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Caught Kissing the Cowboy: A Return to Snow Valley Romance

Page 4

by Cindy Roland Anderson

  “Is there hair on my back?” she asked in a strained voice.

  “I hope not,” he said dryly. “But if you do have that problem, I’m sure they have products that will help you get rid of it.”

  “Ha ha,” she said, turning around to face him. “I thought you were Meredith.”

  “She’s getting you the scrubs.” He held up the lint roller. “You can use this to get most of the hair off.”

  “Thanks.” She reached out and took it from him. “But I might just toss the shirt. I’m pretty sure Mr. Theodore left a few snags where his claws were embedded.”

  “Sorry about that,” Ian said sheepishly. “I’ll buy you another one.”

  “What?” she said, reaching behind her back with the lint roller. “And deny me the chance to go shopping?”

  “Okay, but at least let me buy your lunch.” A grin tugged at his mouth. “Meredith’s making a run to Big C’s later, so let me know what you want.”

  “Thanks, I love their frozen custard and fries.” She stretched her arm at an uncomfortable angle, trying to reach further down the back of her shirt.

  Ian felt a sympathetic twinge in his back and grimaced. “Let me help you before you pull something.”

  “No thanks. I’ve got it.” The white tape was soon covered with orange cat hair. “You know, on second thought,” Tomi said as she examined the roller, “I think I’m just going to throw this shirt out.” She dropped the lint roller on the exam table and started to unbutton the plaid shirt.

  Ian’s eyes widened when he realized what she was doing. “Now?” he squeaked in a voice he hadn’t heard since puberty.

  “Relax, Dr. Davies. I have a tank top on underneath.”

  “Right.” He took a step backward. “I knew that.” He bumped into the exam table and nearly tripped over his feet. “I’ll, um, just step out and send Meredith in.”

  He could hear Tomi snickering as he bolted out the door and nearly ran over his vet assistant.

  “Whoa, slow down before you hurt someone…like me,” Meredith said, looking at him through narrowed lashes. “What’s got you in such a hurry, anyway?”

  “He thought I was stripping,” Tomi hollered out from behind the door.

  “I did not,” Ian said irritably. He knew she’d had a shirt on underneath…but for some reason a vision of her in a bikini had swamped his brain, which only added to his conflicted feelings about her.

  “He really did,” Tomi said, peeking out at Meredith from behind the door. “The look on his face was probably what mine looked like when Theodore jumped me.” She mimicked a panicked expression that sent Meredith into giggles.

  “I think I’m gonna like having you around,” Meredith said, handing over the set of teal-blue colored scrub pants and a matching top covered in animated kittens.

  “Thank you, Meredith.” Tomi winked at Ian. “I think I’m going to like being here too.”

  Ian felt the muscles in his stomach go taut as he backed out of the room. Dang, he didn’t even have to think about it. He knew he was going to like having Tomi Jensen around.

  Chapter 3

  Tomi stuffed the plaid shirt in the grocery sack Meredith had given her and tucked it next to her purse. It would be silly to throw away a shirt simply because it had cat hair all over it. Tomi might be an actress, but she wasn’t rich or famous. Susan, her agent for the past three years, had negotiated a sweet deal for her role in Whisper Falls, but she wouldn’t see any real money until they actually filmed it and it aired on The Hallmark channel after the new year. Then, if it was as successful as the producer hoped for, it might turn into a weekly series.

  After tying the drawstring pants as tight as they would go, she pulled the oversized scrub top over her head and straightened it. The outfit was a little big, but it was quite comfortable. Slipping her phone into one of the uniform’s pockets, she opened the door of the break room and stepped out to find out where Dr. Davies had disappeared to. The guy was fun to tease, and she looked forward to spending more time with him.

  As she approached the front desk, she passed by his office and saw the door was partially open. Peeking inside, she saw him sitting at his desk with the phone pressed to his ear while he typed on his computer.

