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Afraid of the Dark

Page 64

by Chris Hechtl

  “Nice tat,” he said walking by her to nod his chin to Julio. “Julio you got a minute?” he asked.

  Julio made a show of sizing him up. So did his crew. Finally the kid smiled his trademark grill flashing and then cocked his head to the side. “My office,” he said.

  Shane snorted as the kid made a show of sauntering off, swinging his arms like an ape. He shook his head. When they were far enough away he stopped and turned to the kid. “Okay Julio, what gives?” he asked.

  “Just trying to get some breathing space homes, Its rank in there. Plenty of real estate going for a song out here,” he said waving his hands to the great outdoors.

  Grudgingly Shane nodded. He was pretty sure Julio wasn't doing this all on his own. The kid knew it was better to stick together. “Okay, well, the council has approved your initial proposal. I want a full plan before you go off though.”

  “Plan man?” Julio asked looking at him. He nodded. “Seriously? We're into that now?”

  “Yeah we're into that. We're putting a crew in the Home Depot across the street. I suggest you reconsider, maybe the old Home Base or whatever it was before the invasion. Its bigger but its your call. But I want to see your thoughts on what you need and what you can scrounge. What defenses you've got in mind and how to implement them. Time line, and what resources you need from us. Bob made it clear he'll lend you some people to help design the defenses but he can't spare much. You're not getting a blank check. “

  “I didn't expect one,” Julio said sounding a little put out. Tough, Shane thought.

  “What I am going to give you is today to go back over there, clear the place and draw up a plan. Bob will send a crew over to look the place over and help you with the defensive plan this afternoon.”

  “You keep saying that,” Julio said.

  “Firing angles, walls, moat, any of that ringing a bell?” Shane asked patiently. “Weak points in the perimeter, what to do to cover them? Surveillance cameras? IT? Power? Lights?” he asked.

  “Oh, that,” Julio said chuckling. “Why didn't you say all that before?”

  “Its covered in the plan Julio. You'll need an infirmary, galley, bath, and power. We can supply the power. You'll have to check with Doc to see if he's got someone willing to be over there. A paramedic or an EMT at the least. Hell, school nurse would work. They just have to stabilize the patient until they can be transported here,” he muttered.

  Julio blinked at him in confusion. He shook his head. “You say so man,” he said staring.

  He locked eyes with the kid. Obviously he hadn't thought it through. “Julio you're going to need to think it through. What you need. Everything. We can't help you at night. This isn't a Saturday night sleep over and you can call home if you're scared. You're stuck till dawn. So you need to lay out this base carefully.”

  “Got that,” Julio said nettled. He gulped though.

  “Its all part of being a leader kid. You've wanted this. We're going to back you on it. Don't let us down. See if you're crew can scrounge the other stuff you need before you hit up stores for it. Toilets and showers for one. Maybe there is a hardware store over there we haven't tapped. Or a construction site.”

  “I ah... thought...”

  He smiled a little. “We've tapped everything. Cleaned out every bath item, kitchens, lumber, and metal. There are some bits we've left behind. They are yours you're welcome to them if Bob doesn't want them.”

  “Sloppy seconds?” Julio asked. He didn't sound happy. Again, tough.

  Shane shrugged. “I can't help it Julio, the rest is tasked. Deal with it. If you have to, have some of your crew go over to the stores or houses in the area and rip out the toilets and bring them over. Whatever works.”

  “Okay,” Julio said not sounding at all happy about the project.

  “Get Jayne a list of people who want to go with you by tomorrow. Gabe wasn't at this morning's meeting so I'll bring him up to speed and have him send an IT person to set up that end for you and tie you into our net.”

  “Okay,” Julio said, bobbing a nod and starting to sound excited. Shane nodded. “Boss...”

  “You're burning daylight I know. Fortunately you don't have far to go. Go. Remember its unsecured so beware of surprises,” he warned. He didn't want the kid to get killed going in half cocked.

  “Yeah boss,” he said moving back to his crew.

