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Enlisting Her Heart

Page 6

by Willow Brooke

  “Could be…then again, at least I’m not packing on the pounds yet.” Alaina smiled. She stepped closer, tracing a finger under Violet’s eye. “What’s wrong? You look like you haven’t slept in a week, honey.” She sat on the sofa, patting the cushion next to her. “Spill it.”

  “Last night…shit. I don’t know where to start. So, you know I have a thing for Hulk…and Kodiak.” Red crept up her neck and cheeks. Alaina giggled.

  “Duh.” Alaina rolled her eyes.

  “Well, Kodiak came to my room last night.” Violet sat, unsure what all to tell her.

  “Oh my God, it’s about time! Was Hulk there too? Tell me everything. So, was it good?” Alaina bounced beside her.

  “No and yes. No, Hulk wasn’t there. Yes it was…freaking amazing.” She giggled. “But after, Hulk came to the door and Kodiak answered. They fought—like literally slugged the shit out of each other. I stepped in to stop it and Hulk looked at me. God, Alaina…the look in his eyes…it broke my heart. He looked like I’d ripped his soul out. So when he stormed off, I made Kodiak leave. I know he wanted to just make me feel better, but I felt guilty. I wanted to run to them both and couldn’t. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to fix this.”

  Alaina wrapped her arm around Violet’s shoulders and hugged her. “Oh, honey, they are just being men. They’ll come around. Hell, Maverick and Rock didn’t want to share me either, and look at us now. Let them have time to think on it. Both of them need a good dose of the cold shoulder to get their head out of their ass. Kodiak should have talked to him ahead of time. He wasn’t innocent in all this, Vi.”

  “I know. I had kinda assumed they had when Kodiak came to me last night. I mean, I know they’ve had a pissing match going on, but I just figured that for him to take it to the next level they would have a plan or something. Hell, I still don’t know how it’s supposed to work. I just know I love them both.” Her hands flew over her mouth. “Shit. I mean, I care for them a lot. I can’t love them. We’ve been friends for a long time, but things just started changing to more of a romance. Ugh.” She covered her face.

  Alaina smiled, despite the confusion her best friend was in. “Oh, honey, yes you can, and you do. I was exactly where you are not long ago. It’ll all work out, okay?”

  Violet sniffled, wiping the stray tear that had escaped off. “Ugh. Why does everything have to be so dang complicated? We are on vacation for shit’s sake. I imagined soaking up the sun, a drink in my hand, and two hot bodies beside me… Not this.”

  Alaina’s face lit up. “So, that’s exactly what you are going to do.”

  “What? Yeah, maybe if I tie them up and hold them at gun point.” Violet looked down, wringing her hands together. “But, okay there’s more. You can’t say a word. Have you noticed Hulk acting different?” She felt like she was betraying him for exposing his condition, but worry won out.

  “Yeah. The guys said he’s having PTSD. They’ve been trying to let him come to terms with it himself, but if he hasn’t asked for help by the time we get back, they are calling the doc. It’s been killing them knowing he is going through it. I offered to go talk to him but they told me not to. If he’s confronted with it before he is willing to accept it, it’ll only make things worse. Guys don’t like to talk, much less about feelings and stuff…and Hulk is the worse than them all.” Violet nodded. Maybe it would take an intervention of sorts.

  “You knew? I’ve been trying to help him, but I think that’s one reason he’s held back from me. That, and I just don’t think he is open to Kodiak being in the mix. But, I can’t choose. I think he doesn’t feel like he deserves happiness or isn’t good enough. I don’t know. I could be reading him all wrong.” She sighed.

  “Violet, love, don’t read too much into it. I think he’s confused and messed up, love. Give it time. Yeah, the idea of sharing a woman is hard to come to terms with, but after he sees the benefits, he’ll be jumping on it.” Alaina giggled. “Believe me, you’ll appreciate the piss fights in the beginning. Two men trying to show each other up? Yes please.”

  “You’re horrible!” Violet giggled.

  “I know. But I promise you I have more orgasms in a night than you’ve had in your life,” she cackled.

  “What’s so funny?” Maverick asked as he walked in carrying enough food to feed a small country.

