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Cowboy's Chocolate Roses

Page 10

by Jess Buffett

  Bri took the offered phone. Josh could hear her talking to someone he presumed was Caleb. As she began dressing, he frowned. When she hung up and caught the look he was giving her, she shrugged. “What? I’m not staying here while you head out there to fight a frigging fire, Josh.”

  He grimaced. “Part of me wants to drag you out there so you aren’t out of my sight, and the other part of me knows that being near a fire is no good for you and the baby.”

  “So I’ll stay back. It’ll be fine,” she insisted, tugging at him to follow her.

  They made quick work of throwing on their shoes and jackets before racing out to his truck where Caleb and Lachlan stood waiting.

  “The others have already headed off and there wasn’t enough room for all of us,” his brother explained as they piled in. If either man was surprised to see Bri glued to his side, they didn’t comment.

  Josh let out a sigh of relief when they arrive to see the fire mostly under control. His eyes darted to a tent already set up across the street where Mel and a few others were set up and already treating some of the Inn’s guests.

  Mel caught his eye, then noticed Bri and called out. “Bri, I need your help over here!”

  Bri rushed over and began helping. Josh met Mel’s eyes again and gave her a brief nod of thanks, knowing she would stay with Bri and keep her safe.

  “Josh!” He swung his head around in time to catch the Nomex jacket and helmet sent his way. Noah grinned. “Let’s go, man.”

  With one last glance back to make sure Bri was safe and sound, Josh shrugged on the jacket and followed the other man to the burning home. With any luck there wouldn't be too much damage.


  Bri applied cream to the small burn wound in front of her, apologizing when the patient winced. “Sorry. I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

  “No worries. I appreciate the help,” the man chuckled, holding out his hand. “I’m Sin.”

  “Sin?” Bri raised a brow but used her free hand to shake his.

  “Yeah. Well, Sinclair, but everyone calls me Sin.” Sin shrugged, his blue eyes flickering with pain when the movement jolted his leg. “Damn. That hurts.”

  “Mel should be here in a second to help you. She was just treating someone else first.”

  Sin waved her concern away. “Nah, I’m good.”

  She glanced back over at the burning home in front of her for the hundredth time, desperately looking to see if she could catch a glimpse of Josh.

  “Josh will be fine.”

  Sin’s abrupt comment startled her and she narrowed her eyes on him. “Excuse me?”

  Nerves skittered up her spine. How did he know she was looking for Josh? Bri was sure she had never met the man before. For the first time she realized how much of a threat he could be. Probably as tall as Josh, just a tad wider, Bri felt extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden and very vulnerable.

  “No need to worry. I guess Josh hasn’t gotten around to introducing you to everyone, but I promise we are friends.” As if sensing her distress, Sin held his hands up in a gesture of peace. “Besides, I only got back to town a few days ago. Shocked as hell to hear he was settling down and all, but I’ve got to say, it’s damn good to hear. If anyone deserves to be happy, it’s that man.”

  “You’re friends?”

  Sin nodded, dark hair flopping in his face as the large man grinned. “Yeah, we go way back. Josh, me, Noah, and a few others. We all went to school together, grew up together, that sort of thing. I’ve been working in the city for the last few years, hadn’t made it back home as often as I should, but I’m here now.”

  The sad smile he wore tugged at her heart. “What brought you back?”

  “My stepdad,” Sin whispered. “He passed away. Heart attack. I returned to bury him a few months back and found out mum wasn’t doing so well. My little sister isn’t coping either so I’ve come home.”

  “I’m sorry,” she consoled him, not sure what else to say.

  Sin’s laugh was weak. “Thanks. It’s fine though.”

  “You’re not causing too much trouble for Bri are you, Sin? 'Cause Josh will have your balls.” Bri startled at Mel’s sudden appearance, panicking a little. The other woman smiled gently. “Sorry. Thought you would have heard me coming. You okay?”

  Bri cleared her throat and blushed when she caught Sin’s scrutinizing gaze. “Yeah.”

  “Something I should know?” Sin asked, his eyes harder than they were before.

