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Fake Fiancé: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance (Drake Family Series Book 2)

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by Tara Crescent

  Then there were the affairs, a string of mistresses hidden away from my mother, until one ugly day when the entire truth came out and my mother left him.

  “Madison is my fiancée,” I say through clenched teeth. “You will be polite to her, and you will treat her with all the respect she deserves.”

  “You’re a fool,” he snaps back. “Sleep with this woman. Set her up in an apartment, give her expensive gifts. But you are a Drake. You don’t marry her kind.”

  “What kind is that?” If my father has any sense, he’d hear the warning in my voice and take heed. Yes, Maddie’s family is far from perfect, but I’ve known that since the moment I met her. It’s never mattered to me. It isn’t as if my family is free of sin. My grandfather’s father amassed his fortune by lying, cheating, and with deceit. When a poor man cheats, he’s considered a swindler and tossed in jail. When a billionaire does it, it’s just good business.

  He subsides, but from the set of his jaw, I know we aren’t done with this topic.

  In the large eat-in kitchen, Aunt Emily greets the two of us with obvious excitement. “Maddie,” she exclaims, her lined face lighting up with joy. “I didn’t know you and Cameron were dating again.” Her eyes drop to Maddie’s left hand, and she squeaks in glee. “You two are engaged? Why, that’s wonderful. Isn’t it, dad?”

  My grandfather, who is seated at the table, reading the newspaper, gives me a sharp look, one that I meet with a bland smile. “You remember Maddie, don’t you, grandfather?”

  “Yes, of course.” Edward Drake rises to his feet and extends his hand in Maddie’s direction, and she shakes it, her expression neutral. “Pardon my surprise. Cameron’s kept you rather quiet--I had no idea you two were seeing each other.” He pastes a polite smile on his face. “It’s a pleasure to have you with us this week.”

  “Thank you,” Maddie replies.

  My grandfather introduces Maddie to his friends, Bob and Patti Stevens, an older couple that I’ve met a few times. Once the introductions are done, Maddie bends down to hug my aunt in her wheelchair, her face creasing into a smile. “I’ve missed you,” she says, her voice warm as she addresses my favorite relative. “It’s been far too long. What are you reading nowadays?”

  The two of them launch into an animated conversation about books. I grab a beer from the refrigerator and join my cousin Noah, who’s sitting in a corner of the room, staring moodily out of the window. “What’s eating you?”

  He shrugs. “It’s a long story,” he replies. “So, she’s the one that got away? I don’t blame her for running from this crowd.” He gives my grandfather and my father a disgusted look. “If you care about this girl, why on earth have you dragged her into this den of vipers?”

  I watch Maddie and my aunt chat amicably, their heads bent toward each other. Maddie is the only person I’ve met who treats my aunt like a normal person. Everyone else coddles Aunt Emily because she’s paralyzed from the waist down, or they talk to her in slow, clear syllables, as if she lost the ability to communicate when she lost her ability to move. Not my Maddie.

  As if she senses my gaze on her, Maddie lifts her head up and smiles widely at me. “Sorry Cam,” she says with a rueful laugh. “But you don’t read sci-fi, and neither does Misti. You have no idea how nice it is to be able to talk about the same books.”

  I grin back at her, aware that the entire room is covertly watching us while pretending to do something else. “I’ll share you for a bit,” I tell her. “But only because it’s Aunt Emily.”

  My grandfather chuckles. My dad bares his teeth in a smile that looks more like a snarl. Maddie blushes faintly, and I want to fold her into my arms.

  This entire pretense is so you can buy the cottage, I remind myself.

  Except I’m lying.

  The truth is, I’m falling in love with Maddie all over again. My heart has stayed in stasis all these years, only to come back to life in Maddie’s presence.

  And she has the power to break it into a million jagged pieces.

  I can’t allow myself to be vulnerable. Maddie has made it clear that this is a business deal. Once the month is up, she’ll take her five hundred thousand dollars and head back to Calgary, and I’ll be left without her once again.

  “That went okay, don’t you think?” Upstairs after dinner, in the privacy of our bedroom, Maddie gives me a questioning look. “You think people bought that we’re engaged?”

