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Naughty Spanking Three

Page 10

by Miranda Forbes

  Debbie thought she’d died and gone to heaven. Never in her wildest imagination had she ever thought something like this could happen to her. It made the things she’d done with Ricky seem positively tame and juvenile in comparison.

  She knew that after tonight she wouldn’t be seeing him again anyway. Compared to Mr Jenkins, Ricky was nothing more than a bumbling boy, fumbling around her body, unable to truly arouse her.

  She began to move her hips forward and back, away from his insistent fingers and then back into each stroke of his palm against her butt. Back and forth, she established a hard-driving rhythm, wondering if this was what all the girls meant when they talked about coming so hard their brains exploded. She felt like she was going to fly apart if she didn’t come pretty soon.

  “Are you ready for a bit more?” Mr Jenkins asked.

  “Please, oh, please,” she whispered. “Everything. I want everything.”

  The rhythmic slaps stopped momentarily, although the insistent thrust of his fingers didn’t let up. She tightened her pussy around the invaders, ratcheting up the sensations streaking through her body.

  Then a harder, firmer smack landed against her blushing ass and the world came to a halt. His hot palm rested on her butt, pain blossoming from the spot it was touching. Two fingers had become three in that instant, stretching her, filling her.

  A small cry escaped, half muffled by the blanket beneath her cheek.

  “This is your only reminder,” he warned. “If you continue to cry out, I’ll be forced to gag you.”

  Silently swearing not to make another sound, she clamped her lips together, determined not to be gagged. As he wiggled his three fingers inside her pussy, he touched a place that was more sensitive than anything she had ever felt. Debbie jerked in response, feeling her pussy flood with a wetness she’d never experienced before. The breath whooshed out of her lungs and she gulped in as much air as she could.

  The hand started swatting her again, a swift deliberate cadence that matched his finger-fucking tempo. The pain and pleasure mingled through her body, touching off fireworks in every nerve ending, especially throughout her pussy. “Oh, oh! Oh, yes! Please!” She begged him to make her come.

  Every muscle in her body tightened as she soared towards her climax. She panted through the waves as he gave one final thrust of his fingers and one final smack of his hand. His thumb pressed hard against her throbbing clit and the pressure sent her over the edge.

  Gasping for air, she arched her back. Her tits throbbed with sensation and her nipples felt like they would burst against the blanket. Her mind blanked out with the overpowering sensations. Finally she began to come down off her orgasmic high.

  As her heart thudded in her chest, she realised she was still stretched out on the rough blanket with her knees spread bone-crackingly wide. Mr Jenkins still had three fingers buried deep inside her spasming pussy. He wiggled them again. “Ready for the second part of your punishment?”

  Her eyes widened. There was more? She didn’t know how much more her body could take. So much pleasure was fizzing through her veins like champagne, she felt drunk on the sensations.

  Ed Jenkins chuckled to himself as he watched Debbie’s expressive face. He’d been waiting weeks for the opportunity to discipline her. And now that it was here, he was going to enjoy it to the fullest extent. Her perky tits and ripe nipples poking through the tight T-shirts always called to him, crying out for attention. For his attention.

  That would be the lesson next time. Taming her tits. But this time, it was her ass he wanted to blister. Her beautiful butt cheeks that he wanted red-hot and blushing beneath his hands.

  He reached into his pocket for one final item. When he opened his hand, a pair of silver Ben Wa balls lay in his palm. Just the thing, he thought. With the way she had responded to his spanking and finger-fucking, she would go through the roof when he paddled her with these babies in.

  He slowly withdrew his fingers from her cunt, trying to keep as much juice on them as possible so he could lube up the Ben Wa balls. When they were slick, he gently popped the first one in.

  “Oh!” Surprise coloured her voice.

  “One more, my dear,” he said, nudging the second silver sphere into her tight hole.

  “Oh, God!” she whimpered, but didn’t break her position.

