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Surrender Your Grace

Page 4

by Maddie Taylor

  She nodded but her face flamed in embarrassment. What would her maid think of her in this state of undress before dinner? Andrew seemed to read her thoughts and was quick to reassure her. “The servants will be discreet or they will not be in my employ.”

  He smiled gently at her and then leaned in for her first kiss. His lips were soft but firm as they pressed against hers. It felt nice at first but when he slipped his tongue between the seam of her lips it sent an arousing tingling sensation coursing through her body. Cici sighed in response. Andrew soon ended the kiss with a small bite to her full lower lip and he teased the swollen rim, soothing away the sting with his tongue. She was stunned by the intimacy of the kiss even though he had just had his hands on her bare bottom. Pulling back too soon he commented, “We’ll have more of that later. Tonight will be our wedding night.”

  “I wanted to thank you for being so considerate and waiting.”

  “I am not unsympathetic, Cecilia. I realized how hard it would have been for you to get introduced to a man one evening only to wind up in his bed the next. Impromptu weddings like ours happen, but I wanted to give you time to adjust to being my wife before taking you, my sweet. Plus, I thought being here in the country would be more relaxing and put you at ease.” He placed one more searing kiss upon her lips before setting her from his lap.

  “But rest assured, now that we are here at our estate, I am ready to do my husbandly duty and let you have amorous congress with me.” With that outrageous statement, he winked at her then crossed to the bell pull to call for her maid.

  Twenty minutes later she was set to rights and was holding Andrew’s arm as they descended the stairs. Her heated face showed her distress. She still couldn’t believe that he had stayed to await her in her room. He’d sat quietly in a corner of her chamber, reclined comfortably on a velvet green chaise as he took in the proceedings. She was especially mortified when her maid brought her a clean pair of drawers and held them for her to step in. Cici knew that her blazing behind was displayed in all its naked glory. She could tell that he had enjoyed the display by the broad grin he wore when he took her arm to lead her downstairs. She had frowned at him but he had only wagged a raised finger in her direction in warning. I guess frowning is against the rules as well, she huffed to herself.

  Now she stood with a red face that undoubtedly matched her red backside as she was presented to no less than twenty-five servants. Housemaids, footmen, under butlers, cooks - his household was enormous and he was only a second son. She couldn’t begin to imagine how many it took to manage his families’ ducal estates. How on earth was she supposed to manage all of this and his London estate?

  After she had nodded to and greeted all of the staff, Andrew escorted her to the salon to relax until supper was ready. She walked to the open French doors and felt the cool evening breeze soothe her heated skin. She worried she would make a mess of it all and anger her new husband which considering this afternoon would most likely be an unpleasant experience for her behind.

  “Won’t you sit and have an aperitif, Cecilia?”

  “I prefer to stand, thank you.”

  He smiled as he crossed to stand behind her handing her a glass of sherry. Bending his head he murmured, “You should be right as rain by the morrow, sweetheart. It really was a very mild reprimand.” He cupped her shoulders and squeezed, reassuringly.

  Desperate to direct the conversation away from her burning bottom, she commented on her new home. “The estate is lovely. Do you own any other properties?” She prayed unsuccessfully for a negative response, but her spirits lagged at his answer.

  “Apart from Arrandale Manor of course, there is the London town home in Grosvenor Square, the estate in Kippford, oh and there is a lovely Oceanside cottage near Brighton.”

  “Kippford, isn’t that in Scotland?”

  “Yes, it was passed down through my mother’s family. Kippford is a quaint little coastal town south of Dumfries on Solway Firth. Nearby is a lighthouse which sits atop a cliff at least 250 feet high where you can see the Isle of Man, England and the Ireland coastline. You’ll love it; the views from there are breathtaking.”

  “But how did you inherit? I thought your brother as the eldest would have through primogeniture.”

  “Mother is my father’s second wife, many forget since they married when James was still an infant. She raised him like her own son and he has always called her mother. But she is Baroness Arrandale sou jure through her father’s Scottish line.”

