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Boss with Benefits

Page 12

by Mickey Miller

  Of course I’d want something more with him. But for now, I’m just going to enjoy the ride he’s taking me on.

  He looks damn good in those jeans. His normal workday clothes don’t do Sebastian’s ass justice. As a matter of fact, I think I have my inspiration for my next scene with Lacy and Zane.

  Sixteen - Sebastian

  The weekend feels like it takes forever. All I do is think about Brett and what I’m going to write for her on Monday.

  I arrive early to work, and type a scene up for Lacy and Zane.

  It’s something I’ve been wanting. Wishing I could do for a long time, but not just with anyone. It had to be the right girl.

  Brett is that girl.

  Once I get started writing the scene for Lacy and Zane, the words flow easily.

  Let’s just say this one involves a bottle of tequila, a striptease, and a late night at the office.

  By the time I’m done writing it, my cock is a steel rod, and I’ve got to do a round of pushups and pullups to get rid of it.

  I hit ‘send’ on the attachment to Brett’s personal inbox from my alias gmail inbox, Mr. X.

  Hey, it’s a little corny to have an alias, but I can’t have a digital trail leading back to me. I’m sure there are hackers who would love to get a billionaire’s secret love life in their hands.

  Later that morning, I do something I haven’t done in quite some time.

  I call my Dad.

  I’m not sure exactly what inspires me to do this. But I have a vague feeling of warmth still spreading through my heart after sitting with Brett and watching her sister play soccer last Saturday.

  “Hello?” His gruff voice picks up after two rings. “Who’s this? I don’t want any sales calls. My wife and I have a fine sex life. We don’t need any pills.”

  “Dad, it’s me,” I laugh.


  “No, it’s your other son,” I lean back in my chair. This is one of my Dad’s favorite games to play with me. He’s never let go that I didn’t take on the family business. “I know, it’s been a while.”

  “I’m just fucking with you, kid! I know. You never call me though. So what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “I just wanted to ask how are things going on the farm these days?”

  “Well, harvest this year, ain’t the worst, but I’m not complaining. I’ve got a roof over my head. But seriously…what are you calling me about? You feeling guilty about something? Some other way I fucked up raising you you wanted to mention to me?”

  “Have no reason Dad, I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

  There’s a long pause of silence before he finally speaks. “You just wanted to see how I was doing on a Monday morning. Well, hell.”

  “Yeah I wanted to give my dad a call, what's wrong with that?”

  He lets out a huff. “Look I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm not surprised that's all. You never call me.” I take a deep breath.

  What am I to say to this guy? My father knows I haven’t been the best at keeping up with him, what with how focused on work I’ve been over the last decade. I’ve let our relationship go. And now for some odd reason, seeing a girl that I have a crush on has led me to want to give him a call just out of the blue.

  But I don't say any of that.

  “Dad, I wanted to see if you want to go golfing this weekend.”


  “Yeah I was thinking you, me and Liam could go out and, you know hit the greens for a hot eighteen. Drink some beers.”

  “Hell, I’m open next Sunday. Plus that's the Lord's day so I might as well.”

  “Sounds good Dad. We'll just see you then. I’ll let Liam know.”

  I hang up the phone and I feel good. Surprisingly good just for a simple call to my Dad.

  Later that night I stay late in the office. I watch the sunset and then some. In fact I go get my workout in and then two hours later I'm still in the office. I glance up when there's a knock at the door. My heart hammers, because who the fuck would be coming in here at this hour? And then my brain jolts awake. I really spaced out that hard.

  I know exactly who it’s going to be, she enters.

  Brett enters, strutting sexily toward me.

  “Mr. Blackwell. I was staying late and I thought I would come in and see how you were doing.”

  The tone of her voice is laced with sex and seduction.

  Fuck, she looks sexy in just her regular work clothes from today. She’s got on tight blue pants and a scoop neck shirt that puts her boobs on good display. I stand up to greet her. It's been a stressful day.