  He smoothed his finger over her puckered hole, amazed that she had taken both balls so easily. No sign remained of the silver pleasure balls. The only thing visible was the wire leading to the control box. “We’ll start off small and see what happens. Are you ready?”

  “Ready for what?”

  “To be paddled.”

  She swallowed, then squirmed as he turned the control box to the first setting. “I-I guess so.”

  He turned and picked up his old fraternity paddle. Who would ever have imagined the uses he would find for it? Certainly not his strait-laced frat brothers. They’d be having mini-strokes if they could see him now. And they sure as hell wouldn’t have any idea what to do with the delectably blushing female bottom in front of him that clenched and unclenched as it waited for his paddling.

  He brought the wooden instrument down on each cheek in turn, drawing a soft grunt from the girl. But no cries floated back to him. It pleased him that she learned so quickly. After a few more swats, he turned up the vibrations on the Ben Wa balls to the medium level.

  He resumed his paddling as her hips started to weave back and forth. He licked his lips, imagining that he was plunging his rock-hard dick in between those red-hot cheeks, plundering her sweet ass. Behind the tight zipper of his jeans, his dick lengthened even more. But tonight wasn’t about him or his dick. It was about punishing Debbie – and doing it in such a manner that guaranteed she would be craving his punishment for months to come.

  Soft moans filled his ears as he continued the paddling. But her hips never stopped their movement. When she started a pumping movement, he increased the vibrations from the Ben Wa balls, flipping the switch to high. In between smacks, he could hear the whine of the balls, even snuggled deeply inside her ass. She raised her butt time and time again to his paddle, tiny grunts escaping from her with each smack.

  He reached in between her legs, sliding his fingers along her puffy labia. Her juice coated his fingers as he played with her pussy.

  “Oh, please,” she whimpered. “Please, I need to come again.”

  “Do you think you’ve been punished enough?”

  She twisted her head to the other side, her chest still resting on the blanket. “I don’t know. Please … just let me come.”

  He continued smacking her behind as he slid his fingertip farther, flicking her clit repeatedly. Her groans grew louder, more desperate. Finally, ready to give her another orgasm, he thrust his finger deep into her pussy, feeling her muscles tighten around him. “OK, Debbie. Come now!”

  She let out a small cry, then collapsed against the bed, her entire body shaking with her orgasm. He stopped the paddling and withdrew his finger from her pussy, but let the Ben Wa balls continue buzzing away, each vibration multiplying until she arched her back again.

  Debbie nearly cried with relief as the painful smacks of the paddle ceased. But the incredible vibrations from whatever Mr Jenkins had stuffed in her ass continued unabated. All she could do was squeeze her muscles tightly until she could squeeze no more. Several more strong spasms shook her body as she gulped in air.

  The intensity waned as he slowly turned the control box to low. She gave a shuddering sigh, trying to come to terms with her complete abandoned behaviour. But all she could do was wait for her heart to stop pounding so loudly and her pulse to slow down. Mr Jenkins brushed back a strand of damp hair from her face. She opened her eyes, staring at him through a haze of pleasure.

  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson.”

  Which one, she thought? The lesson to not come home late, or the one about deliberately coming home late so she could get more of this delicious punishment. She nodded.r />
  “Good.” He began to untie her hands from the headboard. “Just remember the consequences if you decide to stay out late.”

  “Oh, I will,” she promised, with a secret little smile. “I will.”


  by Deva Shore

  My sister was having a sleep-over. It was her birthday and some of her girlfriends thought it would be a good idea to hire scary movies and make a night of it. They were all single and desperate. Loved nothing more than getting together and bagging guys.

  A few bottles of wine always loosened them up and that’s when the fun usually began. I loved listening to them crap on about their love lives or the lack of them.

  I was twenty, two years older than Sheila, and I normally found her and her immature friends boring. The only time they really interested me was when they’d dare each other to do silly things.

  One summer’s night they dared each other to run down the street naked. I tried to capture them on my mobile phone but I was too far away and the images didn’t come out.

  Another time I snuck a look through the window and caught two of them French kissing while the others watched. Tonight I was hoping they’d go one step further, maybe get their gear off and fool around.