  “Sou jure means “in her own right” doesn’t it? It is unusual for a woman to inherit a title, isn’t it?”

  “Not so unusual in Scotland. After my father’s death, I took on the subsidiary title and her seat in the House of Lords through a writ of acceptance. Since it was an unusual occurrence Her Majesty created the Viscountcy to avoid any controversy which tends to run rampant in the Lords.”

  Shaking her head in confusion she sighed, “Oh Andrew that is all Greek to me. I didn’t understand that by half. The politics since the Acts of Union are so confusing to me and then to throw in the Scottish lines…” She wrung her hands feeling greatly inadequate and uneducated. “I fear you have been thrust into an even worse mismatch than you thought. I was prepared to marry a local Baron with at best one estate, but to take on Arrandale, your town home and two other estates as well... I’m not sure I’m skilled enough to manage without making a muddle of everything.”

  The worry showed on her face. To manage four households was a huge undertaking for his young wife. He tried reassuring her. “Don’t worry so, each household is maintained by a well-trained staff and only requires your oversight. We will visit all of them in the next few months, although I say we move Brighton down on the schedule until after the season when the waters are still warm enough to swim.”

  Feeling peaky over the unexpected responsibility, Cici paled. She wanted to be a good wife to him

  “I should love that Andrew, but still…”

  “I’ll ask mother to spend some time with you. She will get you up to snuff straight away.”

  “Thank you.” He could still see the wheels turning in that beautiful head. “I’ve never been to Brighton. And though I would love to spend time ocean side, I’ve never learned to swim.”

  Andrew studied his young wife more closely. She was really quite lovely although not of the current fashion like her sister. She had a vibrant glow about her that radiated beauty, freshness and innocence which he found endearing. The slight flush from their earlier exertions still clung to her cheeks, her eyes glinted with a youthful excitement and her hair glistened and shone in the candlelight taking on a life of its own. Yes, he was thankful that fate had intervened and brought this delightful imp into his life rather than the shrew. He would have to use care with their budding relationship. While exerting his dominion over her he didn’t want to quash her spirit and joy for life. He would however insist on her compliance. He would just have to artfully bring it about without pushing. He wanted her to blossom in her submission and realize that pleasure could be found in pleasing him not just vice versa.

  “I will teach you to swim. You will find a dip in the sea exhilarating and refreshing.”

  “But I heard that men and women swim separately, my- Andrew. I’d be afraid to go alone. Besides, I’d need a bathing costume.” Taking a small sip of her sherry, she wrinkled her nose at the unpleasantly dry taste. Preferring something sweeter she set it aside. “I’ve also heard tales of those horrid bathing machines. I’m not so sure I’d enjoy that.”

  Andrew’s bold, full-throated laugh echoed through the salon and Cici couldn’t help but be captivated by the sound and the grin that consumed his handsome features. “Cecilia dear heart, we have a private beach where we can swim together without an audience of gossip mongers.” He lowered his voice and whispered, “We can even go into the water unrigged, dressed only in the clothes God gave us.”

  “Surely you jest.” She was appalled. “Swim without clothes?
Why that’s illegal, not to mention immodest. I’ve never heard of such nonsense.” Despite her worry, he saw the idea of swimming with him change her demeanor and was enchanted by the delight and eagerness that began to show in her eyes. “You tease, my, uh-, Andrew..”

  “I’m beginning to get used to that.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “My new name upon your lips, my-uh-Andrew and sometimes my-lo-Andrew, both have a nice ring don’t you think? I like it almost as much as my-lo-uh Andrew.” He winked at her outrageously.

  She stared at him drop-jawed. Now she knew he was teasing her and about so many things. True his name did come out that way when she almost slipped and called him My Lord, but to swim nude. Oh my!

  Higgins interrupted then to announce dinner.

  “I hope you don’t mind taking meals in the small dining room. I like to relax while in the country so opt for a less formal routine which is more conducive for family and much less work for the household staff.”