  “I’m doing better now that you’re here,” I exhale. “I was just putting some fires out with the new distillery.

  “Oh,” she says, looking down at my desk. “Did they fuck something else up?”

  I laugh. “Not yet but that's what I'm trying to avoid.”

  She walks to the bar in my office, and goes straight for the bottle of tequila. Holy shit. She's doing it. I can't believe she would follow through.

  “Tequila in the office?”

  She tilts her head slightly toward me. “Yeah, I have no idea where I got the idea. Must have been something that seeped into my subconscious. It’s not like I read a story about this or anything.” Her tone is laced with sarcasm.

  I squint my eyes as if I’m confused. “Yeah, that’s totally odd,” I chuckle, and so does she. Her body language relaxes a little.

  “To be honest I thought you were out. I didn't think you would want to keep up this little game we have going. I don't know. Something just told me you were becoming impatient or fed up with my ways.”

  “Not sure where you would have gotten that impression. By the way, it was good to see you last Saturday.”

  “I thought it was quite the surprise. I didn’t even know you had a sister."

  “And I didn’t know you were a fan of donating so much of your money to causes.

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  “Touché,” I wink.

  She rolls her eyes. “Do you think we’ll ever…” her voice trails off. “Forget it.”

  There’s a touch of sadness.

  “Think we’ll ever what?”

  She shrugs. “It doesn’t matter.”

  I stand up, walk toward her and put my hand on her shoulder. "You okay? You seem off. And if you’re thinking something, it matters."

  "Yeah," she says, looking down and away. "I’m totally fine. I'm great."

  "Really? Because you don't look fine."

  She takes a deep breath. "I really am fine. I just had a hard day working."

  "Tell me about it."

  Her blue eyes narrow and as she looks up at me. "How do you do it, Sebastian? I mean I've only been here for a few weeks and I'm already stressed out. You’re here like it's nothing on a Monday night! Don't you have a family, friends that you want to be with?"

  I take a deep breath because she's right.

  “I have sacrificed a lot to get to where I am with this job at this company; my company. And I think sometimes about what could have been, but then I just try to push the thought out of my head and not think too much about it. Because if I do then I stop working. I just try to stay in motion."

  She nods, then hands me a glass of tequila on the rocks with a little bit of lime, just the way I wrote it this morning. I grip the cold glass but don’t sip it yet. "Well I would love to be able to make all your problems go away at least for a little bit."

  "You already have.” I say. “The moment you walked in that door I couldn't think of anything besides you."

  She laughs. “Really?”

  “It’s the truth. Isn't that ridiculous? Brett, You look sexy as fuck just in your regular work clothes. I almost want to change what I wrote this morning. Just take those off and ravish you right here. But I also want to savor this night, if we’re doing...everything I wrote."

  “I almost want you to just rip these off me too," she admits.
“But I went all the way to Victoria Secret during my lunch break to find the appropriate color...for Lacy. And we are damn well going to follow through on this."

  I laugh. "The things you do for me."

  She shakes her head.

  “I know, I think I'm insane sometimes. So I think this is what we're going to do." She holds up her glass, and we stare at each other, enthrallingly. We hesitate for a moment, both taking swigs our tequila. Our eyes lock again and I lean in for the kiss.

  Forget sugar and spice and everything nice. She tastes like sex and tequila and everything filthy.

  I dim the lights, sit down on this couch and that's how we start.

  She flashes a smile, her hand dipping to my rib cage. She loves my damn abs doesn’t she? Feeling her touch, all the time I’ve spent in the gym pays off; knowing how she melts in my arms. The lights are dim and I can barely make out her face, her cheeks, all of her loveliness. She’s an angel sent just for me. As I try to comprehend why Brett Blue was put into my life, I don't fucking know. It makes no sense. To be honest, if we're talking karma here, I think I've always been kind of a dick. So maybe in some past life I did something else to deserve this.

  "Close your eyes." She whispers.

  I do, and I hear her fumbling with her phone.

