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Surviving The Tempest: Tempest Tales

Page 20

by Elsa, Sandra

  Dark-hair’s eyes shone. “I think I see why you want her as Watch Captain, Chief. Personally I recommend her for Jamison’s position when he retires.”

  “Hah!” I laughed at the ludicrous possibility of me being in charge of security for Jordan Drover. “Neither of those is going to happen.”

  “Why? It’s not like you can go back into hiding and pretend you’re not a null.” Dark-hair seemed truly curious.

  “If you read through Chief Hortimus’s file on me, I know that somewhere in there it says—Does not play well with others.”

  He nodded. “It also says, intelligent, aggressive, and successful,” Dark-hair said. “Dots her I’s, crosses her T’s. No case she ever closed has been thrown out because of anything sloppy in her work.”

  “I’m well aware of that fact. I’m surprised Hortimus was.” I rolled over and kissed Harrison just above the belt buckle. I knew one way to speed this trip up.

  Even through clothing and with his father in the front seat, Harrison’s response grew ridged under my cheek.

  I kissed below his buckle and listened as his father shuffled back around in his seat, issuing a grunt of disgust. “I think I like it better when you just tell me to shut up.”

  “But that never seems to work for long. This way I have a pleasant distraction and you become an insect buzzing in the background.” My voice was muffled as I nibbled on Harrison’s zipper.

  The hummer accelerated, noticeably. Harrison’s hands twined my hair as his hips thrust into the gentle pressure of my mouth on his jeans. A window slid up between the front and back seats, the bulletproof glass darkened to near black. Harrison pulled me up in his lap and kissed me, a brilliant smile stretched across his face. “Do you have any idea how bad I want to make love to you right now?”

  I leaned forward and kissed him. “I think I have some idea. For once in my life, I wish I was wearing a skirt.”


  We had Jordan drop us off at the hotel and hurried up to the honeymoon suite to finish what we started.

  Once sated we went to sleep to make up for the missing hours of repose. We slept until ten o’clock that night when I was awakened by a creeping build of magical energy. I lay still and concentrated. The energy signature felt familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. I snapped my fingers and turned the power off, concentrating on keeping it low key and not causing damage, since I wasn’t sure who exactly it was.

  Harrison opened his eyes. Without missing a beat he asked, “Who is it?”

  “Not sure,” I said. “Familiar, yet different.”

  With minimal sound, Harrison rolled out of bed and pulled his jeans on. The energy started to build again and I followed it back to its source and pointed to a spot which would be in the hallway. Not ten feet away from the bed. I pulled on t-shirt and panties, then picked up my pistol and padded after Harrison to the doorway. The buildup was even slower this time and I let it ride, keeping Harrison firmly behind me in case it proved to be a nasty surprise. Harrison opened the door and we looked down the hallway to where the energy seared my nerves.

  The hallway was empty except for a deep hunter green aura. I trained my pistol on the coalescing shape and waited impatiently.

  “What do you see?” Harrison whispered in my ear.

  “Hunter-green. Can’t identify exactly what it is yet,” I whispered back.

  “Hunter-green?” He raised his voice a bit but glanced over his shoulder, back toward the security team’s room. “How close to complete is the spell?”

  “I have no idea what it is. How could I possibly tell how complete it is?”

  “Walk towards it.”

  I furrowed my brow trying to figure out exactly what he wasn’t telling me. “You do realize I’m in my panties?”

  He ran his tongue over his lips and grinned. “I noticed. And won’t that just be a surprise for Uncle Jeffrey.”

  The hallway was quiet so I stepped out of the room and walked toward the growing dark green globe of energy. Harrison stayed at my side. He stood me in the midst of the energy, then bent over and picked up a golden cross from the floor. He shoved the cross in my hands then tugged me back toward our suite. With the door closed Harrison waved me to a chair.

  The energy grew, briefly took the form of a man then fizzled into null. I dropped the cross and stared at Harrison in horror. “Did I just—Did—please tell me we didn’t’ just stick your uncle in nullspace.”

