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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1)

Page 15

by Claire Merrington

  “Amy I got some info for ya it might help and don’t forget I’m coming along to that house with ya just in case Jane is there.”

  “Ok Perry what you got.”

  They sat down at Amy’s desk and Ian came over and stood behind her chair. As much as Ian trusted Jane and her judgment she still didn’t think he trusted this Perry guy all the way. It was almost a protective stance he took behind her. As much as Amy felt it wasn’t needed it was appreciated all the same. Perry seemed to pay no heed to it either.

  “Well those two mob guys we were talking about earlier. One fell off the grid yes tale sewn of him being dead and all that and now we think its our good Doctor and founder of our organization. Well the other mob guy surprisingly for all these years he still a low life runner in it. Normally after a few years once your trusted you work your way up the ladder rungs this guy never did. He still the same low life he started off as. You see he dumb as a doorpost. Well the problem our mob of got he has gone missing as well for the past four weeks. They not missed him or done anything about it because it was more hard work for them keeping him around, which is why your organized crime guys hadn’t got wind of it, the only thing they really missing is that white fiesta van. Not a hundred percent sure as to whether this doctor guy would be stupid enough to hang round in his mates house plus it not a big house either its attached so wouldn’t make a good place to keep hostages for torture and what not.”

  “Ok that’s good Intel so we don’t think they are going to be at that address but we better check it out just in case. Did you have any luck finding out whether our good doctor under what ever alias has any properties in the area?”

  “He only had one living relative an auntie she owned a big farm house but it all they way out in Epping and as far as I can tell she still alive. But hey he may be out there.”

  “Ok well this guy he has been to prison because of Jane he disappears for fifteen years to plot and plan. No doubt he has changed his appearance otherwise Jane would of recognized him the first time she went to see him. He has obviously done some training in the psychology industry because he was recommended as an expert in linguistic characteristics by our forensics. He sets up his organization with the mantra that he has created starts in North Yorkshire where three young girls turn up murdered, he then moves on to the outskirts of Norfolk and another three girls turn up murdered. He then makes his full circle back to Essex and opens up a line of communication with our Detective. This is all about Jane. He has created a story for Jane it’s the only thing that makes sense. She obsesses him. There is someone I need to conference in for a call.”

  Amy made her way over to Jane’s desk and reached into her draw and pulled out the Filofax of contacts. Amy reached in and pulled out the contact information for Jane’s ex Darren. He may be able to help with the obsession theory and whether that helps or worsens Jane’s situation. Amy explained the situation to Darren who patiently listened and then explained the dangers of this guy’s obsession.

  “This mans obsession with Jane runs completely on his need to beat her, to win. He was a low life mob guy and Jane arrested him. So first round went to Jane. So he went away and perfected whom he was to get better. This guy will be ruthless and relentless when it comes to showing Jane up. He is going to be filled with arrogance that he got away with murder in two counties and managed to insert himself in Jane’s investigation under her nose. He isn’t obsessed with Jane herself but personally beating her proving that he is smarter and better than her. He is your ultimate narcissist. And the ultimate way for him to beat her is for him to kill her. You need to find her and you need to find her now. He wont make killing her quick he wants her to suffer, he wants her to know that she is beat and that there is nothing she can do about it. His ultimate win is to kill Jane but it will only be when she gives up.”

  “I would say thanks Darren but you really didn’t make me feel any better.”

  “I’m sorry Amy I wish the news was better I really do. I hope you find her. I wouldn’t wish anything bad on Jane.”

  Amy hadn’t realized but the Superintendent had been listening to her conversation with Darren. Amy didn’t think anyone could look as shell shocked as Perry.

  “Look I know that all sounded really bad but don’t forget who Jane is. She is strong and if they have the young girl there at the same time Jane wont give up she will keep fighting to save the young girl. We just need to act fast. So Superintendent how much politics stand in our way or can we just go save our detective and a fifteen year old girl.”

  “Forget the politics I will pick up the pieces later lets go.”