  I’d slipped a lesbian porno in amongst their movies and made sure there was a gap in the curtains so I could watch from outside the window if anything interesting happened.

  They thought they were alone and to be honest I was nearly ready to let them know I’d come home so I could go to bed. They were drinking a lot and so far hadn’t seen the lesbian tape.

  Finally Sheila picked it up.

  ‘Who put this in here?’ she giggled.

  The girls crowded around oohing and ahhing. She slipped it into the machine and before long two of the girls were putting on their own exhibition.

  The others openly fingered themselves as they watched. Me, I pulled my cock out and stroked it until I was shooting cum all over the garden. There was nothing better than being a Peeping Tom I decided after I made my way in.

  ‘I’m home,’ I yelled as I made my way to my room, wanting nothing more than a good night’s sleep now that I’d had my fun, but someone was just coming out of the toilet and wouldn’t let me pass. As my eyes adjusted I saw who it was.

  ‘What were you up to?’ Mary, Sheila’s best friend, wanted to know.

  ‘Nothing,’ I mumbled, trying to ignore her as she blocked my way.

  ‘You were watching us, weren’t you?’ she demanded, pushing me into my room and locking the door.

  ‘Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing?’ I said.

  ‘You’ve been a bad boy, haven’t you?’ she demanded.

  ‘No,’ I said. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  ‘Yes, you do.’

  ‘It was you who put that tape in with Sheila’s others, wasn’t it?’

  I smirked, couldn’t help it. ‘So what if I did.’

  ‘Well, I think you knew that the girls would find it kinky and that you’d get your rocks off watching.’

  ‘So what?’

  ‘So, I think you should be punished for doing it.’

  ‘You’re nuts,’ I said.

  ‘I said I think you should be punished.’

  ‘I’m not deaf. I heard you.’

  ‘Well, then I think you’d better pull down your jeans and I’ll have to give you a spanking.’

  ‘You’re kidding, right?’

  ‘Wrong. I’m deadly serious.’

  ‘Look, get out of my room, OK.’


  I made to move past her, to open the door and throw her out.

  ‘Touch me and I’ll scream.’

  ‘Go ahead.’

  ‘I’ll scream rape.’

  ‘You wouldn’t dare.’

  ‘Wouldn’t I?’

  We eyed each other. Mary wasn’t bad looking; she had a great body, I’d just seen that. Great tits and arse. Sheila had looked as though she’d enjoyed going down chomping on her pussy so I thought what would it hurt. Let her give me a bit of a spanking and then she could go.

  ‘OK, just hurry up and get it over with.’

  ‘Good,’ she giggled. ‘Now step out of your jeans.’

  I did.

  ‘Hmm, nice,’ she said, running her hands over my bum.

  Her fingers worked magically as they ran over my cheeks, giving me a bit of a hard-on. I’m sure she noticed and now I felt uncomfortable as I thought she’d just give me a bit of a slap or two and be on her way.

  ‘Very nice,’ she said as her hand grazed my cock. She moved towards my writing desk and picked up a ruler and slapped it in the palm of her hand.

  ‘You never said anything about a ruler,’ I said.

  ‘You never asked. Now come over here,’ she said, sitting on my chair and patting her lap. ‘Bend over my knee so I can give you that spanking.’

  I felt really stupid doing it but I wasn’t going to risk my sister’s wrath if she went through with her threat and screamed.

  I kneeled over her lap, my hands touching the floor.

  She pulled my jocks down, exposing my bare arse.

  ‘Hey,’ I made to protest but a quick slap on my cheek shut me up instantly.

  ‘No talking,’ she insisted.

  Her hand glided over my cheeks and the welt I’m sure the ruler left. Suddenly she slapped the other cheek with her hand, hard, real hard.

  ‘Hey, that hurt,’ I said.

  ‘It’s supposed to. Now be quiet.’