  Chapter 20

  Harrison’s brow creased. “That wasn’t my intent. My plan was to simply collect that spell. Jeffrey’s translocation would be a very good spell to have access to. But come here. I suppose we should check to see if I miscalculated. He leaned his forehead against mine and wrapped himself around me. Even as he accessed nullspace, I felt the energy building again, centered on the cross.”

  With my arms firmly clasped around Harrison’s waist I backed away from the cross, determined not to interfere with Jeffrey a third time. Harrison emerged from nullspace and kissed me, then turned to look at his uncle standing unbalanced and pale, feet splayed around the cross.

  He crossed his arms over his stomach and doubled over, gasping for air. I backed further away and Harrison strode over to him, wrapping his arms around his uncle’s waist, supporting him as his distress grew. Shaking knees turned into a shiver running through his entire body. When he looked like he was going to puke, I found a trash can and carried it over to him then quickly backed away.

  “What can we do Jeffrey?” Harrison sounded worried.


  Little cloth sacs of hard candy had been left on the pillows when the maids cleaned the rooms, I raced into the bedroom and plucked them from the nightstand. I started across the room but Harrison waved me back so I tossed them instead. “It’s not much.”

  He let go of Jeffrey with one hand and snatched the candy out of the air. Jeffrey’s tremors were subsiding. Harrison squeezed one of the pieces of candy out of the bag and placed it in his uncle’s mouth, then held a second ready while Jeffrey crunched through the first. When all the candy was gone, Jeffrey hung like a limp rag in Harrison’s arms, but his color was returning to normal.

  “Put him in the bed,” I said.

  Harrison put his arm under Jeffrey’s and nearly carried him to the bed. I could no longer sense any magic in use. In fact looking at him, he hardly had any magic left. Reasonably sure I could do no more harm I walked over to him and felt his forehead. Temperature seemed normal, his breathing evened out. I sank to my knees beside the bed. “Will he be all right? His talent’s nearly gone.”

  “He’ll live. I don’t suppose you could call Dee?”

  I saw where his mind jumped to. “We never did get the phone.”

  He waved to the room phone.

  I picked it up and called the front desk. It took some time but I finally figured out that Dee, Hettie, and Carol were staying in room 807. Hettie answered the phone when I called, only to inform me that Dee was out with her man. I hung up the phone and shook my head at Harrison. “She’s out with Teach.”

  “Doesn’t she have a cell?”

  “Yes. Sorry. Little flustered here.” I called Hettie back and explained I didn’t have my phone with the numbers programmed into it and she gave me Dee’s number. The first time it rang through to voicemail.

  But on the second attempt she picked up. “Somebody better be dying.”

  “Yes. Maybe. I need your help Dee.”

  “Oh my god, Frankie. Sorry. Saw it was from the hotel and figured it was Carol or Hettie. What do you need?”

  “Can you come up to the honeymoon suite?”

  “Sure thing, Girlfriend. Is it all right if Ryan comes up too?”

  I glanced at Harrison. “Ryan?”

  “That would be Teach to you,” he told me. “Yes he’s all right.”

  I spoke into the phone. “Harrison says to bring him.”

  “Be there in ten, sweetheart.”

  I hung up the phone, but
Harrison promptly picked it up and called the front desk to get his aunt’s room number. The front desk put him through to the room. Annabel must have picked up on the first ring. “Calm down, Annabel. Tell Aunt Lisa he’s fine. But he’s going to be asleep for the next twenty-four hours.”

  Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose and looked up at me. “When did Dee say she‘d be here?”

  “Ten minutes.”

  He lifted the receiver up and spoke to Annabel. “You may come up, but give us a half-hour.”

  I could hear quick hurried words, garbled in the background. Harrison abruptly said, “No! You’ll do as I instruct or you’ll put Uncle Jeffrey at risk. Half an hour. We’ll explain when you get here.”

  “I’m coming up now!” I heard that as clearly as though my ear rested on the receiver.

  Harrison looked frustrated.

  I snatched the phone from his hand. “To whom am I speaking?”

  “Let me talk to my husband.”

