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Storm Boys

Page 15

by Davis Lavender

  With his magic, Airech swept the surrounding rocks in ever-widening circles, until his mind latched on to quickening movement.

  “Keep playing. Someone’s coming.”

  Devin nodded, his fingers flying, his arm working energetically.

  “That’s strange,” Airech said. “It’s coming from the sky.”

  A hollow feeling swooped through Airech’s insides in tandem with the black-winged figure diving through the air. Devin’s song died abruptly as Zaz landed beside him. As Devin dropped his fiddle, Airech moved quickly to protect him, his hands raised ready to attack.

  “It’s alright, I come in peace.” The demon extended a conciliatory hand. “Airech, what a pleasant surprise.” His face broke into a wide grin. “Sorry I didn’t get to catch up with you properly last time. Fintan was being a real pain. Those talons!” He tried to catch Devin’s eye over Airech’s shoulder. “Am I right, Devin?”

  “Zaz.” Airech fought to keep his voice cool, ignoring his rapid-fire heartbeat. “That’s a new look. Slumming it with the Sluagh these days? I preferred your old style. Black feathers are a timeless classic. One thing you can say about Lucifer, his minions always look so dashing.”

  The grin stayed on Zaz’s face, almost disguising the glittering resentment in his ebony eyes as he examined Airech. “I didn’t look so hot chained to a rock. No black feathers were swooping down to save me then. I didn’t see the Dark Bringer rushing to my aid, either. Not even as a professional courtesy.”

  “You are a hell demon, not a Gael.” Airech shrugged. “So, not technically my responsibility, even if we are colleagues.”

  Whatever their shared past, Airech owed Zaz nothing. Over and over, the demon had proven how incapable he was of loyalty or gratitude. And now that he was after Devin, all bets were doubly off.

  Zaz’s face fell, devastation clouding his darkly handsome features. “Oh, Airech. Do I really mean so little to you? My heart is broken.”

  “You don’t have one,” Airech said.

  The demon’s frown melted into a smug grin. “That’s right. I forgot. Anyway, the Sluagh released me, so they’re the ones that have my allegiance.”

  “Until the next crowd of murderous rampaging evil comes up with a better offer.” Airech glared at him. “What are you doing here? What does the Sluagh want with Devin?”

  Airech’s voice caught on Devin’s name and instinctively he spread his arms wider to shield him. He heard Devin’s ragged breathing but didn’t dare turn around. That would mean taking his eyes off Zaz.

  “What makes you think he has something I want?” Zaz crossed his arms. “He’s the one who summoned me, remember. More than once. How do you know I don’t have something he wants?”

  Airech gave an impatient snort. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I know more about your precious little stag than you do,” Zaz crowed. “Including exactly who he is and what he is. And I’ll tell him everything if he comes with me.”

  Airech felt a rush of air as Devin dodged around him, stepping forward to face the demon. His steady grey eyes stared bravely into the black depths of Zaz’s powerful gaze.

  “Tell me now,” Devin demanded.

  “Ah, Devin. I can see why they crave you. Such refreshing innocence.” Zaz raised a mocking eyebrow. “That’s not how it works, either in your world or mine. Everyone has a price. I’ve already named mine.”

  Grabbing Devin’s shoulder, Airech dragged him unceremoniously away from Zaz. Red rage washed across his vision as he felt Devin quaking under his hand.

  “There’s no way in hell he’s coming with you.” Airech’s voice was quiet with menace.

  “I don’t work for them anymore, remember?” Zaz tossed his head. His hair didn’t stir, every coal-black strand staying perfectly in place. “It’s his choice. Shame. Some of what I have to say would be very useful to you and your little band. I can tell you this much. I wouldn’t bother getting too attached to him, or you’re going to be the one with the broken heart.” Zaz grinned triumphantly. “That would be a first for you, wouldn’t it, Airech?”

  With a roar, Airech leapt for him, the battle drums pounding in his ears from his rocketing pulse. He felt Devin’s fingers digging into his arms, holding him back, as Zaz gave a little bounce and zoomed straight up through the air, hovering above them.

