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Cowboy's Chocolate Roses

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by Jess Buffett

  Cowboy's Chocolate Roses

  A Silver Stone Ranch Novel

  Book One

  by Jess Buffett

  Revised & Expanded Version © Copyright May 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.

  Previously published July 2013


  All cover art and logo © Copyright May 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  Edited by ML Hill

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  For all my readers who have supported me over the past year and continue to do so. You inspire and encourage me every day. Thank you!


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Books by Jess Buffett

  Excerpt from the Alpha's Onyx Fire

  JK Publishing, Inc.

  Chapter One

  In a small bar in the center of Dallas, Joshua Kell threw back another beer, enjoying the feeling of victory as the latest Luke Bryan hit played in the background.

  "I still can't believe we got the account," he said and finished off the last of his drink.

  "Neither can I, big brother," Caleb chuckled, rocking back in his seat and kicking his legs up onto the table. "You know. You can be quite the charmer, when you wanna be."

  Charm had nothing to do with it. Josh had worked his ass off for the Evans' account. One of the biggest restaurant chains in the country, their business would set the Silver Stone Ranch up for a long time. They had their guided hunting tours and plenty of other accounts where they supplied meat and other resources, but Josh wanted something that would secure the future of the ranch.

  Their parents had passed away nine years ago, leaving Josh to pick up the pieces. It seemed their pa hadn't been doing too well when it came to the financial aspect of things, which hadn't surprised Josh. Joseph Kell had been many things: a good rancher, always looking after his men and his animals. A great father, making sure to have time for his boys even when his pa wouldn't have had it to spare—something Josh had taken for granted until he took over running the ranch. And one of the most respected men in town, taking care of the people in it with a helping hand. Unfortunately he hadn't been a businessman, and of course, he didn't trust anyone to help run that side of things. Josh remembered trying to offer assistance, but his pa would always respond the same—he provided for the family, and he didn't need no help with it.

  Damned ornery man.

  With his parents gone and the place close to bankruptcy, Josh had been thankful he studied to obtain his degree in business management. His father called it a waste of his time, but then again, he and his dad didn't agree on much of anything. His ma had always accused them of being too alike for their own good. If his ma hadn't stepped in and convinced her husband, Josh would have been in a lot of trouble now.

  Josh didn't have any qualms about calling in his little brother, who had spent most of his time since graduating high school floating around the countryside 'discovering himself'. Josh wanted to laugh. A man didn't discover anything by traveling around the world and hopping from bed to bed. He learned to be a man through hard work and responsibility. So he had given Caleb a choice—come back and help—or Josh would sell the ranch. One of the biggest bluffs he had ever pulled on his brother, but Caleb returned; neither could live with the thought of losing their one true home.

  "Naw, just good business, and you need to be remembering that, boy."

  Christ, now he sounded like his old man.

  "Geez. Do you know how much you sounded like pa, then?" Caleb snickered.


  "Damn. I'm really in the mood to celebrate," Caleb said, finishing off his beer.

  His brother's eyes were already scanning the room, taking in the throng of moving bodies on the dance floor, and the few women who sat at the tables nearby.

  With emotions like a switch, Caleb could turn it on for serious when need be, and then he'd turn it right back off again once the job was done. Josh would never admit it, but he envied Caleb that particular talent. "Well, there seem to be plenty of choices, so go help yourself."

  "What 'bout you?" his brother asked.

  Josh had no interest in one-night stands, and anything on offer tonight would be just that, tonight only.

  Almost anyone who had just landed a multi-million dollar account of a lifetime, probably would have chosen a more upscale place to celebrate in, but Josh wasn't most people. A laid-back, go with the flow cowboy, people usually thought Josh a little simple, too. It never fazed him, though. Josh had a head for business, but he and his little brother were cowboys at heart.

both standing at six and a half feet, strong builds and blond hair, neither man had trouble finding a date. Hell, with only three years between them, the only real physical distinctions were Caleb's hazel eyes and a slightly slimmer build. Josh had eyes his mother used to say were a golden-honey color. They also differed when it came to women. Caleb, with his carefree attitude and better late than never creed, always seemed more than happy to take what was being offered.