  Chapter 18

  Once again Jane found herself waking from what felt like an elephant sitting on her head while a monkey ran around her brain. It took her a while to get her eyes and brain to focus so she could remember where she was. To Jane’s disheartens’ her and Layla again were not alone. The Dr Tad Woodrow was back as well as five or six of the other fathers. Jane was hoping she would of awoke quicker so that she could of formed an action plan as to how to escape. Jane had almost forgot about the beating that she had taken until she struggled against her restraints, to see if they had loosened at all, when a deep pain soared through her right side at her ribs. Jane decided to try and measure up her injuries. She believed she had at least two or three cracked or broken ribs, a broken nose, a black eye and swollen face and a split lip. Layla across the room was still out of it thank god she needed more rest than Jane and it would give them more time for her team to find them. The longer she stayed out for the less torture on her they could carry out. Jane inspected her to see if any of her injuries were more serious than she first thought. So far she had received four gashes one to each side of the chest the left side being quite deep and two gashes to her upper thighs again the right side was slightly deeper. From here it looked as though they had stopped bleeding. Jane noted that she could see some blood congealing at each wound site. Jane tried to hone in and listen to the conversation the men were having. They were discussing in quite hushed voices but Jane could make out a distinct two people arguing.

  “Why did you bring the Detective here they are going to come looking for her.”

  “Hush now it’s all part of the plan they will learn our lessons, our teaching will inspire others but it required a greater sacrifice and message.”

  “This is ridiculous, this wasn’t part of the plan, we were meant to be helping our children you were meant to save them.”

  “Don’t you see that is what I have done? These girls hadn’t learnt their lesson they were still lying telling us what we wanted to hear but not really changing. Jennifer still carried the sin inside her and refused to let it go, Valerie refused to be cured and changed. She revolted against nature and God. And this young one is still riddled with drugs we need to finish the cleansing. Perhaps she is stronger than the rest and will survive.”

  “And what about the Detective this was never part of the message with us. Do you plan on killing her?”

  “Well she can’t leave here can she?”

  “This is madness I’m not a murderer.”

  “Well it’s a bit late for that statement you were here for the other two girls and they died at our hands. In all sense and purposes we are all murderers.”

  To Jane’s surprise a third voice entered the argument and a voice she recognized. Mr. Brooks Valerie’s father was there.

  “You manipulated me in my grief of losing our son. You convinced me that saving my daughter would make me feel better that I would stand the chance if we cured her to get a grandson one day. But instead I have been left with no son no daughter and no chance of ever having a grandchild. You have travelled across counties manipulating parent’s into killing their own troubled children. This is madness it must end.”

  With that Jane heard footsteps coming towards her. She hoped they belonged to Mr. Brooks who’s plan was to let her go but just as he come round to the front to reach her a gunshot went off. Mr. Br
ooks face went slack and ghostly white Jane noticed the blood starting to seep through the front of his shirt. He had been shot once straight through the heart. He slumped forward and fell at Jane’s feet.

  “Now does anyone else have any issues with the plan or can I feel free to continue saving Layla and teaching the good Detective.”

  No one made a sound no one moved an inch. The one person who had perhaps had any morals and was considering saving her was now lying in a puddle of his own blood at Jane’s feet. Jane was still in shock looking down at the lifeless body of Patrick to think only a few hours earlier she had been in the comfort of her station talking to him and now it was gone and Jane felt like she had no hope of ever making it back to the station. Back to Perry and getting Layla out alive no longer seemed achievable. Tears streamed down Jane’s face she felt no embarrassment or inclination to stopping them she just let them flow. Jane knew what was coming next for Layla and he gunshot had made her start to stir. Jane’s time had run out the next phase of his cleansing was about to begin and there was nothing she could do to help.

  “Wakey, wakey Layla we have work to do. Now are you ready for the next stage of your cleansing. Do you want to get better?”

  “There is nothing wrong with me I’m not an addict any more I’m getting help. Shannon’s mum has been helping me you can let me down.”

  “You’re lying and if you keep on lying it will cost you your tongue. Do not try my patience young girl God gave me the gift of a highly sensitive olfactory system I can smell the drugs in your blood. You need to be purified.”

