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London Prep: Book Two

Page 29

by Dodd, Jillian

  “Should we head out then?” I ask, grabbing Harry’s arm and looking at his watch.

  “Yeah. I’ll text Mum to let her know we’re headed home,” Noah says, reaching for his backpack.

  He pulls out his phone and sends Helen a message.

  Have you lost your mind?


  “I’m so glad you’re joining us,” Helen says, leaning down to pinch Harry on the cheek.

  “Mum,” Noah says, looking between Harry and Helen, horrified.

  “Yes, Helen,” Gene says, shaking his head.

  “I’m sorry,” she coos, dropping her hand. “But I just love the company.”

  “Have you become fed up with this lot?” Harry says, his mouth hanging open in a grin.

  “I might be,” Helen says seriously, eyeing the rest of us.

  I shift in my seat, wishing that Helen would at least let me help her set the table. But she insisted that I sit down and be served.

  “This looks amazing,” Harry comments, his eyes scanning across the platters of food.

  “Yeah, you overdid yourself, Mum,” Noah agrees, his eyes growing in size as he takes in the Mediterranean feast laid out in front of us.

  “Well, I felt a little guilty for making you warm up food last night,” Helen admits, finally sitting down at the table in a flurry.

  “You should feel guilty more often, Mrs. Williams. And every time you do, you should invite me round as well,” Harry teases.

  Helen’s cheeks tint pink. “Oh, hush,” she scolds, but her cheeks rise into a smile. “Dig in,” she instructs as she scoops out a serving of yellow rice, putting it onto her plate. “Mallory, how was last night? I wish I had gotten to talk with Naomi more. She seems like such a sweet girl.”

  “She really is,” I admit. “We had a good time.”

  “That’s good to hear.” Helen smiles warmly.

  “She was a very kind girl,” Gene agrees, taking a bite of his chicken.

  Though I’m starting to wonder if he thinks that just because they somehow managed to bond this morning over jam and toast.

  “Such a shame I had to go into work early this morning, or we could have had a nice chat,” Helen says, sounding sad.

  “Next time she comes over, I’ll make sure that you’re free,” I say, trying to cheer her up.

  “Good.” She nods, seemingly appeased.

  “Overall, we had a nice time. And Noah was even kind enough to make us chocolate-covered popcorn.” I smile, glancing over to him.

  He’s taking a bite of his rice, his eyes down on his plate.

  “That was sweet of you, dear,” Helen says proudly.

  “It was just popcorn,” he says, rolling his eyes.

  “It was a bigger deal than that evidently.” Harry laughs, leaning back in his chair. “Mohammad might as well have thrown a fit about it at school today. I think he felt left out of the party.”

  Helen lets out a small chuckle. “That’s Mohammad for you. He always wants to be included.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think he understands the whole it’s a girls’ thing,” I add.

  I take a few more bites, letting the rice and vegetables mix together in my mouth.

  And I have to admit, Helen did an amazing job with dinner. She made hummus, a huge salad, and glazed vegetables with chicken and rice.

  There’s so much food that I barely know where to start, and each bite is better than the last.

  “Mohammad did mention that his parents are coming back into town on Sunday,” Noah says, finally taking a break from his food.

  “I bet he misses them,” Helen says.

  “I think he does. Especially his sisters,” I say.

  “Speaking of family, how is your mother, Harry?” Gene asks, setting his silverware down.

  I look up at Harry, and his light eyes look conflicted.

  “She’s fine. It’s been an … adjustment, having her home more,” he replies.

  My gaze moves to Helen, wondering what her take is on all of this. I watch her take another bite of rice, but her eyes stay focused on Harry.

  “I can’t imagine it’s been easy,” Gene says. “But you know that we’re always here.”

  “Thanks,” Harry says. He pushes his hand through his blond hair, and I feel a pit form in my stomach. “I think the part that’s frustrating is, I’ve always wanted her around, you know? But now, it’s stifling. It feels forced.”

  “I’m sure it does,” Helen agrees, patting Harry’s arm. “I wish I had better advice, but just take it day by day.”

  Harry nods at Helen.

  “We shouldn’t sour dinner with talk of it though,” Harry states, glancing around the table.

  And I think it’s obvious to everyone that he’s done with the conversation.

  Or at least, feeling sad.

  “Well, on a brighter note,” Noah says, looking toward me, “Mallory got her Latin test back today.” Noah nods his head, urging me on.

  “You didn’t mention that,” Harry says, tilting his head at me.

  I shrug, feeling a blush form on my cheeks as they all stare at me.

  I look over to Noah, aching for a little relief.

  “She got an A,” Noah finally says.

  “Oh, wonderful,” Helen says brightly.

  “Congratulations,” Gene agrees, raising up his glass.

  “Thanks.” I smile, feeling a little overwhelmed by their congratulations.

  It’s a nice feeling though. Because I have been working hard in that class, and I studied a lot on Sunday.

  “That’s awesome,” Harry says, connecting his eyes with mine.

  I hold them, feeling another flush rise to my cheeks. Because Harry has his collar undone and his sleeves rolled up, and I instantly wish that his hand weren’t resting on the table but were on me instead. I bite my lip, thinking about us in his bed yesterday.

