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Cowboy's Chocolate Roses

Page 7

by Jess Buffett

  Noah had been shocked to the core when Josh had told him the news about the baby. The man looked just about ready to fall on his ass. Friends since childhood, Noah and Josh had been drinking buddies long before they were even old enough to legally drink. Still shaking his head when Josh walked Noah to the front door, the man muttered to himself about all the good men losing their freedom to damn wily women. Josh couldn't wait for the day Noah found a woman strong enough to tie him down. He had a feeling the man, for all his posturing, would fall hard and fast.

  To keep his mind off the date with Bri, Josh rode out and finished fixing the fence the boys crashed through. Five hours and a shower later, Josh stood out front of his house holding a bunch of chocolate roses he had Shelly pick up for him. His men snickered when Shelly handed them over. No doubt he'd be hearing about his odd choice for a while if the looks from his hands were anything to go by.

  The creak of the floorboards on his veranda drew him out of his musings, and when he glanced up, Bri made her way down the front stairs. His mouth fell open. He thought her a vision the night he met her, but something about her in the lavender dress, with a tiny bulge that showed she carried his child no matter how small, pressed all his buttons.

  "What do you think?" she asked quietly, looking up at him through thick eyelashes.


  "I'm glad you like it," Bri said, blushing furiously at his one word answer.

  "Uh huh." Yep. No doubt about it, a true ladies' man. Watch as I sweep her off her feet with single syllable words and drool running down my chin. Niiice.

  "Uh, yeah." Josh suddenly forgot what he should do next.

  His mouth had gone dry and his palms began to sweat. He went to rub his hands on his slacks and remembered the bouquet.

  "I, uh, I got these for you." He held the bundle out to her.

  Bri accepted his gift and a shy smile spread across her face. "Chocolate roses," she whispered.

  "Yeah, I remembered you saying you preferred them to real ones so…" he trailed off, staring at the ground.

  Josh's confidence suddenly left him, and he felt like a fool. She and her sister had been making a joke about the flowers after they had had one too many. Maybe buying her some hadn't been such a great idea.

  "You remembered?" Bri appeared closer to tears than laughter. With watery eyes, she said, "Thank you. That's probably the sweetest thing you could have done."

  Well, okay. Now he didn't feel like such an idiot. He'd actually impressed her.

  Clearing his throat, Josh opened the passenger door. "We'd best be going. I made the reservation for seven."


  The waiter led them through the busy restaurant to a section much more formal and intimate for dining. Bri received more than a few looks when they made their way to the table and she couldn't help but feel on display. Passing one duo in particular, two women leaned into each other, whispering and staring. They made no effort to hide the fact they were clearly discussing her.

  Once at their table, Josh pulled out a chair. Bri appreciated the small courtesies Josh showed her, like opening the door, waiting for her to go first, and pulling out her chair. It had been a while since she had met someone so attentive, and she found she enjoyed the thoughtfulness.

  After they ordered drinks, Bri said, "It's easy to see this town respects you."

  "What makes you think that?" He chuckled nervously.

  "The way everyone is staring at me."

  "And what way is that?" he asked curiously.

  "Well, the men are looking at me like they think you could do better, and the women are looking at me as if they think they're the better option."

  Josh studied the judgemental looks they were getting from the others, bristling a little in Bri’s defense. His expression must not have been pleasant because the moment anyone met his eye, they immediately diverted their gaze.

  “If they think that then they’re crazy.” Frowning, he added, "And I don't come into town very often. To answer your question, I help when I can. This town is my home and a lot of these people helped me when I first took over the ranch. My pa wasn't a businessman and the ranch was in a lot of trouble. I've paid everyone back more than what I borrowed, because they didn't need to help me when they did, and I'll be forever grateful."

  "Not for the first time, I'm realizing you're quite an amazing man, Joshua Kell," Bri said quietly.

  "Naw, I'm just a man. Nothing special," he mumbled, trying to ignore the way his face flushed. He hadn’t blushed since he was sixteen and Lisa Cusak groped him in front of the whole football team at a victory party and said she knew what she wanted for Christmas.

