Boss with Benefits

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Boss with Benefits Page 20

by Mickey Miller

  "Oh?" He arches an eyebrow.

  "Yeah, it involves someone else, but not in the way that you think."

  He furrows his brow; his face confused. I glance over at Troy, who is toweling off nonchalantly.

  "Hey Troy," I say. “Where are you going?” He gives me that awkward look like 'I was just planning to get the fuck outta here so y'all could hook up.'

  "Uh," Troy stammers. “You obviously don't want me here, so I'm going to be getting out of here."

  "Hey," I say to Sebastian, lower my voice. “I want him to watch. Is that ok?"

  "You want someone to watch us fuck?" Sebastian repeats.

  “I do, I think it would be totally hot."

  He nods after pausing.

  “What do you think, Troy?”

  Troy shrugs.

  “I’ve come this far. Why not?"

  Sebastian points to the corner. “Grab some champagne. Enjoy the show,” he says, smirking.

  Troy throws the towel over his shoulder and takes a seat in the shadows.

  “So you want to be watched,” Sebastian whispers. “Why?”

  I blush a little, and bat my eyes. Before answering, I maneuver to the corner of the hot tub and push the button to turn on the jacuzzi jets.

  The humming sound buzzes through the air, a comforting white noise. Waist deep in the water, I straddle Sebastian as he sits in the jacuzzi with the hot water up to his chest.

  The water is warm, and his body is even hotter, pressed against me.

  “Because,” I swallow, and he interlocks his fingers though mine, while staring straight through me. “I want to have the feeling of two men being turned on by me at once. I want to feel like I’m more than they can handle.”

  Sebastian throws his head back to the side, and under the water I feel him run his hand along my thigh.

  He nibbles at my ear, and a chill runs through me.

  “The way you scream when you’re coming, you could turn on more than just two men.”

  I arch my neck back, and just the thought of more than one--whatever number it may be, has me so turned on I think I forget how to breathe.

  Sebastian trails kisses down the side of my neck. I’m hyperaware of my breasts pressing up against his muscular chest. My skin tingles.

  “And you think you can handle me?” I whisper, wondering if Troy can hear me.

  Sebastian pulls his lips away for a moment and grips my neck hard, forcing me to look him in the eye.

  “Did I handle you when I fucked you from behind in the elevator?”

  “Yes,” I admit, breathing deeply.

  “And did I handle you when I screwed you on my kitchen island?”

  “Yes. Yes you did,” I moan, melting into him.

  “Right. And now I’m going to show another man just how I handle you.”

  I feel my stomach swoosh with butterflies, and I ache for Sebastian. This newfound vein of possessiveness sends me over the edge. I want him now.

  The water splashes around us as I grind back and forth against his cock in his briefs, feeling him through the wet fabric of my panties. He wraps his arms fully around me, plants another kiss on my lips, and undoes my bra.

  I stand in the water, which is thigh deep on me.

  He lifts his hips up and pulls down his briefs, exposing his cock. His hips hover just above the water, so his cock is the only thing still unsubmerged.

  “Oh God yes,” I murmur. “It’s bigger than I remember.”

  He smirks, and stands up. Grabbing the sides of my panties, he pulls them down.

  “Fuck, that’s a nice pussy. I missed this,” he growls as he slithers his hand down my stomach and lands a finger on my already swollen pussy.

  The flesh of his throbbing cock bounces against my thigh, and I murmur. My knees shake, and one of Sebastian’s large hands grips my ass, the other fingers me, and his eyes--those perfect brown eyes--stare right into me.

  And I know no man has ever seen my soul as he has.

  I reach my hand out and grab hold of his thick, throbbing cock.

  My heart beats as his eyes sear into me, and I know he’s what I want in my life to fill me.

  Spiritually, and in all the other ways, too.

  Sebastian takes me by surprise, growling as he lifts me up by my hips and sets me on the lip of the hot tub.

  He spreads my legs and dives between them, licking and sucking my clit. Entering me slowly with two fingers, he curls them up in a ‘come hither’ motion. I lean back and clench against him, already on the brink of coming.

