Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
Page 7
I’m kinda relieved that Mrs. Bentini had a private celebration, for Adam and Jason, at the mansion and won’t be at the club tonight. Gabby has appointed herself hostess and is probably already there. As soon as we get inside the club, Antonio checks with his security team and I go looking for Kathy and the event planner. Unfortunately, the first person I see is Gabby. And from where she is standing, she can easily see that Antonio and I have entered the building together. Oh starz! Please don’t let her suspect anything. If I’m lucky, maybe she’ll think that we just happened to walk into the club at the same time. Gabby met with the DJ, so I’m not surprised that the music is upbeat, trendy and loud, but not too loud –as it would be on a regular club night. Jason and Adam will be arriving around midnight, giving the invited guests more than enough time to get here.
Gabby and Kathy have seen each other all glammed up before, but neither of them have seen me like this. And with my diamonds, I’m extra crispy glammed up tonight. Gabby eyes my jewelry and comments. “Wow, Ti, you look like a million bucks!” At the mention of a million bucks, I immediately freeze up, wondering if it’s a casual remark or does she know about the money her brother gave me. Michael Elliot comes over and Gabby walks away with him to take care of a problem. Kathy grabs my hands, holding onto them as she exclaims, “Tiressa, you look absolutely dazzling! And look at that bling! I’m gonna have to ask Mrs. Bentini for a raise.” We laugh and I tell her how much I love her little red dress and jewelry as well.
“Tell me if I’m stepping out of bounds, but…William Bentini is a fool to let you go.” Kathy’s eyes suddenly tear and she quickly dabs at them. “I’m sorry Kathy, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s none of my business and I didn’t mean to upset you.” Giving me a quick hug, Kathy assures me, “No, Ti, it’s not you. It’s the situation. I just feel so helpless. And now, I have to be here and see him and pretend that I’m not hurting, when I am.” Seeing her pain, I offer, “Kathy you can leave and I’ll cover for you. There can’t be that much to see to and between Michael Elliot, Gabby, Antonio and myself; there shouldn’t be any problem that we can’t handle.” Kathy hugs me again but declines my offer saying, “No, I’m not going to let his being an asshole get in the way of me doing my job.”
By eleven-thirty, the club is filling up and some of the siblings are in place. Robert and his wife, Angela, arrive with Nicholas and his wife, Maria. They compliment Gabby, Kathy and me on the party theme, decorations and lavish setup. Gabby glows, soaking up the praise. Kath and I exchange secretly amused smiles, watching her escort her family to their place of honor in the VIP section of the club. I catch sight of Antonio making his way over to the VIP section to greet his family.
A commotion at the door draws my attention to a group of well- dressed young adults apparently ready to party. As they walk further into the club, one of the girls break away from her friends and dashes in our direction. “Kaaathriiine!” She squeals as she laughingly throws her arms around Kathy’s neck. Feeling kind of awkward, I step back to give them space and notice that one of the young men has veered off from the group and has followed the young lady, who is talking to Kathy so excitedly.
“Hi, you must be Ti?” I’m totally caught off guard when he addresses me, especially by a name that only family and close friends use. But it doesn’t take more than a second to realize who he is. “And you must be Christopher Bentini?” I ask with a genuine smile of greeting. I recall that Mrs. Bentini mentioned that her youngest son, Christopher, is in his last year of college and that her baby, Luciana, is thriving in her second year.
“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry Tiressa, how rude of me.” Kathy turns to me apologizing with embarrassment. “Ana and Chris I’d like to introduce you to my friend and partner, Tiressa Hawkins, your mother’s new PA.” Then turning to me she says, “Ti, I’d like to introduce you to the soon to be newest rising stars of the Bentini family, Luciana and Christopher Bentini.” We shake hands, and I’m wondering why brother and sister are looking me over and shooting each other mysterious looks. After a few minutes, Gabby takes them to the VIP section. Kathy turns to me and says, “I bet they don’t stay there longer than they have to.”
