Bastard Boss

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Bastard Boss Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I realized we didn’t actually do any talking. Not that I’m complaining. I loved the whole fucking thing, and will gladly do it all day, every single day.” He brushed past her. “I got us a lunchtime appointment with a doctor. He’s going to check us both out. Make sure we’re healthy, and then we’re good to go. Also, we have a date at the end of the week for our wedding.”

  “Wow,” she said, closing the door. “You move really fast.”

  “I don’t see a reason why we should wait. Last night proved that we’ve got what it takes. Now, the rest is up to us. Pack a bag. You’re staying with me tonight.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I know. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before. Pack a bag, and you can come to my apartment. Do you rent this place out, or do you pay a mortgage?”

  “I’m paying for it.”

  “Don’t worry, we can sell it, and you don’t need to worry about another place. You’ve got mine.”

  “Xavier, stop!” She held her hand up. Her hand was shaking. He was taking over her entire life, and all she had done was agreed to be the mother of his child. “I’m not ready for us to take that next step.”

  “You’re going to be the mother of my child.”

  “I know, but before we move on to … that. Don’t you think it would be fair that even as we’re taking the next step, we have time to pace, to enjoy what we’re going to create?” she asked.

  Xavier was a good man in his heart, for the most part. However, she wasn’t under any illusions concerning him. He was an asshole, had a reputation for being a bastard, and even though she loved working for him, there were times she would disappear to the ladies’ room to scream at him. Of course, he didn’t know she was screaming, which always made the screaming that little bit harder.

  “I don’t see why we should wait.”

  “You’re taking over, and I can’t stand that right now.”

  She moved past him, but he stopped her by catching hold of her arm. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to get changed, and get ready for work. I’ll go to your doctor’s appointment, but tonight I’m coming home.”

  She pulled out of his hold, and slammed her bedroom door.

  Grabbing her suit, she removed her pajamas, and bent down to pull some panties on. “This is ridic—”

  “Get out! I’m naked.”

  He stopped talking, and she tried to cover herself up.

  Xavier moved up behind her back. “I’m going to see you naked soon.”

  “Not like this.” She was so angry, but the moment his hands were on her, she lost all sense of anything other than need. Damn her body. Her pussy grew slick remembering the way he’d touched her, fingered her, brought her to orgasm.

  “All I know is charging ahead. You want me to slow down, I’ll slow down.”

  “We may not get pregnant right away. I like my life here, and if you annoy me, I like the thought of coming home, and having my own space.”

  His fingers gripped her hips, and the whole of his body pressed against her back. Glancing across the room at the full-length mirror she kept to make sure she looked presentable, she saw them both together.

  “We look good,” he said.

  Her hands were crossed in front of her body, and she was biting her lip. Her cheeks were flushed, and her tits felt heavy, even to her. She wasn’t perfect. Her body was fuller, rounder. There was no flat stomach, or smooth thighs. The last thing she resembled was a model.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said. He wrapped her hair around his fist, and pulled it to one side, kissing her neck.

  She gasped, unable to keep the moan that escaped her lips.

  “You make me want to fuck you right here, right now.”

  “Will you always tell it like you see it?” she asked.

  “I don’t know any other way. I’m not some prim and proper businessman, Anya. I’m a man to the core. A man that knows what he wants and goes after it. It’s the only way I know. From nothing I forged a multi-billion dollar empire, and I don’t care what people think of me.” He kissed down her neck, nibbling on her collarbone.

  She closed her eyes as her body came to life at his caress. “Xavier.”


  “We really need to get to work.”

  The hand on her hip moved up, cupping her breast. He pinched her nipple, and they both cried out. “I can’t wait to fuck you. To have you spread open, and waiting for my dick, Anya. What the fuck have you done to me?”

  “I’ve not done anything.”

  “Oh baby, you don’t have a clue what you do to me.” He pushed his cock against her ass. “That’s what you do to me. I’m so damn hard for you.” He whispered the words against her ear, and she couldn’t look away. It was so hypnotic.

  She stood completely naked while he was fully clothed. What also surprised her was how much taller he was than she was. He surrounded her, making her feel small and somewhat dainty.

  “I want to fuck you, Anya. I want to take you so fucking hard that every step you take you’re thinking about me.”

  Anya whimpered.

  “Would you like that? Imagine my cum spilling into your panties because I’ve filled your delicious cunt.” The hand on her breast traveled down, and she didn’t fight him as it dipped between her thighs. He teased her clit, and she moaned, pushing against his hand. “I have a confession to make, Anya. I love my sex fucking dirty. When I’m done, I love to taste, and be covered in sex. Does that surprise you?”


  “I want to watch as my cock fills your mouth, and spill my spunk inside. I’ll wait until I’m ready, and see you swallow.”

  She couldn’t believe how aroused she was getting by his words.

  “You like that, don’t you? Do you want to get dirty with me, Anya? To take what you want?”

  “Please,” she said.

  “You want to come?”


  “After today’s appointment, I expect you in my bed, at my beck and call, do you understand?”