  “Of course, whatever you’re accustomed to.”

  “I noticed you didn’t care for the sherry.”

  “Papa didn’t allow us to drink wine or spirits. He said it lead to - female independence, drunkenness and other immoral behavior of the fairer gender.” She laughed at her mocking imitation of her father’s deep voice making Andrew smile. She returned his grin shyly as she continued, “Papa allowed a taste of champagne when the occasion called for it, but otherwise he was a teetotaler himself.”

  “I don’t hold to such strict standards. Although not a drunkard, I enjoy a taste of spirits or a fine wine now and then. We’ll aim to find something that appeals to your palate, maybe something a little sweeter.” He hailed a footman, “Bring a bottle of the Sémillon Bordeaux for My Lady. It's a sweet white wine that I think you’ll enjoy.”

  “Thank you, Andrew.” She looked to him eagerly. Maybe he wasn’t as strict as Papa after all. “I’d like to sample a brandy also after dinner if you have it. I’ve heard it is quite the thing with peaches or berries.”

  “Let’s not get too eager,” he chuckled. “I don’t have anything but Cognac which for you is too potent by half. You’d prefer something lighter. Mother enjoys a glass of Eau de vie and Calvados now and then. They are French fruit brandies, sweeter and more palatable for the ladies, but I have never stocked it here at the manor. We’ll look into expanding your horizons, but no more than two glasses a night. We wouldn’t want to test your papa’s theory about female drunkenness after all.”

  Although he winked and said it in a teasing manner, she knew she had just been handed another rule. She would have to start carrying a pen and paper with her so she could keep all of them straight. Maybe in a few years she could write a guidebook. A couple potential titles came to mind, “101 Rules for a Submissive Wife” or maybe “Marrying an Imperious English Lord? Straighten Up or Get Spanked.” She giggled at them both. They’d be flying off the shelves at Hatchard’s in Piccadilly.

  “What’s amusing?”

  She blushed; she couldn’t tell him the direction of her thoughts so she fibbed. “I was just imagining Papa’s response to my sampling wines to find ones to my taste. I’m certain he would be appalled and snatch me back home before you corrupted me.”

  “It's a little too late for that after this afternoon, don’t you think?”

  Her color intensified as she glanced to the staff bustling in and out of the room serving dinner and attending them. She had a perpetual blush around this captivating man as he said the most outrageous things. And he loved to tease.

  “I want you to feel free to make whatever changes you would like to The Manor but in regard to staff schedules, discuss them with Mrs. Weatherford or myself first. I’d prefer not to have any major disruptions as things run quite smoothly as they are.”

  More rules, Cici thought. Her life had turned into quite a conundrum. Use his Christian name, but only in private. Be a lady, but submit to bare bottom spankings will he, nil he. Drink, but not too much. Make changes, but get permission first. She was confused by all the contradictions and changes in her life and feeling fairly resentful.

  She responded stiffly but politely, “Yes, My Lord.”

  Her overly polite response brought his head up and his eyes twinkled. He wondered what had set her off again and caused her to revert to formal address? He noted a footman and Higgins’s presence and decided to let it pass. He wanted her to be comfortable around him at home, including in front of the staff, but he had only insisted on using his first name while in private, so far. He realized these sudden changes were a challenge so he tried to find a more pleasant topic.

  “Do you ride?”

  “Yes, but it has been a while. Papa doesn’t keep a stable in town other than the carriage horses and my mare was left at our country estate. So, unfortunately it has been months since I’ve had the pleasure.”

  “Arrandale stables are extensive. I have a mare in mind for you that I think you will get on nicely with. I’ll get you acquainted with her tomorrow morning and we’ll tour the property.”

  “That sounds wonderful, My Lord.”

  “I understand you are fast friends with my sister, Margaret.”

  “Yes, Maggie is ever so sweet and funny.” She blushed as she remembered the last night she had seen her, the night a twisted scheme had gone afoul and changed both of their lives. “She was planning to arrange an introduction for us that evening, before Elizabeth, well before…”

  “Before she caused such an uproar with her feather-headed behavior?”