We circulate for a good twenty minutes, helping the event planner keep things on track. The music is a little louder and the DJ is doing a great job playing a mix of pop, rock and rap –the clean versions. As Kathy and I scroll around the club, I’m full of vibrant energy. I haven’t been in a club in months; I’m looking good and feeling better. More than a few men are hitting on me, but I don’t have any problem getting rid of them. My man is the only man I’m interested in.
Jason and Adam Bentini enter the club around midnight, smiling like beloved young Greek gods returning from Mount Olympus. Everyone gets to their feet and applaud enthusiastically as they make their way to the raised dais—built especially for this party—just beyond the dance floor. Now, the party really gets turned up. The DJ is in full DJ mode and the music is louder, the alcohol is flowing, and lots of people are out on the dance floor. All in all, everyone appears to be having a good time, especially the twins.
As I go to stand near the club entrance, I break out into a big toothy grin because coming through the door and walking in my direction are my sister Mya, my cousin Danece, Rachael, Frank, Carmen, Janette and Brian. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t seen my girlz in a good long minute –not since the B&S picnic and Janette wasn’t able to make it that time. We fall all over each other, squealing, laughing, and chatting like teenagers at a high school dance. With the men’s prompting, I show them to one of the few available tables.
“Hold on, I’ll be right back, I have to let my partner know where I’ll be.” I take off across the club in search of Kathy. I locate her talking to the caterers, and let her know where she can find me, then go back to the spacious round table with my friends. “How did you get an invite to this private party?” I ask the table at large.
“Jason Bentini invited me—” Carmen says as if she was given the first place prize. “—and told me to invite anyone I want; so here we are.”
“Yeah, she did invited me, but imagine my surprise when Rachael also invited me. You could have punched me in the face, I was so shocked.” Janette puts in.
“I’ll bet you were.” I reply chuckling. “Where’s Rachael and Frank?” I ask.
“She said she has family that she hasn’t seen in a while, so they took off to go mingle.” Mya answers.
“So, bitch, this is what it looks like?”
“Janette, please, we talked about that?” Her longtime boyfriend, Brian reminds her.
“Okay, you’re right, I did say I was going to try.” Janette rolls her eyes and grumbles. Then restates her question to me. “Well, Tiressa, you appear to be looking good and content with your life and I was just wondering if that is due to your change in employment?”
We all share a laugh at Janette being ‘encouraged’ to speak appropriately—at least in her boyfriend’s presence. “You know Brian; I think you are good for her. And yes, this is what happiness looks like…I love my job and I’m loving life right about now.” I respond in all sincerity, and we all toast to happiness and loving life.
“Damn Ti, look at you girl. I’ve never seen you looking so beautiful and so damn sexy. Girl, I’m so proud of you.” My sister says with a cheeky bright smile. “Thanks Sis.” I lean over and we give each other a big hug.
“What I want to know is…are those real diamonds?” Carmen asks in awe. I try to play it off. “No, they’re cubic zirconia.”
“No hell they aren’t. I am an expert on two things…men and diamonds. Those are real diamonds!...And not the kind that 60K a year will get you. So, who is he?” They all stare at me, waiting for me to respond. “No one…there is no man.”
“A woman?!” Janette asks with a sly smile.
“Girl, no.” I respond rolling my eyes at her.
“No chic looks like that without there being a lover some
where in the picture. Who is it?” Carmen ask, looking like she’s going to keep trying to interrogate me until she gets the answer she wants.
“No one.”
“Are you and that Derrick guy hooking up again?” Janette asks leaning forward.
“No, we’re not.” I say with a definite frown.
“Bitc—I mean girl, who you think you foolin? You seeing somebody.” As much as I love seeing Janette eating her inappropriate words, I wish she would drop it. “Leave the poor girl alone, she says she isn’t seeing anyone.” Brian is such a good guy, I wonder if Janette knows how lucky she is. “That’s what she says, but her face and this new look and that jewelry tell a different story.”
I’m starting to feel kinda foolish denying what is obvious to my girlfriends who know me so well. “Okay, okay, I admit that there’s a new man in my life. But, I’m not quite ready to talk about him yet.”
“Why not? Is he married, like that other guy you told me about?” Carmen asks.