  “You’re wet already, Brett,” he grunts.

  “Yes,” I breathe. “I’m wet...everywhere.”

  “Moan baby,” he adds. “It’s okay if you moan. This is my floor. Get as loud as you want.”

  I massage his head as he dives back between me, and his tongue makes me feel like the luckiest woman on Earth.

  It’s not like I needed his permission to let loose, but for an instant I’m reminded that I have an audience tonight.

  I don’t moan for my audience though.

  I let go because Sebastian’s tongue is golden.

  Everything is warm, and wet, and swollen, and…

  “Oh God!” I yell as I come, squeezing Sebastian’s head. He’s spurred on, and licks and fingers me even harder.

  The orgasm intensifies and the pleasure ratchets through me. Lifting his head up from between my legs, Sebastian gets up off his knees and stands.

  My jaw drops at his throbbing cock, still rock hard.

  He leans into me and his lips graze my cheek just barely. “That was the hottest noise I’ve heard in my life,” he says.

  “Holy fuck Sebastian. I need you inside me. Now. Right now.”

  I stand up in the water, and we’re both a little less than waist deep. He spins my body around. I lean down onto the lip of the tub.

  He spreads my cheeks, and I feel the flesh of his tip spread me apart.

  “Yes,” I mewl. “Just yes.”

  “Aw fuck that feels good,” Sebastian growls as he pushes inside me, one pleasureable, filling inch at a time. Once he’s all the way inside me, he just holds the pose for a moment, and I feel so complete with him inside me.

  So completely full, that is.

  As he thrusts into me, I brace for the slap of his hips against my ass and it feels so hard, so dirty, and so damn good.

  Suddenly, the foam jets turn off, emphasizing the silence. All that can be heard is the slap slap slap of our wet bodies colliding together as I come again and moan.

  “Oh God, Sebastian. Just like that. Oh God. Yes. Right there. Oh fuck.”

  After a few minutes, I feel so damn good I’m about to come again when Sebastian pulls out of me, leaving me with a gaping emptiness between my legs.

  Sebastian sits on the lip of the hot tub.

  “Straddle me, baby.”

  I do as he says, and the position is a little awkward at first, because I have to squat partially in the water while still facing him.

  “Is this right?” I ask, doing my best to think while still in a haze from my orgasmic state.

  “Just like that. Keep sliding up and down on me. We’ll find our rhythm. Yeah, that’s it. Oh fuck, Brett,” he groans, as I bounce up and down on him. Grabbing my hips, he helps me find just the right rhythm, and the water splashes in the hot tub as I bounce up and down on his cock.

  “Gonna...fucking...come,” he snarls, and I ride him hard, my asscheeks slamming into his hips. He grips my ass and pushes me down onto his cock as he shoots his seed deep inside me.

  When it’s done, we’re both panting. I lean forward and he laces kisses on my ultra sensitive breasts and neck.

  “I’ve never done it in a hot tub before,” I utter. It’s a basic statement, but right now my mind is devoid of most logic.

  I stand up and sit on the side of the hot tub. He lays back on the wooden deck, and I rest my head on his chest.

  “We’re going to be doing that a lot,” Sebastian sa
ys. “I can’t wait to tell everyone about you.”

  “Everyone?” I say, pushing my head up on his chest so I can see his face.

  “Yeah. I want the world to know you’re my girl, Brett. If you’re okay with it, that is.”

  When he says those words, my heart feels full.

  “I am.”

  “I’m not saying we’re going to get married now or anything Brett, but I love you. I’ve never loved anyone like this. I can’t wait for what the future holds.”

  “Me neither,” I whisper.

  For a few minutes, we just lay like that, until there’s a sound behind us.

  “Well, I think I’m going to get going,” Troy bellows. We both jerk our heads around. I’d been so into the moment, I forgot he was even there.

  “By the way. You two are hot as fuck when you fuck. That’s all.”

  Troy leaves. I hear his footsteps on the deck as he walks out. I fall asleep like that, smiling in Sebastian’s arms.