  Mel looked from her to Sin. “Probably would help. You need to talk to Josh and Noah later, I think.”

  Bri bristled. “I don’t think everyone needs to know my business.”

  “No, but anyone capable of taking out a man with his bare hands or leading a squad of highly trained men in Secret Ops missions should be considered handy to have around,” Mel drawled.

  Bri gaped, her gaze shooting from Sin back to Mel, then back to Sin before she finally said, “Then why the hell were you complaining over a boo boo?”

  Sin snorted. “To have a pretty lady worry over me of course.”

  “A pregnant and very taken lady,” Mel added, giving Sin a quelling look.

  The man just rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, sugarplum. The moment I realized she was the infamous Bri, my flirting stopped being serious.”


  “Oh yeah. Everyone knows about you, darlin.” The wink Sin sent her made her laugh.


  Stepping back to let Mel have a look at a wound Bri was no longer that concerned about, her eyes drew immediately back to the home. She let out a sigh when she finally saw Josh making his way toward her. The flames for the most part seemed extinguished though she was the first to admit she knew nothing about fires.

  “Everything okay?” she asked as he got closer.

  “Yeah, honey.” He gave her a small smile, and she could read how tired he was in his eyes. Covered in soot, blond hair darker than normal, Bri still thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

  Damn, she was a goner.

  “Sin,” Josh greeted the other man. “I see you’ve met my Bri.”

  “You could say that,” Sin snickered.

  Josh shook his head with a chuckle. “Ladies man as always.”

  “The town seems to be full of them,” Mel muttered.

  Laughter echoed from over near the inn, where Bri could see Caleb horsing around with one of the other men. “Looks like things are settled for the most part.”

  “Yeah, those with more training have taken over, things should b—”

  A panicked shout cut off Josh, drawing their attention over the building just in time to see Noah come running out of nowhere and ploughing into a startled Caleb before a massive explosion consumed the air. Josh covered Bri even though she was in no danger. She barely had time to gain her senses when she heard Mel screaming out Caleb and Noah’s names, racing forward, headless of what could happen. Even Sin leaped up from the stretcher he had been resting on and darted across the distance.

  People were scrambling and Bri’s heart beat furiously as she waited. Josh tensed beside her, she could tell he was desperate to find his brother, but unwilling to leave her side. His relief was almost palpable when Caleb and Sin dragged a slightly injured Noah over to the temporary medics set up.

  “Caleb, what happened? Are you okay?” Josh asked, rushing forward when they were finally in reach.

  “I...yeah. I d-don’t...Noah.” Eyes wide and frantic, Caleb never looked away from the sheriff.

  Grabbing a blanket, worried about shock, Bri wrapped Caleb up in it, tugging the material tightly around him. “It’s okay,” she soothed.

  “Noah?” Caleb croaked out.

  “I’m okay,” the older man reassured them. Noah glanced up at Caleb. “I’m just glad I got there in time. You were standing too close to that spark.”

  Beside her Josh frowned. “There shouldn't have been a spark. That area had been cleared.” />
  “Obviously not,” Noah grunted as Mel treated him.

  Bri peered over at the small flames now being stubbed out, shuddering at the scorch marks thinking that had been too close. Caleb could've been killed.

  “Like Noah said. It’s okay,” she repeated, wrapping her arms around both Josh and Caleb. “It’s okay.”

  The back of her neck tingled, as if someone was watching her. Turning her head, she caught Kelly staring over at their group, a weird mixture of concern, and annoyance on her features. When she noticed Bri, her scowl deepened before turning on her heel and storming off. Bri shook her head. What was the woman’s problem?

  When Mel had finished patching Noah up, with the man muttering under his breath about her overreacting, the men left Bri and Mel to check on the progress. Bri noted that Mel seemed hesitant to let either Noah or Caleb return across the street and felt she could relate. The further Josh was away from that building, the better.

  “You okay?” she asked the doctor.

  Mel seemed startled by the question, perhaps even a little guilty, but covered it up quickly. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Bri smirked. “Oh I don’t know, maybe because if every fiber of my being is screaming to grab Josh and drag him away from that place, I can’t imagine what you are feeling with both of them.”