  “Just how awesome it is having two hot hunks of man meat in bed with me each night.” Her eyes fluttered flirtatiously and he groaned.

  “Is someone wanting round three already this morning?” He laughed.

  “Humm. If you’re not up to it, I can call Rock. I’m sure he won’t mind putting up with my raging hormones.” Her little smirk said it all. Violet had to swallow a laugh at her friend’s antics. When Maverick turned around to set the food down, Alaina shot her a wink. “Works like a charm.”

  “You’re evil.” Violet shook her head. “I think that’s my cue to leave.”

  “No no. This momma has to get some food first before anything goes on. Come on, there’s plenty.” Alaina giggled. “I think he got everything on the menu.”

  Maverick turned around and laughed. “Actually, I did. Come on, Vi, she can’t eat this much…yet.” Alaina smacked him on the arm playfully, handing her a plate. While Violet forked some sausage links and scooped a heap of cheesy eggs on her plate, she had an idea.

  “Maybe, when we get back, I can help give Zane a little incentive to get some help with it.”

  Alaina grinned at Violet. “I like your way of thinking. Who says we have to wait until you get home? I’ve got a plan.”

  “Incentive for what?” Maverick’s brows shot up inquisitively.

  “Just girl talk, baby. You worry about rounding up some orange juice. Oh! And milk. God, I’m craving milk right now.” Alaina heaped a bite of food into her mouth, hardly able to close her lips. Violet giggled. She looked at Maverick who stood staring at her like she was the sun and the moon.

  “Anything for the most beautiful woman in the world, baby.” Maverick beamed at his glowing bride, all of the love pouring from him.

  “She is pretty damn hot with her mouth stuffed full,” Violet teased. Maverick’s eyes narrowed, a cocky smirk spreading across his face.

  “You have no idea.” He winked. Violet snorted, barely saving the mouthful of sausage from flying from her mouth. “Orange juice okay with you, Vi?”

  “Yeah, thank you.” He blew a kiss at Alaina and left to do his wife’s bidding, whistling a cheerful tune.

  “God, you all are sickening sweet.” She shook her head, leaning her chin in her palm.

  “Yeah, I know. Just wait. You’ll be the one making everyone’s nose wrinkle up once you rope those two meat heads.” Alaina smiled, wanting her best friend to have all the love she received every single day from her two husbands.

  “I hope so.” Violet wasn’t sure if things would ever work out. There were a lot of odds against them, and only time would tell her future.

  Hulk and Kodiak walked out to the beach where the others were enjoying the sun. The kids were running around playing while the adults relaxed on the comfy chase lounges. Even Alaina sat under an umbrella sporting a bikini, her baby bump barely starting to show. They greeted everyone politely as they approached, trying to dodge conversation as much as possible along the way, both hunting the same target—Violet. When they spotted her, both men let out a growl. Violet laid on her stomach, her white bikini top untied as she sunbathed on her stomach…between Romeo and Juju. Both men looked up and waved, grinning like hyenas.

  “Hey, guys, grab a beer.” Romeo reached down in the cooler and pulled two out, handing them to Kodiak. It took all Kodiak had not to rip his damn arm off when he took them.

  “What the hell are you doing?” He grumbled, hoping Violet didn’t hear him. She still hadn’t looked up to greet them. It was both upsetting and relieving. If she sat up, there was a chance her top would slip and the guys would get a view of his woman. Still, he couldn’t remember her ever n
ot offering one of her million dollar smiles.

  “Enjoying the view.” Romeo wagged his eyebrows. When Hulk stepped toward him, Vice’s head popped up and smiled.

  “Bout time you two joined us. Grab a chair.” She pointed to two on the other side of Dom with a grin. Dom arched a brow, watching them. Kodiak’s nostrils flared, but he took a seat instead of making a scene. Hulk was a little slower to follow, so Kodiak shot him a look. He muttered something under his breath but sat, glaring at Romeo and Juju.

  “I swear if they touch her…” he whispered.

  “They won’t. I know good damn and well she wouldn’t give them the time of day. They’re fucking with us. Just relax and play along.”

  Hulk looked at him unsure but nodded. At this point, he had no clue what to think.