  “I assume this is Lisa then.” I let a bit of professional ice slip into my voice. “Mr. Drover is sleeping. He will remain asleep for the next twenty-four hours. The only thing barging up here in less than half an hour will accomplish, is pissing me off and getting yourself escorted back downstairs by one of Mr. Jamison’s crew.” I hung up the phone without giving her a chance to reply.

  Harrison jumped when somebody pounded on the door. I strode to it and turned the knob, but Harrison hurried over and held the door from opening. “Pants, Frankie.”

  I looked down and laughed. Once I strolled into the bedroom Harrison opened the door a crack. “Is there a problem, Mr. Sorenson.”

  “Why don’t you tell us?” I recognized Dark-hair’s voice.

  “Tomkins felt heavy magic use. Thought we’d make sure everybody was all right down here.”

  “Just fine.”

  “Mind if I come in and look around?”

  “Actually, yes, I do mind. My wife is only half-dressed and we were about to shower.”

  “Very well. Good-night then.”


  I pulled my pants on, then left the door cracked open so Dee wouldn’t have to knock. She showed up a couple of minutes later. The moment I closed the door behind Ryan, Dee asked, “What’s wrong, Girlfriend?”

  “I screwed up. Just about killed Jeffrey Drover. I need you to do your number on him, so hopefully we can get him out of here tomorrow with nobody any the wiser.”


  “President Jordan’s brother. He’s in the bedroom.”

  Dee grinned. “So can I put it on my resume that I’ve kissed the president’s brother and nephew?”

  I gave her a tight smile. “And if they want references, send them to me.” I ushered her into the next bedroom, Ryan strode at her side.

  Jeffrey’s eyes were open when we entered the room. He looked suspiciously at Dee as she approached the bed and sat down by his shoulder. He looked away from her, his eyes finding Harrison. “Can you call Lisa, let her know I’m alive, if not well.”

  “Already called her. She’ll be up in about twenty minutes.”

  “No. I wouldn’t have chosen to come here in that manner if I wanted Jordan to know I was talking to you.” His voice was little more than a whisper.

  Harrison glanced at Dee, then at his friend. “Dee, have you told Ryan about your talent?”

  Dee reached out and clasped Ryan‘s hand, bringing it to her lips. “I don’t keep secrets from my lovers.”

  “Good. Jeffrey you’re doing so poorly because you had to try three times to arrive here and the second time you ended up somewhere you never should have gone. Someplace that holds all magic put there, until it‘s taken out by the person who holds the keys to the kingdom. I had to dive in and snatch you out. Fortunately you were already trying to correct the problem yourself or I’m not sure I could have recovered you. Long and short is, your talent is nearly depleted. Dee can restore your talent, but you’ll sleep for the next twenty-four hours. I thought it would be a good idea for Lisa to come be with you.”

  He nodded weakly. “If it’s to be twenty-four hours, I suppose it would be best. I need to talk to you though, Harrison.”

  “We’ll talk. Let’s get you better first.’

  Jeffrey looked up at Dee. “How does your talent work?”

  “Guess you could call me a reverse Prince Charming. It only takes a kiss.”

  Jeffrey looked at Harrison. “You‘re sure my talent is depleted.”

  “Almost as bad as Jerry was after the siphon.”

  A smile spread across Jeffrey‘s face. He looked up at Dee. “So…Princess Charming?”

  “Sorry sweetheart, I don’t appreciate it any more than you, but it’s Prince.” Before her words could sink in, she lowered her mouth to Jeffrey’s and kissed him. Unlike Jerry, he didn’t flinch away from the kiss, and even seemed to welcome it. Before Dee sat up straight, Jeffrey’s eyes closed.

  Dee stood and I hugged her. “Sorry for disturbing your night.”

  “You take care of yourself, Girlfriend. You know I’d do anything for you, Francesca.”

  Harrison stood and headed for the door.

  Ryan stopped beside him. “You’re all right with me seeing Dee?”

  “As long as you don’t break her heart. Do that and Frankie will probably kill you. Other than that, no problem. I’m sorry you never felt you could tell me she’s what you were looking for.”