  “And Julio,” Shane called. The kid turned. “You find anything interesting let us know. Stay safe kid,” he said with a two fingered salute to his brow. The kid gave him a hand sign he didn't catch and then swaggered to his crew. They got off their asses and started getting in close. He heard a few whistle in appreciation as he walked off, then the cheers began.

  “What the hell did I just sign us up for?” he asked himself under his breath as he waved to a crew in passing. “And am I going to regret this?” he asked shaking his head. He glanced over his shoulder as he got to the doors to the mall. Julio's crew were bouncing around and waving their weapons. So far fire discipline had held and no one was stupid enough to waste a shot. Good. That pretty much answered that question.


  Bob met him at the Sears entrance late in the afternoon. He nodded to the big guy as he got out of his truck and waved to his crew to continue on without him. Bob pulled his hard hat out of his own truck and tucked it under one arm as he fell in step with him.

  “What's up Bob?” Shane asked. He was sticking to the base since Jen was still out cold and since half his team was off for the day. Fortunately only a few were due to casualties.

  “Julio. His storage depot is a bit half-baked but they are determined,” Bob said. “Gotta give them credit. Their hearts are in the right place. Not sure about their brains. Balls they've got a plenty, even the chicas,” he said.

  “That they do,” Shane laughed. “You went yourself?” he asked. Bob nodded. “And?”

  “And I think it'll work for a bit. Not long though. Its got some sturdy walls, but if anything jumps from the 60, they'll be in deep shit.”

  “Creeplings,” Shane grumbled.

  “I was thinking Hoppers myself,” Bob said nodding. “But he's got a couple of guys who want to rig some sort of flame system with sprinklers. Electrified netting too. Its actually a decent plan. I might borrow it.”

  “So he's not completely lost,” Shane said cocking his head and pursing his lips. Will wonders never cease?

  “Nah, he's very lost, but he's got some good people who are highly motivated. At least in the short term, for their own comfort and security,” Bob said.

  “Gotcha,” Shane said with a nod.

  “He's got I'd say about two hundred followers,” Jayne said meeting them on the inside of the door. They paused and stepped to one side.

  “That many?” Shane asked, surprised. Bob shrugged.

  “I'm not surprised. A lot of people want some space,” Jayne said. “We've got to do something about that soon,” she said.

  “We're working as fast as we can Jayne,” Bob growled. The crews in the apartments were doing their best but it was a total mess. Most of the people who wanted to live in there balked when they found out how bad it was. That and the fact that there was no drywall to replace or patch holes. Not to mention cleaning supplies to clean up all the feces. They thought that the mall stank? When word of the apartments and how bad they were got around, the number of applicants had dropped overnight.

  “No offense Bob. But I think I can put some of my layabouts to work,” she said. “That'll get them to quit the griping and get them out of my hair and off their collective asses. I think when Julio's band sees how much work is involved, and that they have to do it themselves it'll be a wake up call when it gets back to our own people.”

  Bob and Shane snorted in unison. Bob nodded. “Do 'em some good. Rome wasn't built in a day.”

  “I was thinking silver spoons and things catered to them myself,” Shane said. “The first night they realize they are on their own
and we're not going to be there for them should be an interesting experience,” he said. He was wondering if any of them would shit themselves when they heard a Hellhound pack howl nearby.

  “Probably,” Jayne said as Bob's kids came running. He swept them up in his arms and broke off from them. “Jen is still asleep. I checked an hour ago. She's doing that a lot,” she murmured.

  “Its the chemo drugs from a year ago. It takes a lot out of her. The doctors said she may never get her previous energy levels back. That and the situation we're stuck in is seriously stressing her,” he murmured back. “I'll check on her and then the kids,” he said.

  “Neo's got Nick off doing some IT project in Lowes. The girls are... She checked her tablet and then nodded. “Tori's helping Tamara, Trina's in the barn helping Nate. Both are pretty good helpers,” she said.