I may be wrong, but I think she likes taking a dig at me about my situation with Allen. “No, he isn’t married. And as it turns out, the other guy is actually divorced, so there.” I say sticking my tongue out at her.
“Then why is it a secret? We are your girlz…” Janet can be just as relentless as Carmen, unfortunately. “Come on, you can tell us.”
“I know; you don’t want to say in front of Brian. Hey Brian, why don’t you go to the bar and get us something to drink.” She has some nerve, sending Janette’s boyfriend on a fake errand.
“That is so not necessary.” Before I can say another word, Derrick saunters up to our table with a big smile, greets everyone and shakes Brian’s hand, then slides into the chair next to me. “Hey man, I’m sure glad to have another guy at the table, you see how they got me out numbered.” Brian teases.
“Yeah, but in a good way. You’re surrounded by beautiful women.” Derrick replies sending a wink my way. While everyone is watching us closely –Carmen and Janette with sly knowing smiles, and Brian with suspension— I’m thinking about how furious Antonio was the last time I was near Derrick. I’ve got to get him to leave. “For some reason, I didn’t expect you to be here tonight.” I say to Derrick.
“I don’t know why not, you know that Jason and I are friends.” Then dropping his voice and leaning towards me, he continues. “Look Tiressa, we need to talk.” I glance up to see six pairs of eyes focused on me. “Derrick, this is not the time or the place.” I whisper.
“When is the time or the place? You don’t return my calls and at work you avoid me like the plague.” He accuses searing me with a genuinely disappointed look.
“Yes, I do avoid you and you know exactly why.” I so do not want to have this conversation.
“All I know is that no matter who you’re dating, it shouldn’t affect our friendship. We were friends well before he entered the picture. He doesn’t have the right to control who you are friends with Tiressa.” He says with a sneer and I see that he wants to turn this into a confrontation. I’m not going to go there with him so, I turn my attention back to my friends. “Sorry, I’m still on the clock and I’m going to have to circulate for a few minutes.” It’s apparent they’re reluctant to see my little melodrama with Derrick end.
“You sure you don’t want to stay and finish your conversation with Derrick?” Carmen, ever mischievous, asks with her customary sly smile.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I respond with a smile as I prepare to stand up. But Derrick stops me with a hand on my arm. Then saying in his most charming voice, “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, especially tonight. You’re a knockout. I mean, I always thought you were a pretty woman, but damn, Tiressa, I want to take you home.”
“That’s not going to be possible Matthews, because she’s going home with me. Tonight and every night after.” Antonio says in a hard, controlled voice. I jump up out of my chair so quickly that it almost topples. Derrick stands up as well. “Antonio.” I exclaim stepping closer to him. “Stay out of this Tiressa.” He throws out the command without bothering to look at me.
“What part of hands off she’s mine do you not understand?” Antonio snarls.
“Oh, I understand every word, but I don’t think it’s your place to tell me or Tiressa who we can or can’t be friends with.” Derrick defends himself.
I attempt to step in between the two combatants before more provocation is unleashed and the situation escalates to violence.
“Antonio can I talk to you in private?” I implore holding onto his arm. “Please! You’re causing a scene at your brothers’ party!”
“I’ll do more than cause a scene.” His voice remains low, controlled and furious. He shakes me off his arm as he moves to confront Derrick.
“Hey Bro, what’s up!” Nicholas intervenes in a loud voice as he and Vitto Rossi position themselves between Antonio and Derrick. Thank Gawd! They are just as big and tall as Antonio and act as a barricade, preventing what could potentially evolve into an even more appalling altercation.
“Nothing’s up. I’m just going to put my fist through Derrick’s pretty face.” Antonio replies as if he’s responding to a question about the weather.
Nicholas looks at Derrick and orders him to leave the club. Which he does, but not before attempting to speak to me one last time. “Tiressa—” At the sound of my name coming from his mouth, Antonio tries to push through the hold that his brother and Vitto have on him.
“No, Derrick. Please, just go!” I insist desperately.
