The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1)

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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Page 10

by Claire Merrington

  As they left the park Jane hated to admit the fact that she wished Perry was waiting at her place for her the need to escape into his encasing arms and the lust the pair shared for each other was overwhelming Jane’s senses. As Jane slid into her car she closed her eyes and let her thoughts continue to run over Perry so she could leave the crime scene behind. The feel of Perry she could almost imagine the feel of his pulsing member inside her swollen wanton pussy. At that thought Jane best decided she needed to get home. She had never been with someone that could make her almost climax at the thought of being inside her. To be honest Jane had never been with anyone that could distract her from her work so effectively as much as what Perry did.

  As Jane stepped into her apartment her brain was abuzz from the crime scene so rather than going straight to bed, as much as she was exhausted, she decided to write her ideas and action plan for the following day. Jane knew her first task of the day was going to see Valerie Brooks’ parents. As much as she dreaded the thought she was also slightly intrigued, the idea had hit her when she was talking to their witness. He said he saw two cars in the car park one that sped in and stopped abruptly, car lights left on door still open, and then two people commencing in a argument. Jane believed that the first person belonging to the original car parked there was the person who had dumped the body. The second car Jane believed could belong to the father of the victim. Jane was interested to see if Amy and her excellent ability at reading people could pick up on any such scenario when they spoke to the parents. Jane knew her next port of call after that was probably going to be to the coroner’s office to collect his report and it was not one that Jane was looking forward to having to read. Jane knew from the case files from the other counties their second victims had all been repeatedly raped as well as the torture of the cuts, animal feeding and chemical burns. Interestingly there first victim in Essex was the only one to have suffered other burns by a heated screw driver, none of the other 6 victims had bore any of those marks. So that was something that was specific to one of their guys in Essex. Jane made a note to look into any offenders that had been known to use that style before. Jane also had to think, admire and query that fact that Jennifer had been exposed to so much pain and had managed to hold onto her baby until her life force was swiped away and there was nothing more she could do. As Jane was lost in thought a rapping at her front door suddenly startled her. Jane slid the security chain across the door and checked the peephole but could not see anyone nobody was there. How exceptionally strange Jane considered the fact that she was exceptionally tired but even she couldn’t convince herself she was hearing things. Considering she couldn’t see anyone in the hall way she decided after one last check to open the door. No one was standing there as Jane had already concluded but there was a small brown wrapped parcel with ‘Jane” written across the top. She took it into her kitchen and locked her front door behind her. Part of her was excited and elated thinking the gift could be from Perry but there was something strange about the parcel it was giving off a sinister vibe that was making Jane nervous to open it. Jane decided the tension and nerves would not pass until the box was open and she knew for sure so without further delay she sliced through the tape sealing the box. Jane was shocked to find she let out a sharp scream and stumbled back to the floor shaking. Inside the box sat what Jane was sure a human bloody tongue. Hand delivered to her home address Jane could not control the bile as it rose in her throat or the sick that followed to the kitchen sink. Jane reached for her mobile and made the call. Her team, forensics and the coroner were all on their way out to her apartment as though it was another crime scene. While she waited Jane could not help herself but pace she managed to gather her thoughts for long enough to decide she didn’t want to spend the night at her apartment any more. She packed a small light bag with enough clothes for a week, she felt so violated in her own home and the feeling was not sitting well. She quickly sent a text to Perry as well, no way did she want to endanger him by him coming any where near here and Jane hoped there would be an offer of somewhere to stay she knew she would feel safe next to Perry. She asked him to call as soon as he received her text sending an SOS. As quickly as Jane thought possible her phone was ringing.

  “Jane what’s wrong?”

  “Perry a parcel was sent to my flat a human tongue, my colleagues are on their way and the forensic team but I feel compromised staying here so I’m going to leave I just wanted to let you know incase you came here.”

  “Oh Jane are you safe do you have your sidearm until someone else gets there?”

  “Yes, Yes I’m perfectly safe for now.’

  Jane’s conversation was interrupted by another knock on the door she asked Perry to stay on the line as she went to answer it with a flood of relief it was just her team and she ushered them in and they set to work. To Jane’s relief her supervisor hadn’t got wind and decided to appear at her apartment so she went to her bedroom to finish her call to Perry.

  “Sorry Perry the team just arrived it shouldn’t be long now I’m all packed I’ll check into a hotel for the night.”

  “Oh no you wont I still have my flat I will be at your flat to pick you up your staying with me. I’d prefer it if you did that way I would know your safe.’

  “Thanks Perry that will be great.”

  “I’ll be waiting in the parking lot for you I’m heading over now so as soon as they are done you know I’m here and I can keep an eye on things as well. Ok my sweet skirt I’ll be holding my breath until you make it out to me so be safe and be quick.”

  Jane couldn’t help but have a smug smile on her face her secret hope that he would want to protect her had come true. Jane didn’t notice as Amy slipped into her bedroom until she slipped an arm around her then did Jane realize that she was still shaking and tears were streaming down her cheeks. For a few minutes they stood just as they were Jane appreciating and welcoming the comforting embrace of a friend. Considering Amy was so much her junior in age she had really become a valued friend to her.

