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Naughty Spanking Three

Page 8

by Miranda Forbes

  They had gone through the whole scene seven times that day, but they still hadn’t made any progress and the director was on the verge of blowing her top.

  In her prop glasses, tweed skirt suit and five-inch high heels and with her hair up in a bun, the tall, blonde actress who played Yolanda’s schoolmistress looked to be the very essence of authority. But even dressed the way she was, the woman still swung the cane as if it were a conductor’s baton.

  The actress who played Yolanda too, supposedly the impassioned rebel with her skirt too short and her hair too long, made no attempt to resist her punishment.

  “For God’s sake!” bellowed the director as she stormed up onto the stage. “How many times do we have to do this scene?”

  Grabbing the cane from the teacher’s hand, she gave her a good hard whack across the backside. And yelping with pain, the blonde actress grabbed hold of her buttocks and leapt six feet into the air.

  “That’s the way you’re supposed to act when she canes you!” shouted the director, pointing the cane at the actress who was playing Jacobs.

  “And Katie!” she added, turning back to the teacher. “This is how you’re supposed to behave!”

  Making sure that Katie had calmed down a little, the director then gave the actress another good whack across her stinging cheeks.

  “Lick my trainers clean!” she ordered, threatening Katie with another whack.

  “No, Mary! Stop it!” wept the actress, rubbing her bottom yet again.

  “Get down on all fours and lick my trainers!” she commanded, this time caning Katie across the back of her thighs.

  “No, Mary! Stop it!”


  And with that, Mary let rip, flailing the actress’s bottom, thighs and calves relentlessly, making her sob and squeal like a baby.

  Katie tried to get away, running as fast as she could in her high heels and shouting for help from the other girls on stage. But they just stood and watched as Mary jogged after her, relentlessly caning her tender flesh.

  Despite running as fast as she could, there was no way for the poor girl to escape. And the harder she tried, the harder that Mary caned her.

  Having taken more than thirty strokes, each one more vicious than the last, Katie collapsed down onto her knees. Sobbing pitifully, completely broken and willing to do anything to make her stop, she leaned forward and tongued the director’s shoes with all her might as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Do you see, ladies?” asked Mary, addressing the other actresses. “I’ve just captured the whole spirit of the scene in one go. My anger, Katie’s initial defiance, my persistence and Katie’s eventual surrender, all whilst the rest of you look on in horror, is exactly what the scene demands. I have a production meeting now, and I’ll be back in three hours. When I get back, I want to see a complete run-through of the scene capturing all the emotions I’ve just demonstrated. Any questions?”

  No one on stage made a sound. They were all still too stunned by what they had just seen.

  “In that case,” she concluded, tossing the cane down onto the ground in front of her, “I’ll see you again at seven.”

  The very second that Mary had left and slammed the door behind her, the others all rushed over to help Katie up.

  “Are you all right?” asked Sally, the girl who played Yolanda.

  “I’m fine,” she sniffed as she regained her composure and dried her eyes. “But it still stings like hell though.”

  Lifting her skirt up around her waist and lowering her knickers, Katie showed the other girls the true extent of her caning.

  Angry red lines criss-crossed her cheeks, making her bottom look like a stick of Blackpool rock laid on its side. Her thighs and calves weren’t much better, and captivated by the spectacle, every girl on the stage crowded around to show Katie sympathy and to touch her red-hot weals.

  As Sally gazed at her colleague’s sore legs and bottom, she couldn’t help but wonder how it felt. Watching Katie being chased around the room by Mary had been absolutely terrifying, but she hadn’t been able to look away.

  Seeing the actress being dominated so cruelly had been the most exhilarating experience of her life. And having spent her whole career pretending to be someone else, Sally wanted to experience something real for herself.

  Every rational bone in her body screamed at her not to do it, but before she could think, Sally found herself suggesting an idea to Katie.