  "I think others would say differently."

  "Oh, yeah?" he asked, a smile tipping his mouth up.


  Dinner had been filled with quiet talk, and some flirtatious banter. Bri enjoyed seeing the playful side of Josh that occasionally peeked out. She found herself eager to hear stories of his childhood, and opened up about her own. She appreciated getting small insights to the man she felt herself falling for.

  When it had come to dessert, Josh had promised he knew something that would soothe any and all cravings she might have for sweets. Her eyes widened, and her mouth watered at the decadent dish they were served. Bri had a feeling that that much chocolate in one small bowl should probably be illegal.

  "God. This is crazy." She laughed, the sauce dripping from the spoon too quickly for her to catch.

  "Crazy, but so good." Josh chuckled. "And you have those roses I brought you too, in the truck. Though they're probably melted by now." He grimaced. "Didn't really think that one through."

  "They'll be fine," Bri laughed. "I, on the other hand, won't be able to move by the time I go to bed."

  Bri smiled, reveling in what a fantastic night it had been.

  Wanting to tell Josh, Bri reached for his hand, smiling when he twined their fingers. "Thank you for this, Josh. Tonight has been—"

  "Josh, honey. Where have you been lately?" a blond woman suddenly interrupted.

  The woman's smile slipped a little when she acknowledged Bri. "Hi, I'm Kelly. I don't believe we've met."

  "Brianna Evans. It's nice to meet you," Bri greeted the woman, though she didn't think Kelly agreed.

  Kelly swung her gaze back to Josh, effectively blocking Bri out, and she smiled, batting her lashes. "So, Josh, what is with the ridiculous rumor your hand's wife is spreading about you getting married?"

  "Nothing ridiculous about it. Bri and I are getting married," Josh stated in a no nonsense tone, clearly unhappy with the interruption.

  Kelly clearly felt like she had some prior claim on Josh, and kept moving closer to him.

  Bri got angry and responded with a gut reaction. "We're also expecting our first child soon."

  Kelly stumbled a little at that information. "I'm sorry, what?"

  No longer willing to stay silent, Bri spoke up, "Yes, isn't it fantastic? Josh proposed a few months ago, but it took me awhile to sort things out at home. By the time things were settled, I found out I was pregnant." If Kelly thought she could cause problems with Josh, Bri would show her the error of her ways.

  Until Kelly spoke next.

  Giving Bri a bright smile, she said, "Well, congratulations, I guess. I have to say I'm surprised though. It was only a month ago that Josh and I went out for dinner and drinks, and he didn't mention anything about you."

  Bri faltered. Oh God, she hadn't even thought about Josh dating someone else. Not that she’d blame him. They had barely met when she ran out on him. Sure, there had been a connection, but she had all but thrown that away the next morning. And Josh was a catch, no doubt about it. Though with her obvious snide and snark, Kelly didn’t seem like the type he’d go for. At least she hoped not, otherwise she needed to seriously re-evaluate how she saw herself.

  Trying to think of something to say, Josh saved her with his comment. "A group of us went out that night, Kelly. And I was waiting for Bri to
get here before I said anything. At no point did we date, and I would appreciate it if you didn't allow my fiancée to believe I was unfaithful to her."

  His tone left no room for argument. Kelly bristled at being put in her place by Josh and glared in Bri's direction. Bri met the woman's fury head on, cocking an eyebrow in silent invitation. If Kelly had a problem, Bri would be more than happy to discuss it with her. Large men intimidated her, but women… Oh, hell no.

  Kelly shrugged. "Sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything. Of course Josh wouldn't cheat. He's not that kind of man. Listen, we're heading off now," indicating her table of friends," but we'll have to chat again soon, okay."

  Kelly breezed away and Bri frowned. The woman definitely put a damper on the evening.

  "How's about we get outta here, huh?" Josh suggested.

  "Yeah. I was getting tired anyhow," Bri whispered.


