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Love & Gunplay: A Novelette

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by K'wan


  Love & Gunplay

  An Animal novelette


  Copyright © 2012 by K'wan Foye

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means - whether auditory, graphic, mechanical or electronic - without written permission of both the author and the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and punishable by law.

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  "Dedicated to #TEAMANIMAL supporters, across the globe. My readers are the best on the planet, hands down! You guys continue to inspire me to reach new heights. We are indeed an unstoppable movement.



  K-Dawg sat on the porch of his expansive farm house. It rested on two acres of land nestled in a dense area along the coast of Old San Juan Puerto Rico. His lanky frame was slumped in a lawn chair, legs crossed, sipping cognac from a tall glass. They had spilled rivers of blood and burned bridges they’d never be able to cross again on their journey, but K-Dawg didn’t give a fuck. It was all or nothing and everybody who wasn’t of that thinking would be removed. Staring out at the land he couldn’t help but to wonder how he’d gone from a lil project nigga with a chip on his shoulders to a king in his own paradise?

  He and his crew had just pulled a caper that was being talked about from the gutters of Puerto Rico to the bathroom stalls of Washington, D.C. Cruz was dead and Poppito was the new boss. All of this was made possible thanks to K-Dawg. It was he and his crew that shifted balance of power in Puerto Rico in Poppito's favor and in return they had been granted a seat at his table. They were all about to be very rich men, but K-Dawg still felt unfulfilled. His plan had been successful, but it wasn’t without its unexpected snags.

  The low growling of his pit bull Isis, who had been lying at his feet, drew K-Dawg’s attention to the path that led from the jungle to the farm house. Several figures had emerged from the brush and were making their way up the beach.There were fewer of them returning than he had dispatched but K-Dawg wasn’t the least bit surprised. Their mission had been to capture what could not be held and they'd failed, just as he'd expected.

  The soldiers were led by Justice. He was a burly, but handsome man who had rock star features, but a street cat's demeanor. He wore his long black hair braided into two ponytails that hung down past his broad shoulders. There was a trail of blood across his brown cheek, just under a thin gash that would likely leave a scar. There was a look in Justice’s eyes that K-Dawg hadn’t seen in many years. It was hatred. This made K-Dawg smile.

  Clutched in Justice's meaty palm was the arm of an attractive Hispanic girl. She had hair the color of a forest fire and eyes of the coldest grey. Justice shoved the girl forward with so much force that she stumbled and K-Dawg had to catch her to keep her from falling on her face. She yanked free of K-Dawg and turned her murderous stare on Justice. He took a step forward as if he wanted hit her but a look from K-Dawg changed his mind.

  “I fucked up.” Justice finally said after an uncomfortable silence. “I had him cornered until this bitch Sonja stepped in."

  Sonja threw her head back and gave a throaty laugh. “The only bitch I see tonight is you, Jus. I'd have thought you'd be happy that I stepped in, because brotherly love wasn’t going to save your ass. Have you forgotten so quickly?”

  Justice bristled when Sonja called him out. That night, for the first time in their lives, Justice and his baby brother had been on opposite sides of a deadly standoff. In the face of a troupe of armed men Justice had expected Animal to come quietly, but he should’ve known better. All Animal had was a knife, but it was all he needed to do a considerable amount of damage. The speed with which he moved even surprised his brother and by the time the first shots were fired Animal had already killed two of Justice’s men. Justice was hesitant to hurt his brother, but unfortunately Animal had no such reservations. Justice had heard tales of how ruthless his brother was, but it was only when he found himself pinned down with a knife tearing through the soft flesh of his cheek did he realize how accurate the stories had been. Animal acted as if he and Justice hadn’t come from the same womb and he was just another nameless meal for the beast that drove him. In the end it had been Sonja’s frantic scream that brought Animal back to his senses and saved Justice’s life. Watching Animal disappear into a stand of trees Justice knew that the bond they swore would never be broken had been. The last of his family was truly dead to him.

