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Galactic Empire Wars: Rebellion (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 3)

Page 20

by Raymond L. Weil

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Warrior’s Fire dropped out of Fold Space into the Pradel System and instantly went to full combat alert. Klaxons sounded and lights flashed as the Zaltule crew prepared for combat. Other battlecruisers began showing up around the flagship until the full seven hundred warships were present. They rapidly moved about into a compact defensive formation as their short-range and long-range sensors began reaching out scanning the system for potential hostile contacts.

  “No hostile contacts within twenty light minutes,” reported Jalridd as the first sensor scans began coming in. “Picking up a few cargo ships, but no warships.”

  “Hold the fleet at its current position,” ordered Harmock, rising up to his full height on his six legs. “This is a nonaligned world and we know they have warships to defend their two worlds. I want to know where they are!”

  The three-kilometer wide disk ships continued to hold motionless, their energy screens fully powered and weapons searching space for any hint of a hostile ship. The long-range sensors reached farther into the system and finally began picking up the Pradelians’ battlecruisers. They were all together in a loose formation halfway between the second and third planets.

  “Seventy-two ships,” reported Jalridd as the red threat icons began appearing on the primary tactical screen. “They seem to be holding at their current position and have made no movement since we detected them.”

  “They might not know we’re here yet,” suggested Gareth as he studied the tactical screen.

  “They know we’re here,” Harmock spoke in his cold and hard voice. “The cargo ships would have detected us and reported our presence as soon as we dropped out of Fold Space.”

  “Why are they waiting?” asked Gareth.

  “They want us to make the first move,” answered Harmock, taking several steps forward on the Command Pedestal. “Move the fleet toward them on our sublight drives and let's see if we can provoke a response. Keep our sensors focused on those warships; I want to know as much about them as possible before we initiate combat.”

  Gareth quickly activated the ship-to-ship communicator. “All battlecruisers proceed ahead at one third power on sublight engines. Standard defensive formation with the flagship at the center until further notice.”

  The seven hundred Zaltule warships instantly began accelerating and adjusted their course to intercept the waiting Pradelian ships. Metal hatch covers slid open, revealing waiting sublight antimatter missiles, and energy turrets rotated until they were focused in the direction of the fleet’s travel. The heavy pulse fusion weapons were charged with energy and readied to fire upon command.


  Aboard the Constellation, Admiral Adamson watched the Kleese ships intently as they began moving toward the waiting Pradel battlecruisers. Seventh Fleet had arrived just a few hours previously after receiving a frantic warning about the approach of the Zaltule fleet. After receiving the message from the Nalton cargo ship, they'd decided the Kleese were going to attack one of three nonaligned worlds. The Naltons and the Lanolthians had been adamant that Pradel would be the world under fire from the Zaltule. Pradel was a highly civilized world with a major colony on their third planet and even served as a trading hub for several of the nearer nonaligned worlds.

  “They were right,” spoke Commander Shepherd as she watched the tactical screen. “The Kleese are right on time.”

  “Make sure we keep our power output at a minimum,” ordered Adamson, feeling his heart beating faster at the thought of combat. “We don’t want the Kleese to know we’re here until they’re heavily engaged with the defending Pradel warships. I also don’t want to use the new missiles unless absolutely necessary.”

  “All ships are operating at minimal power levels,” Sandra assured the admiral. “They understand we need to remain undetected and to use regular twenty-megaton missiles unless otherwise ordered.”

  Adamson nodded as he allowed his gaze to play over his command crew. All were busy at their stations as if this was just a normal duty shift. Adamson let out a deep breath. He knew that a victory in the coming battle meant the Alliance would become a reality. A loss and everything they'd worked so hard for would fall apart. If he could win this battle without revealing the new six-warhead antimatter missile R&D had designed, it would give the Human ships a tactical advantage in future battles. However, if it became necessary to deploy the missiles to ensure victory, he wouldn't hesitate.

  On one of the viewscreens, the troop assault ship Defender was displayed. At one thousand meters, the ship was very impressive and perhaps the most powerful ship in the fleet. She had heavier energy screens, thicker battle armor, and the weighty weapons of a battlecruiser. Colonel Nelson had left the Constellation and taken a shuttle over to the Defender just before they departed the Lanolthian System.