  She ran her hand over my other cheek, rubbing it, and something happened, I don’t know what. I found I was enjoying it. Enjoying lying over her with my arse up in the air, enjoying anticipating the next slap, wondering how much it would sting, if it would be the ruler or her hand.

  The waiting became agony. I didn’t dare speak. My cock was beginning to grow and she chuckled knowingly. A finger ran down the crack of my arse, over my puckered hole and down further to cup my balls.

  As I was enjoying this the other hand let loose with a might slap of the ruler. The sting was so great I almost screamed out. Then there was another and another. It was as though my cheeks were on fire and then it was her hand slapping at me, a different type of pain as the sharp sting of her fingers over the welts almost brought me to tears.

  Her hand wiggled between my thighs.

  ‘Open them,’ she demanded.

  I did and she cupped my balls, squeezing them cruelly.

  I froze, wondering what was coming next.

  The ruler was rubbing up hard against the crack of my arse and without warning she smacked at my balls, the pain shooting through me like hot lava.

  ‘Fuck,’ I whispered as my breath expelled.

  ‘Did you speak?’ she demanded.


  ‘Good, I wouldn’t want to have to give you another spanking.’

  I said nothing but felt the beads of perspiration on my forehead pop.

  ‘You can stand now,’ she said.

  I did and my erection stood out before me.

  ‘You enjoyed that, didn’t you?’

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I did enjoy it. Loved the way she made me feel as she took control over me, spanking and slapping at me.

  ‘Step out of your jocks and remove your T-shirt.’

  Oh, fuck. I thought all my Christmases had come at once. Now she was going to let me fuck her. I could barely contain myself.

  Standing naked before her I watched her rise. Her pretty pink nightie, almost see-through, showed me what I’d seen earlier. Her gorgeous body.

  ‘You like what you see?’ she asked as she strutted before me.


  ‘My tits! You like them, don’t you? Want to see more?’ she purred as she undid the buttons halfway down, giving me quick glimpses of her pearly flesh.

  ‘I … er …’ Shit, I didn’t know what to do. I was used to being the aggressor. For years now I’d been dominating the girl
s I took out. It was me who called the shots not some little friend of my sister.

  She flashed her tits at me, opening and closing the fabric. She was hot all right and looked as though she knew what she wanted. I wasn’t sure how to play this one so I thought I’d stall for time, see how it all turned out.

  ‘I’ll let you touch them if you want,’ she said, coming closer to me and practically rubbing them against my chest.

  ‘I’m not interested,’ I said.

  She laughed. ‘You’ve got to be joking. That’s not what your cock’s saying.’

  She was right, of course, but I was still nervous about her threat.

  Her fingers were roaming over my chest, then down the sides of me to my hips. They lingered there lightly touching my legs. Her fingers were like fire burning me wherever they touched.

  ‘I think that …’ I didn’t want her to stop but thought I should at least make some sort of attempt at taking charge here.

  ‘You think that you’d like your hand inside my panties, don’t you?’ she whispered, her breath fanning my face.

  Jesus. She was so hot. She pushed her pelvis in towards mine, our mounds almost touching. Then she pulled back, allowing one hand to stray beneath while the other lifted her hem higher, allowing me a peek.

  ‘Very nice,’ I almost swooned as her fingers slipped through my pubic hair almost touching my rock-hard cock.

  ‘Hold on to that chair,’ she demanded, pushing me towards it.

  Eager for her hands to be on me again I did as she asked.

  ‘Spread those legs,’ she demanded.

  I did.


  I did.

  I was quivering with anticipation, desperate for another spanking that would hopefully even lead to some mind-blowing sex.

  I heard her pull the curtain ajar and, peered over my shoulder to see my sister and her friends all laughing at me.

  ‘So how do you like it?’ Mary smirked at me.

  I was dumbfounded for a moment, unable to move and then with my cock rock hard I pulled the curtain back, flushing with embarrassment as the girls applauded and jeered.

  ‘I suppose you think that’s funny,’ I said.

  ‘Yes, I do,’ she said as she made her way to the door.


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