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Sweet Jayne

Page 9

by K. Webster

  With a small nod, he redirects his attention to Dan and motions to the door. “I’m sorry, man. I don’t mean to take it out on you. Figure something out we can work with. We’ll continue this later this afternoon when I’m in a better frame of mind.”

  Dan rises to his feet. He’s taller than Donovan, an old high school basketball superstar in our town, which means he’s nearly twice as tall as me. The man gives me the creeps but I never let it show. As his pervert eyes skim over my low-cut top, I roll my eyes and storm past him, ending his peep show.

  Donovan is glaring after him by the time I reach his desk and sit down. The door slams shut behind us and silence fills the empty air. When his eyes find mine again, a fondness glimmers in them. I chew on my lip and try not to shiver under his gaze.

  “Hey, sunshine,” he says, his voice low. “Couldn’t wait until dinner tonight? Your mamá reserved us a booth at your favorite Italian restaurant on Main Street.”

  I drop my purse into the floor and thread my fingers together over his desk. When I lean forward, my heavy breasts sit on top of my arms. Unlike Creepy Dan, I actually like when Donovan notices my body.

  And boy, does he notice.

  Unashamed, his eyes drop to my lips for a brief moment before flicking down to my chest. A hiss of air leaves him before he clears his throat and finds my eyes again.

  “I went to The Joint. I thought maybe I could interview some people to see if—” I start, but his fist slamming on the desk startles me and the words freeze in my mouth.

  “What have I told you about going there?” he snaps and rises to his feet. “With Dale and all the other goddamned dirtbags in this fucking town? You know my stance on this, Nadia. You’re barely eighteen years old, for crying out loud!”

  I bristle at his outburst and lean back in my chair. “I’ll be nineteen in a few months. Anyway,” I seethe, ignoring him, “I started asking around. To see if there were any drifters who could have passed through here last August. I know it’s been a year, Donovan, but people don’t forget stuff.”

  His lips press into an irritated firm line but he lets me continue.

  Nervously, I dig around in my purse on the floor until I retrieve a packet of gum. Without asking if he wants any, I tear open the foil wrapper, break the cinnamon stick of gum in half, and offer him the other half. Like always, his powerful fingers brush against mine, sending a jolt of something enticing through my body. This time, my eyes are on his mouth as he tosses the gum into it.

  I shove mine into my mouth and let out a huff. “Mike Hyland. A trucker. They say he’s an off again on again resident here. The last time anyone saw him was right before Kasey disappeared.”

  Donovan chews on his gum, furrowing his brows together in a thoughtful manner. This is one of the reasons why I love him. He’s got my back. Whenever I come barging into his office with another fire under my ass to chase a lead I think I have, Donovan always assists me. He has canceled business trips. Postponed meetings. Fought with Mamá. Annoyed the fuck out of the police. Whatever I need, he’s there to help.

  Unfortunately though, every single one of my leads has come up empty.

  Not today, though.

  Today I have a good feeling.

  “Hmm,” he says with a grunt, “I remember Mike. I’m pretty sure Logan’s had a few run-ins with him over the years, but I hardly think he’s a kidnapper. I could call Logan, though, and have him run a background check. See where the guy’s been these days.”

  I jump from my seat and round his desk. By the time I reach him, he’s turned his chair and stood to envelop me in one of his strong hugs. A year ago, I pretty much hated Donovan and choked on his masculine scent anytime he was near.

  Now, I inhale him.

  Call it sick.

  Call it dirty.

  But to me, he smells like comfort.

  His fingers brush through my hair as he holds me tight, and I let out a small sigh of contentment. I’m going to miss him when I go to LA. My bottom lip quivers and I bite down on it to keep from crying.

  “Thank you for always trying, D,” I choke out.

  Those same fingers brushing my hair grip it, and he tilts my head back. His steely grey-blue eyes find mine and he frowns. “Baby, why are you so upset?”

  I try to look away but he won’t let me. When Donovan has me on his radar, he sees nothing else. Ever.

  “I’m going to miss you,” I half sob, half laugh.