  A couple hours passed, and Kodiak sat back down trying to catch his breath. He had been buried in the sand twice, made three sand castles, and chased the kids up and down the beach until he thought he’d die. “Damn, where do they get their energy?” he gasped, holding his chest.

  “It’s good for you.” Vice laughed. She took off after Lizzy, scooping her up and headed off to the water. Dom laughed.

  “Can you tell she is hinting around about wanting to start a family?” he joked.

  “Nah. Not at all. So, are you gonna start trying?” Hulk asked, lifting his shades.

  “Yeah. I’ve been ‘accidently’ forgetting to gear up. She got off birth control here a few weeks ago complaining it was making her gain weight.” He laughed. “As if she has an ounce of fat on her body. So, instead of making her come out and ask, I’m playing along. Sometimes with women, you gotta beat them at their own game.” He darted his eyes over at Juju and Romeo and back to him. Hulk grinned, getting the message loud and clear. He didn’t want to piss her off more by ogling another woman in retaliation, so he decided to beat her at her own game. He casually reached down and grabbed the sunblock. “Hey, Juju, catch!” He tossed the tube to him and nodded to Violet. “She looks like she’s getting too much sun.” He got up and walked off to go get a drink from the bar, turning to watch only after he was out of sight. Juju looked at Romeo and shrugged, unsure what to do. He looked like she would bite him, easing his hand over to her back. The second he touched her she jumped, glaring at him.

  “What are you doing?” The look she gave was priceless. Kodiak laughed, taking another swig off his beer.

  “You’re gonna burn.” Before he could lather her up, she sat up, fixed her top, and ran over to Alaina, having her lube her back and shoulders. When she returned, she looked to Kodiak confused. He smiled, turning his attention away from her and back to Dom, talking about sports.

  Violet’s face dropped into a pout. Why were they acting so damn coy? She had thought them seeing her laying between the two biggest horn dogs in the troop would be enough to have them begging at her heels. Yet it seemed to be backfiring. She had no doubt that Romeo and Juju would treat her like a sister as they always had. But the way Hulk and Kodiak had been going at each other, she hoped it would make them work together to get her back in their good graces and away from these two. So far none of that happened.

  Romeo met her eyes and grinned, winking. He hadn’t been filled in on the total plan just what his part entailed, eagerly willing to help. The whole team had been sitting by idly, watching Kodiak and Hulk dance around Violet, and they were just about tired of watching the pathetic show. It was obvious the way Kodiak and Hulk went on about her, without even realizing how they cared for her, and it wasn’t just for a roll in the sack. Why they wanted all the commitment and shit, Romeo had no idea. He damn sure didn’t plan to ever settle down. But, if the big lugs were gonna, it was time they quit acting like little pussies and do it already. Watching the two love struck suckers was killing him.

  Romeo leaned over, whispering in Violet’s ear, “Giggle like I just said something totally charming and hilarious, like every time I talk,” he laughed. Violet’s eyes went wide for a split second before she caught on, but she did, watching Kodiak out of the corner of her eye. Romeo’s little move worked. Kodiak’s eyes narrowed, shooting daggers in Romeo’s direction. He leaned in again, whispering, “See? He knows Big Romeo can charm the pants off a nun. Guys get territorial and jealous. It’s in our nature.” He grinned, sitting back with a huge smile spreading across his face.

  “When do you want to go?” Violet asked him, hoping he’d still play along.

  “Hell, baby, we can go now.” He jumped up, overenthusiastically, nudging Juju. “Hey, bro, wanna have some fun?” Juju looked at Violet and back to him, shrugging.

  “I’m game. What’d you have in mind, sexy?” Juju said as he stood.

  Shit. She wanted to insinuate without having to lie but her mind was blank. How the hell was she going to sell this? Thankfully, Romeo moved in to save the day.

  “Violet needs a riding lesson. Come on, lets go show her how it’s done, bro.” Before Juju asked any questions, he walked away, his hand brushing against the small of Violet’s back as he led her in front of him. Juju still looked confused but shrugged it off, his normal wild self ready for anything.

  Violet glanced back once, watching Kodiak’s jaw hit the ground. Hopefully, this didn’t come back to haunt her.

