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Survival Ties (The Outbreak Chronicles Book 1)

Page 15

by Trisha Leazier

  “This is Drew.” A new voice came over.

  “Drew its Sam.” Sam told him.

  “Welcome back Uncle.” Drew said as he laughed, he sounded relieved to hear his uncle had made it. “I was sure you weren’t going to make it since I haven’t heard from you and I thought you’d be here days ago.”

  “Well it’s a mess out here Drew, but we do have a girl here. She’s been shot and we got the bullet out but the wound is infected.” Sam told him.

  “I’m going to open the doors then drive straight to the hospital, I’ll meet you there.” Drew said. We all watched the gate out the window. I could feel my heart pounding as we waited. There was a low rumble as the gate started to open. It split in the middle like an elevator door. As soon as they were open Sam drove through and hit a button on another box past the doors. That seemed to be the signal for the doors to close. Sam stayed parked there for a minute while they slid closed; as soon as they met in the middle he started driving.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  We pulled up to the hospital; there was a tall skinny guy with spiked light-brown hair waiting for us. He was standing next to a golf cart type of vehicle with a girl who had long ruby-red hair. Sam got out of the bus and greeted him with a hug. We all got off the bus slowly, not sure what to expect.

  “This is Drew.” Sam said. “Drew, meet everyone.”

  Sam introduced us all while he pointed us out.

  “You guys sure packed a bunch of you on that bus and I’m guessing from the look of you all, there wasn’t a shower.” The red-head said, eyeing us.

  “This is Diamond, my girlfriend. Please forgive her rudeness, she wouldn’t know what to do being on a bus with a group for survival.” Drew said and Diamond shot daggers at him with her eyes.

  “Where’s Denny?” Sam asked.

  “He’s around somewhere; I couldn’t find him to tell him you were here.” Drew answered. I noticed his eyes were chocolate colored as my gaze met his.

  He smiled at me and I couldn’t help comparing myself to Diamond, who was standing next to him, watching. Her long red hair straightened and her green eyes were lined with black eyeliner and done up with a smoky eye look. She had her lips red and she was wearing some sort of designer clothes.

  I had my long brown hair in a ponytail, no make-up. I probably still had dirt on my face, and I was wearing jeans and a black tank top. Diamond was eyeing me when she saw Drew was looking at me. I shifted, uncomfortable and found Aaron.

  “Looks like you’re making friends.” He told me, nodding towards Drew and Diamond.

  “Oh yeah, maybe if looks could kill, her and I could be best friends.” I responded, avoiding looking back at the couple.

  “Yeah little mermaid over there is shooting daggers at you but the boy looks curious.” Aaron told me.

  “Little mermaid? Really?” I asked him.

  “It’s the hair.” Aaron responded laughing as a wheelchair was brought out for Hannah.

  “I hope you won’t be offended but I’m going to have all of you stay in the hospital tonight. For observation and so I can get rooms ready for everyone.” Drew told us, “If things are as bad as you said, I have to keep everyone here safe. We’ll bring everyone clean clothes and you all can shower and relax.”

  I noticed Daisy looked a little nervous leaving the bus. I realized she hadn’t been off the bus for any long period of time since Tone and Sydney had found her on it. Everyone else seemed excited about having some space.

  We had gotten a bit crowded lately on the bus living on top of each other at all times. Sam was talking to Drew as we followed the nurse taking Hannah into the hospital. There were a couple more nurses waiting for us when we came through the doors.

  “Males go with Joe. Females come with me, my name is Mary.” The older nurse said to us. Aaron squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

  “I’ll see you soon.” He said as he headed over to Joe. I realized I was shaking as we followed Mary down the corridors. The nurse pushing Hannah seemed to be heading the same way as us.

  “I’m sure you’re all ready for a shower and new clothes.” Mary was saying, “We’re going to have you use the showers in the locker room. Don’t worry there’s individual stalls.”

  They took Hannah.