  “You know, there’s no way that I’m ever going to be able to fake the reactions you showed Mary,” she reasoned, trying to justify her idea to herself as much as to Katie. “But if she comes back and finds us still struggling with page one, she’s going to blow her top again.”

  Sally paused for a moment; taking a breath to calm herself before nervously making her proposal.

  “If I’m going to be able to react properly,” she stuttered, almost cringing at what she was saying, “then I’m going to have to feel it for myself, for real.”

  The other girls on stage were all doubtful. Would it really be worth it? Katie on the other hand had no qualms whatsoever. If Sally felt that having her backside set alight was the only way she’d be able to get into character before Mary came back, that was fine with her. After all, she had already been the target of the director’s venom that day, and she didn’t exactly fancy a second helping.

  Having pulled her knickers back up and rolled down the hem of her skirt, Katie picked up the cane and waited for Sally to get ready.

  Taking a deep breath as she took down her navy blue PE knickers, Sally lifted her skirt up around her waist and touched her toes. She braced herself for impact, wondering what the hell she’d gotten herself into.

  “No!” She announced triumphantly. “I am not going to lick your shoes!”

  That was Katie’s cue.

  Bringing her arm back as far as she could, the teacher lay a vicious and agonising stroke full square across Sally’s cheeks.

  Grabbing her ankles and digging her nails into her skin, Sally literally had to bite her tongue to keep herself from crying out in pain. Mary’s instruction had really shown the schoolmistress a thing or two, and now there was no way that anyone could accuse her of holding back.

  Having done her duty and shown Sally what it really felt like, Katie was about to call it a day. But then without hesitation, Sally delivered her second line.

  “Never! I’ll never submit to you!”

  Sally had requested a second helping. And so in spite of her better judgement, Katie obliged.

  As the second welt formed across her firm young cheeks, Sally told herself that it was all for the good of the play and that she was simply learning the role. But deep down, the woman knew that she was having the time of her life.

  Even back when Sally was auditioning for the part, she had been secretly excited by the idea of being caned in front of a live audience. And now, as the class all stood in a semi circle behind her, watching silently as her sweet little peaches were punished by this merciless piece of willow, the woman was as happy as could be.

  Summoning up all of her self-control, Sally resisted the urge to lick her lips as she remembered that in just a few days, she would be caned in front of an audience of two hundred, including her friends and family. The very thought of this made her shudder with delight. Even now as she felt thirty pairs of eyes fixed on her thighs and bottom, she could hardly contain herself. And standing there wincing with pain and savouring every stroke, she couldn’t help but wish that they were rehearsing in public.

  As the sixth and final stroke lashed across her precious cheeks, Sally sighed, apparently with relief, but inwardly with disappointment. And standing there touching her toes with the marks on her bare bottom stinging joyfully, she tried to think of a way to prolong the rehearsal.

  Just as she had started to get good, Katie had stopped, leaving Sally feeling deeply unsatisfied. She could ask Katie if she fancied another run-through, but that would probably seem too blatant.

  Then, just as Sally was pulling her knickers back up, one of the other schoolgirls from the scene made a suggestion.

  “Erm, maybe if you really want to know how it feels to be dominated by the schoolmistress, and Katie, if you want to know what it’s like to dominate someone, then maybe you should take her over your knee and spank her bottom.” The girl’s face turned as red as a beetroot as she tried to explain herself, only managing to dig herself in even deeper. “Er, I read somewhere that it’s really humiliating and it puts you in your place. You know, like when your auntie is really angry at you for smashing her favourite vase and …”

  Blushing like a twelve-year-old and stumbling over every word, the girl then decided that it was time for her to shut up.

  “Yes, good idea, Carol,” praised Sally, secretly thanking her for coming up with such a good excuse to continue the scene. “What do you say, Katie? Should I fetch the chair?”

  Katie hesitated for a second. But then, something inside her made her agree. And fetching the chair, the teacher sat down and beckoned Sally forward as she scornfully peered over her glasses.

