Book Read Free

Surrender Your Grace

Page 10

by Maddie Taylor

  “Which one, Cecilia?” His tone brooked no further hedging as he demanded an answer.

  “Uh… It was that older one on Saffron Hill.” She looked up sheepishly at her husband, knowing that it was not the neighborhood a duchess would usually visit.

  He stood looking down at her, fit to be tied. His face was flushed and there was a muscle twitching in his jaw and his hands were fisted as he tried to get hold of his anger. She could tell he wanted to rail at her, but held back with the servants present. Finally, after several minutes had passed he asked quietly. “Any other injuries aside from your shoulder and ankle?”

  Embarrassed to mention the location of her other injury in front of the footman, she looked askance at Henry who waited by the door. She frowned that he had not done her bidding yet. What was he waiting for? If that book were misplaced her inevitable punishment for this mischief would be for naught. Cici knew that Andrew was waiting for her answer so she lowered her voice so only he could hear. “My behind hurts as well. When I tripped I fell atop a pile of books and several gouged me in, uh… tender areas I should say.”

  “Thompson has already summoned the physician. Let’s get you upstairs and into bed before he arrives.” He scooped her up again and carried her effortlessly in his strong arms. Cici felt none of the uneasiness she had when Henry had carried her. She felt snug and secure, and despite the anger he was displaying at her actions, she felt cherished by his concern.

  “Henry, Mary… I’ll speak with you both later.”

  Cici looked over her husband’s shoulder and saw Henry blanch, but nod his head with a murmured, “Yes, Your Grace.” Mary a nervous girl by nature wrung her hands in agitation.

  “Andrew, they were just doing as I bid.”

  “Since you cannot be trusted to act reasonably, I will have to take matters into my own hands. Your disregard for your own personal safety is amazing. After the physician is through tending to you, I will give this matter my undivided attention.”

  Uh-oh! That sounded ominous and Cici worried for her already tender and bruised bottom.

  The physician diagnosed a sprained ankle and deep bruises on her shoulder, hip and buttocks. Andrew had stayed for the entire examination. He heard the orders for strict bed rest for three days and elevation of the ankle for at least one week, after which he would return for a re-examination. The doctor also recommended warm baths for the bruising and discomfort and to soak her ankle in a bitter salts bath twice a day.

  After the physician left, Andrew dismissed her maid to see to her bath stating he would bring her to the bathroom momentarily. Sitting on the side of her bed, he picked up her hand and stroked it thoughtfully with his thumb. “I suppose we will have to have some more rules for Town then, won’t we?”

  “Must we, Andrew? It was an accident and could have happened to any unsuspecting shopper.”

  Stunned by her cavalier attitude, he tried to maintain his composure as he lectured. “A duchess does not frequent shops that are housed in buildings that are crumbling about her shoulders. My duchess does not travel to neighborhoods such as Saffron Hill, where there are all manner of criminals afoot. My wife, the Duchess of Sommerville does not put herself in a position that necessitates her being carried up the front steps of her home by a footman.” His voice had steadily risen in volume as he spoke, until he ended in a near shout. Cici was stunned; she had never heard Andrew raise his voice before.

  “You need a keeper, wife and I am quite convinced that I am just the man for the job.”


  “Why on earth did you feel the need to go to a book shop on Saffron Hill?”

  “I’d rather not say. It’s a secret.”

  “I don’t care what you’d rather not say!” Andrew’s voice shook with outrage. “I also don’t care if this is a secret from the queen herself. I am your husband and you will answer me.”

  “It was to be a surprise for your birthday next week.”

  Andrew sighed heavily and raked his hands through his hair in agitation. “I appreciate the sentiment Cici, but you are never to do something this foolish again. Much worse could have happened to you in that neighborhood instead of a few bumps and bruises. You could have been robbed, kidnapped, assaulted. It is unthinkable.”

  He looked at her closely, his eyes scanning her lovely face. They had been wed only a short time, but she was dear to him. He knew he would be devastated if anything happened to her.