  I push my hair behind my ears, feeling like I need something to fan my face.

  We all finish eating, but no one gets up from the table.

  I think we all sit there, stuffed, not able to move.

  “That was delicious,” I tell Helen, feeling like I might actually pop.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she says happily, finally getting up from her seat.

  “Want to play chess?” Noah asks, addressing Harry.

  He lets out a visible sigh, his lip twitching. “I wish, but I probably should get home. Mum’s leaving in the morning for Shanghai.”

  “Oh?” Helen asks, turning to look over her shoulder from in front of the sink.

  “Yeah, apparently, she and Dad have a meeting there or something.”

  “Well,” Helen says, setting down the dish in her hand, “maybe a little time alone will do you some good.”

  She walks closer to the table, putting her hand on Harry’s shoulder before reaching over him and taking his plate.

  Harry nods. “I think it will,” he says, almost blushing.

  He gets up from the table, clearing my plate, and then comes back for Gene’s, setting the dishes down next to the sink.

  “Thank you for dinner.” Harry smiles at Helen.

  “Anytime, dear.”

  Noah gets up from the table, helping his mom at the sink.

  “I’ll see you at school.” Harry grins, ruffling Noah’s hair.

  “See ya.” He laughs, swatting Harry’s hand away.

  “I’ll walk you out,” I say, grabbing Harry’s attention.

  He nods at me, waving to Gene, who is still at the table. He dips his finger into the hummus, causing Noah to erupt into a fit of laughter.

  “Oh, Gene,” Helen scolds, her eyes landing on his apparently-in-trouble finger. She takes the bowl away from him in a huff.

  I grab on to Harry’s arm, following him out the front door.

  “Wanted a proper snog before I left?” Harry grins.

  “I wanted to—” I start, but then his lips are pressing against mine, and I can’t remember what I wanted to say. />
  My hands find their way to his sides, running up across his ribs and onto his chest. I kiss him harder, pushing myself against him.

  Harry grabs on to my cheeks, dipping his tongue into my mouth.

  He kisses me for a long time, and I feel almost high when he breaks our lips apart.

  “I love the way you look after we’ve been kissing,” he says, his eyes scanning my face.

  I take in his square jaw and blond hair and instantly feel a flush on my cheeks. “I like kissing you.”

  You would think that, after spending time alone with Harry, kissing him, talking to him, I would get used to how beautiful he is.

  But each time my eyes land on him, it’s like I’m seeing him again for the first time. Sometimes, I feel like I forget the outer layer that’s Harry. I always think about his personality and the way he makes me feel.

  But when his face is inches away and his blue eyes are looking into mine, I’m reminded that he’s beyond gorgeous.

  “Harry,” I say, looking down at our intertwined hands.


  “What you said, uh, last weekend—well, Saturday more specifically. About wanting to be my boyfriend. Is that offer still valid?” I glance up at him, trying to read his expression.

  His brows dip in, and he drops his chin, looking down at me.

  “Valid?” he repeats.

  “Yeah, do you still feel that way?” I ask, trying to figure out where his head is at.

  “Are you asking if I would still like for you to be my girlfriend?”

  I bite my lip, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.

  I nod at him.

  “My answer is yes,” he says, looking deeply into my eyes.

  “You do?” I say, surprised. Because I wasn’t actually sure. With everything that’s been going on, Saturday feels like years ago.

  But standing here with Harry, I’m sure. My feelings for him have only continued to grow.

  And I needed to know if he still felt the same.

  “I do.” He grins, his hands coming onto my cheeks.

  “Well, I was thinking … I might like that,” I admit, keeping my eyes glued to his.

  “You want to be my girlfriend?” Harry asks.

  I nod.

  “Bloody hell.”

  “Is that a good bloody hell?” I ask because I feel like my stomach is floating in the air.

  “It’s more than good,” he says, picking me up and spinning me around.

  “Harry.” I giggle, closing my eyes at the sensation.

  “You’re my girlfriend.”

  “I’m your girlfriend,” I repeat, grinning at him. But then something that’s been bothering me comes to my mind. And I know I need to bring it up. “This probably isn’t the best time to ask,” I start.

  “Is it ever?” Harry laughs, looking down at me fondly.

  “Does the fact that I don’t exactly live here, well, does it bother you?”

  Harry shrugs, his lips pulling to the side. “Not really. Life’s always up in the air, and nothing is certain. Let’s just enjoy this.”


  I smile, knowing he’s right. We need to just enjoy this.

  “You have a boyfriend,” he says, a silly expression on his face. “How do you feel?”

  “It’s kind of weird.” I laugh.

  “Way to sour the moment,” Harry teases, his face practically glowing.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, bringing my hand up to my lips. “I didn’t mean that.”

  “This was a really good night,” he says, leaning into me.

  His fingers pull my hand away from my lips, and he presses his own gently against them.

  When I get back inside, I help Helen finish up the dishes and then go up to my room. I feel like I’ve just stepped out of a dream.

  Only it wasn’t a dream.

  Standing out front with Harry was real.

  And I’m not sure if anything could break my good mood.