  The welts on her bottom and thighs made it hard for her to sit down. But like the true actress she was, Katie had turned her agonised winces into subtle sneers of contempt; allowing her pain to fuel her anger at the director for caning her. And now, as Sally shuffled hesitantly into place, Katie imagined that it was Mary who was bending over her knee and that this was her chance for revenge.

  Holding back a chuckle, the actress smiled a little. This was going to be good.

  Sally was also trying hard not to giggle as she slowly made her way over to Katie, pulling her knickers down around the tops of her thighs and keeping her head respectfully bowed.

  As the rest of the girls all shuffled into position, struggling to get a good view, Sally stood sulkily beside her teacher with her hands behind her back, looking very hard done by.

  Pointing at her lap, Katie silently ordered the girl over her knee. And then pulling the hem of Sally’s skirt up around her waist and her knickers right down, she laid the first melodic stroke across her painful rump.

  As the first smack was laid across her stinging welts, Sally finally began to whimper with pain.

  Having never done this before, Katie suddenly found that she was enjoying herself. She’d felt sure that she would need to get her revenge on Mary by proxy, but hearing Sally whine really excited the young actress and made her want to spank her even more.

  The caning had all been a bit too impersonal for her liking. But feeling a submissive little schoolgirl laid across her knee; hearing her sob quietly as she smacked her ripe round cheeks made Katie tingle with pleasure.

  Staying in character, the teacher tried very hard to remain stern and surly, snapping angrily at the young girl and telling her what a dirty little trollop she was, trying very hard not to grin when Sally replied with a sheepish “Yes, Miss.”

  Experimenting with different spanking techniques, Katie found that she was really getting the feel for it, and that a nice, rhythmic stroke across each cheek in turn was by far the most satisfying for both of them. An occasional whack with full force across both cheeks was lovely, but it stung her hand too much for her to do it very often.

  Laid across her knee with her hands resting on the edge of the chair, Sally agreed with Katie that an occasional hard whack was best.

  She loved the way that after half a dozen, a dozen or maybe even two dozen strokes, she might get a real belter across her bottom. The variety and the unpredictability really made it fun. What was more, lying helplessly across her teacher’s knee was making her feel more like a naughty schoolgirl than she ever could have dreamed.

  Having truly developed a taste for disciplining her colleague, Katie was unwilling to stop when her hand became sore. So snapping her fingers impatiently, she ordered one of the girls to fetch her a leather paddle. And of course, the excited young woman obeyed quickly, quietly and without question.

  After the firm, targeted smacks of her teacher’s hand, the sensation of the heavy leather paddle being laid with full force across her bottom was a real change of pace for Sally. But after the initial shock, the young actress had to bite her lip to keep herself from crying out for more.

  First a dozen, then two dozen, then three dozen strokes whacked across Sally’s buttocks, turning her cheeks the most delightful shade of crimson and making her cry out with pain.

  As the crowd looked on, wincing with sympathy as every stroke found its mark, the fire in Sally’s rump grew more painful until eventually she could no longer control herself.

  She tried to hold on, to push herself to the limit, but her bottom couldn’t take any more. So breaking down in tears, the actress pleaded for Katie to stop.

  “Please madam!” She squealed. “I’ll lick your shoes clean! Just please let me go!”

  That was Katie’s cue to let Sally up, but the schoolmistress had no intention of stopping just yet.

  Her heart was pounding, her blood was surging and the look on her face was one of sadistic glee. She had the young girl in her power, she was making her dance to her tune. The sound of the paddle against her sweet, tender flesh was music to her ears…and the woman expected her to stop?

  Luckily for Sally though, she wasn’t the only one who’d dreamed of this sort of thing.

  Having wished that she was the one on the receiving end of this abuse, Carol finally took the initiative and walked up beside the schoolmistress’s chair, took her knickers down and waited politely for her turn. And spotting the girl out of the corner of her eye, standing quietly with her head bowed, her hands in her lap and her knickers around her ankles, Katie decided that a nice, fresh peach would be just the ticket, and pulled Sally back up on to her feet.

