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Lost and Found

Page 7

by Breanna Hayse

  He sat on a rock, high above the city and quietly took in his surroundings. A hawk soared overhead, catching the thermals as it guided effortlessly in a graceful circle. Lance knew he had to be like that hawk, watchful, but taking the opportunity to just let life move him. Kathy was right, he was a control freak, and it was keeping him from being free. With new life lessons in mind, Lance resumed his jog.

  Noelle was sitting at the kitchen table with Kathy and Todd when he arrived home. She ran to him for a hug, and then pulled away, holding her nose.

  “You’re icky. Aunt Kathy! Daddy needs a bath.”

  “Oh yeah? You don’t like manly smells?” Lance laughed, grabbing the girl and squeezing her against him as she squealed and tried to escape.

  “You are so disgusting.” Kathy scolded, slapping her brother’s arm. “Are you trying to kill the child with your man-stench? For God’s sake, shower!’

  “Let me guess, he did that to you, too,” Todd asked, sipping his coffee.

  “Both of them did. Noelle? Let’s get you cleaned up and see what plans Daddy has for you today. I think Uncle Alan might be stopping by later.”

  “What about Maggie and the girls?” Todd asked. Kathy gave him a dirty look and he grew silent.

  His sister-in-law was not always the most subtle of people when she had an opinion, and he suspected hers would not be favorable regarding Noelle or the circumstance that brought her to live with them. Further, saying that Maggie and Kathy did not get along, was an understatement. Maggie disapproved of the relationship that her husband maintained with his sister, especially now that Kathy was married. She also felt compelled to compete with Kathy for Alan’s attention. Kathy, on the other hand, snubbed Maggie for not treating her brother the way she thought he deserved. Kathy was very domestic and adored waiting on her men hand and foot, especially when it came to cooking and cleaning. Maggie could not even make toast and rarely raised a finger to clean. Her only saving grace was that she was an attentive mother to the twins.

  Lance quickly showered and threw on some old jeans and his Lakers jersey, humming happily as he prepared to spend his first whole day with his girls and Todd. Noelle met him downstairs, jumping into his arms and kissing his cheek merrily.

  “You smell lots better. Did you eat breakfast? It’s good for you,” she asked, her pale eyebrows drawn in concern.

  “Not yet, Little Miss. I went running. Do you like to run?”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “You’ve never run before? Even when you were little?”

  “I don’t know. How do you run?”

  “It’s like walking really fast. Aunt Kathy used to go running with me all the time.

  Maybe she can do it again with us.” Lance looked at his sister hopefully.

  “I would love to. Maybe we can convince Uncle Todd to go, too.”

  “Don’t count on that,” Todd grumbled, opening the paper. “Hey, guys, it looks like there’s been a wee bit of trouble at Edwards Air Force Base. It says the military is being forced to practice aggressive maneuvers on trespassers and to warn civilians that deadly force is authorized. There’s a comment that 14 civilians have been taken into custody for questioning after being found wandering inside the grounds. There is also a disclaimer that the military will not be held responsible for those individuals who chose to disregard security warnings.

  Interesting that this comment should be published at this particular time, isn’t it?”

  “Noelle? Could you try to answer some questions for me? If you don’t know, that’s ok.

  Up on my lap,” Lance said, putting his coffee down, “Is there anything you remember from the time those men found you? Anything at all?”

  “My head hurt really bad and there were two men with something in their hands. I couldn’t understand them.”

  “Did they speak English?”

  “I don’t know. There was a yellow sign behind me but I couldn’t read it. I tried to walk, but it was hard. That’s when there was a real loud noise and I fell down. I’m sorry, Daddy. I don’t remember anything else.”

  “You did very well, sweetie. We’re just trying to find out what happened to you and where you came from.”

  “Will you make me go back there?”

  “I won’t make you go anywhere or with anybody that you don’t want to. Is there anything else you can tell me?”

  “Everything was rocky. And the sky hurt. It burned.”

  “I’m sure it did. We are known for our hot sun here. It doesn’t look like you went outside very much, you are very pale.”

  “I’ve never seen a sun before. I don’t like it. It hurts.”

  “You’ve never been outside?” Todd asked, “Is it because of your eyes? Are they too sensitive?”

  “I don’t know. Is that bad?”

  “No, honey. Tell me, though, do you know the difference between good and bad?” Noelle nodded, leaning against Lance’s chest. “That’s easy, Uncle Todd. Good is when you’re not bad.”

  Todd smiled at her seriousness. “Yes, you got me there. So what do you think is bad?”

  “Not listening to Daddy and having temper tantrums. Not keeping promises and throwing things. Hurting anybody in the family.”

  “Beside what you’ve learned here, do you know anything else that might be bad?”

  “Yes. Saying no.”

  The three onlookers were silent. Her statement further led them to believe that she had been abused and unable to stop it.

  “What do you want to say ‘no’ to, Noelle?” Kathy asked gently.

  “Lots of things. Baths, shots, icky drinks, spankings….”

  “Besides those things, what else?”

  “I don’t like to be by myself.” the woman/child whispered. “I don’t like blue lights. They hurt. I try to say no, but they come anyway.”

