The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1)

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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Page 9

by Claire Merrington

  “ Oh hello sweetie is your daddy home?”

  “Yes mam my daddy said a lady was coming he just finishing upstairs he told me to tell you to come in and take a seat. I’m Jessica by the way I’m six my daddy says I talk a lot but I think he just being strict.”

  “Well Jessica I’m sure daddy always has his point but I’m more than happy to talk to you I’m Jane.”

  “Oh I know daddy showed me a photo of you that he has.”

  “Oh ok why don’t you go check on daddy see how long he is going to be for me ok.”


  With that Jessica scampered off up the stairs Jane couldn’t believe how confident and obviously smart the little girl was. One thing Jane couldn’t understand is where her mum was in this whole experience and why was Darren showing his daughter pictures of her.

  With that Darren entered the room with Jessica close at his heels. Jane couldn’t help but stare she didn’t like to be mean but the years had not treated Darren kindly he seemed to have aged well beyond his years and lost weight which hadn’t helped his case either. Jane had obviously shown her concern on her face more than she had meant.

  “Jane it’s good to see you I understand my daughter has been keeping you entertained you look well. I see the years have treated you more kindly than I.”

  “Darren it’s good to see you too and I honestly hate to say it and I’m not doing so to be horrible but you look like hell is everything ok have I come at a bad time?”

  “No, No Jane nothing of the sort I’m happy to be of some help. Jessica why don’t you run along upstairs I put your favorite film on just push play like daddy showed you. I’m just going to be down here if you need anything and I wont be too long.”

  “YAY beauty and the beast can I have some milk and cookies please?”

  “There’s some waiting for you precious go on run along.”

  “I’ve got to say Darren she is a very bright and confident your little one.”

  “Thank you she is. I’m sorry I had to spring her on you like that life has been a little more hectic of late but any way you’re the one that came for help what can I do for you?”

  “No wait a sec Darren I won’t be able to concentrate where is Amber?”

  “She died of cancer 18 months ago it’s taken me a long time to adjust Jessica has been so brave she has been my rock really. I’ve been falling apart becoming a single parent to a six year old is not what I had planned but then the best laid plans can go wrong we both know that.”

  “I’m so sorry Darren I wish I was there to help you through such a difficult time it’s not something I would of wished on either of you. If there is anything I can do just let me know.”

  “Thanks Jane I know but really lets get to work it will do my brain good to concentrate on anything else apart from Disney movies”

  Jane and Darren set to work looking over the case files and discussing the theory that Jane and her team had already set in place. The problem they were having been that as much as everyone agreed the time line of all the murders fitted with the travelling of this seminar, the pattern of the types of girls that was taken all corresponded there was no evidence to prove any of it. Jane had already argued with her supervisor that day that there wasn’t enough evidence to get a warrant that it was all just conjecture and theory. Jane was hoping that the undercover agents that she had sent in was going to get her the evidence she needed to get a warrant but none of the members were particularly forthcoming with information and the founder of the group wasn’t even there that day. So as you can imagine with a group that was none to friendly to outsiders when they asked where he was they said he was unwell and was unable to run the session that day so none of the agents even had any ideas as to what he looked like. Jane was fresh out of ideas as to where to take the case next and all that remained was the fact that Valerie Brook’s remains were probably going to turn up some time tonight and another girl would be taken.

  “Hey Jane who is this Tad Woodrow that you met up with.”

  “He is a psychologist that was recommended by our linguistic expert he sent the letters over to him to receive a psychological examination on the letters. Why?”

  “I thought I knew a lot of the psychologists in the area particularly all the ones with the expertise to aid the police but this man I have never heard of.”

  “Really that is strange he has an office just down town as well.”

  “Oh well I’m sure it’s nothing I can’t know all the members of the psychological board in the area.”

  Jane made a note to check with the forensic linguistic where he heard of this psychologist it would do no harm to check. Unfortunately though Darren agreed with Jane the courts could argue that it was a groupie following the seminar that could be acting out the murders on the girls or one of the parents. There is no physical evidence to tie the murders to any member of the group itself. Jane and Darren agreed their best chance was to try and get the parents to crack and get one to confess. Jane agreed that she would ask her supervisor permission to bring Darren in on the case and let him to the interviews with the parents as soon as he was very good at reading body language.

  “Thanks for your help Darren I’ll talk to my supervisor in the morning and I’ll give you a ring about interviewing the parents. I’ll let you get back to your evening.”

  “Thanks Jane and thank you for being so kind about Jessica and Amber. I know our break up was hard on you and it’s been great seeing you again.”

  “Your welcome and like I said if you need anything just let me know.”