  “I’m not lying please wait I do have drugs in my system but not the kind your thinking of. I have an antidepressant to take each day and two others one to help control the shaking and sickness of withdrawal and another so I don’t go completely cold turkey it could kill me. Daddy where are you? You have to believe me.”

  “I’m sorry Layla daddy isn’t here and I don’t believe you. Were going to lay your bed frame down now. Were going to release the rodents to feed on you. Rodents feed on our trash and our dirt and they are going to eat all the bits of sin and dirt out of you. Try not to scream too much.”

  Tad walked away from her with a cold smirk on his face. Layla was thrashing against the restraints holding her down. The fear in her eyes was making her look deranged Jane was pulling against her own bindings trying to reach her but it was no good. Jane had leather straps around her ankles like what they used to use in insane asylums and handcuffs holding her arms in place. The struggling against the handcuffs was causing chaffing at her wrists and if she thrashed much harder would probably break them. Layla had received a punch to the face as two men went over to lower her frame down. As one man reached to lower Layla was thrashing and went to bite him. The punch had knocked her nearly clean out she had slumped lifeless to the bed as they continued to lower her.

  “You punched her to hard she needs to be awake for this bit get some cold water chuck it on her.”

  With that an ice-cold bucket of water went straight over the top of Layla and she came round from her stupor with a splutter and a choke at the temperature.

  “Now Layla inside this container is four rats. Who haven’t been fed since well the last girl they chewed on so there hungry. And you see I’m not the best at keeping pets I may have accidently heated the container a tad so they are desperate to get out and the first place they are going to go is on you so hold still now there’s a good girl.”

  One of the men standing around watching let out a sick and twisted laugh. This may have started from a manipulation but some of the men in this room were as sick as tad. The screams from Layla redirected the Detectives attention back to her. From this angle Jane could work out that the rats were on her and they had descended upon the wounds that were already there. Attracted to the scent of her blood they were ripping at her flesh. Layla was trying to shake and flip the rats of but the more she did that the more the rats clenched down with their teeth and dug their long nails in. Jane started to call out to her telling her not to struggle slow her breathing and relax. Telling her it would hurt less. Telling her not to be scared but Jane received another blow to the face and the leering father who had laughed earlier was on Jane.

  “You know Detective what I think would loosen you up a bit is a nice good stiff cock in your pussy. Yeah before this is over I promise you I will have you bent over and impaled on my dick. But right this minute I don’t want you to miss a thing.”

  With that he moved around the back of the bed frame and pulled her head back and straight up so she could do nothing but look in front at the carnage that was going on with Layla. Tad, who seemed to be quite pleased with the father’s handy work with Jane, reached inside his pocket and drew out a flip knife. Because the rats had seemed to settle a bit at Jane’s advice he decided to open up a couple more gashes to the young girls lower calf’s sending the rats into more of a frenzy at the flowing of fresh new blood. The screams that were escaping Layla were that of deep and utter torment and pain. The rats were tearing through her flesh with scratches and bite marks. They were biting into her like henry the eighth going after a chicken leg. Jane tried to struggle against the hands that were holding her in place but he was relentless and unmoving. Jane could do nothing but watch the girl suffering and do nothing to help her. Tears streamed down Jane’s cheeks and to her disgust the father that was holding her in place moved round to the side and licked her cheek.

  “Yum your salty tears, your cheeks are going to be stained with them later and your tongue is going to get to taste the saltiness of my cum. So strengthen up sweet cheeks we aren’t anywhere near done.”

  He moved back round to the back of the bed frame again pulling her head back with such force it pulled on Jane’s neck. They stayed in this position for at least another half an hour as the rats continued to eat there way through the young girls flesh. Layla seemed to have tired out again and no longer had the strength to scream. Tad seemed disheartened by the lack of reaction she seemed to be giving that he pulled the rats of one by one and chucked them back in the bucket.

  “Now Layla I am going to clean your wounds to purify them. Hold still it’s going to sting.”