  “Curiouser and curiouser…” Todd muttered, “Alice in Wonderland,” he explained.

  “For once, my friend, you got the right reference. Although, it was because Alice started growing and couldn’t see her feet. This little thing doesn’t have that problem. We know that our Noelle fell down the rabbit hole, but from where?” Lance asked, holding the quiet girl closely as she clutched her purple bunny. Once again, he felt his sixth sense going crazy. He wished he could pinpoint why.




  Alan came by that afternoon, pizza in one hand and a Jamba Juice in the other. Kathy greeted him happily with her standard method, jumping around his neck and clinging to him like a monkey. Todd laughed, rescuing the food. Wrapping his arms around his sister, Alan kissed her soundly before smacking her back-end.

  “Get down, kiddo. My back is killing me. Hey Doc!”

  “I wish you would let me look at it. I might be able to help reduce some of the pain.” Lance said, hugging his brother tightly.

  “I might just let you, it’s getting worse. You look good. Finally get some sleep?”

  “Yeah. Noelle? Honey, this is Uncle Alan.”

  “My God, Lance, she’s beautiful.” Alan exclaimed, staring at the tiny girl.

  She stood, put Bunny on the couch, and flashed a smile at him. She offered him her hand, “I’m very pleased to meet you. I’m very sorry that your back hurts. I can help you, if you’d like me to. I know how to fix things.”

  Everyone stared at her as she spoke in a soft, but definitely adult, manner. Alan squatted in front of her, taking her hands in his, “I’m sure you do, sweetheart, but this is something a doctor needs to look at. One like your Daddy.”

  Noelle shrugged, unoffended, “Ok, Uncle Alan, but let me know if he can’t make it better. I’m going to be a doctor one day, too.”

  “Looks like you got yourself a little shadow here, Lance. She really is stunning. I’ve never seen eyes like that. They almost shine.”

  “She is a pretty one. Noelle, how about if I put your Jamba Juice in a bottle for you and let you watch TV while we talk?”

  “Can I c
olor instead?”

  “You may color, if you prefer.” Lance corrected her gently. “Would you rather do that or watch TV?”

  “Oui, monsieur, si’l vous plait. Je ne veux pas regarder la TV dès maintenant,” she responded, her French accent perfect.

  “Holy crap. Where did that come from?” Todd asked.

  “Either she speaks some French or she is a perfect parrot. She probably heard that phrase last night while we were watching something,” Kathy said, sitting on the arm of the couch to stare at the girl.

  “Where in the world would she hear an exact response to the question I just asked her?

  She specifically said that she didn’t want to watch TV right now.” Lance stated.

  “Good thing she spoke in a language that you are pretty fluent in. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have understood her.” Todd commented.

  “Noelle? I’m going to read something to you. Can you tell me what I said?” Lance asked, picking up one of his journals off the coffee table. He read a sentence aloud to her and waited. She repeated them back perfectly. “Do you understand what you said?”

  “No, Daddy. Tell me what those words mean,” she sat crossed legged with Bunny in her lap.

  Lance explained the nomenclature and then found another sentence using the similar terminology. Not only did she repeat it back, but she was now able to extrapolate the jargon to accurately explain its meaning.

  “She must be a savant or have an eidetic memory. This is unbelievable.” Alan said.

  “Maybe she’s autistic.”

  “No, we ruled that out. She doesn’t demonstrate the social difficulties associated with the disorder. I told you I sensed something different about her.”

  “And I told you to trust your instincts,” Alan answered back. He thanked Kathy as she brought him an ice pack and placed it on his lower back, “I’m going to take you up on your offer, Doc. This is getting worse. I’m feeling it in my legs.”

  “You blew a disk and ignored it for ten years, you big dummy. What do you expect?” Kathy scolded, reaching behind him to rub the painful area.

  “Uncle Alan? Please let me help,” Noelle asked, standing in front of him and tugging his sleeve. Alan sighed and laid down on the floor where she could get to him easily. She put Bunny down and started gently massaging his back, quickly finding the spot which was causing him the most pain.

  “I’ll say this much, this young lady has great hands. I’m hiring her as my personal masseuse.” Alan praised as she kneaded the muscles and pressed into his spine with her fingers.

  He jumped with a yelp. “Ow! I think she hit my sore spot.”

  “Not anymore, Uncle Alan. You’re all better now. No more hurt,” Noelle announced, sitting back on the ground as she picked up Bunny.

  Alan turned to his side, “Holy Moses, it does feel much better! Did you use a pressure point or something? I felt that.”

  “Or something.” Noelle smiled. Alan slowly stood, stretching. He was still quite sore, but his back felt much improved. No one paid any mind to Noelle, her secret smile, or that she reached to rub her Bunny’s back.

  Chapter Six

  “NOOOOOO! I’m not going!” Noelle screamed, throwing herself on the ground of the parking lot and kicking her heels.

  “Noelle, I’m warning you. If you don’t stop this right now, I will tell your Daddy. You promised not to throw anymore fits,” Kathy threatened, thankful there were no witnesses.

  “I don’t want to see the Doctor!!! I’m not going!”