  “I know you are young and naïve, but you have to be more cautious. I will instruct the footmen and coachmen of acceptable locations from now on. If anything like this happens again I will have no choice but to require you to ask for my permission before you go out. Please don’t make me follow through on that action.”

  “I’m sorry, Andrew. I won’t do anything like this again.”

  Nodding, he considered her a minute before issuing his orders. “You, my naughty wife, are confined to your rooms for the next week. You will rest and follow the physician’s orders to the letter. If I find that you have disobeyed these rules the bruises you sustained from falling on a few books will be nothing compared to that of my strap. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes Andrew.” She pouted prettily knowing it was futile to argue. “May I have visitors? My mother will want to see me at least.”

  “You are being restricted so you will rest and heal, Cici. It is not a punishment.” He stood and once again scooped her up in his arms.

  “May I rest and heal in the salon or your study when you are at home Andrew?”

  “We shall see how compliant you are these first three days, then I will make that decision.”

  “You are a very strict husband, Andrew.”

  “I am a very protective husband, Cici. There is a difference.”

  Ten days later, Cici and Maggie were taking advantage of the unseasonably mild weather with a ride in Hyde Park. Maggie who had been sequestered at Sommerville since James’ funeral was in Town for a brief visit and Cici was ecstatic to see her dear friend.

  “It is a beautiful sunny day. I am so glad that my warden has released me from my prison.”

  Maggie laughed. “Andrew can be very rigid when it comes to health and safety, Cici. Haven’t you figured that out yet?”

  “Oh piffle. He is like a worrying old man sometimes.”

  “Don’t let him hear you say that. He is sensitive about marrying a woman the age of his baby sister as it is.”

  “Hm, that must be why he orders me around like a child. I am three months your senior if you’ll recall.”

  “So did he like his birthday present? Was it worth all the trouble to get it?”

  “He was quite impressed. The book chronicles the Arrandale castle all the way back to the eighth century. He wasn’t aware of its existence before the monks resided there.”

  “So he liked it?”


  Maggie instantly picked up on the hesitancy in her voice. “What happened?”

  “It’s quite embarrassing.”

  “Then I simply must know. Out with it, Cici.”

  “Well… Have you ever heard of a birthday spanking?”

  “Never, what in the world is that?”

  “Well, you know Andrew. He knows everything. Evidently there is an old pagan custom during changes in life. Surrounded by friends and loved ones, a person is spanked to ward off evil spirits. A birthday was considered a change in life.”

  “Oh Cici, you weren’t gullible enough to fall for that whopper were you?”

  Cici grimaced, then pouted in dismay. Had Andrew made up that outrageous tale? He surely didn’t need a reason to spank. He did it whenever he felt like it.

  “I can’t believe he let you spank him.”

  Cici’s looked at her startled. Goodness gracious, what a fool she had been.

  “What is wrong?”

  She shook her head, refusing to answer. Maggie looked at her face and broke out into loud guffaws of laughter causing several park vis
itors to turn their heads and stare. Lowering her voice she commiserated with her friend. “Oh Cici, he turned it around and spanked you, didn’t he?

  “Yes, he said the person celebrating the birthday got to select the recipient of the spanking. I am an idiot! And your brother is certainly in for it when I get home. He spanked me twenty-nine times, plus one for luck, and one for a happy marriage, the scoundrel.” Cici seethed with outrage.

  “Cici…” Maggie’s voice had sharpened from its previous relaxed tone. “Don’t panic, but Lady Angela Winslow just entered The Ring.” She pointed to the woman of interest with the subtle flick of her fan. It was the fashionable hour, and they had come to promenade. The crowd of carriages was so thick, that every so often they came to a dead stop. At present, the horses were making their way around the circle at a snail’s pace. The widow had just entered The Ring and was on course to meet with their’s momentarily.

  “Maybe we should go.”

  “Absolutely not. You can’t run from the woman. You are the victor in this,..” She paused and then giggling added, “I guess that makes my dear brother the spoils.”

  “It’s not funny, Maggie. You cannot understand how awkward and uncomfortable it is to know that woman was with Andrew.”