  “I’m shocked.” Zaz flung his hand to his chest. “You know we can’t fight each other in this realm unless we’re battling over a soul. I thought you knew better than that.” He looked at Airech regretfully. “But then, you are out of practice. You probably couldn’t reap a soul right now, even if you had to.”

  Devin gave his arms a quick reassuring squeeze and released him. Airech gathered himself together, drawing strength from his lover’s gentle touch.

  “I’m not the Dark Bringer anymore,” Airech said calmly. “I won’t have to.”

  Zaz gave a soft chuckle. “Remember those words. I may have to get you to eat them someday.”

  He looked past Airech to lock eyes with Devin.

  “Bye, Devin. It’s been good to chat with you, without Fintan interfering. I’m looking forward to knowing you better. Much better.” Zaz winked, and Airech felt the hairline cracks in his composure.

  “You stay away from him,” he spat.

  “Maybe you should be telling him to stay away from me.” Zaz gave a small bow. “Until we meet again. It won’t be long,” he added. “In case you were wondering.”

  Rapidly he gained height and flew off into the amethyst sky, each beat of his wings like a brutal slap to Airech’s face. Turned quickly to Devin, Airech saw his mouth was pressed in a grim line, his eyes stormy.

  “Can’t we capture him, make him tell us what he knows?” he said fiercely.

  Airech reached for Devin’s hand and laced it in his. It gave him a thrill to see how much courage Devin had. Common sense, not so much. But Airech wasn’t the one to criticise him for that.

  “You want to torture one of the evilest creatures in existence?” He smiled at Devin. “I appreciate the enthusiasm, but there isn’t anything we could do to him that would have any effect. Except maybe mess up his hair. He is funny about his hair. But even that would be marginally effective at best.”

  “I’m glad you find it funny,” Devin grumbled.

  Airech’s face dropped. “I don’t find it funny,” he said. “The thought of him being within a hundred feet of you is so horrifying it makes me feel almost uncivilised. Like I want to rip him apart. Like I’m an animal. Like Cap.” He shuddered as a chill crept through him, wrapping his heart in dry ice.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here. And here’s an idea. Maybe we shouldn’t tell Fintan about this.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it,” Devin said.

  Chapter 24


  Fintan found Airech sitting against a standing stone, looking out over the expanse of white rock, his face tight. He never thought he would miss the smug god’s cocky self-assurance or the exasperating arguments between them. But after watching this new, subdued Airech brood silently for a few days, Fintan was ready to admit there was something to be said for the old one. He was used to his occasional bad tempers when he couldn’t have something he wanted. Or someone he wanted. But this was different. Almost frightening.

  “I know you’re troubled,” he said gently. “You have been for some days now. Why won’t you tell me why?”

  Airech barely glanced up at him. One clenched fist beat a hard tattoo against his leg almost as if he was fighting himself. And from the expression on his face, he was losing.

  “We’ve never been alone,” he said. “And I didn’t want Devin to overhear us.”

  “Well, then.” Fintan sat down beside him, patting his arm. “This is the ideal time for a private conversation. Devin’s in the cavern, and he won’t swim through the tunnel without one of us. We’ve only just returned from my clochán in the Otherworld and he’s exhausted.”

  “No need to
brag, old man.”

  Fintan felt the rush of blood to his cheeks. It was getting to be a habit. “We were consulting my library.”

  Airech looked pointedly at Fintan’s neck. “I never knew books had teeth.”

  Clearing his throat awkwardly, Fintan brushed his fingers over the mark, feeling weak as he remembered how it came to be there. He could still feel an undercurrent of pleasure, his body tingling from his afternoon with Devin.

  “Did you find anything useful?” Airech asked.

  “Not yet.”

  Fintan sat patiently through another silence until Airech began to speak haltingly, his voice leaden. “If I do tell you, you have to promise to listen to me logically. Dispassionately. The way you used to, before Devin turned the wisest man in Ireland into a sentimental old fool.”

  Fintan frowned. “You do realise you’re nearly as ancient as me? And not exactly rational when it comes to Devin, either. A simple ‘Listen to me’ would have sufficed.”

  “We’ll see,” Airech said. The unbearable sadness in his eyes for once made them look their true age. “There’s no easy way to say this, and I probably should have mentioned it earlier. But there’s something wrong with Devin’s soul.”