  Josh wanted to throttle Kelly for ruining a perfect night. Bri didn't say much after leaving the restaurant. Pulling into the gate and heading down the drive, Josh parked the truck and headed to the other side, opening the door for Bri. He noticed her pleasure when he did little things like that and he wanted to use anything he could to show Bri he deserved a chance.

  A gasp from Bri had Josh spinning around in her direction. Leaping up onto the veranda, he paused mid-step when he took in the sight before him. A doll lay in front of the door. Josh's stomach knotted when he took in the raven black hair and lavender dress the doll wore; so much like his lavender's. The porcelain doll would have been beautiful, if not for her eyes, or lack of in this case. Someone had removed them and poured what appeared to be red paint in the empty sockets, giving them a gruesome look. A note sat pinned to the dress: I told you they were mine.

  Bri stepped into his waiting embrace. "He's here. How did he find me already?"

  "We don't know that, honey." Even when he said the words, he suspected the same thing. But he couldn't quite work out how Timothy had found her. And how the hell had he made it here so soon? Too many questions and not enough answers made him nervous.

  "Let's get you inside. Don't touch anything. I'll call Noah."

  "Noah?" she asked in a distracted voice. Josh thought that maybe shock had set in.

  "You met him earlier today, the Sheriff, remember? He'll come straight away," he replied, not that she appeared to hear.

  His raven-haired beauty appeared too lost in thought and fear.

  He called Noah after settling her into his room, wanting her there because it sat toward the back of the house.

  Noah cursed up a storm when Josh informed him of what they had found.

  "Christ. The man couldn't move that quickly, Josh," Noah said.

  "Well, who else could it damn well be? She told me while he held her that he repeatedly said her eyes were for him. It can't be a coincidence," Josh pressed.

  "Look, I'll be over in twenty to get the doll. Just keep an eye on her." Noah sighed.

  "You don't need to tell me that," he bit out, hanging up the phone before he could say something he would regret.

  Twenty minutes later, Noah turned up just as he'd said. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” Josh greeted in return as they stared at one another for moment in silence. “I was an ass,” Josh finally admitted.

  Noah snorted, removing his hat and stepping through the doorway as Josh moved back. “Yeah, and I was a prick.”

  Josh nodded and cocked his head in the direction of the kitchen. He heard Noah follow him.

  "How's she doing?" Noah asked.

  "She's calmer now. Finally got her to start talking again." Frowning, Josh sighed, turning to face his friend. "I'm worried about what all this stress is doing to her and the baby. It can't be good, but what can I do?"

  "Exactly what you are. You keep her grounded and I promise I'll do everything in my power to help keep her safe," Noah vowed, his ice-blue eyes shining with determination as he rested a hand on Josh's shoulder. "Look, I don't need to talk to her this time. No sense in working her up."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, man. It's just me and I already know what's going on. Perks of being sheriff," Noah grinned.

  "You're a good friend, Noah. I really am sorry for getting all pissed before. It's just so frustrating," he said, running a hand roughly through his hair.

  "I get it, man, I do. And don't worry, I had forgotten all about your temper by the time I got here."

  Josh chuckled. One great thing about their friendship? The ability to have an argument, and five seconds later apologize and move on. Right now, he couldn't be more thankful, he really didn't need to be dealing with a scuffle when Bri was probably freaking out.

  Showing Noah out, Josh made sure to lock up and then headed for his room. He panicked for a brief moment when he found it empty, but his heart stopped trying to jump out of his chest when he heard Bri moving around in the adjoining bathroom. Removing his shirt, shoes, and socks, Josh slumped onto the bed, waiting for her to finish up so they could talk some more.

  Glancing up when the door to the bathroom opened, Josh nearly swallowed his tongue at the sight she made. Bri stood in front of him, her pale lavender baby doll nightie barely covering the tops of her thighs.

  An appreciative moan escaped his lips. "Sorry, it's just… I love that color on you. The way it brings out your eyes? Ain't nothing like it."

  For the first time since Kelly had interrupted their evening, Bri smiled. "Actually, I really like hearing you say things like that. You make me feel beautiful when you look at me."