  She puts on a song, and I’m so impressed by her attention to detail because it's the same song I wrote to her in my twisted fantasy this morning.

  Tequila makes her clothes fall off by Joe Nichols plays, and I hear her walk back toward me on the couch.

  I sink into the cushions, enjoying the smell of her.

  “Okay Sebastian," She says. “Open your eyes.

  My jaw drops. “Fuck you’re sexy,” I blurt out, but words don’t do her justice.

  Her pants are off, neon-yellow bottoms hugging her hips, complemented by a lace bra-top of the same color. It’s not the easiest song to dance to, but she pulls it off, tossing her hair around and swaying to the song in such a way that turns my cock right into a steel rod.

  “So I have to ask,” she smiles. “What's this thing with this color? Neon yellow? Seems weird.”

  I shrug. “No reason. I just like it. It goes well with tequila.”

  "You are indeed a simple man. That's it. There’s no weird story behind this.”

  “Why can't a man just like a color?” I smirk. “It pleases me. Although trust me, the color is not the sexiest thing about this scene right now.”

  “Oh, what is?” she asks, taking another sip of her drink.

  “That would be you.”


  She dances as the song winds down, and she picks up her phone.

  "Take off your shirt,” she says. “You need some music to do it?”

  "I can take off more than just my shirt.” I say. I stand up and take off my shoes, my socks, my slacks, letting her watch me. Before I sit back down I offer a confession.

  "I thought about you this weekend,” I say. I reach for my drink on the coffee table, take a strong sip then go back to the bar to refill. “Like before I even saw you on Saturday.”

  I was thinking about you too." She offers, but doesn’t elaborate. “I was thinking about what happened on Friday to be honest.”

  "It was hot." I say. “I’ve never done anything like that. Do you need a refill?"

  "I'll take a little more."

  I give her a quick top off, and squeeze a little lime in her glass.

  "I couldn't believe the look on that soccer mom's face when you told her you went out to lunch. You’re a dick.”

  "I like to have a little fun. What can I say?”

  “I don't see anything wrong with that." I take another step toward her. I grip her head, pull her into me and plant another kiss on her lips.

  "That whole thing was just so ridiculous." She said, “You’re so ballzy, but I got a strange lesson out of that."

  “You got a lesson from me going down on you." I say, curious.

  “It’s totally silly and I was probably reading more into it more than I should have but yes I did."

  "And what was the lesson that you got out of it?"

  "I don’t want to talk about lessons right now I just want…”

  I let my hand drift down to her ass and grab it.

  “This,” she whispers, gripping my hand and pressing me further into her.

  She moans, backing up.

  “You really want to. You want to have sex with me. Right now."

  "I do, I, God I really do,” she purrs, and I can see the truth in her eyes.

  Our foreheads touch and she runs her hand from my chest down to my abs.

  "I'm a little bit scared if I'm being honest." She says.

  “God I want you so much. I've wanted you for a long time. Longer than the last three weeks." I say.

  "Yeah," she admits, "I've wanted you since I knew you as the owner of the pizzeria back in the day.”

  My heart hammers. “You, wow I didn't think you were old enough to think about those things, but I can see that..."

  "Hey don't act like you’re so much older than me. You're only seven years older."

  "Seven or six, whatever. How old are you?

  "I'm twenty three."

  "Oh." I say. "I'm twenty nine. So six years older."

  "You act like I'm a little girl. I’m twenty-three."

  I sigh. “I don't mean it like that. You’re amazing but fuck it--I want this."

  "And I want to give it to you." She says.

  "I fucking know you do but,” my tone is joking, but cocky. “Do you think you can handle this?" I grip her hand and bring it down to my cock.

  I inhale her air. Kiss down to her ear and whisper, "Don't worry you'll always make room for me. I know you can."

  "I'm so wet right now" She whispers back. I let my hand drift between her legs.

  "Fuck baby, you’re soaked. You’re going to soak right through these yellow panties aren't you?"