  Tad worked over her with not so gentle hands wiping away any excess blood and pushing right into her now gaping wounds as he cleaned. Jane could only guess from the smell that it was bleach that he was washing them out with. It seemed to be runnier in consistency to Jane so it was at least diluted but the pain of it being inside an open would be excruciating. Bleach even diluted could still cause chemical burns. Tad worked over Layla’s wounds for twenty minutes all Layla could do was whimper and cry. Jane was surprised at the young girl’s strength that she hadn’t passed out from the pain or fear. Tad put down his blood stained cloth and stood by this time Layla had fallen asleep.

  “Well Layla needed to take a nap after all that cleansing so detective it’s your turn for your lesson. You learnt last time from James and I know Charles behind you is desperate to teach you something but I think for now it’s actually the turn of Sam.”

  Charles stepped away from Jane and went back to take his place in the circle that was forming around her. A small man in stature with thick black hair and glasses that seemed to big in frame for his face stepped forward. Jane could only assume this was Sam but struggled to find the fear that was obviously granted for such a situation but when faced with such an opponent it was hard to muster. Jane couldn’t hold it in any longer whether the stress, nerves or lack of un-drugged sleep was the problem she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  “Hahahahaha are you serious look at him. You expect me to be scared you expect me to scream. Sorry to be crass but I shit scarier things than him. If that is the best you got Tad why not end this here come on big man show me my lesson. Teach me because if it was humor you wanted to show me well done I’m officially amused.”

  “Hahahahaha oh Jane your fighting spirit is what drives me. It’s what shows me you have the strength to
except this lesson. Sam might not be the biggest or the strongest of us all here but he is one of our smartest. Good luck Jane laughing at him probably is going to make this so much worse for you.”

  Jane was confused at first when he unchained her arms from the bed frame. She still wasn’t free enough to be able to go anywhere. A strap was round her middle and both her legs were still bound. He showed her the new bondage mechanism he was going to be attaching. It was leather looking stock with a space for each hand that had a strap coming out from it that was tied to a wooden stick.

  “You see Jane what I am going to do is attach this to your wrists. Your arms are going to be pulled behind your back. I am going to twist the stick until the leather strap is tight your arms will then be lifted up and then I will end back in front of you. Your arms will go round in a complete three sixty dislocating your arms at the shoulder joint. Are you ready?”

  Jane had dislocated one shoulder once and just remembering the pain was bad enough but to have two joints dislocated at the same time by such extreme force is going to be agonizing. Jane deiced that it was time to take herself off to her happy place and no matter how much it hurt she promised herself she would not scream or show any emotion. She would not let him win he wouldn’t beat her. Jane nearly gave up earlier at the sight of Patrick being shot in front of her but the strength Layla had shown in a time of such fear and pain had encouraged Jane to keep going. Jane concentrated on all the moments with Perry from the first moment she felt struck from being in the interview room with him to the first night they spent hours on her sofa talking. To their first kiss they shared to the first touch of his hands on her wanting skin. To the first time his erect penis entered her awaiting vagina. Jane felt the first tugging and pulling on her arms beginning to grow in discomfort as the strap started to be twisted pulling her arms further back as they were lifting them up she shut her eyes tighter to concentrate even more. The way Perry flicked his tongue over her wetness. How he teased and toyed with her nipples. How he made every part of her body ache with anticipation of that orgasmic relief. Jane was shocked how much detail she could remember in such a situation but she found herself being rudely awoken by the excruciating pain radiating down her arms as they gave the final crack as they had been twisted a full three sixty degrees. The crack was her shoulders finally giving out at the pressure exerted on them. Jane could feel the leather stock loosening on her wrists and her arms hung slack at the side of her body as they swung back to her side as they were released. Jane was overcome with a haze extending in front of her eyes as the overwhelming need to pass out or throw up took over. Jane managed to stay conscious but her stomach contents didn’t manage to stay in. Jane was still pleased with how little a reaction she gave him in such a circumstance. She didn’t scream once and she did not shed a tear. Jane raised her face to look at tad as much as she had thrown up Jane looked him straight in the eye with a smug look that said I win still.


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