  “I’m looking at the website right now, and none of the changes I’d asked him to do have been updated. The homepage still looks the same.” Ian glanced up and noticed Tomi. His mouth quirked up into a smile as his eyes skimmed over her “Okay, that sounds great. You’re the best, Lucy.”

  Tomi leaned against the doorjamb, waiting for Ian to end the call. He held up his finger to her, indicating he was almost done with his conversation. Closing the lid to his laptop, he laughed and sat back in his chair. “I would love to come to dinner. Is there anything I can bring?”

  It was silly for Tomi to feel jealous of this Lucy, but she did. Ian seemed comfortable with the woman, making her wonder if Lucy was his girlfriend. Although Piper claimed he wasn’t dating anyone right now, her sister clearly didn’t know anything about Lucy.

  “No, I’m fine just by my…” Ian’s voice trailed off as he met Tomi’s eyes. “I’ll see you Friday at six.”

  She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she detected a red flush to his face. It was hard to tell with all that facial hair. She’d never been a fan of men’s beards, but Ian Davies looked good. Like Chris Hemsworth good. In fact, with his silvery blue eyes, he kind of looked like her favorite superhero, minus the long hair Thor was famous for.

  What else did he and Thor have in common? Her eyes drifted down to his chest. Was there a chance that beneath the lab coat and button-down shirt the cute veterinarian also shared Thor’s amazing physique?

  Feeling her own face heat up at the image she conjured up, Tomi pushed away from the doorjamb. “Hot date this weekend?” she asked, trying to redirect her thoughts.

  His eyes went wide. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.” She smiled when she noticed the tips of his ears turning red. “You know, dinner with Lucy?”

  The skin crinkled at the corners of his eyes. “Lucy?”

  Tomi nodded her head and pointed to his phone. “The girl you were just talking to.”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m not dating Lucy. She’s a computer genius and is in the process of updating the clinic’s website.” He smirked at her as he stood up and walked around the desk. “She’s also married.”

  It was silly, but Tomi felt relieved Lucy wasn’t his girlfriend. On top of that, it was nice to know the man had scruples. “That’s very admirable. Where I come from a lot of men don’t really care about a woman’s marital status.”

  “See,” he said, sitting on the edge of his desk, “there’s another reason you should consider moving to Snow Valley.”

  “Um, I hate to break it to you, but my new brother-in-law lives in Snow Valley, and his ex-wife totally forgot she was married.”

  “True, but the guy involved with her wasn’t from Snow Valley.” Ian lifted one shoulder up. “Residents here aren’t perfect, but most everyone I know honors their marriage vows for better or for worse.”

  She held his gaze for several long seconds, wanting to ask him if he was the type of guy who would honor his marriage vows. Instinctively she knew he was, so she kept quiet.

  He, however, was studying her as if questioning the same thing. Only the frown creasing his forehead indicated his conclusion wasn’t very flattering.

  “I don’t cheat if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said, raising her chin a notch.

  “I wasn’t thinking that.” He got up from his desk and headed for the doorway. “And, for what it’s worth, I don’t cheat either.”

  Without sparing her another glance, he walked out the door. Tomi stopped herself from sticking her tongue out at him before she followed behind him.

  The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. Thankfully, Tomi didn’t have any more mishaps with any animals. The kitty scrubs must have given her enough clout not to mess
with her. But working alongside Ian all day made her like him all the more. He was kind to little old ladies and their pets they treated like humans. He was kind to children and encouraging to the parents. He was just flat out a nice guy, and she liked him. She liked him a lot, which wasn’t a good thing. Now, more than ever, she needed to steer clear of any guy who wasn’t Jake. Hopefully, she was a good enough actress that Ian didn’t pick up on her attraction to him.

  “I think Buster is going to be just fine,” Ian said to the worried mother and her son. “Just make sure he doesn’t eat any more people food.”