  “K-Dawg, I can bring him back,” Justice said. “We all know where he’s going so all we have to do is send some men to cut him off; I’ll go personally to make sure he doesn’t get away again.”

  K-Dawg pondered it for a few seconds. “Yeah, we’ll send someone but it won’t be a soldier, it’ll be a priest. I have a feeling our little love sick friend is about to open Pandora’s Box and no one short of God will be able to close it.” He laughed.

  Justice frowned. “K-Dawg, I’m glad you can find humor in this but I don’t see what’s funny? Animal could fuck up everything that we’ve got going on.”

  “Animal can’t do shit other than what I allow him to do. No matter what his twisted ass mind tells him, he’s still a dog on a leash that I’m holding.” K-Dawg approached Sonja, who was staring at him venomously. “Red Sonja,” he walked in a short circle around the girl. “It is out of respect for your father that I’m not going to feed your trifling ass to Isis for what you’ve done.”

  “Fuck you, K-Dawg. I’m not one of these yes-men who are so afraid of you and your threats. I’ve gone up against harder cats and they all cried like bitches right before I blew their brains out. You know how I’m built, so do what you do.” Sonja snarled.

  K-Dawg laughed. “Indeed, I know just how you’re built, Red Sonja.” K-Dawg grabbed Sonja by the jaws and leaned in so that they were nose to nose. “Now, let me tell you how I’m built, lil bitch.” He applied pressure. “I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Every mutha fucka who stands between me and what I want is expendable. That includes your precious father. You thought you were fucking up my plans by setting that rabid dog free, but all you did was speed up the inevitable. Your lil boyfriend and I will see each other again soon enough, this you can count on.” He kissed her on the lips.

  Sonja spat in his face. “Good. I hope I’m there to see Animal cut your black heart out!”

  K-Dawg’s wiped the spit from his face and licked the moisture off his fingers. “There’s one thing that I think you’re forgetting.” He pulled the gun from his waist and shot the soldier standing closest to Sonja. Blood and brains splattered on the side of her face. “I don’t have a heart to cut out. Justice,” he turned to his best friend, who was the only one who didn’t appear to be shocked by what K-Dawg had done, “get somebody to clean this mess up. We got plans to make.”


  Animal stood on the deck of the cargo ship, huddled in a parka that sported the crest of the ship he was on, and trying to keep dry while the light rain sprinkled the deck. It had been drizzling off and on since that morning, but nothing too heavy. Most of the crew was below deck and trying to keep dry, but Animal welcomed the rain splattering on his face. For the past two days he had been hold up in his little cabin with only artificial light and stale air, so the natural breeze felt good. In the distance he could see his destination; the Port of Miami.

  Sonja’s word had been good and Animal hooked up with her contact who would smuggle him out of Puerto Rico. He was an old head named Pablo who owned a boat. The tub was beat to hell, but it held fast as Pablo took Animal from Puer
to Rico to the coast of La Romana in the Dominican Republic. Pablo had a friend who worked on a cargo ship that made runs between some of the islands and the states, so he called in a favor and got Animal a job as a deck hand. The work was slave-like and he had to share his cabin with a family of rats, but he endured for the sake of getting back to Gucci. Sonja knew someone in Miami that could help get him the rest of the way to New York, as well as provide him with a few essentials. She had risked so much helping Animal escape that there was no longer any doubt in his mind as to whether she really loved him or not. Though he would never admit it, he loved her too, but his heart was already promised to another, so he and Sonja would never be.

  As the ship pulled into the port and the crew prepared to unload their cargo, the rain suddenly stopped. Animal took it as a good sign. The air was thick and humid, but at least he wouldn’t get any wetter than he already was. Two crewmen rounded the corner and spotted Animal. One turned his eyes to the floor and made hurried steps past Animal, while the other simply nodded. The quiet man who they had picked up in the Dominican Republic had been the topic of quite a few hushed conversations amongst the crew. Animal went about his days doing the work that was required of him, hardly ever speaking and he took his meals in his cabin instead of in the mess hall with the rest of the crew. This didn’t make him very popular with the other crew members, but Animal wasn’t on the tub to win a popularity contest. He needed to get to Miami.