  "I already have.” She purrs. “So why don't you let me get another song going and I'll make this happen. This our first time and I want it to be amazing."

  She pushes me back onto the couch. Well she pushes me and I voluntarily sit on the couch and I watch her, fascinated. She grabs her phone from her pocket and puts on a song. It's a slow acoustic.

  "What is this?" I asked.

  "It’s one of my favorites, Meant to be."

  I love the feeling, the moment, everything just washes over me about what we're doing.

  It just feels so damn wrong that my employee can make me feel this way.

  But we’ve shattered the employee-employer barrier, and she’s rapidly on her way to getting many more benefits than just her 401k.

  It’s a soft acoustic song but a sweet song, and it will never have the same meaning for me again. Brett smiles and does a little dance, swaying her hips to the beat of the song but keeping her eyes on me. God, she’s sexy. She’s temptation. She runs her hands through her hair, squeezes her tits together, and loses herself in the dance. Spinning around, she shakes her ass, moving closer to me. I’m no neanderthal, but all of the available blood in my body has now rushed to my cock, and I’m sure feeling like one. Turning back to face me, Brett bends over to give me a close up of her tits before she undoes her bra.

  Sitting on my lap, she wraps the lace of her bra around my neck.

  “Don’t move,” she whispers, devilishly. I want so badly to reach out and just take her, but I also want to see where she’s going with this. With her soft lips, she runs soft kisses down the side of my neck.

  “Holy shit,” I groan as she grinds against me.

  “You like the striptease?” she asks.

  “Fuck yeah I do.”

  Still, even when she's doing a sexy dance for me somehow the girl manages to convey that everlasting innocence of hers. It’s hard to have a coherent thought about a girl this smart, this sexy. She’s like my Lois Lane--an unsuspecting, bookish girl by day, and a sexy stripper by night.

y own personal sexy stripper.

  "Brett..." I say, my voice husky.

  She opens her eyes, stares at me for a moment, and stands up. Turning around, she bends over to get her cocktail, teasing the fuck out of me.

  “Yes, Boss?”

  I take a sip of my tequila. “You make no fucking sense to me."

  "I make no sense? What do you mean?"

  I lean back in my chair, and though I’ve got the tequila in my hand, it’s her I’m drinking in. Her blonde hair falls to her shoulders, framing her beautiful red lips and smile. I have to remind myself this is real life.

  “Your existence perplexes me. It's amazing."

  "You’re as weird as I am,” she giggles. “A total weirdo. I think it’s one of the reasons I’m so comfortable around you.”

  "Are you weird?" I ask. She takes a few steps towards me.

  “Oh I don't know. I'm just exchanging sex letters with my boss that are loosely part of a romance novel I’m writing, and now I'm about to sleep with him. So sure, I’m a little weird."

  "Are you really? You’re about to sleep with your boss?" I tip my chin back.

  "Yes,” She says, her voice a whisper, and it’s the sweetest ‘yes’ I’ve ever heard.

  "Hey." I reach my hand up and it touches her chin. She's gotten so close to me. The strip tease already has me hard as hell but I need to ask her this before I go way over the edge here.

  "From here, Brett, there's no going back and I need to know that you’re okay with this. I'm asking you person to person. Is this what you want?" I see it in her eyes I know the answer before it comes out of her lips but it sounds so sweet when she says it.

  "I want you so bad. Sebastian, I’ve wanted you for...just fuck me already, will you? You’ve asked me enough. Just take me. I’m yours, and this isn’t me acting out some silly fantasy. This is what I want. You." Her tone is irritated. Impatient. She wants this as badly as I do.

  “Fuck that’s hot to hear you say that. Because you’re what I want, too. So much.”

  I grip her hips and guide her onto me so that she's straddling my waist on the couch. My hard dick pokes almost through my briefs into her panties. We make out furiously and this time it's different. We grind against each other. This time it's going to end in a way that will satisfy us both. I mean not that going down on her the other day wasn't totally satisfying. But this time we can both feel that it's on.


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