While Nicholas and Vitto escort Derrick out of the club, I turn to Antonio, caressing his stiff arm. “I’m sorry Antonio. I didn’t know he was here. I was trying to get him to leave…”
For a minute it looks like Antonio is so angry that I think he is going to walk away from me –but then, slowly his big tense body relaxes, he looks down at me, smiles and gives me a soft lingering kiss. In front of everybody! I don’t even think about pulling away because it would be a public rejection of his claim, and I’m not willing to do that to him. “Come on, I’m through watching other men flirt with my lady.” He says taking my hand.
“Wait. I’d like to introduce you to my friends.” I didn’t expect to be introducing Antonio to the girlz so soon, but with the way things have turned out, I seem to have very little choice. Turning back to my friends—who are all in varying degrees of complete shock—I make the introductions. “Antonio Bentini, I’d like for you to meet my big sister, Mya, my cousin, Danece, my girlfriends, Janette and Carmen, and this is Brian, Janette’s boyfriend. Everybody, meet Antonio Bentini…my guy, my boyfriend.” I feel Antonio give my waist a squeeze indicating that he’s aware of how hard it was for me to say those words out loud to so many people, in such a public place. He turns on the charm. “I’ve been trying to talk Tiressa into letting me meet her family and friends. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” We spend several more minutes at the table talking—nothing serious or deep. My nosey friends must sense that I’m still trying to recover from the confrontation between Antonio and Derrick, and are taking it easy on me. But I know they’ll eventually get around to hounding me for details about me and Antonio’s relationship.
After we leave my friends, Antonio tries to escort me over to the VIP area where his family is. “No, Antonio.” I exclaim, digging in my heels and trying to go in another direction. “Calm down, Tiressa. We were so far back and it’s so crowded in here that I doubt anyone in the VIP area saw anything that happened.”
“I’m still not going over there. That’s only for family and close friends, not the hired help. I’m not going.” I remain stubborn and determined.
“First of all, don’t ever refer to yourself as the hired help. I don’t appreciate it, because it’s not true. And even if it were, I don’t give a damn. You could be Molly-the-Maid, and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference to me. You’re my lady, and I’m your man. I’m damn proud of that. You should be too.” He says reproachfully, causing me to feel defensive.
“I am. It’s just that…” My words trail off. It’s hard to make someone so bold and confident appreciate what it’s like to feel so unsure, so unsteady.
“Yeah Baby, I know” he sighs. “Okay, since you’re being obstinate, I’m going to take you over to Katherine.”
Which he does, issuing a teasing command for me to stay out of trouble before kissing me and walking away.
“He’s really into you.” Kathy says as I sit down next to her. “Yeah, I’m into him too.” I admit, watching Antonio weave his way through the crowd. “That’s understandable. The Bentini men are irresistible.” Kathy says with bitterness.
“Do you regret getting involved with William?”
“Just about every day. But then, I remember what it feels like to be in his arms and all that we’ve done and shared together. If anything, I regret that he won’t stand up to his mother. That he won’t stand up for me. What you have with Antonio is different. He’s willing to defy any and everybody to have you. Your relationship will be out in the open, flying in the face of his family’s wishes…well actually, his Mom’s wishes.”
“Yeah, I guess just about any girl would be on cloud nine to have a man like Antonio attracted to her…but I just don’t know.”
“Don’t know about what? Do you see the way he looks at you?”
“That’s the thing…I know he cares about me and he says he wants us to have a future together, but—”
“Are you kidding Ti? Why do hesitate?”
“Now, who’s kidding who Kathy? Are you really going to pretend that my being black isn’t a problem?”
“It doesn’t appear to be a problem for Antonio. Why should you let it stop you from at least seeing if you guys can make it work?” She says with a sympathetic smile. But then her face suddenly freezes, and her eyes fix on a point over my shoulder.
“Kathy what’s wrong.” I ask, looking over my shoulder. “Who is that?” William Bentini has entered the club and is being escorted to the VIP area with a tall beautiful blond on his arm. Turning back to Kathy, I see that she’s preparing to leave. “Wait, Kathy, where are you going?”