  “Have you learnt your lesson?” she snapped, still holding the sobbing girl by the wrist.

  “Yes, Miss,” whimpered Sally.

  “Then get your knickers down around your ankles, stand over there facing the scenery wall and leave your bottom on show.”

  As Sally almost tripped over her knickers in her eagerness to follow her wrathful colleague’s instructions, Katie turned her attention to her next victim.

  “Are you in need of some discipline as wel, my dear?” she asked commandingly.

  Carol actually started to quiver with fright. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea after all.

  She was about to decline, when all of a sudden she found herself lying across Katie’s lap and willingly confessing how very naughty she’d been.

  “Well,” beamed Katie with a crocodile smile, “we’d better make sure that you’re better behaved from now on, hadn’t we?”

  And with her spanking hand now as good as new, Katie put the paddle to one side, pulled Carol’s skirt up around her waist and began to smack each of her darling little cheeks in turn, as painfully and as delightfully as before.

  “Oh please, Miss!” Carol wailed, milking the experience for everything it was worth. “I’m sorry! Please don’t spank me any harder!”

  “I’ll decide what you deserve, my darling!” said Katie as she spanked the whiny little pup harder than ever. “And if you keep bawling like that, then I’m going to decide that you deserve a paddling as well.”

  “Please, Miss! No!” she screamed, struggling as hard as she could. “Anything but that!”

  Having lost count of how many strokes Katie had taken across her cheeks, Carol finally decided that she’d had enough and fell silent to show that she’d learnt her lesson. But just as she let Carol up, Katie noticed two of the other schoolgirl extras standing with their heads bowed, their hands crossed in their laps and their knickers down around their ankles, patiently awaiting their turn.

  Quickly packing a very tearful Carol off to stand facing the scenery wall beside Sally, Katie then pulled Tina across her knee and began all over again.

  By the time Stacey had ‘learnt her lesson’, half the girls in the class were standing in line by
her chair and waiting for their turn. And after the next girl had been disciplined, they all were.

  Thirty well-tanned bottoms later, Katie rose from her seat and surveyed her handiwork: a whole class of tearful, sniffling girls, sore and humiliated with their pillar-box red bottoms on show, feeling too ashamed to even raise their heads.

  It was clear that Katie had a talent as well as a taste for CP. Because despite having had more than an hour to recover, Sally and Carol were still as delightfully rosy as the last girl in line.

  Tired and breathless, Katie seriously considered calling it a day and getting back to the script. But now that she’d the discovered the joys of a good, old-fashioned spanking, she wondered whether she might have been too quick to judge with the cane?

  In any case, there was one sure way to find out.

  “Turn around and face me girls!” She bellowed as she put away the chair and picked up the rod of willow for a second time, swishing it a little for dramatic effect. “Are there any volunteers or should I just pick one of you at random?”

  About a quarter of an hour before the director was due to return, the whole theatre echoed with the sound of breaths being sucked through gritted teeth; the class trying to ease the pain of the throbbing welts that criss-crossed their bottoms.

  Having already had a dose of willow that day, Sally was by far the most tearful of the group. But even so, once all of their bottoms had cooled a little and they had pulled their knickers back up, she was the first in line to thank Katie for the wonderful experience.

  When Mary returned, she sat in the third row expecting to see the same old rubbish. But instead, she witnessed the most powerful stage drama that she ever could have imagined.

  Katie was a complete tyrant who swung her cane so ferociously that it sent chills down the director’s spine. Sally went from being a rebel without a cause to a girlie without her teddy bear, and the extras were all superb.

  What was more, in some inspired ad-libbing, several of the girls tried to help Sally but ended up being thrashed and sent to the corner with their bare bottoms on display. The whole scene was tripled in length by the schoolmistress’s insistence that every miscreant be spanked over her knee and paddled soundly before being caned. And the result was that the first scene was by far the longest and most riveting in the entire play.


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