  Mel flailed, dropping the used gauze she had been cleaning up. “I d-don’t, I-I mean...what?”

  Snorting with laughter, Bri said, “Don’t even. I see the way you look at both of them. And the way they look at you, not to mention each other. I may have issues, but I’m not blind.”

  “’s not...” Mel visibly deflated. “Crap.”

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  “Not much to say really.” The other woman shrugged. “Yeah, there is something there. But how would I choose...and would either of them choose me over the other.”

  Bri tilted her head, considering. While to her the answer was pretty simple, Mel appeared to really be beating herself up over the situation. Bri had gotten to know Mel well in the last few weeks, discovering they had a few things in common, but most of all just enjoyed each other’s company. She felt Mel could be the kind of friend Bri had only ever had in Charlotte. It hurt to see the woman so torn.

  Cutting her new friend some slack, she offered, “Why choose at all?”


  “ care for both of them, and they care for you. I can tell they have feelings for one another, so…”

  Mel’s eyes bugged, and Bri fought hard to keep a straight face. “W-what? You can’t be seriously.”

  “Oh, I am absolutely serious.”

  Her friend seemed outraged at the suggestion, and yet...thoughtful.

  Bri chuckled to herself, wondering how long it would take them all to pull their collective heads out of their asses and realize this complicated situation...didn’t need to be so complicated. So much had happened to Bri over the last few years, and if there was one thing she was certain of, it was that life was too short and too complicated on its own. No need to go making it worse. Just enjoy the ride when you can.

  Glancing over at Josh, a smile tugged at her lips, growing when he saw her and returned it with one of his own. She was definitely enjoying herself now.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The following afternoon, Bri headed into town with Caleb. She had a mission. Her parents were coming for dinner—the first time since the tense dinner where they found out about Josh and the baby. Bri smiled when she thought of the very real wedding she would now plan. The evening had to be perfect. More than anything, Bri wanted her father and Josh to get along. Her father still had issues with the whole thing, but before everything happened, he had really liked Josh. If they would only pull their heads out of their asses, everything would be fine. Given they were both stubborn alpha males, it could take a while.

  She'd also have to talk about Timothy—something she didn't relish. But they didn't have a choice. Timothy had gotten too close, and had obviously decided to play for keeps.

  Daddy is gonna be sooo pissed.

  Pulling up to the curb, Bri jumped out of the car, heading straight for the doors, only to be pulled up short by a yank on her arm.

  Turning to glare at Caleb, she asked, "What?"

  "What? What the hell do you think you're doing? There's a lunatic out there taking pot shots at people and you just stroll off on your own?" he replied, arching an eyebrow.

  "Oh, sorry. I wasn't thinking." Crap. How stupid could she be? When would she learn not to get carried away and act before thinking?

  "No worries, trouble. Let's go get fancy things for the folks." He grinned, reaching his hand out to muss her hair.

  Ducking away from him, she walked toward the doors of the store, knowing he followed behind her. She paused abruptly when she thought she saw someone duck around the corner of the building. Taking a step in that direction, she frowned when Kelly Skater suddenly came around the same corner giving Bri a tight smile and rushing into the store. Bri sighed while shaking her head. That woman still had issues with her and Josh, something she had made more than clear when they bumped into each other in town. Bri had hoped Kelly would come around, but that didn't seem to be the case. Bri smiled, greeting people as she passed them, most stopping to say hello. It always amazed her how intimate and inviting the town could be. They even managed to remember each other's name, something Bri struggled with. Hell, she couldn't even recall the name of her next door neighbor she had had before moving here to Bricker.

  It astounded her how all the residents seemed to know what was happening in one another's lives and were always quick off the mark to help each other out. Josh had been up early that morning and had headed over to Randy and Adele’s place. Within hours half the town had turned up as well, cleaning out the mess, and the other half were gathering the equipment needed to fix it. Bri had stood by watching Josh do his thing as he and his men had lifted the heavy furniture, pulled up the carpet, and torn down walls. All those sweaty men running around with their shirts off as her man ordered them around had been a very pretty sight she still swooned from.