  Eyes as round as saucers, she looked at him in surprise. “Well yes, but I wasn’t going to put it quite that way.” Then she giggled, and he smiled in return. “I was going to say ninny hammered.” It was his turn to stare in surprise and soon they were both laughing. The staff smiled discreetly at their lord and new lady’s joviality, which they took as a good sign for their nuptials that had a less than promising beginning.

  Chapter Six

  Cici didn’t notice the door softly latch behind her maid as she exited. Gowned in her white muslin night rail, she continued to brush out her long hair. She wasn’t sure what to expect tonight. Coming to her marriage bed a virgin was expected of young women of her class. She couldn’t have asked about the mechanics of it all from her mother. She had nearly died of apoplexy when she had tried to tell her what to expect on her wedding night. And Elizabeth, Maggie and most of her friends were still unmarried. She would just have to trust Andrew to guide her.

  As if conjured by her thoughts he walked in, closing and locking the door behind him. She set aside her brush and rose to meet him. Her breath caught at the sight of him in his dark blue silk dressing gown. It was open at the throat and he wore no neck cloth, exposing a goodly amount of tanned neck and bare chest. A few tufts of curly blonde hair were peaking over the collar at the open neckline. She averted her eyes and felt the heat scorch her face. Oh my!

  Peeking at him from beneath her lashes she looked to his lower half expecting to see bare legs to match his bare chest, but to her relief saw he wore soft trousers beneath his robe. Her eyes fell to his shockingly bare feet and she coughed discreetly in an attempt to mask her surprise. Silly ninny, she thought, it is simply a pair of bare feet. It’s not as though it was his… Her eyes flew to his midsection where, despite her innocence, she could tell he was already aroused. “Oh my,” This time she said it aloud.

  “Nervous?” he asked. Aware of her chaste state, he indulged her apprehension keeping calm while he spoke softly to her as if gentling a wild animal.

  “Fearfully so, I don’t know what…” She lost her train of thought as soon as he untied his belted robe and let it slip from his broad shoulders. “Oh my gracious...”

  Laughing softly as he approached, he belatedly noticed what she was wearing. “Where on earth did you get that enormous nightgown? It has you swallowed up whole.”

  “Mama packed it for me.” She frowned down at the boring garment. The high neckl
ine choked her and the too long sleeves, which she had cuffed up several times, still hung past her fingertips. The hem, which was obviously stitched for a much taller woman, pooled around her feet. She looked like a little girl playing dress up in her mama’s clothes. “I didn’t have a trousseau… there was no time. “ Tears pooled in her eyes; this was obviously not what he was expecting of his bride on his wedding night and certainly not the bride he had in mind. He had been courting Elizabeth after all.

  “I am dreadfully sorry about all this, My Lord Andrew. It is unfair that you had to settle for me as your bride after that, uh... rather unfortunate incident. I know I'm not quite up to snuff.” The tears had begun to flow and she wiped at them with the sleeves of her ridiculous gown. “I shall attempt to be a good wife to you Andrew. I swear.”

  Stepping forward, he pulled her against his broad chest. “What you say is utter twaddle, Cecilia. I have thanked the Almighty every minute of every hour that your sister did not agree with my suit and planned that, what was it you called it? Ah yes, the unfortunate incident. To have been stuck with that shrew for a bride….” He shuddered. “Perish the thought!”

  He drew away enough for her to be able to look up at him. “Look at me, wife.” He waited patiently until those beautiful green eyes were staring up at him; innocence, anticipation and concern easily decipherable in their depths. “I am happy with the wife I have and I won’t have you refer to yourself as accidental or not up to snuff. Do you understand me?”

  She nodded her agreement, not really knowing how to respond. He was happy with his new wife? Still staring into his handsome face, expecting any minute to wake up from this dream and find out it was all a lark created by her overactive imagination.


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