  Twenty Five - Sebastian

  On Monday morning, I’m so jovial, it’s appalling.

  I whistle when I’m shaving in the morning. I whistle in the car ride to the office.

  When I see my secretary, I’m still whistling. I’ve got a permanent smile etched into my face.

  "Morning Fiona!" I smile as I whistle my way into the office.

  "Morning Sir!" she smiles back. "Someones in a good mood today."

  She’s right. I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl.

  After this past weekend, my head's spinning. I finally feel like Brett and I are on steady ground, to say the least.

  "I am indeed. I'm back and ready to crush this week."

  "Good. We missed having you here."

  "Call an eight thirty meeting. Company wide. We'll do it in the Bristol Conference room that can seat 200. I have an announcement to make."

  "Eight thirty? Sir, that's in less than a half hour."

  "Yes. It's a very important announcement. Send an all staff email and make sure everyone knows it's mandatory."

  "Yes Sir!"

  I straighten my tie on the way into my office, and slide my hand over my abs, which feel like I spent the past two days doing some intense crossfit ab camp.

  Maybe I’ve discovered a new workout plan to maintain my six pack:


  I chuckle.

  I lost count of the number of times we made love last weekend. I'm still dizzy from all the banging.

  And I've got endurance. If my ab muscles are sore, I can't imagine how Brett must feel.

  We couldn’t keep our hands off each other after the flood gates opened up.

  I sit in my office chair, do a one-eighty spin, and look at the town below me. Blackwell, the greatest small town on Earth.

  Blackwell, named for one of my great-great-grandparents, and the well they started here.

  As I gaze out into the late fall, I wonder what my ancestors had to do to accomplish their dreams. Every generation has a different challenge, and my generation is no different. Whereas my grandparents seem to have made a simple choice to be together, my choice seems so much more complicated. Maybe it’s the fact that it seems like, in today’s digital world, there are just so many options out there.

  I stand up, cross my arms, and my lips quirk just slightly upward in a soft smile. All of a sudden, it makes sense why my grandparents were able to stay together with each other all that time. It wasn’t that they learned to stand each other, it’s that they couldn’t stand life without each other.

  And now that I’ve found that person for me, I need to let everyone know.

  My phone lights up, and I quickly grab it, expecting a text from Brett.

  Adrenaline pumps through me when I see it’s from Kim.

  What the fuck does she want?

  Kim: Hi. So you’re back at the office today

  Sebastian: Yes. Why?

  Kim: You’re done. I’m sending those pictures

  Sebastian: Why are you doing this?

  Kim: Why wouldn’t I do this? I’m not just going to sit back while you play some random employee

  My blood vessels tighten, and fuck if I’m going to let Kim talk that way about a girl who could very possibly be my wife in the future. Plus, communicating over text is damn near impossible.

  Sebastian: I called a meeting for eight thirty, let’s talk after

  Kim: You didn’t pay me. If I don’t see that money in the next thirty minutes I’m forwarding it to all of the employees here.

  Sebastian: Is this about the money or the morals?

  Kim: Just do as I say, and then maybe you won’t end up the latest billionaire laughing stock of the country

  Kim forwards me a chain of photos. She took a few, all of Brett, sitting in just her apron at the dinner table next to me.

  In each photo, Brett looks absolutely stunning. I wish I could take a moment to admire them, but right now, I need a plan to squash Kim.

  I take a deep breath, and try to stay calm. I clench my fists, and feel my blood boiling over.

  When the hell did Kim get so vindictive? She’s been doing such a good job here, that I haven’t even been supervising her much when it comes to her job.

  I run my hand on my chin and think back to the new hires, and my heart races at a realization.

  For all of the interviews I’ve done in the past couple of years, Kim has only found it necessary to ‘randomly sit in’ on the female candidates.

  Is she...weirdly jealous of them?

  I glance at my watch, and it’s time to head to the Bristol room so I’ll be able to make it there in time for the meeting.

  As I walk, I formulate a plan so crazy, it just might work.