  The rest of us were given bags. They contained soap, shampoo, conditioner, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, sweatpants, and T-shirts. We were directed to the women’s locker room and told to meet up at the nurse’s station when we were done.

  In the locker room there were separate stalls with showers. All four of us found a stall and after entering, found there were bags with directions. We were to put our names on the bag and place all our clothes and shoes into it, and then drop it down the chute.

  The hot water felt like heaven and I was surprised to see how much dirt was coming off me. The water going down the drain was brown. I scrubbed my hair twice with shampoo before moving on to conditioner. I stayed in until the water ran clear. I finally turned off the water and grabbed a towel off a rack in the stall. I dried off to dress in the sweats and T-shirt that were provided for me.

  I didn’t touch my hair till I was standing in front of a mirror with a row of sinks underneath it. I brushed my teeth as soon as I had my hair brushed out. Sawyer was the first to join me, followed shortly by Sydney, then Daisy.

  “I forgot how good a shower could feel.” Daisy said as we finished and made our way barefoot to the nurse’s station. Mary looked up as we emerged.

  “I’m sure you all feel much better.” She greeted, “Let’s get you some proper clothes and shoes, shall we?”

  We followed her to a huge room that had been set up with beds, like a dormitory. The guys were already there and dressed. On one of the beds there were bags with each of our names.

  “Everything you need should be in there. We got all your sizes off the bags of clothes you dropped down the chutes.” Mary explained as we opened the bags to find new clothes and shoes.

  I felt a bit weird knowing someone had picked out a new bra and panties for me. More so that they matched, but I was grateful for them. Mary pointed to the bathrooms so we could change. When we came back Drew was standing with the guys waiting for us.

  “I just talked to the doctors I have here. They informed me that the things they need to treat Hannah aren’t here. They were supposed to come on the shipment that was scheduled for yesterday.” Drew started. “I hate to ask but I need volunteers that have been out there to go with me to a hospital in a nearby town to get supplies.”

  “I’ll go.” Sam said and stepped up.

  “Me too.” Hunter said.

  “I’m in.” Micah added.

  “I’ll go.” Sawyer said and grabbed Micah’s hand.

  “Me too.” I said stepping up beside Sawyer.

  “And me.” Aaron added, coming up behind me and putting his hands on my shoulders.

  “That should be plenty. Sam, I’ll have you drive, then you and Hunter will guard the van. The rest of you will go in with me.” Drew said.

  We all followed him out to where a large van was parked. The back was set up like an ambulance and the doors had to open one at a time.

  “Why aren’t we just taking the chopper?” Sam asked.

  “I want to save it for an emergency. Plus, it’d be better leaving it here just in case we can’t guard it and someone takes it.” Drew answered.

  “Good thinking.” Sam agreed as he hopped into the driver’s seat.

  We all loaded up and were on our way. Drew had said the trip wouldn’t take long and he was right. It wasn’t a long drive, especially since the roads were clear. It was like no one had tried to use the roads here since the outbreak happened.

  Before we knew it we were pulling up to a huge hospital. A helicopter had crashed into the sign in the front so we couldn’t tell which hospital it was. It didn’t matter to us since we were here on a supply run for more medicine for the dome hospital.

  Drew led us into the hosp
ital and at first it looked completely empty. We all relaxed a bit as we walked the corridors. We were all armed with knives. Aaron had a gun if we really needed it but Sam wanted us to try and avoid using it and stick with the knives. Drew had us round another corner near a surgery observation room.

  “The supply closet is right around that way.” Drew said as he pointed down the corridor.

  “Just as long as you know where you’re going and how to get out.” Aaron said to Drew as we heard a crash behind us.

  Aaron motioned for us all to stay put and went to look around the corner to see what the noise was. He came running back towards us as a Red Eye came around the corner.

  “Go, get into that room.” He called as he ran back to us.

  Drew quickly opened the door to the observation room and waved us in. He didn’t shut the door till Aaron came running in. Micah was looking out the window as Drew locked it. The Red Eyes were slamming themselves into the door trying to get in. Aaron was pacing around the room like a caged tiger; he suddenly stopped and looked at us.