  He leans forward and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. “I’m going to miss you, too. So fucking much.”

  I’m once again pulled into his warm embrace. Our relationship is weird, I know. Everyone in town questions it. I’ve heard their hushed whispers.

  “He’s practically twice her age, the pervert.”

  “The pedophile.”

  “How can he have eyes for his stepdaughter?”

  “What a sick family.”

  They can all go fuck off because it isn’t like that.

  Donovan is my friend.

  I trust him implicitly.

  “I want you home for fall break,” he says with an authoritative growl that has me giggling.

  “And if I’m not?” I taunt as I pull away.

  Despite our friendly banter, neither of us is ready for me to go to college.

  His eyes caress the naked flesh of my exposed breasts before his lip quirks up into a smug grin that sends shivers running through me. “Then I’ll have to put you over my knee and give you a good bare-assed spanking for disobeying.”

  Words like these…jokes threaded with truth, are the foundation of our friendship.

  One of these days, I wonder if he’ll actually make good on his threats.

  “Then I better be a good girl,” I tell him with a wink before bouncing back over to my purse. “See you at dinner.”

  Our eyes meet once more before I exit his office. Despite our moment of humor, his are haunted and sad. Mine are an exact reflection.

  And then I leave.

  The ache in my heart is painful. I’d cry if it weren’t for bitchy Darcy eyeballing me as I hurry away. Once I make it into the foyer of the building though, I release the dam and with it a flood of tears.

  I don’t want to leave him.

  “Why are you crying?” Logan taunts, jerking me from my memories. “I thought you wanted this.”

  I hate dragging myself from Donovan’s warm memories and back into the hellish reality that is my life with Logan. With hesitation, I blink my eyes open and try to take stock of my injuries. Everything hurts. My throat especially but also my scalp and my ass. Streaks of fire burn along my spine and I know he’s either cut me or whipped me—it’s too early to tell.

  “I love watching you bleed, doll.” Well, that answers my question. “So fucking beautiful.” His voice is almost loving and I latch on to it. Staying with Donovan inside my head won’t help the situation. As much as I’d prefer to be in his office hugging him, I know I have my present hell deal with.


  “I’m so weak,” I whisper. And I am. But I mostly want to draw out his affectionate side. The one that I can pull answers from.

  He chuckles, as if I’m cute, and sets to removing the anal hook. Once he’s freed me from the metal and untied the chain from my hair, he begins unlocking the padlock. As soon as he lifts the heavy wood that held me in place, I bite back a sob of relief.

  So many times I died a little on the guillotine.

  So many times I lost a piece of my soul.

  But not this time.

  This time, I feel stronger.

  Satisfied even.

  This time I made it through in one piece.

  Focus on the end game, Nadia Jayne.

  I harden my heart and smile sweetly at Logan as he helps me stand on shaky feet.

  I have to do this.

  Last night, I didn’t sleep a fucking wink. I lay on my back and stared at the dark ceiling. For hours. My thoughts were on one person.


>   And as much as I craved to find the hate inside and hold on to it, my mind kept replaying our kiss over and over again. Her soft, wet lips. The way she confided in me about Logan hurting her.

  All night I tried to summon the anger.

  But I couldn’t.

  She’s a heavy drug I want to shove into my vein. Even though I’ll hate myself later for succumbing to using. To feel the intoxicating bliss as it infiltrates every nerve ending in my entire system. It’s darkness feeding darkness—and she’s oh-so fucking dark. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever know light again. But right now, I’m overwhelmed with the need to conquer her. I wouldn’t hurt her though—not the way Logan does. When I hurt her¸ she’ll beg me for it. The bruises will be nothing more than love bites—evidence of my desire for her.

  My dick rises, lifting the sheet with it, and I grunt in frustration. Whacking off will do nothing to satisfy my craving for her. I’m eager to get to their house and start this job just so I can see her again.

  Has she really fucking pickled my brain like she does to all the other men who fall into her web?

  Fuck her and then fuck with her life.