  Securing the backpack that contained what little he owned, Animal picked up a crate and fell in step with two crewmen who were wheeling a flatbed down the gangplank. At the bottom of the ramp he spotted two men in uniforms, carrying assault rifles, inspecting cargo and paperwork of everyone getting off the boat. As Animal and the crewmen stopped for their cargo to be inspected, one of the officers stared at him. His mouth suddenly became very dry and he began to doubt Sonja’s foolproof plan. There was no doubt in Animal’s mind that he would go all out if they tried to apprehend them, but he knew he didn’t stand a chance. He was so preoccupied trying to spot potential escape routes that he didn’t even realize one of the officers were talking to him until he repeated himself in a sterner tone.

  “Sak passé?” the dark skinned officer said to Animal.

  Animal tilted his head quizzically. “Huh? I’m sorry I don’t understand.”

  “I said what’s happening? Aren’t you Haitian, brother?” the officer questioned, studying Animal’s features.

  “Oh, nah man. I ain’t Haitian.”

  The officer looked at Animal as if he might’ve been lying. “Funny, you look it. Have a good day, sir.” He stepped aside for Animal and the crewmen to pass with their cargo.

  Once he was a safe distance from the officers, Animal breathed a sigh of relief. That had been close…too close. He needed to put some distance between him and anyone wearing a uniform. When he was out of sight of the officers he broke away from he crewmen and disappeared between two warehouses. He tossed the box and the parka in the nearest trash can and bid them and the ship good riddance.

  Animal looked down at the tattered blue jeans and dingy white t-shirt he had been wearing for the past three days and almost shed a tear. It was a far cry from the rock star he had once been, but that star faded long ago. All that remained was the regret at what might’ve been and the bitterness of what had become. He was a man who had fallen from grace and landed in exile. It was love that had brought him back and gunplay was the order of business.

  “Welcome to Miami, Mr. Collins.” The young lady behind the front desk of the Fontainebleau Hotel looked from the handsome brown face on the California issued driver’s license, to the man standing in front of her to make sure they were one in the same. “Are you here on business or vacationing?” she made small talk while typing his information into the computer to set up his reservation.

  “A bit of both, I gather.” Animal replied in an easy drawl. He was now dressed in a black t-shirt and a Miami heat fitted hat pulled tightly over his mop of hair. He had picked shirt and hat up along with a few other pieces at one of the over priced shops on South Beach before he hit the hotel. He hated putting on new clothes without washing his ass, but the raggedy clothes he was wearing drew more stares than the parka would have. While the young lady entered the phony information from the credit card and identification Animal had given her, he casually surveyed the plush hotel lobby, taking mental pictures of every face he laid eyes on. When he turned his attention back to the young lady behind the desk she was giving him a quizzical look.

  She was embarrassed that he caught her looking at him and blushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. I just can’t help but to feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before?”

  “I doubt it.” Animal said, unconsciously tugging at the brim of his fitted.

  “Are you sure, because I’m pretty good at remembering faces?” She leaned on her elbows across the desk, showing just enough cleavage to get him to look.

  For the first time since he’d been standing there Animal took stock of the young lady. She was a white girl with a Jersey Shore tan and plastic knockers, but her ass tested the limits of her tan skirt like she might’ve been mixed. Whether she grew it or bought it was anyone’s guess.

  “Nah, this is my first time in Miami so I don’t think so.” he told her.

  “Oh, a virgin, huh?” she flashed her perfectly spaced white teeth. We’ll, I’m sure you’ll find something to get into or something will find you.” She flirted.