  “Yes.” I keep my reply short.

  Her phone beeps. She smiles as she reads the contents of her screen. “Misti loved her flight,” she says, holding her phone toward me. “She had her first glass of champagne.”

  I ignore the outstretched phone. “That’s good, Maddie.”

  She notices my one-word answers. “Is everything alright, Cam?” she asks hesitantly.

  I have to protect myself, Mads. Because I feel too much around you and I don’t know what I’m going to do when you leave me again.

  “Sure.” I lift my shoulder in a dismissive shrug. “We’re alone. No need to act anymore, right?”

  A flash of hurt crosses her face. I feel like a heel at her expression. “Fair enough,” she says stiffly. “Do you need the bathroom before I shower?”

  As she speaks, she clenches her eyes shut and rubs at her temples with a frown. Her forehead is furrowed and she’s paler than she was during the day.

  When we dated, Maddie used to get really bad stress migraines. I cross over and dim the light. “Headache?” I ask her.

  She nods miserably. “I felt it come on during dinner,” she confesses. “Only your family would have a three course sit down meal at a cottage. I didn’t want to embarrass you by using the wrong fork.”

  “You think I care about shit like that?”

  She shakes her head. “No,” she whispers. “You never treated me like I didn’t belong.”

  My heart feels like it’s being squeezed by a powerful fist. “Come here,” I tell her gruffly, sitting on the bed, my back against the headboard and patting my thigh. “Does a scalp massage still help?”

  “Yes.” She sinks down on the mattress and places her head on my lap. I stroke her hair, softly, soothingly. “Close your eyes, baby.”

  Her eyes are green pools of gratitude. “Thank you, Cam,” she murmurs.

  “Shh…” With any luck, after a hot shower, some herbal tea and a good night’s sleep, Maddie will be as right as rain. I peck out a one-handed text to Noah telling him to put the kettle on, and continue rubbing gently at her scalp until Maddie dozes off.

  Ten minutes later, there’s a soft tap at the door. I move a pillow under Maddie’s head and slide to my feet.

  Noah holds a tray up at me. There’s a teapot there as well as a selection of teas and milk, sugar, honey and lemon. “I didn’t know how Maddie takes her tea,” he explains. “Is she okay?”

  “It’s a migraine. She gets them when she’s stressed.” Taking the tray from him, I set it down at the side of the bed. Maddie stirs, but doesn’t wake. I shut the door and join Noah on the landing. “She’s usually fine after a good night’s sleep.”

  “You shouldn’t have brought her here.” Noah’s voice holds an edge of condemnation. “Aunt Emily was right to be concerned.”

  That catches my attention. “What did she say?”

  “Something about your father driving her away the first time,” he replies. “What the heck were you thinking, Cameron?”

  “I would never hurt her deliberately.” I cling to those words as self-defense.

  Noah gives me a scornful look. “I hope that helps you sleep tonight.”

  As tempting as it would be to lash out at my cousin, I know he’s right. I should have found some other way to get my grandfather to sell me the cottage. Now, a woman I care about deeply is in pain because of my machinations.

  I hear movement inside the room. “I have to check up on her,” I tell my cousin, already turning the handle of the door. I can’t help feeling like I’ve fucked up again. It’s up t
o me now to make amends, as best as I can.

  Maddie’s sitting up, leaning against the headboard, her eyes clenched shut. “Cam?”

  “How’s the head?” Without waiting for her to reply, I tear open a chamomile tea bag and pour some hot water into it, stirring in a generous spoonful of honey. “Here. Drink.”

  She sips obediently from the cup I hold to her lips. “You remember the way I like my tea,” she says softly. “You remembered my burger order, too.”

  I tuck a stray curl behind her ear. “Did you think I could forget you, Mads?”

  “You didn’t call me.” Her voice catches on the words. “I left and you never called.”

  I stare at her, even though her eyes are shut and she can’t see my expression. “Did you expect me to?” I can’t completely conceal the hurt from my tone. My father offered her money to leave me, and she took it. Hopped in a cab and exited my life. Did she expect me to chase after her?

  She heaves a sigh. “Never mind. We agreed not to talk about the past.”