  “The Pradelians are on the move,” reported Commander Shepherd as the green icons on the tactical screen representing the nonaligned world’s ships began to change positions. “They’re moving to just outside the orbit of the third planet to intercept the Kleese before they can target Ryerson.” Ryerson was the name of the other inhabited planet in the system and held slightly over one billion inhabitants.

  “Kleese ships have jumped into Fold Space,” called out Lieutenant Lash as the Kleese ships suddenly began moving rapidly toward the Pradelian battlecruisers.

  “All ships go to full power,” ordered Admiral Adamson over the com, which linked him to all of his ship commanders. “Standby to enter Fold Space upon my command.” He knew the Kleese couldn’t detect his ships as most long-range sensors didn’t function well in Fold Space.


  “Dropping out of Fold Space,” reported Minor Overlord Gareth as the viewscreens on the Warrior’s Fire began to clear and show the space around the ship.

  “Pradelian ships are at extreme combat range,” added Jalridd as the tactical screen began to light up with red threat icons.

  “Close the range,” Harmock ordered as he prepared himself for battle. “Detach twenty ships to begin the invasion of Ryerson.”

  “Orders have been passed to the indicated ships,” spoke Gareth. He watched on the tactical screen as the small force broke off from the fleet and accelerated toward the planet.

  “What’s the latest status on the Pradelian battlecruisers?”

  “The ships are one thousand meters in length and two hundred meters in diameter,” answered Jalridd, promptly. “They are of standard cylinder shape with what appear to be numerous energy weapons and open hatches indicating missile tubes.”

  “A formidable warship,” uttered Gareth. “Except they are dealing with the Zaltule and they shall soon learn their ships are not nearly as powerful as they believe.”

  “Weapons have locked on the nearer Pradelian ships,” reported Salten from his weapons console. The Kleese all stood at their battle stations, as their form was not made for sitting. “Ready to fire.”

  “Overlord!” spoke one of the Kleese at another sensor panel. “I am detecting a spatial disturbance approaching from our rear.”

  “What type of disturbance?” demanded Harmock, feeling alarmed.

  “It’s a Fold Space disturbance approaching us at a high rate of speed.”

  “All ships come to a stop,” Harmock ordered. “Prepare defenses for a massed antimatter attack!”

  He wasn’t a fool, and as the Supreme War Overlord of the Kleese and particularly the Zaltule, he was wise enough to spot a trap. It was obvious now that the Pradelian battlecruisers had been acting as a lure to draw his fleet into combat so these unknowns behind him could hit his fleet at the worst possible moment. The trap had almost worked. If not for the Zaltule at one of the sensor stations spotting the spatial disturbance, the inbound ships would have hit the Zaltule battlecruisers when they were fully engaged with the Pradelians.

  Harmock began hurriedly adjusting his fleet formation as he realized he would soon be facing an attack from two directions. It would make maneuver
ing difficult.

  “Unknowns are dropping out of Fold Space,” Gareth reported his multifaceted eyes focused intently on the tactical screen, which was lighting up with numerous red threat icons.

  “Numbers!” demanded Harmock his eyes seeking the tactical screen for more information.

  “Nearly four hundred ships,” uttered Jalridd as the information came over his sensor screens. “I’m detecting at least eight different ship types.”

  “The Alliance!” spoke Gareth as he turned toward Harmock. “This must be the Alliance we've heard about.”

  “Inbound weapons fire!” reported Jalridd.

  “Return fire!” ordered Harmock in a hard voice. “We will destroy this Alliance here and now.” He was confident his seven hundred ships could withstand this attack and complete its objective.

  “Overlord,” interjected Jalridd. “I am detecting two hundred Kleese assault ships in the attacking fleet.”

  “Assault ships?” questioned Gareth, feeling confused. Could a faction of the Kleese race be helping this Alliance?

  “It’s the Humans,” answered Harmock without hesitation. “They have the trading station and could easily build assault ships for their own use. These Humans are a clever enemy indeed.”