  The last of his afterglow well and truly snuffed out, Fintan recoiled from Airech’s words. “What do you mean there’s something wrong? What’s wrong?”

  “If I could tell you, do you not think I would have led with that?” Airech shook his head. “I don’t know. All I know is I’ve handled thousands, if not millions of souls and his felt different to me.”

  “What were you doing anywhere near his soul?” Fintan demanded.

  “He wanted me to read it. We were messing around.”

  As he paused long enough to compose himself, Fintan’s precise mind went to work, racing to stamp out the first spark of panic. “And did you tell him? That his soul is… whatever it is?”

  “Yes, came right out with it. ‘Devin, after we exchanged bodily fluids and declared our undying affection, I happened to notice your soul is possibly defective. But I wouldn’t worry about it. Probably nothing.’ Of course, I didn’t tell him, you amadán.”

  Fintan ignored the insult. Thinking of Devin, he felt strangely calm, his equanimity returning. If there was something seriously wrong with him, it would have been obvious to them by now. “It’s as well you didn’t. It probably is nothing.” He gave a small shrug. “Perhaps it has something to do with his mother being a leathdhia. I wouldn’t let it concern you.”

  “There’s more.” Airech bit his lip. “You’re so not going to like this part.”

  Fintan gave a deep sigh. “So the damaged soul was the good news.”

  “Something like that. Devin and I went through the portal to see if we could find his mother. And Zaz decided to make an appearance instead.” Airech raised his hands as Fintan’s vision swam with red. “Before you say anything, Devin was fine. Everything was fine. Zaz came alone. He wanted to talk.”

  “Talk? To you?”

  “No, to Devin. And he said something that got me thinking.” Airech’s forehead creased. “That Devin was the one who kept summoning him. That it wasn’t the Sluagh coming for Devin, but Devin calling for them.”

  “You’re being even more obtuse than usual,” Fintan said impatiently.

  “Let me put it this way. If Devin isn’t part of our band, what is he to us? Why are we so drawn to him?” Airech asked, his voice shaking. “Here’s a What if? and it’s a big one. But I wouldn’t be doing my duty to the band if I didn’t say it.”

  Fintan steadied himself. “Then say it.”

  “What if Devin isn’t the one who’s meant to fight the great evil with us? What if he’s the one who’ll bring it down on us?”

  I take it back. I want the silent Airech. I don’t want to hear what this one has to say.

  As Fintan had once told Devin, he wasn’t the conquering type. He wasn’t the violent type, either. Most times, he was glad of that. But not at this moment.

  “I’m not saying I want it to be true, old man,” Airech said. “It’s the last thing I want. But let’s face it. He doesn’t fit any of the prophecies as our fourth, and yet everything seems to point to him being part of all this. It makes sense that the only other way he’s involved in this fall of Ireland business is if he’s the catalyst for it all.”

  “He’s not capable of that.” All Fintan could see was Devin under him, his face as naked as his body, his defences swept aside. Devin had trusted him, believed in him. How could Fintan not do the same?

  “He doesn’t know what he’s capable of! That’s been clear from the start. He mightn’t want to do it. That doesn’t mean he won’t.” Airech looked at him hopefully. “Unless there’s some way of stopping it before it happens.”

  Fintan’s cool logic turned on him, filling him with icy despair. “Prophecies are designed to be self-fulfilling. Everything you try to do to prevent it will only set it in motion.”

  The chill spread around his body, making him shiver. Grabbing Airech with unusual roughness, he hauled him to his feet.

  “Tell me! What did you see in his soul? If he harbours any darkness towards us, I have to know!”

  Airech smile was bitter. “Now who’s doubting him?!”

  Before Fintan could respond, an almighty shout rang in his ears, almost deafening him. He felt himself being lifted bodily around the waist by one powerful arm as Airech rose alongside him. He turned to find Cap holding them both, shaking his head, his expression agitated. Dangling on either side of him, Fintan and Airech regarded each other warily.

  “Cap’s right. Fighting each other won’t solve anything,” Airech said in an undertone. “And no, there isn’t any darkness. Only this.”