  I’m an idiot. I’ve already caused her stress tonight. Now I’m fighting about something that happened nine years ago. “Do you want me to run a bath for you?” I trace the line of her jaw with my finger and she shivers in response, and my body responds, as always, to her.

  She’s sick, Cameron. This isn’t the time…

  I turn the hot water tap on in the tub and help her to the bathroom. “Stay,” she whispers, as I turn to leave. “Keep me company, Cam?”

  Maddie’s always been strong. It kills me to see her so weakened, so frail. “Whatever you want, baby.” I turn my head away as she strips out of the dress she wore to dinner, and I mutter curses and do multiplication tables under my breath as she removes her bra and panties. She’s so beautiful. Her large breasts were made for my touch, my tongue. Her pink-tipped nipples are swollen, and as she steps into the tub, I catch a glimpse of her pussy.

  Trying to distract myself from the sight of her naked body, I fiddle with my phone and find some soothing music to play.

  When she’s ready to get out, I towel her dry and guide her to the bed, and tuck the blankets around her. I’m about to make a bed for myself on the floor when she makes a soft protest. “Will you hold me, Cam?”

  I’ve never been able to say no to her. I’ve never wanted to. I climb into bed and wrap my arms around her. “I’d do anything for you, sweetheart,” I whisper into her hair. She doesn’t hear me. Safe in my arms, she’s fallen fast asleep.

  And I’m left with a stark realization. It’s too late for me. It was always too late. I should have known it the instant I saw her at the funeral home.

  Once again, I’ve fallen in love with Madison Morland.



  I wake up slowly. I’m wrapped in someone’s arms, my head resting on someone’s shoulder.

  Cameron’s arms. Cameron’s shoulder.

  In his sleep, he looks relaxed, peaceful. Memories from last night slowly come creeping back. His father had glared at me all the way through dinner. His grandfather had barely spoken. Noah had been obviously bitter and angry about something.

  Emily had done her best to ignore the stress in the room and carry on a conversation with me, but it hadn’t been enough. Halfway through dinner, dots of light started appearing in my vision, and I knew that a migraine was inevitable.

  Cameron had taken such good care of me. His fingers had massaged my scalp until the blinding pain had receded. He’d poured me some tea and run me a bath, and when I got out of the steaming water, he’d toweled me dry.

  Admit it, Maddie. You have feelings for this guy.

  At the risk of sounding like a cliché, it’s always been Cam for me. There’s a reason I found it hard to date in Calgary, a reason I gave Jenna the business card of one of the richest men in Western Canada without a second thought.

  You told him the only reason you’re here is for the money.

  I bite my lip and stifle my sigh. It shouldn’t matter what Cameron thinks about me, but it does. I don’t want him to think that I’m interested in him for his money. His wealth has never mattered. Had it not been for my desperate need to make sure that Misti’s future is brighter than mine, I wouldn’t have accepted his offer.

  Then tell him the truth, my conscience urges. Tell him why you wanted the cash. He deserves to know.

  Cameron stirs, and a different memory jolts me awake. I didn’t want my pajamas last night. I’m naked, pressed against Cameron’s body. And he’s wearing a pair of boxers and nothing else.

  Well, hello, morning wood.

  My throat is dry. I’m having a hard time remembering the many good reasons I should resist Cameron’s sexual magnetism. I should disentangle myself, get up, get dressed, put some distance between us…

  I stay exactly where I am, luxuriating in the blatantly masculine allure of his body. My eyes wander, feasting on his hard chest, on the six pack abs, on the tempting bulge that’s tenting his boxers.

  “See anything you like?”

  My eyes fly to his face. There’s a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, and a hunger that he doesn’t try to conceal.

  It takes less than a second to make my decision. “Maybe,” I reply, my tone coy. “If you take off your boxers, I’ll be able to decide.”

  He pushes me on my back and moves over me, a knee between my thighs, his weight resting on his hands on either side of me. His blue eyes bore into mine. “If I take off my boxers, I’m going to fuck you.”

  I feel a rush of wetness in my pussy from his firm tone. “What are you waiting for?” I ask, my voice almost trembling with need. I reach for the waistband of his shorts, intent on getting rid of the offending garment.