  Josh wanted something a little more permanent. "I'm good right here."

  Caleb frowned, and Josh braced himself for the usual argument.

  Instead, they were interrupted by a loud, feminine voice. "Sorry to interrupt, but we were wondering if you boys would mind sharing your table?"

  He felt almost giddy with relief, hopefully with a little female intervention his brother would be distracted long enough for Josh to make a quick escape back to the hotel.

  Lifting his gaze, Josh found three extremely attractive women standing there. The one in front wore one of those fake veils that brides-to-be wear, complete with a sash—and appeared to be drunk as a skunk. Oh, geez. Josh's eyes slid to the two other women behind her, ready to make his exit, until his gaze landed on the most vibrant lavender eyes he had ever seen.

  The owner of the startling orbs stood at the back, gnawing on her full bottom lip. Stunning, with hair so dark it almost passed for black running down past her shoulder and to her hips, Josh couldn't tear his gaze away. Her eyes were what really caught Josh, though. Something in them called to him. Amusement and embarrassment at her friend shone through, but also a hint of sadness and pain, and it struck a chord deep in his chest.

  As if sensing his appraisal, she locked her lavender gaze with his. Damn, she's beautiful. She wore a knee length, sleeveless evening dress that matched her eyes and showed off her sun-kissed legs.

  Never looking away, Josh pulled out the chair next to his. "Your company would be much appreciated, ma'am."

  A faint blush crawled up her cheeks, and damned if that didn't turn Josh on even more.

  "Th-thank you," she stammered quietly, taking the offered seat.

  "Well, well. A real gentleman. Who'd have thunk'd it," slurred the bride-to-be, giggling as she plopped herself down on the chair next to the beauty. "Heya. I'm Charlotte, bride-to-be if you couldn't tell. And this here is my beautiful sister, Brianna."

  Charlotte stroked her sister's hair, making Brianna pull away, which resulted in moving her closer to Josh. Once her chair sat right up against his, Josh noticed Charlotte stopped, before turning to face Caleb. If he hadn't been watching he would have missed the sly smile that played over the bride-to-be's lips. So, she wanted to get her sister closer to Josh. Interesting.

  She then turned to pull the third woman into the seat next to Caleb. "And this here is Tara, my wonderful best friend. Don't be shy, girls, say hello." Charlotte swayed, a happy little grin on her face while she encouraged the women with her to speak, indicating just how drunk she must be. No doubt she would be regretting it in the morning. "And y'all are?"

  "Charlotte, why don't we just tone it down a bit, okay?"

  The soft, sweet voice of the captivating woman made Josh shiver. He had never heard a more feminine voice in his life.

  When she glanced over, her blush returned. "I'm really sorry about her. We don't normally drink, but since it's her bachelorette party we made an exception." Scrunching up her nose, she added, "One I'm now thinking we shouldn't have. I'm so sorry."

  Josh went to reassure her, more than happy for the company, but Caleb beat him to the punch.

  "No worries. We were actually celebrating ourselves, so please join us. I'm Caleb, by the way, while this here is my brother, Josh."

  He raised an eyebrow when his brother's gaze raked up and down Tara, who didn't seem to mind one iota. The man never stops.

  "Nice to meet you brothers, Caleb and Josh. And that's perfect, then. All the other ladies ditched us to go home to hubby and the kids. These two are my only girls who are still single, so we decided to keep partying."

  Josh doubted either of the women had actually had a say in the matter, but they couldn't very well turn down their sister or best friend on her night. "So, when is the wedding?"

  "Next weekend. Daddy made sure I got everything I wanted—even the golden gardenias from the Xishuang Banna Mountains in southern China. The Chinese legend states that if your lover breaths them in, then he will love you forever. Isn't that great?" Charlotte squealed.

  Josh grunted, barely resisting the urge to rub his abused ear. Daddy, huh? He had figured they were trust fund types; at least Charlotte, but Brianna just didn't seem to fit the profile. Quiet and reserved, Brianna seemed to be a lot more responsible than her sister. What the hell did he know, though? Josh had only just met them.