  A growl rumbles through me as I slide out of bed in search of something to wear. Once I locate the pair of jeans I’d discarded on the way to bed last night, I slide them on and then make my way into my office. I flip on a light and sink down into my desk chair. Her file sits open on my desk. Plucking her picture from the paperclip, I stare at her pretty features. The woman was blessed in the looks department. Her brown eyes are mischievous, almost as if she’s got a secret hiding behind them. The smile on her face is broad and infectious. If I hadn’t spent so many years hating her, I’d almost smile back.

  But I don’t.

  I need to focus and stop letting my dick have a say in any of this.

  Yes, she’ll be a great fucking lay.

  But she still needs to pay for letting my sister’s kidnapper slip through the cracks.

  I want to imagine a scenario where her full lips drop into a pouty frown once she realizes she’s been literally fucked. When her perfect world crumbles around her. It will be a beautiful vindication, and only then can I move the fuck on with my life. I’ll never stop searching for Kasey, but at least I can stop obsessing over Nadia.

  My mind flits back to last night.

  The bruises and scabs.

  Anger rises in my chest causing my fists to involuntarily clench in response. I’m thoroughly confused about how I can go from hating her in one breath, to hating Logan on her behalf in the next. It doesn’t make sense to me, this urge to protect her from him. I know I’m a selfish bastard, but this is more than that. Down in my bones, a part of her seems to have linked itself to me. She, in some ways, almost reminds me of Kasey. Talk about fucked up. No matter how hard I want to claw her from my soul, she imbeds herself there.

  And as a form of cruel punishment to myself, I like her there.

  I like the warmth she brings that bubbles just below the surface, such a dim light flickering in my darkness.

  What are you doing to my head, Nadia Jayne?

  “Morning,” Logan grunts in greeting and waves me inside his fucking lavish estate.

  I shoulder past him, toolbox in hand, and make my way over to the biggest hole in the wall. “You going to the station?” I question and eye up his uniform. It’s Saturday and he doesn’t normally work weekends.

  “Yeah, I have some shit to deal with,” he grumbles insolently. “I shouldn’t be gone long.” The warning in his voice is loud and clear.

  “Do you have coffee brewing?” I set the toolbox down and saunter into the kitchen. I’d hoped to see Nadia standing there in a rumpled nightgown with mussed hair and sleepy eyes, fresh out of bed. Instead, I find nothing but a vacant kitchen filled with the aroma of coffee.

  Logan follows me and locates a mug for me. I pour a cup and take my time stirring it up.

  “Your woman still sleeping? I doubt she’ll sleep through my demoing that wall,” I tell him and sip the hot liquid. My intention is to casually feel out where she is. Part of me wants to shove him out the front door so I can hunt her down and find out why she screamed last night. I want to know if he hurt her again.

  “I wore her out,” he tells me simply with a shrug. “Girl likes to fuck. She’ll sleep through it.”

  I grip the handle on my mug and try not to say anything stupid. He eyes me up for several more minutes before he starts gathering his keys and wallet on the bar. “You do realize Nadia was the only witness to your sister’s abduction. She sat in my office and told me nothing. Absolutely nothing, Kasper. I know you have eyes for her,” he says with a growl. “I’m not fucking stupid. But remember what she didn’t do for you. I know you obsess over that case. How could you not?”

  I glare at him, my jaw clenching, furious he so easily read me. And here I thought I was a pro at keeping my emotions guarded.

  “I fuck her every night. I make love to her, Ghost. And I’ve tried to get information out of her. She knows nothing. If you think getting close to her will help get you clues, you’re mistaken.” He smiles at me then and it makes me want to punch him in his goddamned throat. “Plus, I’ve knocked her around one too many times. Poor girl is practically retarded. All she’s good for is to take a nice ass fucking and to cook my meals. You’re barking up the wrong tree, Kasper.”

  Who is this asshole?

  He certainly isn’t the same Chief that everyone gravitates to when he saunters into the station each morning wearing a cheery, easy grin. In his own home, he clearly feels comfortable enough to let his true colors show.