  He stops me with a shake of his head. “I don’t think so, Mads. I’ve waited for you too long to rush this. Put your hands behind your head.”

  “Cam,” I pout. Knowing Cameron, he’ll keep me at the edge of orgasm for hours, reducing me to a trembling, quivering mess before he gives me what I want.

  “Maddie.” He smirks at me, knowing I’m going to obey. “Would you prefer to be tied up?”

  Yes. Yes, please.

  I move my hands behind my head. “So bossy,” I complain.

  “And you love it, baby.”

  He kisses me, deep and long, one hand cupping my breast. His thumb grazes my nipple and I moan into his mouth. “Harder,” I beg. It takes all the control I possess to keep from reaching up and pulling him closer to me, to refrain from running my fingers through his dark hair.

  “So bossy,” he rumbles, echoing my words. “You need to learn patience, Maddie.”

  His thumb swipes over my nipple again, then he rubs it between his thumb and forefinger. Heated pleasure spirals through me. “Fuck patience,” I say through clenched teeth. “Do that again.”

  He chuckles and repeats the motion and I whimper, writhing under his body. “Cam,” I beg.

  “Yes, Maddie?” His teeth flash in a grin, then he pushes my breasts together, and nips them, each bite sending a sharp pinch of lust through me.

  My pussy drips with every bite and I squirm restlessly, spreading my legs open, hoping he’ll get the hint. “Cameron,” I say warningly. “Stop teasing me. I want you now.”

  “Tsk, tsk.” He chuckles as he takes in my frustrated expression. “I thought you liked foreplay, Maddie.” He rains kisses over my body as he speaks, my neck, my throat, my erect nipples. With each kiss, his stubble scratches my skin, generating more heat, until I’m half-crazed with lust and desperate for more.

  “There’s a time for foreplay,” I complain plaintively. “This isn’t it.”

  He slides down my body, sending delicious friction sparkling through every nerve ending. “Spread your legs for me, Maddie,” he orders. His hands hold my thighs open and his tongue trails a slow path down my pussy. My breath catches. “Ah,” he groans, his fingers gripping my flesh, “the way you taste…”

  I flush scarlet, but the embarrassment is quickly over
taken by heat. Cameron feasts on me as if he were a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet, his tongue circling my clitoris, his fingers pumping in and out of my pussy. I grip the pillowcase under my head and whimper for more.

  Okay, I change my mind about foreplay. He can do this all day.

  “You like this, don’t you, Maddie?” His words come out muffled. His thumb presses down on my bundle of nerves, and his tongue probes at my entrance, and I explode. My orgasm thunders through me, intense, overwhelming. I cling on to Cameron, my hands fisting in his hair, and I drown in wave after wave of heat and desire and pleasure.

  He climbs off the bed and undresses, and his erection springs free. My mouth goes dry. I’ve forgotten how large Cameron is. I watch him with hungry eyes as he takes a condom out of his wallet and rolls it on. “Come here,” I whisper. “I want to touch you.”

  His eyebrows rise. “Did you move your hands, baby?” His voice is silky.

  I grin at him, wide, filled with pure happiness. “I did. Are you going to spank me for being bad?”

  He laughs and lowers himself between my legs. “Later,” he says. His head nudges inside and I stop breathing, my entire body going still as I wait for his length to slide inside me. “Right now,” he murmurs, “I’m far too busy enjoying the way you feel.”

  He thrusts his hips forward and enters me all the way. I groan as his thick shaft fills me completely. “Cameron,” I whisper, wrapping my hands around his neck and kissing him. “Please…”

  “Please do this?” His voice is strained, his customary amusement absent, replaced by intensity. He withdraws from me, before slamming back into my pussy.

  “Yes,” I sob as every nerve ending in my body comes alive. “Yes, please. More…”

  He cups my breast and bends his head, licking and sucking at my nipple. I arch toward him, willing him to move faster.

  He just grins down at me. “You’re in such a hurry, baby. What’s the rush?”

  “Cameron,” I hiss out, clenching the muscles in my pussy around his cock. From his sharp intake of breath, I know he can feel me. Time to up the ante. I move my right hand toward my pussy. “Are you going to fuck me or do I have to pleasure myself?”


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