  “Well, I'll round them up in a bit,” he said, snorting softly as Bob scooped up his son and tucked the kid against his side, carrying him along as the kid laughed. Jayne looked at him but he shook his head.

  “Don't start. If I did that with my three I'd throw my back out for sure,” he said chuckling as she walked to the escalator. She smirked.

  “Doesn't mean you won’t try it,” she said.

  “You know me entirely too well,” he called back laughing softly and shaking his head. She shook her own head and continued on.


  He came out the next morning and nodded to Jayne who nodded back. “Something bothering you Jayne?” he asked. Her lips puckered and she waved her tablet.

  “Have you seen the list of neighborhoods on today's agenda?” she asked. He blinked at her and then his eyes narrowed in suspicion. She nodded.

  “Well,” he gusted a sigh. “We'll have to do something about that shan't we?” he asked. She nodded again. “Go. Go round up the people interested in coming along. I'll be in the motor pool with Nick.”

  “Nick?” she asked. He nodded. “Why Nick?”

  “I promised him if I went back he could come. Something about his stuff in his room,” he said shaking his head. Kids.

  “Oh,” she said. “See you outside.”

  “Bus rolls in ten!” he called as they split up. She waved.


  “Dad are we really going to the house?” Nick asked, looking out the back window.

  Shane looked in the rear view window and nodded as he caught his son's eyes. His son looked away after a moment. “Why does Julio need water pumps and stuff?” Nick asked after a long moment.

  “Water pumps?” Shane asked, glancing again at his son in the mirror and then over to Jayne.

  “He was after that and water purification stuff,” Nick said. “I was helping with inventory yesterday when he came by,” he said helpfully.

  Jayne muttered a curse under her breath. He glanced at her as she pulled her tablet out, tapped at it then put it back in her bag disgustedly. “No service,” she growled.

  “He's requisitioning stuff?”

  “For this base project,” Jayne said. “He was limiting himself to stuff we've got a lot of. Or to stuff he knows I won’t balk at.”

  “Water is different though,” Nick said. “We need pure water to survive. Is he really moving out?”

  “He and his crew are going to run a satellite base for us just down Fredrick actually,” Jayne explained, looking over her shoulder to him. She quirked an eyebrow at the legs of the woman standing up through the sun roof. She looked at Shane. “Is that really necessary?” she asked.

  “The base?” he asked. “You know we need to expand.”

  “No, not that, her,” she said pointing a long index finger to the roof. He looked up and then snorted as he realized what she was talking about finally. The young woman standing next to him out a port hole which had once been a sunroof.

  “Yes. She's a gunner. She's keeping an eye out for fliers and dangers around us,” he said.

  “Um...” Jayne shook her head. “I thought that was your job?” she asked. After all, Shane was driving this time since Horatio was in the infirmary.

  “Actually, my job is to keep an eye on the road ahead. The passengers are supposed to watch out for attacks,” he said patiently.

  “Oh,” she said sheepishly. “Sorry,” she murmured.

  “No sweat. We're almost there anyway.”


  Wayne looked up as the boss's black Chevy hybrid SUV pulled up. There was a woman standing in the back, looking out the sun roof with a heavy rifle. The truck pulled up and Shane got out. Jayne and Nick followed, getting out of the passenger side and rear. Other vehicles pulled up behind them. People piled out, looking around like tourists. A few apparently hadn't been out of the mall for a while and were looking more than a little nervous. One couple clutched at each other. The woman was pointing to a house, crying softly with her hand covering her mouth.

  “What's up?” Wayne asked looking around at the group.

  “This is our neighborhood,” Jayne said, nodding her chin as she strapped her nine mil holster around her waist. She pulled out improvised body armor she had borrowed for the day and put it on.

  Wayne turned, looking over his shoulder. He really hadn't recognized the place. He'd taken Jen here the second day. But the place was like all the rest. Battered. Windows were all broken out. A few of the garages were open, one garage door was shattered, like something had burst through it. Which it probably had.

  The vegetation was gone. Trees were stripped bare. One palm tree had fallen over onto a house. Doors were open. He could smell decay. Even the alien plants were dead due to the lack of water.