  With that Jane left as she headed back to her car she texted Perry letting him know she was on her way home if he was free to come round. Perry rang her,

  “Hey my sweet little skirt your going home did you need anything was your ex of any help?”

  “Somewhat. No I don’t need anything tonight but it would be great to see you.”

  “Ok is everything alright you sound a little off.”

  “Yeah I’m just a bit weird I’ll see you back at my place and I’ll explain.”

  “Ok Jane see you in a bit.”

  As Jane reached her front door Perry was already waiting for her with open arms. He said he could tell on the phone she really wasn’t right.

  “Jane what’s wrong.”

  “It was really weird seeing my ex again it’s been ten years and it was so strange I don’t know if I told you the reason why we split up.”

  “No you didn’t but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  “It’s not that me and Darren met and we fell in love but we never really had any of the serious conversations before we got married. I thought we were going to last forever and that all we needed was each other and that was fine for the first five years. And then Darren started talking about having children and how he couldn’t wait for that part of our lives together and the honest truth is back then I wasn’t ready I told him I didn’t want kids. We made it another year or so after that but Darren cheated he found himself a younger woman that was willing to have his children. So he left and the fantasy I had of us lasting a lifetime and each other was enough was shattered. Then when I got to Darren’s place this evening I was greeted by his six-year-old daughter Jessica and I found that the woman he had left me for Amber Jessica’s mum had passed away eighteen months ago. And as much as Darren thanked me for being so kind and offering my support I couldn’t help but think how funny karma was. Here he was leaving me thinking he was going to get a perfect little wife and make a perfect little family and it all fell apart around him and his dream was shattered like mine had been and I couldn’t help but feel slightly pleased. I’m a horrible human being.”

  “No Jane you’re not the key word there was that you’re human. And when our feelings have been hurt we can get defensive. And your defenses have been up since he left and to find his life in tattered ruins it sparked a normal reaction in you. It doesn’t make you a horrible person.”

you don’t think any less of me then?”

  “Definitely not Jane you said you didn’t want children back then is it something you’re considering now?”

  “Well no not really I say I didn’t want children I was scared back then. I remember my parent’s relationship it was a bad one and I didn’t have the best childhood because of that and it’s something I would never wish on another child. But after when he had left me I regretted it a bit that I didn’t put more thought into it. I mean it cost me my marriage.”

  “Ok it’s just I never mentioned it because you know I’m unsure as to how serious we are and what we are actually doing here but I am a dad I have a son he is ten. His name is Parker and he does live with me his mum disappeared when he was four and she not been back.”

  “Ok where is your son now then.”

  “With my mum she looks after him when I have to work and stuff but he a great kid. So what exactly are we doing here?”

  “That is a good question I obviously really like you and love your company and your son is definitely not an issue and if we are to get more serious I would love to meet him but.”

  “But until I’m completely free of the drug world and am a normal working citizen you cant be seen to publicly date me with your job right.”

  “Right but you know I believe you when you say your getting out the game and that your clean right.”

  “Yeah I know you believe that as I’m sure I wouldn’t have even been allowed through the front door.”

  Jane and Perry spent the next two hours talking Perry had finished up his last bit of work tonight and he had officially bought his freedom back so he was now able to go do what ever he wanted to do. A few of the organizations that he had spoken to were looking at getting Perry a company that were willing to sponsor him in employment. But Perry was quite particular in what he was willing to do for a living. His flat had also been valued and photos were taken and it had been put on the market that afternoon. But before long the dreaded phone call had arrived and creepily like clockwork around the same time that Jane had received the call about Jennifer York. Valerie Brooks had been found in another public park not far from her parent’s house. Everyone was gathering on scene. Amy was going to be picking her up in ten minutes. Jane decided it would be best to change again the fitted dress she was wearing was not crime scene or work appropriate. Jane was looking forward even less to this crime scene she knew it was going to be worse than the one that preceded it. Perry left so that Amy wouldn’t see him at Jane’s apartment although Jane insisted that Amy wouldn’t say anything and had probably already guessed that something had started between the two of them but Perry still thought it was best if he went.

  Amy arrived at the door ten minutes later with a grim look on her face.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Ready as I’m ever going to be let’s go.”

  Chapter 13

  Jane and Amy arrived at the scene only half hour after the call had come in and all ready the tech support were making short work of the scene. As Jane approached she had to hold back a gasp the sight of Valerie Brooks was a lot worse than what even she had imagined. When they found Jennifer as much as she was posed it was still quite a demure crime scene almost remorseful she was laid out with care her hair brushed and make up found as though he wanted the girl to look her best for the discovery where Valerie had been discarded like trash. Legs splayed arms above head with her face turned to one side. Her hair was not brushed and there was no make up. There was no sign of any love or remorse in this disposal. Jane knew she was just distracting herself from the details of the damage done to the body, it was immense. The killer had tortured her worse. Again there were small but deep gashes to all of the body with what appeared to be bite marks and tearing to the skin from a rodent of some kind. Burning to the nose and oral passageways from some kind of chemical, Jane’s best guess from the smell was bleach. There was extensive damage to the genital region. Whether this was a forensic counter measure to mask any sexual assault or just for the pure torture they were going to have to wait for the coroner to have a look.