  "I still say you should have gone with chocolate roses. They look pretty, and you can eat them afterwards." Brianna smirked.

  "You would. I can just see your wedding, little sister. Classic gown, elegant decorations…and you standing there with an edible bunch of flowers." Charlotte snorted, dramatically rolling her eyes.

  "Pretty much. And I said chocolate roses. The kind that look real…and taste very good, too." She laughed, the sound infectious, happy and carefree.

  The melody vibrated through Josh's spine and aimed straight for his cock.

  Shit. Now is not the time to get hard.

  Or why not? The woman made him ten kinds of crazy, and regardless of what he had said before, he felt damned lonely sometimes.

  Trying to distract himself from his ever-growing problem, Josh turned toward Brianna, giving her a small smile as he asked, "So. I'm guessing you're in the bridal party, Brianna?"

  "Yeah, I'm the maid of honor. And it's just Bri. No one calls me Brianna, except daddy."

  The smile she shot him made his erection perk up. Damn thing has a mind of its own tonight. If this kept up he would have permanent indents where his zipper had been.

  "Hmm, I think I'd much prefer to call you lavender." He smirked, waiting to see what her response would be.

  A playful grin appeared. "Lavender it is. Should I call you goldie?" At his shrug, she laughed. "So what it is you boys do, Josh?"

  Bri sat there with her hands in her lap, her chair slightly pointed toward Josh, seeming truly interested in the answer.

  "I'll tell you what. Let me buy you a drink, and I'll tell you all about my ranch."

  "Oooh, a cowboy," squealed Charlotte.

  Wow. A woman can really hit that pitch.

  "Hey, maybe this would be a great time to get back on the horse, sis?" Charlotte waggled her brows.

  "Don't start." Bri chuckled, though Josh could hear the strain in her voice.

  "Oh, come on." Charlotte huffed, a pout forming on her lips. "You need to hurry up and find a man of your own, then you can get married and settle down. It really would be the best thing for you."

  "I think I'm fine, thank you," Bri said through gritted teeth.

  Instead of acknowledging her sister's reply, the heavily intoxicated woman continued to babble about her sister needing to find a man and settle down. Josh noticed Bri sat in silence, a particularly tired expression on her face.

  Knowing things were heading south quickly, and eager to keep the company of this beautiful woman, Josh interrupted. "How about we grab a couple of drinks?"

  Bri nodded. "I'd love a drink."

  He subtly kicked his brother under the table, getting his attention. Caleb sent a glare his way and Josh tilted his head in the sister's direction.

  Obviously noticing the tension, Caleb stood. "Drinks? Yeah, great idea. Hey, Tara, Charlotte, you girls want to come and tell me what you want. They're on me, of course."

  Caleb dipped his head with a wink, charm practically oozing from him.

  "Oh, a man who knows how to treat a lady. Maybe you could give my fiancé a few tips." Charlotte giggled.

  "I'd be happy to," Caleb replied with a grin, leading the other two women to
the bar.

  "Thank you," Bri murmured once they were out of hearing range.

  "Welcome. Besides, by the look on your face, I figured you could use a drink." Or five.

  Bri laughed. "You could say that. It's, ah…been a while since I last drank. She just…gets a little pushy sometimes."

  Josh narrowed his gaze, thinking her gaiety sounded a little brittle. Some of the tension drained and her shoulders relaxed, but something deep and dark lurked behind those captivating eyes of hers.

  He brushed off the weird vibe. "Then let's get you that drink."

  The smile she gave him, a genuine one, made his heart stutter, and he'd deal with a lot more than a drunk sister's ramblings to be on the receiving end of it again.

  Chapter Two

  Waking up slowly, Bri groaned. Her mind was fuzzy, her head throbbed, and it felt like something had died in her mouth. God, why did she let Charlotte talk her into doing stupid things? And it would be Charlotte's fault. Her sister constantly pushed Bri out of her comfort zone. And drinking alcohol didn't agree with Bri. Why did I drink so much?


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