward Rick, he’d touch her. Really touch her.

  She’d taken her boots off and stood up from her position kneeling on the couch where it looked like she’d been on some sort of guard duty. Her approach was cautious. She fidgeted as she rubbed her hands together. “Are you okay?”

  “Sure.” He would be. He just needed a few more minutes, but staring at her helped.

  Damn, but she was pretty. That face, round with big eyes. A body that left him breathless and a soft southern accent that appeared and disappeared depending on her mood. That part proved to be one of his favorite things about her.

  “Gabe, please.” Her head tilted to the side and her soft hair fell over her shoulder. “I can see the distress in every line of your body. Hear it in your voice.”

  “I can’t pretend he’s not trying to rip my life apart.” But he could focus on something else. Something clean and light and full of energy—her.

  “Of course not. I wouldn’t expect you to, but why let him get away with bullshit answers and send him away?”

  Now he understood. It made sense that she’d want concrete intel and promises in writing, though the ones she had didn’t appear to be all that rock solid. “Because he will make the report to the people who hired him. He’ll make it clear that they are engaging in a game of mutually assured destruction if they continue.”

  She shrugged. “I’m not convinced that will be enough since they’ve known I held the leverage all along. Bast used it in the negotiations.”

  “Clearly they thought that was a bluff or that they could take you out before you could use your leverage.”


  “And none of that matters because by the time Rick gets back home we will be moving again.” He probably should have led with that. By this time tomorrow they would be out of here. Rick could send all the men he wanted to watch over them. They’d be staring at an empty cabin.

  “What?” She said the word nice and slow, as if trying to figure out his plan.

  Gabe didn’t see a reason to make her guess. They were talking about her life. Her safety. “We’re leaving here.”

  “That sounds better than hanging around depending on your brother for help.”

  “That’s not happening, ever.” Even before the fight Gabe didn’t operate that way. He’d long moved past the time when he needed his big brother to swoop in and take over. In fact, the idea of it pissed Gabe off. As an adult and successful businessman, he was in charge. Always and completely.

  “Any chance you can pick a beach area next time?”

  Tempting, but Gabe already had a destination in mind. “We’re going to my house.”

  She stilled, every muscle frozen in place. “The fake one in Maryland?”

  “The real one in Virginia.” The words came out before he could mentally weigh the pros and cons and find more cons. Taking her breached his personal vow to keep his work world and private world separate. Truth was, bringing her to his most sacred place, the house he shared with Brandon when he wasn’t off at college, meant something. He didn’t want to examine what, he just knew it was the right answer.

  And the things they could do in his big bed. His feelings for her went beyond sex, but the fantasy had been working in his head. He looked forward to the live version.

  She sat down hard on the armrest of the couch. “You often take people you’re protecting to your private home?”

  “Never.” He slipped off his coat then kicked off his boots. The move gave her a little extra time to process, which she seemed to need since she just stood there.

  Her eyes finally narrowed. “Why me?”

  The simple answer popped into his head and he said it. “You’re special.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not.”

  Damn it, someone did a number on her. Her idiot father or some loser she dated. Somewhere along the line she’d learned the lesson that she didn’t matter except for what she brought to the job. Even that got trounced by the men in her office who insisted on taking credit for her ideas. He’d seen the evidence in the research file he complied for this job and heard about the annoying tendency during his talks with Eli and Bast about her.

  “I’m going to show you.” Not that she lacked confidence. She just funneled it all to the CIA and her abilities there. Not to who she was as a woman. And that part of her appealed to him on a very primal level. “Do you remember what I told you around the time we got to Montana about liking to be in charge?”

  “I don’t know what you’re—”

  “Right.” He didn’t believe her. Her eyes and the faint color on her cheeks said otherwise. “I’m going to tie you down.”

  “There’s no headboard.”

  Always so practical, but interesting how she’d already done the math on that one. “I’ll improvise.”

  Her mouth broke into a sudden smile. “You’re not going to watch the door this time.”

  He liked this side of her, playful and sexy. When she let go and allowed this part of her personality to come out it was pure magic.

  “The only thing I’ll be looking at is you.” He started unbuttoning his shirt. “Consider it a good-bye gift to the cabin.”

  “Does the sex end in Montana?”

  She had to be kidding. “No.”

  He didn’t even want it to end in Virginia. That was the problem. The way she wound her life around his without even trying. Maybe without intending to.

  Scary shit.

  She nodded, clearly unaware of the thoughts in his head. “Good.”

  “Take off your clothes.” This time he wanted to see all of her, take all of her. It would whet their appetites until he got them back to Virginia. “All of them. I want you naked.”

  She didn’t fight him. Her fingers went to the hem of her sweater. She lifted it up and over her head. Shed the bra next. Her body trembled in what he hoped was excitement as she moved. The flush of her skin suggested yes. So did the way her nipples stood in stiff peaks.

  The temptation to touch her, run his hands over her while his mouth we
nt to work tasting her, kicked strong. He held it off. This time he would give her pleasure the way he needed it. In control. He liked when she touched his dick or licked her tongue over him. She could initiate sex any time she wanted and he was in. But this time would be about a mutual satisfaction brought on by anticipation.

  When she continued to stand there, with her hands at her sides, he pushed a little further. “The pants, Natalie. Don’t make me wait.”

  Her hands went to the buckle of her belt. With aching slowness, she opened the clasp. The zipper came next, ticking down with a sound that vibrated in his head. This sexy woman knew how to play him. Knew exactly what it took to rev him up until he itched with the need to touch her,

  But not yet.

  “Keep going, baby.” He lowered his gaze to her legs. “Off.”

  She shimmied then. Rocked her hips from side to side as she peeled the slim jeans down. Hands down the hottest striptease he’d ever seen. Heat flushed through him, and he had to force his body to remain still. When she stood back up, completely naked, he almost lost it.

  He had to swallow before issuing the next command. “Get on your back on the bed. Fingertips against the wall and legs open.”

  This was going to kill him. No question about it. Just watching that high, firm ass walk across the room had his erection thumping. And she knew it. She worked that walk. The gentle swing of her hips. The way she glanced back at him over her shoulder, as if to tease and lure him in.

  Here he thought he was in charge. Truth was all the power lay with her. She said yes or no. She turned him on. When she harnessed that feminine strength he turned to mush. It was fucking embarrassing, but he was starting to get used to it.

  Now he just had to survive the next hour. He stepped into the bedroom doorway. Neither one of them could hide in the small space. She didn’t even try. She sprawled out on the bed, that skin gleaming in the soft white light. When she spread her legs, taking her time and stretching out the process, he had to remember to swallow. He was pretty sure he’d stopped blinking, too.

  As he stood there, she lowered her arms. “No, hands against the wall.”


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