  “Good.” He thrust two fingers inside her pussy, drawing them up to her clit, and swirled his fingers across the nub. “So fucking wet. Come for me, Anya. Come for your boss.”

  And she did. She shattered, screaming his name, and begging for more. He took her over, held her as the arousal claimed her, and she simply gave in to it.

  “Trust me, baby. Give yourself to me, and I promise you, you’ll want for nothing.”

  When her orgasm subsided he still held her, and she watched as he licked his fingers, tasting her. “You’ll be pleased to know that my penthouse has a whole lot of mirrors, and I intend to put them to good use.”

  She closed her eyes, panting, sated, and completely confused.

  Who was Xavier Leigh?


  They were both completely healthy, and the doctor didn’t see a reason why they would have trouble conceiving. Xavier was damn happy about that. He couldn’t focus on work, and found his attention straying to his natural red-headed PA. Anya had surprised him with her response earlier, and he intended to enjoy every part of her.

  When his staff started to leave at the end of the afternoon, his cock started to thicken at the possibilities for the night.

  He’d been insistent this morning that he drive them both into work. She didn’t like it, but he wanted the chance to take her back to his place tonight. Turning off his computer, and filing several contracts away as he always did at the end of the day, he watched, and waited.

  Anya flitted from the copy machine room, back to her desk, rushing all around the floor. She took her job seriously, and he found it a turn-on that she was doing it because she wanted to rather than trying to impress him. Running a finger over his lip, he mourned the loss of her scent.

  After he had made her come, she’d marched him into the bathroom, and washed his hands, her cheeks a nice shade of red.

  Finally, after what felt l
ike a lifetime, she glanced toward him. She quickly looked away and grabbed her jacket and bag. She had a small overnight bag packed for this evening. It was a start. What she didn’t know was that that bag wasn’t going back to her place, nor were the clothes. Slowly, he’d move her in with him.

  She stepped in the doorway. “How are you getting on?”

  “I’m finished, waiting for you.”

  Her hands were shaking as she rubbed them together. “Do you want to go?”


  “I would understand if you don’t want to go through with this plan.”

  “We’re going through with it.” The more he thought about having a child with her, the more excited he became. He wanted to be a father. In fact, he wanted to be a father more than he wanted anything else.

  She let out a breath. “Okay.”

  “What about you?” he begrudgingly asked. The last thing he wanted to do was give her a chance to leave, or to pull out.

  “I’m okay.” Her cheeks heated. “I can’t deny how I feel.”

  No, she couldn’t.

  Neither could he.

  “You’re not alone.”

  He grabbed his jacket and his case. There was no such thing as leaving work at work for him. He took it everywhere he went. This company was his baby, and he intended to leave it to his son or daughter.

  They went through the same motions, getting on the elevator. This time, they weren’t alone. A couple was talking about an upcoming public charity event. Xavier liked to invest in charities, especially those that helped children with disadvantages. It meant a great deal to him. There was a time he had been such a child. So when people applied for a job in his company, it was with the understanding that certain … sacrifices needed to be made.

  Those sacrifices could be a huge bake off, held in the local campus grounds or high schools. A dress up day where they were asked to be creative and spend the day in a costume.

  Whatever raised money, he was more than willing to do.

  Every year during the summer, there was an event where all of his colleagues had to vote on what they would want him to do in order to earn money. One year he knew for a fact that Anya had pledged over a hundred dollars for him to sit for an hour in a bathtub filled with beans.

  Whichever suggestion got the most votes and the most money, he would double the amount, and do the deed for a length of time.

  It was a good cause, and for one day, he wouldn’t be considered a bastard, or at least it was a little payback for them.

  “Hello, Mr. Leigh,” the woman said, noticing him behind her.


  “Are you looking forward to the annual food event?”

  “I am. This is a potluck, right?”

  “Yes. You have been pledged to try a buffet blindfolded,” the guy said, smirking.

  “It’s an interesting idea, and like I said, if it got enough votes, I will do it.”

  “It did,” Anya said.

  “I know.” He winked at her. “It’s all a bit of fun.” Besides his numerous charities, he was also creating a department that allowed for possible sponsorship, and a chance of working in his company. This was for high school graduates, and college applicants.

  “Man, it’s going to be so good,” the guy said.

  The elevator opened, and they left.

  “Was it me or did that guy seem to have a little bit of an issue with me?”

  “Maybe you’re seeing things?”

  “I don’t know. That’s not something you see.” He shrugged. “I make a great deal of enemies.”

  “You were the one who built your reputation, even before I got here.”

  The elevator opened, admitting them into the parking lot. “I think it’s a good incentive.”

  “I don’t think you’re all that bright though.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “You’re a hard-ass boss, with a horrible reputation, and every year you open yourself up to this. Now you’re going to be trying food that could be so damn nasty.” She shuddered.

  “Are you contributing?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I’m not going to do anything nasty.”

  He shrugged. “It’ll be good fun.” At the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but be a little tense. He hoped it was going to be okay. Maybe some vomit-worthy entries, but when he saw the suggestion on the board, he made sure everything had to be at least edible. Nothing foul or awful.