  They passed Hulk as they walked by the bar, staring in disbelief. Violet plastered on her best innocent smile and waved, choking down a laugh as he mouthed the words, ‘what the fuck’. Yep. This should get a rise out of them.

  He returned to where the others sat and threw his hands up in the air, his expression almost animated.

  “Man, do you have a lot to learn about women.” Vince shook his head, distracted as a group of bronzed muscles walked by.

  “Huh?” Kodiak asked, tearing his attention away from the man feast on the beach.

  After an overdramatic eye roll and sigh, he sat up and turned to face Hulk and Kodiak. “You both have a thing for our little flower, correct?” Both men looked at each other uncomfortably, suddenly finding the sand at their feet interesting.

  “God, this is gonna be harder than I thought. Okay, when a woman is proving a point, it’s usually for a good reason. I assume you two meat heads have showed your ass fighting over her.” Vince looked between the two, getting only a faint nod from each. Both Hulk and Kodiak didn’t make eye contact, acting like two kids sent to the principal’s office. “I’ll take that as a yes. So, you both think you should make her choose, right? Play out some absurd version of Twilight?” When they looked up, he fought back a laugh. “You know what was the most fucked up part of that movie? Bella having to choose. Think about it…if Edward and Jacob would have agreed to share her and make a trio relationship, that movie could have went in a totally different direction.” Vince sat back, crossing his fingers across his chest.

  “And? What are you getting at without the glitter references and shit?” Hulk asked, confused.

  “Yeah, I liked that movie series. I’m not catching what you’re getting at,” Kodiak added.

  Vince blew a raspberry and rubbed his hand over his face, trying to tap into patience he didn’t have. “What I’m saying is, why risk losing her or making her unhappy when you both can have it all.”

  Kodiak scratched his head, still not seeing his reference as helpful. “But what about the little girl? Jacob wasn’t in love with Bella. He just thought he was. It was the daughter he imprinted on.”

  “Lord, no wonder you two are clueless. I was just proving that if two men are head over heels in love with one woman, and she loves them both, no one needs to get their heart broken. Look at Alaina. Geeze, I swear when God handed out brains, you two got the leftovers.” Vince’s expression went from his normal sunshine to unimpressed.

  “What do you suggest?” Hulk’s cockiness was short lived.

  “Get your shit together and work as a team before you lose her. You’re both soldiers for shit’s sake. Adjust to your surroundings. Whatever it is they teach you, but quit acting like idiots a
nd figure it out. I haven’t seen my girl this torn up over anyone.”

  Once they were out of view from everyone, Violet turned to Romeo. “What are we doing?”

  “Like I said, we’re giving you a riding lesson. How do you feel about motorcycles?” His eyes danced with mischief. Violet felt her stomach tie up in knots. She’d hoped it had to do with a horse, or even a surfboard…but motorcycles?

  “They scare the shit out of me.”

  Romeo and Juju laughed. “Well, at least you’re honest. After today, hopefully your opinion’s changed. Go get some clothes on and meet us at the front of the resort.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’d never hurt you,” Juju added.

  Violet thought about it and nodded before she changed her mind. “I know.” And she did. The guys were like the big brothers she never had. She trusted her life with all of them. She turned and hustled to her room, hoping that this would at least get Hulk and Kodiak’s attention…and not in a bad way.

  Violet walked up to the front of the resort, looking down at her outfit once more. Despite the hot weather, she knew the more skin covered the less the pavement would ground to hamburger if she fell. Having only packed one pair of jeans and no other casual tops besides tank tops, she felt little comfort in her attire. Thankfully, the knee-high leather boots would offer some protection. Granted, they weren’t exactly biker boots, but were better than flip-flops or pumps. As she approached the driveway, a whistle echoed off the building. She turned to see its source and saw Romeo propped against a stretched out Harley and Juju by a crotch rocket looking sexy as sin. She laughed off their catcalls, shaking her head. “You two are bad.”

  “Yeah, but we are so bad we’re good, baby. Come on and let us take you for a ride. No use in you moping around to wait for those two dipshits to see what a knockout you are when you have two willing and ready hunks like us to show you a good time,” Juju teased.


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