The Canal Builders
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Abbot, Willis:
on benevolent despotism, 59, 188, 224
Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose, 186
on saloons, 120
on silver and gold system, 427n13
Addams, Jane, 181, 207
African Americans:
and Brownsville riot, 200
citizenship of, 99–107, 121
and Colored Baptist Church, 102, 103
exclusion from YMCA membership, 69, 107, 118
great migration of, 100
housing of, 107
and labor unions, 97–98
numbers of, 100
perks and benefits for, 94, 101
and Plessy v. Ferguson, 275–76
and Republican Party, 102–3
in silver and gold system, 64–65, 66–67, 68–69, 95, 99–107, 164, 190
skilled workers, 94, 100–101, 105
slavery, 49, 138
women, 145
and worker recruitment, 50–51, 100
Afro-Caribbeans, 65, 405n36; see also West Indians
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 191
Alien Land Bill, 354–55
Amador Guerrero, Manuel:
and Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 22, 320
and police, 316
as president of Panama, 22, 24, 316
and Roosevelt’s visit, 201
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 25–26, 86, 96, 369
American Historical Association, 347
American Museum of Natural History, New York, 400n1
American Peace Society, 345
anarchism, 160, 168, 172, 174–78
creation of, 69
Hotel Tivoli in, 71, 241–42
Ancon (steamship), 344–45
Ancon Hospital:
disease in, 40, 136
nurses in, 111, 112–14
Andersen, Arthur, 136
Anglo-Saxon race, paternalism of, 18, 20, 28, 60, 225, 374, 375
Anthracite Coal Commission, 215
Antigua, workers from, 126; see also West Indians
Anti-Imperialist League, 25
expansionists vs., 18, 28, 194, 275
opposition to
canal, 25
principles of, 18, 361
on U.S. military in Philippines, 192, 193
Arias, Harmodio, 274
Arnold, Charles, 101, 107
Arosemena, Pablo, 320
Asiatic Exclusion League, 354
“As It Was” (Hall), 312
Atlantic Monthly, 27
Austin, Marrigan, 138
Avery, Ralph Emmett (The Greatest Engineering Feat in the World at Panama), 347
Balboa, town of:
creation of, 43, 338–39
U.S. headquarters in, 55
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de, 16
Banister, Albert, 130, 154
laborers from, 234–35, 408n31
and Spanish workers, 169–70
workers recruited from, 30, 31, 51, 126
workers reluctant to return to, 341–42
workers returning home to, 154, 340, 343
see also West Indians
Barrett, John, 77, 149
Baxter, John, 105
Beckford, Reginald, 130, 137–38, 155
Beeks, Gertrude, 207–23, 243
birth and early years of, 207
and corporate welfare movement, 208, 216
on family life, 231–32, 242, 245
and government employees, 208–9
on graft and bribery accusations, 216–17
ICC’s rejection of suggestions by, 221
influence of, 221–22, 223–25, 232
investigations by, 135, 150, 209–10
journalists’ response to, 220–21
and National Civic Federation, 207–9
report by, 210–16, 219, 223
Zone officials’ criticism of, 217–19
Bell, Alexander Graham, 357
Bell, James, 192
Bellamy, Edward (Looking Backward), 186
benevolent despotism:
and civilization, 59, 74
of Goethals, 58–62, 188, 301
meanings of term, 49, 409n48
and paternalism, 60, 224
in silver and gold system, 121–22
Benson, E. S., 64
Berger, Victor, 99
Beveridge, Albert, 12
Bible Society of Barbados, 150
Bidwell, Louise, 120, 289
Bigelow, John, 195
Bigelow, Poultney:
early years of, 195
on graft and bribes, 196, 197, 216
Independent essays by, 195, 198