  “I know how we can get out of here.” He said as he looked around the room at us.

  “How?” Drew asked. He was at the back of the room by the window that looked down into the operation room.

  “We let them in a couple at a time, stab them in the head, and we’ll be rid of them.” Aaron responded.

  “What do you mean?” Drew asked.

  “Okay Sawyer, open the door and try to only let one in.

  “Micah, make sure she can get the door closed.” Aaron directed. Sawyer opened the door and let one in that was dressed as a nurse, Micah helped her get the door closed again. The Red Eye went straight for Aaron and he waited till it was close enough. Then he placed one hand up on its chest to stop it and stabbed into its skull with his knife.

  The Red Eye dropped to the ground and Aaron moved the body out of the way. “See we do this quickly and calmly in a manner we can control.”

  “Seems to be our best shot.” I agreed and Aaron smiled at me.

  “Sawyer and Micah, I want you both to handle the door and keep the groups you’re letting in down to only two or three.” Aaron directed and smiled encouragement at us.

  He nodded at Sawyer and Micah while he got ready for what would come in. Drew and I followed suit with Aaron as Sawyer opened the door and a group of three pushed their way into the room. Aaron took care of one, while Drew got the next one, the last one wondered over to me. Aaron made it look easy, stab, remove knife, drop Red Eye.

  My knife blade slid easily into the Red Eye’s skull but pulling it out was harder than it looked. I got it and the Red Eye dropped to the ground. Drew patted me on the back as Aaron moved the bodies away.

  Aaron nodded again and we got ready for the next group. Sawyer got the door open again and two came stumbling through. She and Micah slammed the door shut again. One went straight for Drew, while the other came at me. It was easier to pull the blade out this time; I was prepared for it wanting to stay.

  “That’s six down, how many more out there?” Aaron called to Micah.

  “I’m counting at least ten.” Micah answered as he looked out the window.

  “Okay, let’s keep this up, nice and easy.” Aaron said to all of us.

  He nodded to Sawyer and Micah again. As soon as the door opened and four Red Eyes shoved their way into the room before they could get the door closed again. The sound of the door clicking drew the one in the back towards Sawyer. Micah took care of it before she even got her knife pulled out. Aaron, Drew, and I made quick work of the other three.

  We kept up the pattern of opening the door and taking out a few at a time that came in. It wasn’t long before the hallway was clear. Micah counted the bodies on the ground as the last one dropped.

  “Twenty-five of them.” He said.

  “That’s a bit more than ten, if we only had six in here.” Aaron told him.

  “I said at least ten.” Micah responded. We were all a little hyped from our victory over the Red Eyes. Drew led the way to the medical supply closet. He grabbed one of the hospital’s laundry bins on the way to fill up when we got to the closet.

  Once we got to the door that held all the medical supplies we found that it was locked with one of those keycard locks.

  “I’ve got this.” Drew said as he held up a card.

  “Did you swipe that from a Red Eye?” Micah asked.

  “Where else would I have gotten it?” Drew shot back.

  “Would you just open the damn door.” Aaron said as he kept his attention focused for any danger.

  Drew swiped the card and the light blinked green as the door slid open.

  Aaron and Micah stayed in the hallway with the keycard to guard us.

  “Ashlyn, you follow me with that bin.” Drew directed, “Sawyer, grab the empty bin by the door. Load it with bandages and anything that looks like it might be useful.”

  “Do we know what we need?” I asked as I followed him.

  “Yeah, we have a shopping list.” Drew answered as he waved the slip of paper in the air.

  He followed his list as he went around the room; grabbing all that was on the shelf for each item. He went back around as soon as he finished his list and cleared the shelves of everything else they had on them. All the shelves were empty as we left the room. I noticed that Sawyer had even grabbed some of the doctor jackets.

  “Was it necessary to follow a list if you were going to take everything?” Aaron asked.

  “Had to make sure I got everything on the list first then took what we still had room for.” Drew answered.