  Admiral Adamson felt grim satisfaction in the knowledge they had trapped the Zaltule fleet between his forces and the Pradelian battlecruisers. Now he had to destroy it.

  “Particle beam firing,” spoke Lieutenant Kali Summers from Tactical.

  “All ships are engaging,” added Commander Shepherd as the viewscreen showed a Waltarn battlecruiser firing its massive KEW cannon at a Kleese battlecruiser.

  Sandra knew from her earlier briefing that the Waltarn’s cannon fired a ten thousand kilogram shell at twenty percent the speed of light. She was curious to see its effect upon a Zaltule battlecruiser. She was quickly rewarded when the screen lit up with light as the KEW round impacted a Zaltule energy screen, tore through, and then ripped into the hull, causing a massive explosion as its kinetic energy was released. When the glow faded, all that was left of the enemy battlecruiser were two shattered and burning sections.”

  “Now that’s a railgun,” uttered Lieutenant Summers with a jealous smile. “I want one.”

  On the viewscreen, other Alliance ships were now engaging the Zaltule and it was quickly becoming apparent that the combined Alliance fleet had a decisive edge in advanced weapons. Zaltule battlecruisers were being blown apart in rapid succession as powerful energy beams, pulse fusion beams, particle beams, and antimatter missiles battered down their energy shields.


  Harmock’s gaze turned cold and deadly as he watched another of his warships being destroyed on one of the Command Center’s multiple viewscreens. These Alliance ships were all equipped with very advanced weapons as well as powerful energy shields.

  “Overlord,” spoke Gareth, addressing the military commander. “We are detecting Delton ships in this attacking fleet as well.”

  “Deltons?” uttered Harmock his gaze shifting to his second in command. “They must have fled to this sector and rallied the nonaligned worlds here to their defense.”

  “At least now we know where they went.”

  “The Pradelian ships are advancing and beginning to attack,” warned Jalridd from his sensor console.

  “Order all ships to intensify their weapons fire; we must destroy this Alliance before it becomes a major threat to the Empire!” ordered Harmock in a grim voice. He pointed one of his dark arms at a viewscreen showing an Alliance warship. “Focus our fire on that ship and destroy it.”


  In space, the opposing fleets were now so close to one another that very few weapons were missing or being intercepted by defensive systems. The Zaltule had the larger warships and could take greater punishment while the Alliance ships had the superior weapons. A group of ten Human two hundred-meter assault ships simultaneously fired their particle beam cannons at one of the Kleese battlecruisers. The beams struck the energy shield, causing cascades of glowing energy to erupt before penetrating and striking the ship’s heavily armored hull. Ten massive explosions tore into the ship, ripping off large sections of hull plating before penetrating deeper inside and setting off secondary explosions. With a massive flash of light, the Zaltule battlecruiser disintegrated.

  Each segment of the Alliance fleet was operating with some autonomy as there'd not been time to set up a rigid fleet coordination system. The Nalton battlecruisers were advancing in a compact formation, firing off their high intensity energy weapons at the Kleese ships ahead. The space between the two fleets was alive with the flashes of energy beams, pulse fusion beams, and the occasional detonation of a sublight antimatter missile.

  Two Zaltule battlecruisers suddenly blew apart as Tureen 40-megaton sublight missiles flashed through weakened screens, leaving glowing fireballs to mark their passing.


  “What was that?” demanded Harmock as the viewscreens momentarily dimmed from the sudden glare of the multiple explosions.

  “Antimatter missiles,” answered Jalridd, feeling shaken. “Sensors indicate explosions in the 40-megaton range.”

  “That’s impossible,” responded Harmock in a hard voice. “Antimatter becomes too unstable in amounts larger than what is used in our own twenty-megaton warheads.”

  “Evidently at least one of the Alliance races has found a way to keep it stable,” commented Gareth as he studied the sensors, confirming what Jalridd had reported. “We’re also detecting ion beams and massive KEW rounds being fired.”