  “Ok guys I have seen enough the body can be moved. Have you found any other evidence at the scene?”

  “ Well who ever dumped the body this time did it so in a rush there are tyre tracks again and boot imprints, impressions have been taken were have to wait for analysis on those. Again there is no blood or trace evidence at the scene so she wasn’t killed here this is definitely just another dumpsite. The witness is just over there if you want to talk to him your self. Were checking the ID and address he has given us this time were making sure it’s not a bogus one don’t want to fool for the same trick again.”

  “That’s great thanks let me know as soon as you know anything.”

  As Jane approached the witness she took great car in being as observant as possible. She wanted to make sure she had a very clear mental image of what this guy exactly looked like. She even estimated height but how he stood against her colleagues. He was a lot younger that Jane had originally thought, which kind of played down any doubt in her mind that he was another false witness. As she came to stand next to her two colleagues Pc Jack Collins and Pc Eric Stone they hander her his ID for confirmation of his name.

  “Hi there Sean Davies I’m Detective Jane Sparrow I just have a few questions for you. You’re the one that called the body in?”

  “Yes mam I’m sorry it’s just oh my God did you see her? Did you see what had happened to her? Oh God I’m going to be sick I cant think about this. She didn’t look much different in age to me. This is, this is too much to handle.”

  “ Ok Sean I know what your going through just take a few deep breaths and try to calm. Your safe and everything is fine. All I need you to do in as much detail as possible is tell me everything you were doing, heard and saw leading up to the discovery. Can you do that?”

  “Ok I was cutting through the park after leaving my girlfriends. I don’t normally this late I might be 24 but my mum prefers me to stick to lit roads. But when I left my girlfriends it was really cold and I was in a rush to get home for a TV program and the shortcut through the park literally takes about ten minutes of my walk. I entered the park through the left side and nothing at first seemed out of the ordinary but then I heard like a tyre screech over in the car park by the main entrance and when I looked over there I could see a car had pulled in wonky and stopped and that they had left there lights on. So I could see that they had pulled next to another parked car and that’s when I heard the raised voices. But I couldn’t make out any details of the cars or the argument as it was too dark and I was too far away. So I just put my head down and kept walking faster than normal, as I didn’t want to get caught up in no trouble. I was walking along in my own world and I thought I heard the two cars pull off so I looked over to my right to the main entrance to see if I was on my own when the next thing I know I face planted the floor because I was too busy looking over at the car park to see if they were gone I tripped over the dead girls feet.”

  “That’s great Sean you did really well and you had some great information that I’m sure will be of use to us. I’m going to have these officers take you home now ok I’m sure your mum is worried sick as to where you are and they will help explain you were helping us. If you remember anything else in the morning or after don’t hesitate to get in touch even if your not sure we may be able to work with the details. Thank you for hanging around and giving us your co-operation.”

  While Jane was talking to the witness the coroner had already arrived and taken the body away. The park would stay closed to the public and a thorough sweep of the area would be carried out at first light to make sure no trace evidence had been missed. Jane also decided to contact the traffic departments in the morning see if there were any local cameras around that could of picked up what cars entered the car park around the corresponding time. It was the only thing they were going to have to go, as the parks car park didn’t have any security fee
d at all. Jane already knew what cars she was going to be looking out for their stolen ford escort and supposedly stolen taxi.

  “Ok guys there not much left we can do here at this moment in time lets head home and meet at the station bright and early tomorrow. Street cops know the drill first thing tomorrow they will be canvassing the local streets and surrounding houses for any witnesses. Until we have that and the coroners report, the final sweep of the park cant be done until light, so there isn’t much left to do other than get some rest. I know were all feeling a bit broken and defeated at the moment that we couldn’t save Valerie. But I will remind you that her death isn’t on our shoulders the people responsible for killing her is. We may carry that burden until they are brought to justice but they will be caught. We work this case just as hard and fast as before and hopefully we stop them before they take a third girl. I’m determined these guys are not leaving Essex. I want to catch them and that’s not pride talking I wouldn’t wish this on another county and another three sets of families. We are the team that put the connection together; I believe we can bring this organization down. Now lets get home there is lots to do in the morning, meet at the station for half seven for initial briefing, get some rest.”


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