  Buster, a hound dog with long droopy ears and big brown eyes, had downed an entire package of spicy bratwursts the family had intended to grill for supper. It didn’t agree with Buster, something Tomi was still trying not to visualize. One thing she’d learned about a veterinarian’s day was the overabundant descriptive ailments they were given by pet owners. Her stomach churned, making her regret eating the chilidog from Big C’s.

  “Thank you, Dr. Davies,” the woman said. “I promise Buster won’t be eating bratwursts ever again.” She grimaced. “I don’t think we will either.”

  “I can understand that,” Ian said with a laugh as he walked his clients to the door. Tomi sighed and busied herself by spraying down the table with disinfectant. Ian’s laugh and sense of humor was just one more thing to like about him.

  “Hey,” Ian said, coming back into the room. “Since my last appointment canceled you’re free to leave any time.”

  Tomi stopped wiping down the exam table. “Aren’t you heading over to that ranch to check out a mama horse?”

  “Yes,” he said, drumming his fingers against the doorjamb. “But it’s going to be a quick check, so it might not be worth your time.”

  Tomi looked at him through narrowed eyes. This wasn’t the first time today he’d tried to get rid of her. Several times throughout the afternoon he’d hinted at her leaving early. “Why do I get the feeling you don’t want me to go with you?”

  His fingers stilled as he stared at her with a guilty expression. “It’s been a long day, and I figured you’d want to head home and change clothes.”

  Tomi glanced down at the animated kitty top and then back up at him. “So, not only are you trying to get rid of me, now you don’t like my clothes?”

  “I like your clothes,” he said in a slightly defensive tone.

  Tomi waited for him to deny he didn’t want to get rid of her, but he clamped his mouth shut and rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. Finally, he dropped his hand and blew out a slow breath. “You’re welcome to come with me if that’s what you really want to do.”

  His invitation wasn’t very enthusiastic, making Tomi think that maybe Dr. Davies sensed her attraction and wanted to make sure she knew he wasn’t interested. Good. She wasn’t in the market for a man anyway. In a couple of weeks, her life was going to get as hectic as it had been when a dog and cat got into a fight in the waiting room earlier today. “I’m here to learn about a large animal vet, so I do want to observe you with a large animal,” she said with just enough sarcasm to make Ian frown again. “If you’re uncomfortable with me riding along with you, I can follow you in my car.”

  Something flickered in Ian’s eyes, but Tomi didn’t know if it was regret or relief. “Whatever you want to do is fine with me,” he said, stepping back from the doorway. “I’ll meet you in the parking lot in five minutes.”

  Feeling slightly irritated by his rebuff, Tomi finished wiping down the table and tossed the cleaning cloth in the trash. After washing her hands, she walked to the breakroom to get her purse and hair-covered clothing. Ian’s office door was closed, but she could hear him talking to someone.

  After gathering her belongings, she went out to say goodbye to Meredith. “Thank you for loaning me the scrubs. I promise to wash them and return them to you by tomorrow.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” Meredith said as she pushed back her chair and stood up. “Don’t rush getting them back on my account. I’ve got more scrubs than I know what to do with.”

  A door closed and footsteps echoed on the tiled floor. Tomi expected to see Ian. Instead, she heard a chorus of animal sounds. He must have gone through the back door to get into his truck without saying goodbye. She wouldn’t put it past him to ditch her.

  Tomi pulled out her cell and opened her maps. “In case he leaves without me following behind, do you have the address to the GH Ranch?”

  “You’re not riding with Ian?” Meredith asked, her brows pulling together.

  “Nope. I don’t think the good doctor likes me very much.”

  Surprise lit Meredith’s brown eyes. “Why do you think that?”

  “Well, for starters he’s a little put out that some Hollywood Diva is going to be following him around for the next couple of weeks.”

  “He was just grumpy this morning and didn’t mean it.”

  “Maybe not.” Tomi shrugged. “But he definitely doesn’t want me tagging along with him right now.”

  “Sweetie, I’ve known Ian most of his life. He used to work here for Doc Sullivan when he was in high school.” A grin stole across the older woman’s face. “My guess is he’s trying to avoid you because he likes you.”