  Opening her car door, he waited for her to get inside before he buckled her in.

  “I do know how to get in the car.”

  “I know. I like doing it.” Once he was behind the wheel, he didn’t waste any time, and went straight toward his penthouse.

  “You’re very bossy.”

  “I’m the boss. It comes with the territory.”

  She laughed.

  “You do know what is going to happen tonight?”

  “Yes. I’m not some virgin. I still think we’re rushing into this.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “We don’t really know each other. There’s a whole lot of reasons why we shouldn’t do this. I happen to enjoy my job. You’re a pain in the ass to work for, but you’re also a challenge as well.”

  “I’m a hot challenge.”

  “I’ve never seen this side of you. You’re kind of nice.”

  “Niceness doesn’t work well within the office.”

  She didn’t say anything for several seconds. “I’ve been thinking about these charity things you do. They mean a great deal to you, right?”

  “They do.”

  “I was curious why.”

  “I grew up in foster care, Anya. I know what it’s like to be dumped and forgotten.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry.”

  “It’s fine. Most of the time, we all act like we don’t give a shit. Like it doesn’t hurt to know that you’re not wanted. We go through life, and we go to school. I remember going to school, and people knew I wasn’t like them. I wasn’t … wanted. Anyway, I’d watch my peers run to their parents, and the foster kids, we had a mini bus to pick us up, that advertised where we came from.” He was used to looking back. It no longer hurt him anymore. “One day, I just got up, and I studied hard, and I knew I was going to do something important. I wasn’t going to let anything step in my way. It’s why I make sure the kids at these homes have me.”

  “Do you go and see them?”

  “Of course. How do you think I know about them?”

  “I had no idea.”

  “I raise the money, and then I take it to each home, spend as much time as I can. Don’t get me wrong, some kids are damaged in these homes, and they are so damn violent that they can’t come back from that. I just help as much as I can.”

  He glanced over at her to find her eyes on him.

  “I had no idea that you cared so much.”

  “There’s a reason none of my charity events are known to the public. It’s not for others to look at me, and swoon, or to try and do one better. This is me. This is who I am.”

  “And deep down inside you’re a good person. You just don’t like people to see it.”

  She patted his knee.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me,” he said.

  “I won’t. It helps me.”

  “How?” He was confused now.

  “I don’t want an asshole to be the father to my kid. You’ve proven to me that you have a heart. I’ve seen you at these events, Xavier. You have a heart, and you care. You’re going to make one hell of a dad. The truth is, I bet you’re one already.”

  “I’m careful with the women I fuck.”

  “I don’t mean that.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “You’ve become something of importance to these boys. In a way, you’re like a father, or at least a very good uncle.”

  He liked that. Parking up in his space, he linked their fingers together. “I don’t want you to be nervous about tonight. We
’re not going to rush anything.”

  “I know. I’m not afraid, Xavier. You’re not a bad guy.”

  He may not be a bad guy, but he was a dirty one, and Anya was about to find out exactly how dirty he could be.

  Chapter Five

  Anya had been to his penthouse several times in the past. If he was ill, she’d come and work for him at his place so he never fell behind. She also prepared his meals, and actually took care of him.

  This time, it was different. She carried an overnight bag with the intention of staying, of sleeping with him. Sex.

  Xavier closed the door behind him, and she felt somewhat … aroused. She wanted this. Her tits were heavy, and her pussy slick. Licking her dry lips, she looked around his home. There wasn’t much to it, no artwork. Xavier liked things clean, and without any personal touches.

  “I can take my bag.”

  “I’ll take it.” He moved toward the bedrooms, and instead of putting it in the spare bedroom, he went straight through to his.

  I’m about to have a baby with my boss.

  Xavier Leigh is about to have sex with me.

  Raw fucking, and everything combined.

  He surprised her when he went to his closet, opened it up, and there already was a space for her. “We can put your stuff here.” He opened her case and started to hang her stuff in the right spots.

  “I can do that.”

  “Nearly all done.”

  When he made to grab her underwear, she stopped him. It was bad enough that he was hanging up her clothes. Did he realize he was touching a size eighteen?

  “You can remove your shoes if you want,” he said.

  Feeling obliged to remove them, she stepped out of them, and stood. Bending down, she picked them up, and placed them in her spot in the closet.

  “Right, dinner time,” he said.

  So far everything was natural. Nothing rushed, and she found herself relaxing.

  Entering his kitchen, she looked toward him. He’d taken a seat at the counter, and was watching her. “Anya, tonight I intend to fuck you so the only thing you’re thinking about is how good I feel deep in your pussy. This kitchen, my home, it’s yours. We’re going to be making a child anyway.”

  “It just takes me a few minutes to get my bearings.” She took a deep breath, and reached for the fridge. This was her domain. She loved being in the kitchen. It was the one place in the whole wide world that actually offered her enjoyment away from him. There were many times over the weekends when she couldn’t make it back home, that she’d be on the phone to her mother, and they’d be cooking along together. She always enjoyed those moments.


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