  It takes everything in me to swallow down my rage and feign disinterest. “To be honest, it’s irritating to have to work in her presence, knowing she can’t remember shit. But don’t flatter yourself,” I tell him with a shrug of my shoulders. “I’m not interested in your property, man. I’m just here to make a little extra cash.”

  His eyes study mine for a minute before he nods. “Sure. Just wanted to establish some rules before I left.” He starts to walk away but stops and turns. “Anything on Donovan?”

  “Nothing. He’s pissed but business as usual.”

  He beams at me. “Perfect.”

  I sip my coffee, my eyes never leaving him, and watch as he punches in some numbers on his phone. “Tell her I’ll be back in an hour,” he instructs before storming from the kitchen.

  “Yep.” My voice is disinterested. Uncaring. Yet my skin is crawling and my jaw is clenching hard enough to break my teeth.

  Leaning my hip on the counter, I blow at the steamy liquid as if that’s my focus. But what I’m absolutely aware of is Logan. The sound of his zipper as he dons his coat in the other room. A jingle of his keys. Heavy thuds through the house. A creak of the front door and then a slam. Flitting my eyes up, I watch him stride out to his car. His phone is still in hand as he intently stares at whatever is on his screen. When he finally shoves it back in his pocket once he’s in his vehicle, and starts the car, I let out a breath of relief.

  As soon as his car turns out onto the road, I set my coffee down and exit the kitchen. With calculated steps, I make my way over to one of the holes in the wall. My gaze drifts down the hallway and I try not to think about what he did to her last night. If there weren’t cameras everywhere, I know I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back from going to her. And God only knows the kind of wakeup call I’d end up giving her.

  “Nadia?” I call out, knowing the cameras don’t pick up sound. “It’s about to get loud in here.”

  No response.

  Not a squeak of the wood floors.


  With a sigh, I pull on a piece of drywall that is damaged. It doesn’t move easy but needs to be replaced. The hammer sits on top of the toolbox. I should get to work but the whole house is oddly too quiet.

  “I hope you like ACDC,” I call out.


  And I’ll be damned if it doesn’t niggle at me. I want to
see her. She’s a fucked up mystery to me and I like peeling away at her layers like one would fuss over sunburned skin after a few days. I want to pick and pick and pick until she’s raw. Exposed and revealed. Mysteries solved.

  My eyes flit over to the camera in the corner. I clutch onto the drywall and give it a yank. It tears off with a loud noise that cuts through the quietness.

  “For fuck’s sake,” I complain as I toss the piece of wall into the floor.

  Curiosity gets the better of me and I stride quickly down the hall. When I reach the master bedroom, I frown to see it empty. My eyes fall on a wooden, medieval-looking piece that wasn’t here yesterday. It has a larger hole cut out in the center and two smaller ones on either side of the hole. A sickness washes over me knowing he probably put her in that thing. Logan seems like one of those fucked-up doms who’s into all sort of creepy sexual acts. Probably making up for having a small dick or something, the bastard.

  With a grunt, I walk back over to the guest room. The sun shines in through the window and blankets her bare skin. I knew she’d be naked. Doesn’t seem like the kind of girl who sleeps in pajamas, not that Logan is the kind of guy who would let her. But what confuses is me is why she’s sleeping in the guest room.

  “Trouble on the home front?” I bark out.

  She jerks in bed and sits up, drawing the covers to her chin, further denying me a view of her perky breasts. “What are you doing here?”

  Her dark hair is wild and messy. My fingers twitch to smooth it out. Gritting my teeth, I motion toward the splintered door frame. “Gaping holes in your walls? Ring any bells? The hardware store will be delivering some Sheetrock and two-by-fours later this afternoon. Until then, I’m going to tear down the old stuff.”

  She nods and her eyes dart behind me in a frantic way. “Where’s Logan?”

  I flash her a wicked smile. “He left…about ten minutes ago. We’re all alone.”

  Her eyes widen and she waves me away. “I need to get dressed. Did he say anything?”

  “Said he’d be back in an hour.”

  She shrieks and sits up on her knees. “Go! I need to hurry.”


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