  “Jane are you ok did you need anything?”

  “No thanks Amy sorry I’m such a mess it’s more shock and anger that they would target me here. This is my home. I feel like such a victim so violated.”

  “I understand that it’s not safe for you to stay here I hope your phone call was you arranging other sleeping arrangements or your coming home with me.”

  “I arranged something thanks Amy. How are the guys getting on is there anything I can do?”

  “All we need is your statement, you know the procedure we have to take one even from you and the rest of the guys have got everything else covered.”

  “Ok I’ll give my statement to you I just want one thing from the coroner is the tongue Valerie brooks or are we looking at another girl already.”

  “Ok lets go ask and then were set about taking your statement then we can get you away from here.”

  Jane stepped out of her bedroom and tried to compose herself the best she could. Her team all gave her encouraging smiles and nods of respect. Jane spoke to the coroner and found he could not answer her question until he got back to his lab he hadn’t had the chance to examine Valerie to find if she was missing her tongue or not as soon as he had filled the entry paperwork fro the intake of body he received the phone call that he needed to come here. He assured Jane that as soon as he had the answer to her question she would know. Jane nodded to Amy and the re-exited the main area of her apartment and went back to her bedroom so Jane could make her statement.

  Amy took her statement without having to prod with any questions Jane knew exactly what they needed to know. All Amy did was give the odd nod of encouragement and make notes as Jane retold what happened after she left the crime scene to the minute she opened the parcel.

  “That’s great Jane I think were all about done here I’ll just check with forensics and then we can get you out of here.”

  “Thanks Amy, great work a bed is definitely calling me now.”

bsp; The rest of the team had finished the sweep of Jane’s apartment and had collected any evidence from the scene hey needed and were packing up ready to go. Jane had her go back already slung over her shoulder and was just collecting her coat, keys and purse and they all headed out the door together. I think they all wanted to make sure Jane knew she was safe and they weren’t going to let anything happen to her. With subtle movements Jane ended up at the center of an encasing circle as they walked out to the car park. Jane was eternally grateful for all of them thinking of her but at the same time not thinking any less of her. Right there and then Jane couldn’t be more proud of her team. And even more surprising to her as they reached the car park none of them seemed taken aback or disgusted with the fact that Perry was straight there scooping her into a bear hug. Most of her team patted her on the shoulder as they made their way off to their own cars assessing that Jane was as safe as she was going to get in Perry’s arms. The only two that hung back were Ian and Amy. Perry released her and Jane swapped a quick good-bye hug with Amy as Ian shook Perry’s hand and told him to keep their Detective safe. With that they bid each other a good night and the pairs separated for the evening. Jane was nervy constantly looking around for the whole time in the car making sure they weren’t being followed. Perry kept a reassuring hand stroking her thigh letting her know he was there and she was safe, but Jane couldn’t let go of the unsettled feeling in her stomach.

  They reached the confines of Perry’s apartment. Jane hated to admit it but the money a drug dealer could earn certainly had afforded him a better place than what a Detective’s salary could. They stepped inside his open spacious living area. Perry locked the door and set the security alarm and slowly encased Jane in his arms. At that point Jane was sure she had never felt safer throughout her life. Jane began to sob letting the fear she had been carrying with her out, Perry held her in a controlled state offering sweet kisses to her head and a gentle hand to her back showing his support and willingness for her to let it out. As Jane settled in his arms she felt him slowly guide her towards the bedroom she was sure more now than ever that she wanted this man. That she wanted to escape in the pleasure of his body and forget eh nightmare of the evening. Perry moved closer to help Jane out of her clothes planting soft kisses on each new bit of exposed flesh. Goose pimples covered her skin not just because of the temperature but the excitement of what Jane wanted. Jane was already out of her top, bra and he was just sliding her trousers down over her feet. He slowly began to kiss up the inside of each leg taken his time drinking in the scent and the feel of her skin. He hooked his fingers through her panties and slid them down and repeated the process again. Starting from her ankles trailing small sensual kisses up her thigh. When he reached the apex between her legs he lifted her by her bum and placed her down on the bed. Jane was pretty sure she had stopped breathing out of anticipation at this point but she held no inhibitions when it came to Perry and what he wanted to do to her. As far as Jane was concerned as long as he was trained on her he could have her any way he wanted. Jane was shocked back into the moment as Perry nestled in between the crack in her thighs and began planting kisses on her already wet with excitement vagina. Jane couldn’t help but let out a moan as he slowly flicked his tongue over her clit and then sucked. The small sounds of pleasure escaping from Perry let Jane know he was enjoying pleasuring her this way as much as she was. Again Jane couldn’t control her gasp as he slid his tongue around the opening of her vagina up to flick over her clit and suck again. Jane realized Perry was teasing her letting her brain switch of and just let her body succumb to the pleasure. Jane couldn’t resist but let go and Perry really went to town. Before Jane knew it he had slipped his tongue into the opening of her pussy and was making sweet love to her insides with his expert mouth. Jane shook to a quivering orgasm and Perry released her long enough from his mouth to push his already erect penis into her awaiting vagina. Perry bought Jane to another exquisite two orgasms before he finally spent his load. They stayed quietly cuddled together and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 14

  Jane woke to Perry lightly tapping her on the shoulder with a steaming cup of coffee in hand waiting for her. Jane sleepily rolled over to check the time and found it was quarter to seven in the morning.