  “Thanks, Harrison. I’m glad you invited me.” He grinned. “Just don‘t keep calling on my girl to kiss your family.”

  Harrison opened the door, smiling at Ryan. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Dad said he’s leaving, I’ll have more free time without quite so many listening ears. And now, you might want to get out of here before Aunt Lisa arrives. That is not going to be fun for anybody.”

  Ryan shook his head, sympathy shining from his green eyes. “Take care of yourself. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Just so you know, you’ll probably pick up a tail when you leave here.”


  Twenty minutes later, Lisa and Annabel walked through the door we’d left cracked open. Without explaining much at all, Harrison led them into the bedroom. Harrison bent over and kissed Annabel on the cheek.

  Lisa’s tight pressed lips and dark gaze contained anger. “I told him not to try this. He declared he must speak with you. What was so god-blessed important he put his life at risk.”

  “I don’t know. We never got to talk.”

  “What happened to him? One of that damned security team?”

  “No.” Harrison looked at a loss. “It was an error in judgment.”

  “Whose error?” Lisa’s eyes fastened on me.

  Harrison frowned, anger tightening his features. “The initial error was Jeffrey’s. Frankie doesn’t abide people dropping in unannounced and it’s not like she knows the first thing about his talent. I compounded the error in a manner I will try to explain to Jeffrey when he awakens.”

  “And why is he asleep?”

  “He nearly depleted his talent. The sleep is restorative.”

  She tapped her foot, her gaze never wavering from me. “Why is Jeffrey obsessed with your wife?”

  Harrison laughed. “You’ve watched Dad. If he’s obsessed, you know Uncle Jeffrey will be. I suspect Uncle Jeffrey’s sensitivities have him curious on the right path.”

  Lisa rolled her eyes. “So what has got your father’s interest?”

  “Aunt Lisa, you know I love you, but it’s not for me to tell.”

  “But your father is obsessed with your wife. Doesn’t that concern you? I’ve actually watched him lose control of his public face several times since you disappeared…And him acknowledging you as his son…something’s driving him to distraction and I’m afraid he’s going to snap.”

  “Don’t worry. He’s just frustrated because Frankie won’t fall at his feet. And if he can‘t make her, he can‘t make me. Mom broke free far enough to marry someb
ody else--It just hasn‘t been Dad‘s year.”

  “The girl doesn’t have a lick of talent. How can she refuse him anything?“

  “First of all, Frankie has a very passionate nature and Dad needs something less than passion before his persuasion spell will work.”

  “And why does your bride not wish to live in District Seven. It’s your home, Harrison.”

  “But it isn’t hers.”

  “Then where will you live?”

  “We haven’t made that decision yet. I’m sorry Aunt Lisa. But Frankie and I just woke up. We’re going to head out and get something to eat, then we’ll probably go stay in our own house. You can stay here tonight. Hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to use your images as we leave. See if we can get out of here without a tail.”

  “Probably best if they believe we left anyway. You will talk to Jeffrey tomorrow?”

  Annoyance flashed across his face. “I said I would. Good-night, Aunt Lisa. Good-night, Aunt Annabel.”

  Harrison wrapped his arm around me then said, “Can you pull it in tight?”

  I glanced at the two women with unknown talent behind me.

  He leaned close and kissed me. ”I can’t do this unless you let me. I suppose having people follow us everywhere won’t hurt, but it would be best if they appear to leave. Family dynamics aren’t exactly warm and fuzzy around Jordan Drover.”

  “As if I hadn’t figured that out.”

  “Picture this. You and me, on a beach. Hundreds of miles of shoreline, nobody else in our world. The moon’s up, big and full, Poppy’s playing behind us.” As he painted the picture his hands worked under my t-shirt running delightful little circles over my flesh.

  I pressed myself against his hip and collected up the null field. Just as his magic covered both of us, Aunt Lisa’s voice blared into his quiet peaceful scene like a bullhorn at a jai alai tournament. “What are you doing, Harrison? If you plan to make love before going to dinner we can leave.”


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