  The Warrior’s Fire suddenly shook violently and warning alarms began sounding. A Kleese rushed to silence the alarms and then reported to Harmock. “Secondary power system has been compromised; maneuvering ability has been reduced by twenty percent. There is also a sixty-meter hole in the outer hull, which extends down through twenty decks. There are multiple fires in adjoining areas.”

  “Get the fires under control,” commanded Harmock, harshly. “If necessary, seal off the damaged areas and flush the air. Fires can’t burn without oxygen. What about our combat ability?”

  “We lost two pulse fusion cannons, four energy gun turrets, and two missile tubes,” answered Salten. “All other weapons are functioning normally.”

  “Continue the attack,” ordered Harmock. “We have the numerical advantage; we must eliminate this Alliance fleet.” Harmock gazed at the tactical screen, swiftly calculating the odds of a Zaltule victory. At the moment, neither side had a clear advantage.


  The light cruiser Artemis was having a rough time against the two Kleese battlecruisers attacking it. Antimatter missiles were stressing the energy screen, causing it to flicker in near failure.

  “Status!” barked Commander Manning as a shower of sparks exploded across the Command Center from a shorted out console. The air was becoming thick with smoke and crewmembers were coughing heavily as they reached for and placed breathing masks over their faces so they could continue to function.

  “Energy screen is at fifteen percent,” Lieutenant Barkley responded with a desperate tone in his voice. “Engineering reports fusion two is down and we’re operating entirely on the primary fusion plant. They’ve got it redlined trying to pump more power into the shields.”

  The ship shuddered violently and the lights in the Command Center went out, only to be replaced by dim emergency lighting. The ship continued to shake as if it was coming apart.

  “Primary fusion plant is down,” gasped Barkley his eyes turning pale as he glanced desperately at the commander. “We’re running on batteries. Energy screen is at two percent.”

  “Then this is it,” spoke Commander Manning as he looked calmly at his command crew. “It’s been a privilege to serve as your commanding officer.”

  Before he could say another word, the world turned white as three Kleese antimatter missiles vaporized the ship.


  “Light cruiser Arte
mis is down,” reported Lieutenant Lash. “Assault ships 432, 475, 515, 562, and 601 are down.” Lash knew those ships had names but calling out the numbers was easier and faster.

  “The Falcon is being hard pressed,” reported Commander Shepherd. She was in constant contact with the other battlecruisers so she could coordinate her own ship’s attacks with theirs. “Commander Melvin reports his energy shield is down to forty percent.”

  “Order the light cruisers Scout and Argonaut to reinforce the Falcon,” ordered Admiral Adamson.

  They were losing ships, all the Alliance fleets were, but if Adamson was reading the tactical screen correctly, the Kleese were losing ships at a much faster rate. The tide of the battle was beginning to shift toward the Alliance. He had to keep up the pressure on the Kleese even if it meant more ship losses.


  Fleet Commander Achlyn watched grimly from his Delton flagship as another of his battlecruisers died in the burning hellfire of multiple antimatter explosions. It was the third of his battlecruisers to die since the battle began. He also knew it wouldn’t be the last.

  “The Senchell was a valiant ship,” commented Second Commander Baylith as he watched the hellfire die away on one of the ship’s viewscreens, leaving a glowing gas field and a scattering of debris behind. He felt a hollow feeling inside knowing more of his people had just died. Delton ships were identified by numbers, but they all had names as well.

  Achlyn nodded in agreement. His large round eyes were focused on the ship’s tactical screen as his ships continued to press the attack against the hated Zaltule. With grim satisfaction, he saw another Kleese warship die under his fleets’ heavy energy weapons fire.

  “We’re winning!” cried Baylith as he studied the various reports coming in from across the Alliance fleet. “The Zaltule are losing ships at over a two to one rate.”

  “Superior weapons,” stated Achlyn, pleased that the tables had finally been turned on the evil Zaltule. “For once they will know the pain of defeat.” He was glad now that he had agreed to join the Alliance the Humans were trying to put together against the Zaltule. He'd already taken note of the diversity in the weapons technology each used; almost every nonaligned world had technology, which was unique. If the Humans could hold this Alliance together, there still might be hope for the future.


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