  “Andrew swears he is faithful, Cici. I believe him, he is a man of honor, truly.”

  “I want to believe him Maggie, but there are so many things that cause me nagging doubts.” She felt her friend looking at her oddly. “Think about it. He was forced into a marriage with a woman not of his style.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “His style is tall, willowy blondes, like Lady Winslow and Elizabeth. Obviously that is the type of woman he prefers. Instead he got a dowdy, chubby, short girl with unfashionable red-hair and freckles… and a penchant for trouble.”

  Maggie snorted, “I reject that idea. You are beautiful although you can’t see it for yourself, what else?”

  “You know his reputation; he was quite the scoundrel before we married. And he met with the widow after we wed.”

  “But that was just Elizabeth talking-“

  “No, I’ve heard it from more than one source. He was seen going into her home one evening just days after the wedding. I was staying at the townhouse then. If he wanted me, I was available.”

  “Cici I think you are borrowing trouble here. Have you asked him about it?”

  “I’m afraid to. What if I don’t like the answer?”

  Maggie saw tears gathering in her friends eyes and knew they needed to leave. She was afraid of adding to the gossip if half the Ton saw a crying Cici in the park, especially without her new husband present. That would only add to the suspicion and gossip. Signaling the driver she ordered, “Baxter, take us home as quick as you can, please.”

  “I’m sorry My Lady, but quick is not going to be likely in this deadlock I’m afraid. I will get us free and on our way as soon as possible.”

  As luck would have it, their carriage stuck in the quagmire that was The Ring, was gradually drawing nearer to the Winslow carriage and a confrontation was inevitable. Maggie gripped Cici’s gloved hand and felt her fingers tighten to a point near pain.

  “Chin up and proud, Cici. You are the Duchess of Sommerville and she is just a lowly Countess. Look down on her like the social climber that she is.” Maggie whispered these words of encouragement a minute before they rolled up next to the widow’s carriage.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Her Grace and Lady Ashwick,” the sneer in the woman’s voice rang loud and clear. “Maggie, shouldn’t you children be in the school room? Where are your Governesses?” She looked from side to side as if searching for their chaperones, then laughed gaily at her own joke.

  Maggie bristled at the comment. “We are appropriately escorted with our footman and driver. Of course, if we were as ancient as you even that wouldn’t be necessary.”

  Sensitive about her age, the widow glared daggers at Maggie. “You have always been a brash child who needs to have her mouth washed out with soap.” Her gaze then moved to Cici and the line of carriages moved forward another few feet bringing them even closer together. “I supposed it is better than being a mouse. Poor Andrew, he always did prefer a little fire in the boudoir. No wonder he has sought me out so soon after his nuptials.”

  Shocked that she would say such a thing in a public venue, Cici gasped. “You are lying.”

  “Am I?” She smiled and her lips curled in to a cruel and spiteful sneer. “Where was his lordship last night, duchess? In your bed or mine?”

  “Lying, wretched shrew,” Maggie hissed but the carriage moved forward then and they rolled past. All they heard was her taunting laughter trailing after them as they finally exited The Ring and the carriage picked up speed as they headed for home.

  Cici sat stiffly the entire way and once assisted from the carriage flew up the stairs practically knocking the footman over as he opened the door.

  Unfortunately, Andrew was walking down the hall at the time and bore the full brunt of her fury.

  “How dare you humiliate me this way?” Unable to keep her anger at bay she hurled her reticule at his head as angry tears rolled down her face. Andrew’s quick reflexes allowed him to snatch the object out of the air just seconds before it collided with his head.

  “What is this about, Cecilia?” Andrew demanded this of his wife but she glared daggers at his head. He noticed that her cheeks were flagged with a tint of red and her mouth was set in anger. “Margaret, what on earth is going on?”

  “We just had a lovely chat in the park with the charming Lady Winslow. Heavens Andrew, how could you do this to Cici? I’d like to have you drawn and quartered.”