  “Right,” Tomi said sarcastically.

  “I know what I’m talking about,” Meredith said, putting her hands on her hips. “Ian told me that he’s not dating anyone until after the hunting season.” She rubbed her hand across her chin. “That’s why he’s growing that beard out. He thinks it will turn girls off.”

  Tomi snorted a very unladylike laugh. “Someone should tell him the beard only makes him look hotter. If he wants to turn girls off, he needs to stop showering or something.”

  Meredith snickered and picked up a stack of file folders. “I can tell him you think he’s hot if you’d like.”

  “I was joking, Meredith.”

  She lifted a sculpted brow. “So, you don’t think he’s hot?”

  “I didn’t say that either.” Tomi heard footsteps coming down the corridor. “Do me a favor and don’t tell him anything, okay?”

  “My lips are sealed,” she said, pretending to zip her mouth shut.

  They both went quiet as Ian came into view. He stopped and stared at them, suspicion lighting his eyes. “Why do I get the feeling my ears should be burning?”

  “I thought you left me,” Tomi said, hoping to distract him. “I was just getting directions to the ranch from Meredith.”

  “You won’t need them.” Ian shoved his hands into his pockets. “I guess you’ll have to ride with me after all.”

  Did he really have to sound so put out? “No, I’m okay to drive.”

  “Sorry, but you’re not going anywhere. You’ve got two flat tires.”

  Chapter 4

  Ian stood next to Tomi and stared at the lopsided car. How could both tires be flattened without any visible signs of damage? Maybe they were being pranked by a bunch of kids. He scanned the parking lot, unable to see anything unusual. “I hope this wasn’t deliberate,” he said, meeting Tomi’s gaze.


  “Yeah, I mean I can’t see any physical damage. It’s almost like someone let the air out of the tires.”

  A look he couldn’t decipher flickered across her face before she said, “Okay, I admit it. I snuck out here in between wiping down the exam tables and let the air out of both tires.” Her dramatic confession was followed by a small smirk. “I’m that desperate to ride with you that I couldn’t help myself.”

  Her sarcasm made him smile while at the same time making him embarrassed about the way he’d acted today. “I guess I deserved that.”

  “Maybe a little,” she said, holding up her thumb and finger pinched close together.

  Although he wasn’t blaming her, he got why she’d see his comment as an accusation. He’d kind of been a jerk to her today. And she was letting him off the hook. Again.

  “For the record, I thought may
be a couple of kids were pranking us.”

  “I see.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “Look, I know Piper has been pretty vocal about her wanting us to be a couple or whatever, but I hope you’ll ignore my blissfully, newly-wedded sister’s matchmaking attempts and just be my friend.”

  Friends. Ian could do friends.

  “Sounds good to me,” he said, feeling a little better about working so closely with Tomi over the next two weeks. Her lips parted into a smile that showed off her perfectly straight, white teeth, and Ian fought against the invisible pull of attraction with a smile of his own. “Let me call Martin and Son’s garage.” He pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “I’ll see if someone can get the tires fixed while we’re at the GH Ranch.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” She withdrew her cell from her pocket. “I’m sure Gabe can help me.”

  “He’s not going to want to deal with this after a long day at the office.” Before she could argue further, Ronnie, the owner’s daughter, answered the phone. Ian quickly explained the situation and was assured the tires could be fixed by the end of the workday. “Okay,” he said, opening the passenger door to his truck for Tomi. “Ronnie will stop by after the garage closes and take care of your tires.”

  “That’s nice of him,” Tomi said, sliding onto the seat.

  “You mean her,” Ian said as he stepped back and closed the door. He rounded the front of his truck and climbed in behind the wheel.

  “Her who?” Tomi asked.

  “Ronnie, from the garage.” Ian shot her a smile and started his truck. “She’s a girl.”

  “Really?” she said, pulling down the visor to block the sun-rays shooting through the windshield. “I guess now I can understand why people sometimes confuse me as a boy.”


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