  Airech’s face blocked the light as his soft lips grazed Fintan’s mouth. Before he had time to react, Airech was pulling away from him, bending to press his lips under Fintan’s chin. He heard Airech’s breathy sigh as he nuzzled the mark on his neck. Darting in and out, Airech’s tongue stroked his skin. It reached Fintan’s ear, tracing it. Sucking the lobe into his mouth, Airech bit down gently.

  Fintan gave an involuntary moan. “Cap can’t keep holding us like this,” he protested.

  “Cap could hold us for an eternity,” Airech murmured back. “But don’t worry, I won’t leave him out.”

  He moved to Fintan’s right side, running his tongue along his collar bone and nipping his shoulder. Then lifting his head, he kissed him, hard. His tongue forced Fintan’s lips open, and Fintan was lost. He returned Airech’s kiss, his tongue plunging deep. His body ignited, aching with the need to be close to him.

  As if reading his mind, Cap moved his arms closer together, trapping the three of them in a powerful hug. Fintan felt Airech’s muscular chest settle against his own, groaning as their hard cocks met. He pushed in further, wanting to feel every single inch of him, rubbing the full length of his cock up and down against the bulge in Airech’s jeans.

  Suddenly, his nerves tingled from the warm wetness on his face. Cap was kissing him clumsily, running his tongue along Fintan’s jaw. His face disappeared for a moment as Fintan sensed him do the same to Airech. Fintan broke away from Airech and placing one finger on his chin, he turned him towards Cap.

  He watched Airech’s mouth meet Cap’s full lips. Their tongues tangled together, as Fintan leaned over and grazed Cap’s exposed neck with his teeth. A rumble came deep from Cap’s throat. He pushed his body nearer until Fintan could feel Cap’s erection brushing his thigh, making him stomach swoop.

  Putting his thumb in his mouth, he soaked it and brought it down, running it lightly along Cap’s length, teasing the tip. Airech’s palm rubbed against Fintan’s balls, making his ears buzz with rushing blood. He inhaled sharply as Airech’s long fingers brushed his cock, stroking it up and down. Airech began to pull on Fintan, kissing Cap deeply at the same time. Holding Cap’s cock firmly, Fintan matched his rhythm as the burly god gave a low growl of delight.

  Their breaths came harder and faster and Fintan felt the most exquisite pleasure curling in his stomach, sliding into his balls. And then he was clutching Cap’s cock as he felt himself come with the sweetest of releases, squirting in bursts onto Airech’s hand and body. Cap came seconds later, showering both their thighs.

  Airech pulled away from Cap, facing Fintan. They dangled from Cap’s arms, smiling awkwardly at each other. Fintan found that for once, he didn’t have anything sensible to say. With a grunt, Cap dropped them unceremoniously to the ground and slumped down beside them.

  Fintan sat quietly, his knees shaking, as Cap shifted closer to Airech. He leant in, unbuttoning Airech’s jeans with one huge hand and releasing his still hard cock. As he closed his fingers over it Airech sighed, tipping his head back.

  Watching, Fintan’s quivered with the desperate need to join them again. Even as his mind told him no, his body shouted it down. He kneeled, taking Airech by his raven locks and bringing his face close. They kissed in a frenzy as Airech moaned at Cap’s touch, and his warm breath shuddered against Fintan’s cheek as he came.

  They rested their foreheads together, panting breathlessly, until Airech moved his head away.

  “His friend. Bren,” Airech said, still breathing heavily. “The one who claims to be human but knows way too much about our world than is good for him. If anyone knows what’s wrong with Devin, it’s him. He has the answers. We have to speak to him.”

  Aftershocks of pleasure rippled through Fintan as he struggled to focus. “I don’t think he’ll tell us anything.”

  “We can get Cap to take a small bite out of him.” Airech gave a grim smile, and Cap grunted his assent.

  “I’m not certain Devin would appreciate that.”

  They sat for a minute without speaking, the wind chilling the sweat at Fintan’s temples. It brought other sounds with it, and a sudden uneasiness crushed his chest, making him leap to his feet.

  “Wait. Can you feel something?” Heightening his senses, he sent them out to hunt, scanning the air around them. He heard a rumble as Devin’s van started up behind them, Fintan’s fear roaring in tandem with the engine as the van took off.


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