  Alarmed by hearing that his wife and sister had some kind of confrontation with his ex-lover, Andrew felt a wave of dread wash over him. This was not going to be pleasant. “I suggest we take this somewhere private like my study.”

  “I prefer not to be in the same house with you let alone the same room.” Cici was seeting mad and turned to start up the stairs. “You disgust me.”

  Quick as a cat, Andrew cut off her ascent and wrapping a large hand around her upper arm turned her toward the hallway. When she tried to pull away he whispered in her ear, “Let’s talk before you consign me to perdition, Cecilia.”

  “Hell is exactly where I’d like to send you, Your Grace.”

  “Although I do try to accommodate you, that is not for you to decide. And I will remind you to watch your language, despite your anger toward me. I will not tolerate the disrespect.” Her unladylike snort told him what she thought about his orders.

  “Respect is a two way street, Your Grace. You have to earn it to receive it.

  Andrew sighed heavily, tired of being condemned for actions he could only speculate about. “Cici, rather than continuing this spectacle in the entry way for the entertainment of the entire staff, we will adjourn to the study.” Feeling her stiffen under his hand he assured her, “I will carry you there if necessary.”

  Denied the escape to her rooms where she could grieve the ruin of her marriage in private, Cici stomped her foot in frustration. But she complied. “Fine. Since I lack the brute strength to fight you, I will go to your study. But I prefer that you unhand me, I cannot bear your touch at the moment.”

  “Too bad.” He then hauled her down the hallway calling over his shoulder, “You too Margaret. I will hear all sides of this.”

  Once in the study, Cici shook off his hand and took a seat on the settee. Maggie sat beside her in a show of support. They clutched each other’s hands, both flinching when they heard the heavy door slam shut behind them.

  “Margaret, since you are the more rational of you two, please explain what crime I have been convicted of without judge or jury.”

  Looking at Cici with concern, she could tell that despite her friend’s stoic expression, she was an instant away from breaking down. Maggie’s eyes rose to Cici who nodded, giving silent permission.

“We ran into Lady Winslow in the park and she told Cici in no uncertain terms that you have resumed your liaison.”

  They had succeeding in doing something that rarely happened, they had shocked him speechless. He looked between them and then his gaze finally settled on his wife. Her face was flushed and she wouldn’t meet his eyes. Finally he managed to put words together and stated firmly, “She lied.”

  “There have been rumors for weeks that you have resumed your liaison with Lady Winslow, Andrew. Several people have told Cici you were seen leaving her home a few days after the wedding.”

  Large tears rolled down Cici’s cheeks and she couldn’t find words to express her pain and devastation over his betrayal. Her heart was breaking because she had already given it over to his keeping. Now what could she do?

  Andrew revealed his agitation when he ran his fingers through his thick wavy hair, leaving it mussed. “Maggie, please leave us. I’ll finish this with Cici alone.”

  She turned worried eyes to Cici. “Are you going to be all right, Cici dear?”

  “Please, do not add to your insult on my character by suggesting that I would do anything to harm her.”

  “I’m sorry, Andrew. I didn’t mean to infer that you would. I’m just concerned.” Squeezing Cici’s hand she rose and went to the door. “I’ll see you both in the morning.”

  She exited and closed the door quietly behind her, leaving the married couple alone.

  Silence encompassed the room until the need to hear him deny the claim became overwhelming.

  “Is it true? Did you go to see her after the wedding? You said you had ended things, was that the truth?” Still unable to look at him, she stared down at her hands where she was nervously worrying her wedding ring. “Please, Andrew I have to know the truth. If you have resumed your-, association… I need to know, no matter what that truth is.”

  “I have always been truthful with you, Cecilia. I did break things off with her, but I also visited her after we wed, but it was not what you’re thinking. She sent me a cryptic message that made me think she would do something to harm herself. It was foolish of me, but I was concerned. I thought it might be manipulation and I was correct. She used it as a ploy wanting to resume our liaison after hearing we were forced to wed. She planned to rescue me from my loveless marriage. Imagine her surprise when Duncan arrived with me as a witness.”


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