  “That’s what I’m trying to avoid.” Animal mumbled under his breath.

  “Miami is like Fantasy Island and you can get pretty much anything you want, as long as you’re willing to pay for it.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Animal he gave her a polite nod and gathered his shopping bags. He could feel her eyes on him as he walked towards the elevator.

  “Mr. Collins.” She called after him. “If there’s anything we can do to make your stay a pleasant one, just ring the front desk. My name is Jenny and I’ll be on duty until midnight.”

  “Thank you, Jenny. You just might be hearing from me.” Animal smiled, flashing a mouth full of gold and diamonds before continuing to the elevator. Pressing his back against the elevator door he took a deep breath. Monkey-fucking the white girl would be just what the doctor ordered considering the amount of stress he was under, but he had to focus on his wants and therefore put his needs on hold.

  Jenny assigned Animal to a suite on the seventh floor, which he took as a good sign being that seven was a lucky number. With what he was setting out to do he would need all the luck he could get. Holding the elevator door open, he hesitated for a few seconds before stepping off. He approached his room, which was at the furthest end of the hall, and listened to the door for a minute before sliding his key in the lock.

  When he stepped inside the foyer of the suite he was greeted by the low hum of the air conditioner. The air outside had become very humid after the rain, so the light chill sweeping through his room was quite welcome. It was an extravagant suite that was fit for a king, and way more space than he would need, but after what he had been through he deserved to ball for a minute. Besides, in addition to the dummy credit cards Sonja had provided him with, he had an asshole full of cash to play with that he had managed to snatch up before fleeing Puerto Rico. With the play money at his disposal it made it had not to ball just a little bit, especially in Miami.

  Animal checked the bathrooms and closets of the suite and only when he was certain that he was alone did he relax. He peeled off the outfit he'd bought on the strip and placed them one of the hotel laundry bags, before heading to the bathroom to wash several days worth of stink off his ass. Turning the shower water on as hot as he could stand it, Animal stepped into the glass stall. Animal welcomed the blazing hot spray of water. He scrubbed his body raw from head to toe, trying to wash away the smell of salt and mold that he had picked up on the boat. It felt good to take an actual shower instead of washing up in sinks
as he'd been doing for the past week or so. The scalding water felt good, like a cleansing of not only his body, but his soul and all that it had endured during his exile.

  After taking his shower Animal went back into the sleeping area and stretched out naked and wet across the plush bed. The pillow-top mattress seemed to hug him lovingly like he was an angel floating on a stray cloud. He inhaled deeply of the comforter and was greeted by the scent of fabric softener instead of the moldy scent from the tattered blankets on the ship. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the first semblance of peace he'd had since escaping Puerto Rico. His body and soul were weary and he needed to rest but there was still much for him to do in Miami.

  Forcing himself into a sitting position, Animal grabbed the bags of clothes he'd purchased and dumped them over the bed. He popped the tags off a pair of blue denim shorts and white I-Zod polo. Sitting on top of a red Nike box were a crisp pair of white Air Force Ones. Once he was dressed he checked himself out in the mirror and nodded in approval at the person who stared back at him. He was looking good and feeling good. The only thing that he needed was a blunt of something sticky to fire up, but since he didn’t have that he'd have to settle for the mini-bar. He removed two nips of scotch which he poured into one of the hotel glasses. Sipping his poison, Animal stepped out onto the suite's balcony and observed his surroundings.

  The hotel gave Animal a nice view of the beach. He had been to a great many cities during his rap career but this was his first time in Miami and he was impressed. It wasn’t so much that the city itself fascinated him, but the energy it gave off. The Miami scene was like the subtle pull of a magnet and he could understand why when some people visited they found themselves reluctant to leave. Maybe one day he would bring Gucci down with him and let her go crazy in the high end stores, but first he needed to get to her. Turning his mind back to business, Animal downed the scotch and prepared to go meet Diamonds.


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