  “Sorry to wake you I wasn’t sure what time you wanted to go into the station I know you have a lot to do but I also know your night was slightly longer than expected.”

  “No that’s great thanks Perry we said we would meet at the station for half seven for initial briefing and not everyone knows of the incident last night so I need to be there for them. Thanks for waking me and thanks for last night it was definitely what I needed.”

  “Well last night is one thing you never have to thank me for it’s my pleasure to make love to you my sweet. Now come start getting ready I got something else to talk to you about and I don’t want the first night you stay at mine for you to be late at work the next. Your team will start to gossip.”

  With that Perry planted a small pat on her bum as she hopped out the bed to the shower. Perry followed her so they could continue their conversation.

  “ It’s something I mentioned to my mum about were close see and I was saying I would like to make my son more proud of who his dad is. And I mentioned it to the agency you put me in touch with to see if it was a viable option and they were enthusiastic. Well I’d like to get into working for an outreach program talk to vulnerable children and adults that could get sucked into the game like I did. I can tell by the way your face just lit up you think it’s a good idea too. But there’s a small problem when the agency looked into it all the outreach programs are ran and set up by Essex police so I doubt I’m going to get hired with my track record. I know you got a lot on your mind but I just wanted your advice how best to go about it what are my options?”

  “Perry you should of mentioned it sooner it’s a fantastic idea and your be great at it. Your life experience is what makes you qualified your just going to have to convince the head of department that your definitely clean and committed to staying out the game. Your best option ring this number and ask fro Frank name drop me that I am willing to give you a personal character reference. And perhaps you also need to think about if there is any information that you can give the drug department, nothing that could endanger yourself so no drug dealer squealing. I don’t expect you to do that but perhaps maybe how local operations work something that could make their job at the department easier. The information will just show your commitment to the change. You helped aid a murder investigation as well.”

  “Oh yeah I got some more information about that rohypnol by the way. I spoke to some contacts and I was the only one that has sold rohypnol in the area and still am to this point all though they will flag me if any more comes on the market but your guys weren’t wrong on that. I didn’t know a lot about the drug like I said not one I would normally touch so I wasn’t sure how long the batch I sold him would last. So I asked around and the amount he bought form me would be enough to do the three girls in this area and keep them drugged for the three to four days that they hold them for if they wanted. He would probably have some still left over as well. The kind I don’t know if it makes any difference is GHB I sold it in powder form but was told it could be turned into a liquid. It’s quite a bad one apparently it causes problems with blood circulation and all sorts. I’m sorry Jane like I said when I sold it I was just glad to get rid of the stuff. And thanks I didn’t want to just assume it would be ok to name drop you for help and I’ll have a think over what Intel I can give without endangering myself.”

  “That’s great Perry well least we know not to worry about chasing any more drug leads. I have got a lot to do today but if you manage to get a meeting with frank just drop me a text so I know to expect a call or email. Good luck if you need anything else just let me know.”

  With that they shared a tender sweet kiss as Jane stepped out the front door and into an awaiting police car. Jane
arrived at the station to the greeting of Amy, Ian, Jack and Eric and a few other street cops. AS well to Jane’s surprise her supervisor was waiting. They all asked how she was doing her supervisor was outraged that she had personally been called out and he offered her the full protection of the force if she felt she needed it. Jane thanked him for the offer and promised to bare it in mind but for now she felt the threat was more to throw her off her game and scare her. This just made Jane feel more determined to not back down.

  “Ok guys first off I just want to thank you for your help and support last night you were all fantastic how fast you responded it was much appreciated but we do have a lot of work to do. Amy if you don’t mind you’re with me sorry to ask but we need to go talk to Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. Ian I need you to get onto traffic control see if they have any cameras in the area that could pinpoint what cars were in the car park. And chase the coroner find out what time the report is going to be ready and who that tongue belongs to a.s.a.p. Jack and Eric I need you to look through old records find out who in the area has a perchance for heated up screwdrivers. It’s the only geographical difference of us between the other two counties the only signature difference. The previous six victims never had those wounds. We also said about bringing in both sets of parents I still want to do that today. We need to see how they react around each other whether they are forth coming with having met or whether they play dumb. Plus as bad as it sounds the Brooks state of mind with their added amount of grief may make it easier to break them for the case. Sir you remember my ex husband the psychologist Dr Darren Sparrow he used to help consult on police cases I’d like to bring him in to witness the exchange. He is an expert on reading body language and eye contact and I think he will be of great assistance at this stage.”


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