  I don’t know what to do now.

  I know that I can’t go to sleep, but I also don’t want to study.

  I try opening a book to read, but I just get distracted.

  I decide instead to call my parents and check in.

  I flop down onto my bed, listening as the phone rings.

  “Mallory,” my mom answers excitedly.

  “Hey,” I say, a smile forming on my lips.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m doing great actually,” I answer.

  “How’s school going?”

  “Good. I got an A on my Latin test. And I had a sleepover last night.” I can barely keep from grinning into the phone as the words leave my lips.

  Because I’m a good student, but getting that good of a grade is a huge deal.

  “Oh? With one of the girls from school?” she says, her voice rising.

  “Yeah, Mom,” I say, a little frustrated.

  Because she completely skipped over my grade.

  “It was fun. We had pizza, put on face masks, and made popcorn. The works.”

  “Are you still exercising there? I never asked if there was a gym. Oh, sweetie, I’m glad you’re having fun,” she coos.

  “I’m still exercising. Yoga twice a week and running probably three times.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  “And I’m dating this boy,” I start, a little nervous. “He’s kind and sweet.”

  “Sweetie, tell me you aren’t becoming sexually active while you’re there,” she says, concern in her voice.

  “God, Mom.” I cringe.

  “Well, if you are, we need to get you into a doctor immediately. I’m sure I could get your dad to find you a physician. For other reasons, of course,” she stutters.

  “Not that it is any of your business, but no, I don’t plan on becoming active while I’m here.”

  “These things aren’t always planned, you know. And could you imagine, coming home pregnant?”

  “Okay, this conversation is over. Is Dad there?”

  “I’m sure your father is somewhere,” she replies.

  “Put him on.”

  I listen as she shuffles through the house, but finally, I hear her speaking to my dad and handing him the phone.

  “Mom’s lost it,” I say to him.

  “Didn’t she already?” Dad laughs.

  It’s good to hear my dad’s deep voice. I really miss him.

  “She goes from one to a thousand in, like, five seconds. It’s frustrating,” I grumble.

  “Your mother sees the world differently from us,” he states. “But it’s her way.”

  “You’re right,” I admit.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Well, I called because … I missed you guys.”

  “We miss you too. Are you having a nice time?”

  “Yeah. I’m sort of dating someone now,” I say hesitantly.

  Because I’m not sure how he’s going to take it.

  “Really?” my dad asks, almost sounding pleased.

  “Yeah. It’s that boy I told you about. Harry. He’s amazing,” I gush.

  “That’s good to hear.” I can picture my dad smiling through the phone, and it surprises me.

  “It is?”

  “Of course. You deserve to be young, have fun, and date,” he goes on.

  “I think it’s more serious than that …”

  “And are you worried about coming home?”

  I think about his question, not sure how to answer it. “I’m worried about getting hurt.” I roll over on my side, trying to figure out how I feel.

  “Sounds like fear talking.”

  “It sounds like reality, Dad,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “Don’t be too quick to judge a situation. Life is a series of peaks and valleys. You need all of it. And all that matters now is that you’re happy and healthy. You are, aren’t you?”

  And, yes, I understand that he’s being sarcastic.

  I can’t help but grin. “I’m happ
y and healthy.”

  “Well then, there you go. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Mal. Or the situation.”

  “You’re right,” I admit.

  “I know I am. Now, how is the host family? Have the Williams been treating you well?”

  “They’re some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. Smart, caring, honest. I got lucky, Dad.”

  “It sounds like you did.”

  “I love you.”

  “We love you,” my dad replies.

  “Give Mom a kiss for me.”

  “I always do.”


  I hang up from the call and lay my phone down on the bed next to me. I try to think about what my dad said.

  Be happy and healthy.

  Have fun. Date.

  And I think maybe he’s right.

  Since I’m feeling a little nostalgic, I decide to call Anna. Talking to my parents reminded me of home. Of New York. And home there includes her.

  I pull up her contact, listening as the phone rings.

  When she answers, I say, “Anna!”

  “Oh my God, Mallory,” she gushes. “How are you?”

  “I’m good,” I reply, smiling. “I’m sorry I’ve been a shitty friend lately.” I know that I owe her an apology.

  “It’s what I expected. I hoped you’d be too busy to text me,” she admits.


  “Of course,” she drawls out. “But I’m happy to hear from you.”

  “Me too,” I admit, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief.

  “Tell me, what’s been going on? What’s it like? I want to know everything,” she says excitedly.

  “Well, the host family is amazing. I’ve gotten close to their son, Noah.”

  “Ohhh! This is exactly what I was hoping for. Skip to the juicy details.”

  I roll my eyes, biting my lip. “No juicy details. At least, not with Noah,” I say even though that’s sort of a fib. But there’s too much going on and too much context for me to try to explain that relationship. So, I just skip it … for now. “But … I am dating this boy, Harry. Actually, he’s my boyfriend now.”

  I grin to myself, waiting for her reaction.

  “You’re kidding me,” Anna says. And she doesn’t sound thrilled.

  “No,” I stutter, not sure what to say.

  “Have you lost your mind?” she practically yells into the phone.


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