  “So it is,” he said finally finding the street sign. “Um, no offense boss...”

  “We'll follow up. You can still take lead,” Shane said nodding as he loaded shot gun shells. Wayne pursed his lips and then turned to his crew and nodded. His two sergeants nodded back and then made hand signs to move out. Their squads moved up the walk way to the first two houses and made entry.

  “Not using a camera bot to check the situation first?” Jayne asked watching the crews. They were inside in seconds. She could hear the reports of weapons going off.

  Wayne shook his head. “No, I'm out. Gabe said he'd have more tomorrow,” he said.

  “Well, that sucks,” she said as the squad filed out the first house in under two minutes and gave a thumbs up. They moved to the next right away. “Like a well-oiled machine,” she murmured.

  “The way to do it,” Wayne said nodding.

  “Not what I'd like, but I'll take it,” Shane said. Wayne looked at him. “I don't like people falling into a routine. I know they need the continuity, but it makes them lax. They start to take things for granted. They start to make assumptions and overlook things,” he warned.

  “Yeah, there is that,” Wayne said nodding. They could hear the sound of shot guns firing in the next house down.

  “We're at the center of the cul-de-sac,” Shane said. “So we've got a ways to wait. Dom, if you want a hand I'm willing to lend mine,” he said nodding to Dom as the man stood at the end of his walkway, looking at the open door.


  “I'll lead,” Shane said walking around the man and entering the house. Wayne noted that he treated it like a hostile entry. He nodded in approval. He turned and waved to the harvesters.

  Little TJ Inosky came up to him. “Yeah?” he asked. “Something up?”

  “This is the boss's neighborhood. Let them get their valuables out. Don't step on any toes you know?” Wayne suggested.

  “Why they bothering man?” TJ asked.

  “Because they are ours,” Jayne growled slamming her car door and turning around. “I'm going to get my shit and get out. Jen's too, it's a surprise so don't tell her,” she growled. TJ nodded and moved off.


  Shane helped his friends and neighbors each take their house and then moved on to Jayne's. Jayne only took her photo albums and h
er PC. She stroked her teddy bear collection with a crocked finger. Most were soiled or torn apart. She blinked away tears and then turned to gather what meager valuables she wanted.

  While she was loading up Nick and Shane entered their house. Nick covered his dad. They headed to the garage, checking it. Shane had him drag the last of his hunting, police, and his military gear out and to the truck. He pointed out other gear to Dom who had come over to help. Dom nodded silently and went to work.

  Inside he looked around, checking carefully. He pulled out plastic bags and started loading photo albums and pictures from the walls. He yanked out cords and then tossed them into the bag as well. Jen had loved the Harry Potter series, and she'd loved the living walls in the books and movies. Which was why over half of their pictures were electronic. He'd have to have someone in IT or maybe even Nick transfer it all to a flash stick for her. For both of them.

  “I got this dad,” Nick said coming in with boxes. He nodded and paused as he gazed at the big photo over the fireplace.

  “I think it's a bit big dad,” Nick said. It was. It was a giant almost life size portrait of the family, including Jayne. They had taken it just last year. He smiled softly, remembering his exasperation as the ladies had agonized for hours over what to wear. Even more exasperation when they had driven him and Nicky nuts over what they should wear. Like he couldn't dress himself.

  “I've got just the place for it,” he said smiling. His son glanced at him and then nodded. He turned as harvesters came in hesitantly. One even knocked on a door.

  “The kitchen, start there. We'll be out of your hair in a moment TJ,” Shane said nodding to the lead harvester. TJ looked at him and then to the photos and nodded.

  He went down the hall to the bedrooms. The walls were scratched up, like something had... he shook his head at the obvious urine stains on some areas. Some were pretty high up.

  “Dad I'm getting the computers,” Nick said as he went into his room.

  “Be careful Nicky,” he said over his shoulder. “Don't stick your hand in anywhere you can't see. Shine a light first.”


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