  “Okay well let’s get out of here. I think if we go back the way we came we might not run into any Red Eyes.” Aaron said as he let Drew take the lead to get us back outside.

  We were back by the observation room when a few Red Eyes rounded the corner. Aaron, Micah, and Drew easily took care of them as Sawyer and I pushed the supplies in the bins along with us.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The way stayed clear through the maze of corridors.

  If it weren’t for Drew, I think we would have gotten lost. It seemed like in no time we were outside again and heading towards the van. Sawyer and Micah jumped into the back so we could lift the bins up to them. They were adjusting the bins to make sure we all had room.

  I was shutting the door that had to be closed first when I got grabbed from behind. I barely turned around in time to avoid a Red Eye’s teeth. There were more coming, and I wasn’t where the others from inside the van could see me.

  “Ashlyn?” I heard Drew call; he must have seen the group of Red Eyes coming and realized I hadn’t gotten the door shut.

  “Here.” I called back as I yanked away from the Red Eye’s mouth again.

  I was so focused on keeping myself from getting bit I didn’t hear Drew walk up. All of a sudden the Red Eye went limp and fell to the ground. I turned only to find myself pressed against Drew and looking up into his chocolate brown eyes.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the van. He practically threw me into the van like I weighed nothing before jumping in himself. He dragged the door closed behind him as Aaron slammed the other door.

  “Go!” I vaguely heard Aaron call to Sam.

  The van jerked forward and Drew’s arm wrapped around me as I started to fall. I looked up to thank him as his lips came down onto mine and I was melting into his kiss. The world stopped around us, all I could sense was Drew. I felt like he could hear my heartbeat drumming away in my chest as he nipped my bottom lip. When he pulled back he placed his forehead on mine, we were both smiling, and he had my hand.

  “Wow.” He whispered and I nodded.

  When I glanced around the van, I came back to reality. Micah was looking out of the back window watching the Red Eyes we were leaving behind. Sawyer was watching me like she wanted to say something. Aaron was glaring at Drew, and then it hit me. Drew had kissed me and he was with Diamond. I felt the happy butterflies in my stomach di
e. I untangled my fingers from Drew’s and he watched me as he came back to Earth.

  The smile dropped off his face as I went and sat by Sawyer. I was determined not to cry and she grabbed my hand as soon as I sat down. Drew went to follow me but Aaron grabbed his arm. I was fighting back tears as Aaron spun Drew around.

  “Leave her be. Don’t screw with my sister. Just because your snotty piece of ass isn’t here, it doesn’t mean you can go around playing with someone else’s feelings.” Aaron snapped at Drew and I could feel the tears starting to fall.

  Drew glanced at me and I saw him go pale.

  “I’m not screwing with her. That may have not been the right moment for that kiss but I thought my heart stopped when I saw her in the arms of that Red Eye.” Drew said, “I got caught up in the moment.”

  “You’re going to tell your piece of ass or should I?” Aaron asked, still mad and he still had a hold on Drew’s arm.

  “Ashlyn I’m sorry, please forgive me.” Drew said as he pulled away from Aaron and crouched in front of me, taking the hand Sawyer didn’t have.

  “Sorry for what? Kissing her? Having a girl? Or making her cry?” Aaron asked but didn’t come over to where Drew was.

  “I shouldn’t have kissed you. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about it since you stepped off that bus. I know I’m with Diamond, but I’ve wanted out since before you came along. I’m not a guy who takes kissing someone lightly and if you let me, I will make up to you.” Drew was pleading with me; it was in his eyes and in his voice.

  “So are you going to tell your piece you kissed my sister?” Aaron asked.

  “I don’t want to hurt Diamond; I’m not mean like that but I am going to talk to her.” Drew answered as he continued to look into my eyes.

  “Look it happened and I don’t know how I feel about all this. Do what you want with Diamond, but don’t use me as your excuse to do it.” I told him.

  “Ashlyn, you are not an excuse.” Drew said, standing up. “I will prove that.”


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