  "You are."

  "I don't always feel it," she whispered softly, her smile slipping slightly.

  Reaching his hand out for her, Josh took a chance. "Then come here and let me show you."

  Chapter Ten

  God, she suddenly wanted nothing else. She allowed him to pull her onto the bed beside him. Josh rolled them, holding himself above her. Leaning down, he delivered a series of soft kisses along her jaw, leading to her lips. They parted on a lustful moan and Josh took full advantage, slipping his tongue in and tangling it with hers.

  Pulling back, he panted, "I won't let him near you, I swear."

  "I know. Please…help me forget," she pleaded, pulling him back down.

  He kissed her leisurely, whispering, "Not allowed to forget this time."

  "Josh," Bri gasped as he leaned down to kiss the tender flesh of her neck.

  His hands slid up and down her sides, moving higher and higher until he reached the curve of her breasts. A deep moan spilled out when Josh finally brought them around to cup her mounds.

  "Josh. Please, yes…" she whispered.

  Josh traced his tongue over her throat, then to her ear, nipping at it lightly. Her breath caught when he plucked at first one, then the other nipple through the flimsy material of her gown. Her legs drew up around his waist, holding him more firmly to her. Josh continued to knead her flesh, his hands abruptly drifting downwards, leaving her feeling bereft. She groaned in disappointment.

  Her moan turned into a gasp when he grabbed the hem of the nightie and yanked it up and off her. Hooking his fingers into the cotton of her panties, he pulled back long enough to slide them down and off her legs before settling back into place. She now lay naked and exposed, and she reveled in the feel of his body on top of her. A small cry left her lips when he slipped a hand between her parted legs, his fingers stroking at her folds. It had been so long.

  Feeling her ready for him seemed to snap his control and Josh abruptly sat up. He undid the button of his jeans, shoving them down his hips, taking his briefs with them. He kneeled between her legs, bare as she, his shaft leaking as it stood at its full length. He had to be at least nine inches. Lying on top of her, he dipped his head, his hot breath on her breast. She moaned when his mouth claimed her erect nipple, and she shuddered, clutching him tighter when he closed over the small nub and began to suck, sending shock waves of pleasure and excitement rippling through her.

; Her need for him grew when his hand found its way lower and he pressed against the wet folds of her pussy again, this time parting them and finding her swollen clit. Stroking her with his thumb, he slid two fingers inside of her.

  She cried out his name, "Josh!"

  "God, you're so wet. So ready for me already," he groaned, thrusting his fingers deep.

  "Yes. Please, I'm so ready. Take me, now," she demanded. She couldn't stand it anymore, she needed him now.

  "Yes. Now," he rasped and positioned himself and drove into her.

  Bri screamed out in ecstasy as she came.


  Heat circled his cock and Bri tightened around him, her juices sliding down his length. He'd found heaven, inside this woman. Her body fit him like a glove, squeezing his prick as if to keep him inside her. Bri mewled and bucked underneath him as she lifted her own hips up to meet his. He slowly withdrew, only to plunge back in again, over and over. On his next thrust he shifted forward so he rubbed against her sensitive nub.

  "Oh, God, Josh. Harder, please. Oh, God. Yes," she cried.

  Bri clutched at his shoulders, her nails scoring his flesh when she urged him on.

  He laughed breathlessly as he obeyed her wishes again and again, her pleasure clear on her face. He picked up the pace, thrusting harder and faster, until he wouldn't last much longer. Not willing to allow himself release until she had hers again, he slipped a hand between them, pinching her clit at the same moment he thrust in hard. Bri cried out her climax and her muscles contracted around him, ripping an orgasm out of him.

  Stiffening above her, his head reared back and he roared, "Mine."

  When he had nothing left, Josh rolled to the side, taking her limp form with him so she lay splayed across his chest. Lying sated in more ways than one, he felt whole and complete for the first time since he had woken in the hotel bed all alone. Josh swore to anyone listening, that he would protect her. Her and the child she carried.


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