  My grandfather’s words ring in my ear.

  Tell the truth, and let it kill you.

  I press the elevator door to the sixth floor, where the meeting room is. I feel a rush as I step into the elevator. I’m ecstatic. I’m nervous. I’m seething with anger. All at the same time. I barely sense the people around me in the elevator.

  The world around me is moving in slow motion.

  When I get to the meeting room, about half of the chairs are filled.

  I step onto the elevated stage, which puts me about a foot and a half above everyone.

  My employees settle into the room, and once the time hits eight thirty, they quiet down.

  I notice Kim file into the back, just as the doors are closed.

  She smiles devilishly, and taps her phone three times, then rubs her thumb and forefinger together in a ‘show me the money’ motion.

  Brett arrives late, and my heart pounds like mad at the sight of her. Today, she sports a white dress with a pink cardigan. We make knowing eye contact, and I realize I probably should have texted her to let her know what I’m about to say. Or talked it out with Brett beforehand.

  But Kim’s threats bring Brett and my situation to the forefront.

  I tap my heart a few times, and hope she’ll understand what I’m about to say.

  “Thank you all for being here,” I start. I gesture as I speak. “I know Monday morning meetings are rough, especially when they are impromptu. But I called you all here for a very important reason. At this time, I need to address the more personal side of being an owner and a businessman in a small town.”

  I notice Bob files in late, and takes a seat right next to Brett. For some reason, that puts me on edge. Reading Brett’s face, she looks slightly uncomfortable.

  I clench my jaw.

  “Anyways, today I want to talk to you all about the benefits we all get from being part of this company. You’ve all been so great, that everyone here, in this room, I am giving a raise of thousand dollars per year, effective immediately.”

  There are a couple of “wooo’s” from the crowd, and a few claps. Troy, who is sitting in the first row, lets out a whoop.

  “Hell yeah Mr. Blackwell!” he says, with a knowing smile. “Someone’s in a good mood today!”

  “I am in a good m
ood,” I continue, speaking clearly. This next part of the speech is where the rubber hits the road, and I need to make sure I’m on my game.

  “Because I’m in love,” I say, flat out, and nod with a smile to a crowd whose jaws fall open. The crowd goes silent.

  “Over the last couple of months, I started something that I vowed I never would. And something that’s forbidden in the company’s handbook, explicitly.”

  I glance at my HR guy, who’s sitting in the front row, eyes wide.

  “I went and fell in love with an employee,” I say, and the crowd gasps, then starts looking around and chatting with each other. “Silence!” I clap my hands a few times and they pipe down.

  I look over at Brett, and her face is stark white, but she’s not even paying attention to me.

  Bob has his arm on her shoulder, and she’s sinking further down into her chair to avoid him touching her.

  “I hired her. I and then I fell head over heels, right in love with Brett Blue.”

  Bob makes eye contact with me, and slowly removes his hand from Brett’s shoulder.

  “Brett’s my employee, yes. And I tried my best to resist her. I didn’t want to fall for someone at this company, because it’s damn complicated. But I did. So now, here we are, and I’m confessing this to all of you, because I want you all to know why your Boss is the happiest guy in the company today.”

  Troy stands up. “Hell yeah, Mr. Blackwell!” He starts a slow clap.

  The crowd gets into it, and after a few moments, they break into full applause.

  Brett stands up. “It’s weird, and it’s true. Sebastian and I are in love.”

  Kim, runs up from the back, clamoring down the aisle.

  “Yeah! True love, that’s what you call it!” She yells as she gets to the front row, and stops in front of the stage.

  “Alright people, listen up. This is all a bunch of bullshit, I’ll have you know. You want to know what Mr. Blackwell and Brett are really up to?! Let me show you.”

  I watch as Kim presses a couple of buttons on her cell, and seconds later everyone's’ phones buzz in their pockets.

  Mine does too.

  I pull it out and swallow as I look at the image. It’s Brett, in her cute as fuck apron and nothing else. In the picture, she has some serious side boob, and I wish this situation were less stressful so I could take some time and admire her.


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