  Trying desperately to focus on what she needed and not on her runaway hormones, Bri scoured each aisle and was almost done when Caleb started whining. "Are we done, yet?"

  "You do know how much of a child you sound like when you say that, right?" She smirked.

  Sticking his bottom lip out, he pouted. "I do not. I'm just bored. I wanna go home and ride the ponies."

  They stared at each other for a moment, before bursting into laughter. God, the man could be a riot sometimes.

  "I'll tell you what. If you quickly grab the potatoes and zucchini, I'll grab the cream and custard, then we'll be done," she offered.

  He seemed to size up how much risk she would be in if he left her for a moment, then eventually shrugged. "Sure. The store is crowded enough. Everyone knows to be on the lookout for a stranger, anyway."

  Heading off in their separate directions, Bri turned down the aisle she needed. Standing in front of the freezer area, she tried to decide between brands when voices caught her attention. Not so much the voices, but their topic of conversation.

  Peeking around the corner, she saw the regrettably unforgettable Kelly with two other women.

  Kelly threw her head back as she laughed. "It's pathetic isn't it? I mean, he was doing such a poor job at lying to her, but she was so desperate to believe him."

  "Wait, you're telling me she believed the whole, oh a group of us went out, it wasn't a date?" The woman to her left laughed as well. "I thought she had just chosen to forgive him."

  "No, no. She fell for it. Things certainly aren't the way they seem between the two of them. Haven't you noticed he didn't give her his mother's ring, you know, the heirloom one." Kelly giggled.

  "Maybe he suspects the baby isn't his. I mean, she is having all that trouble with some ex of hers. It could be they both found out the baby was his." The ot
her woman nodded, as if she'd just figured out some big puzzle.

  Bri stood with her fist in her mouth trying desperately to hold back the sob in her chest. It hurt to hear the things they were saying, but most of all it tore at her heart to think any of it might be true. Things had been going wonderfully for her and Josh lately. But why hadn't he given her his mother's heirloom ring? Would he not if he truly wanted a real wedding? Hell, she hadn't even known about the ring.

  Unable to deal with anyone, particularly Caleb, Bri left her cart and ran for the restroom, pushing her way through the door. Bending over the sink, she struggled to catch her breath, feeling her whole world crumble. She well and truly loved Josh. Did he really feel the same? Leaning back against the adjoining wall, Bri willed herself to calm down when she saw black spots swimming in her vision.

  When she finally got her breathing under control, she thought more rationally. Josh would never hurt her. There must be a reason for him not giving her his mother's ring. For all she knew, he could have chosen to bury her with it. One thing she had learned the hard way—no good could come from jumping to conclusions. And besides, she had to consider the source. Kelly wanted to cause trouble, and Bri refused to believe a word the bitch said. God, her hormones were making her crazy.

  Bri needed to go home and get the truth from Josh.

  Making her mind up, Bri stepped away from the wall intending to go find Caleb when a hand clamped across her mouth. Before she had chance to call out, Bri felt a sharp jab in her upper arm. Panic seizing her, it took a minute for Bri to react, then she started kicking and screaming behind the hand that covered her. None of it did any good, though.

  Her vision started to blur, and she could no longer support herself anymore. Arms immediately wrapped around as she felt herself being dragged out of the restroom and down the hall toward the back exits. Bri searched frantically, hoping someone would see, letting out a moan.

  All of a sudden she stopped moving, and someone shoved a thick gag in her mouth. Whoever had her, shoved open the door and sunlight immediately hit her eyes. Her mind couldn't keep up with the movements, and the next thing she knew she was laid down. From the worn dark leather, and hard surface underneath, Bri guessed it to be a car of some sort. When she felt her body being rolled over she found herself face to face with Timothy, staring down at her with a smile on his face. Whimpering, Bri struggled to get away even as she felt herself succumbing to whatever he injected her with. Revulsion washed through her when Timothy's hand stroked her cheek in an intimate gesture. Her vision began to dim, and her limbs went numb as he spoke softly.


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