  “Young lady, this is not an option. Daddy needs to get a follow up on you and he ordered it for today. Are you going to disobey him?”

  “I’m not going to the Doctor.” She sat, legs out in front of her, arms crossed tightly and clutching Bunny.

  “Noelle, I’ve been very patient with you, but you are pushing me now. It’s time you acted like a big girl and did what you are told. Don’t pretend you don’t understand me, either.”

  “I hate you!”

  “Get up and start walking, young lady.”

  Noelle just glared at her, planting herself against the car with pure defiance on her face.

  She screamed every time Kathy touched her. Fed up, Kathy called Lance and told him of her plight. He promised to be right down.

  “Daddy is coming and he is not happy with you. I warned you about throwing tantrums.” Noelle just scowled. She looked up as Lance marched over to them, a cloud of anger on his handsome face. He stared down at her, hands on his hips. “Noelle, you are to get up and go with Kathy to see the Doctor this instant.”


  “Why are you being so difficult? There is no reason for this.”

  “I hate doctors. I’m not going.”

  “I’m a Doctor and you don’t hate me.”

  “I KNOW you. You’re my Daddy.”

  “Are you going to mind me and go into your appointment?” he asked, his voice strained as he forced himself to be patient. Noelle shook her head. “Very well. You are to go home and stay in your room for the rest of the day. When I get home from work, you will be getting a spanking and then I will be examining you myself. I need to get a blood sample, so don’t you even think about fighting me.”

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t. Get your rear end into the car,” Lance commanded, picking her up off the ground and setting her firmly in the front seat. He handed her the rabbit that she had thrown at him and then buckled her belt. “Katherine? She is grounded. No TV, no coloring, and no leaving her room. If she does, you are to tell me.”

  “I certainly will. I’m sorry I had to call you. She’s been so cooperative until now.”

  “She’s been with us for two weeks. She was bound to start testing us eventually.”

  “I know,” Kathy sounded sad, “Oh, Todd said he needed to talk with you tonight. I guess something came up in his investigation.”

  “What investigation, Katherine?” Lance asked suspiciously. Kathy reddened. She had slipped. “Have you been snooping in his office again?”

  “No, I just assumed….”


  “Ok, maybe a little. You guys weren’t telling me anything and I got suspicious when I would hear you whispering about things. I know all of you too well, and I didn’t like you hiding things from me. Please don’t tell him.”

  “I’m not saying anything. That’s for you to do.” Lance shook his head, “It looks like both my girls are getting spanked tonight.”

  “Not if I can help it,” Kathy remarked.

  “I’ll stop by the office and pick up the equipment to take the blood samples from my naughty little girl this evening and then be home by 6. I don’t need a fasting specimen, so she can eat. How’s the new formula working?”

  “We are still having issues with it. It tastes good, so she’s just being stubborn. I told her she can’t have ice cream with everything. I tried to get her to eat some scrambled eggs, but she refused.”

  “Ok, we’re going to nip this little attitude in the bud tonight. Noelle? I am very unhappy with you right now. Be smart and don’t push me any further.”

  “You’re mean!”

  “I can be. Drive carefully, Katherine. I’m sorry about this.”

  “We knew what we were getting into. Besides, you have lots of experience with tantrums. I threw a few good ones in my day,” she embraced her brother lovingly, holding his waist tightly. She knew he was very upset.

  “I remember them very well, and how they were controlled. Thanks, little sister. I’ll see you tonight. Let me know if you need me to pick up anything on the way home.” After saying good-bye, Lance swung by the lab for supplies then strolled over to the general practitioner's office to inform the receptionist of the problem. She promised to contact him with results once they were processed and then wished him luck. He met the OT, Julie, and the social worker, Meg, in the elevator on the way to his floor.

  “How’s Noelle doing, Lance?” Meg asked, greeting him wi
th a hug.

  “We are starting to have temper tantrums when we don’t want to do things.”

  “I know YOU have them, but how is she?” Meg teased as Julie giggled.

  “Very cute. She’s going to get her bottom warmed tonight, that’s for sure,” he complained, telling them of the parking lot event. Both women were quiet as they looked at each other. His comment did not come as a shock. Everyone on the unit suspected he would handle things in this manner, simply because of his personality. Poor Noelle.

  “Maybe she’s bored, Dr. C. You could bring her by here and we’ll keep an eye on her.

  It’s pretty quiet right now,” Julie suggested as she stepped out of the elevator with the other two.

  “It would also give Kathy a break.”

  “My poor sister looks like she could use one. Noelle’s been very demanding of her time.”

  “Think about it. I’m up for it,” Julie volunteered. Meg nodded in agreement.

  “I’ll consider it. But, I’m warning you, don’t teach her any bad habits, like talking back to me. I’m already getting some lip. I don’t need more.”

  “Some lip is good for you, Lance. Teaches you how to be more patient.” Meg giggled, linking her arm around his as Julie took the other one.

  “I agree, Dr. C. Since you’ve been getting the lip, you’ve been smiling more and definitely look more rested. I think teaching that girl some new tricks to keep you on your toes will be a good idea.”


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