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Seduced by a Dragon (Erotic Horror)

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by J. J. Abraham


  J. J. Abraham

  Published by J. J. Abraham at Smashwords

  Copyright 2014 J. J. Abraham

  Cover Design © 2014 J. J. Abraham

  Cover Artwork by H. Esdaile

  Sketch Artwork by Stephanie King

  All Rights Reserved

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  No dragons were harmed. Humans, however, were.

  Aggressive and explicit sex scenes represented in this story are fantasies. May contain strong language, intended for adults only.

  Please consult your doctor before reading story due to its intense theme and sexual situations. The author is not responsible for health issues as a result of reading this erotic story.

  A J. J. Abraham work of EROTIC FICTION.

  Listening to the news report on the latest suspected predation murder just made me hungry.

  I sucked on a beer to get my mind off of it, with little success. Beer was one of the few things worth anything in this shithole planet, and that was only if you added meat byproducts to the grain-piss. But even alcohol couldn’t suppress the growing rumbles in my stomach.

  “Goddamn fuckin’ bastard,” said the dragon next to me, his metal stool creaking with his agitation. “If it really is a dragon, I’ll fuckin’ feast on his guts myself. Goddamn bastard. Doesn’t he know what he does to th’ rest of us?” A few grumbles and hisses of angry assent sounded nearby.

  “Naw,” I said quietly. “If it is a dragon, we have to stick together. Can’t turn on our own.”

  The drake slammed his metal pitcher onto the bar, curling his lips back in anger. “Fuck that! Goddamn fucker like that will only bring the humans down on us. You know how vindictive those little shits are! He enjoys his snacks and every dragon within a hundred miles of here is treated like a fuckin’ murderer. Every one of those fuckers who got caught got what they deserved. I don’t know why this one hasn’t been caught yet.”

  Because I swallow them whole, I almost blurted out. I swallowed back that outburst with another gulp of beer.

  Couldn’t they see I was striking back at the humans by doing this? They oppressed us, curtailed our rights, treated us like walking shit. Hell, in some countries our kind were little better than slaves. What I did was righteous retribution…

  I sighed. Who was I kidding? This was just the latest in my long line of rationalizations.

  I did it because of the incredible rush. It was deeply satisfying, the feeling of prey slipping down my throat, tasting their fear as they were swallowed alive. The most dangerous creatures on the planet, helpless as I ate them. The power and instinctive predator’s joy of triumph, consuming another’s strength for my own.

  I shook my head. God, I had to stop. The dragon next to me was right. My behavior put all my kind in danger. And I wasn’t a bad guy. Not really. Even if I didn’t feel guilt after one of my forbidden feedings, I at least felt guilty about not feeling guilty.

  But I was so hungry. It was a craving that went beyond anything mere packaged meat could satisfy. Even a nice plump lamb at the Carnitopia wouldn’t be enough, and I didn’t have the money for more filling prey like a whole cow. Not many dragons did.

  “Hey there,” came a soft lilting voice. I saw a woman settle into the seat two stools down and smile coyly at me. I smiled back, almost automatically keeping my jaws closed. I didn't want to frighten her with my large pointed teeth. "My name is Valerie.”

  I sucked in a breath. The woman misunderstood my interest. Her name was of no consequence. I might as well name my food before eating it.

  She was in many ways what I understood human males desired in their bed-partners. Blond, bubbly, and big breasted. She was between five and six feet in height, maybe closer to five. Big hair that wound to her shoulders. Thirties. Pretty, as far as human females go. Green eyes, and full figured.

  Even though this was a dragon bar, a few humans could be seen flitting about the more massive scaled bodies here and there, male and female both. Xenophiles, looking for a taste of the exotic outside their species that didn’t involve diddling something in a barnyard.

  It took a dragon of a certain mentality to get aroused by the presence of a small alien-looking human.

  Unless one was looking more for a meal than a sex partner.

  I broadened my smile as best I could, moved to the seat next to the woman, and bought her a drink. She practically purred at my close presence. Maybe tonight wasn’t going be a waste after all. A shame humans could never provide all the physical companionship a dragon needs.

  At seven feet high or more, an average adult dragon had many times the mass and strength of even the largest human. We had tough scaly skin, snapping jaws that made a crocodile's seem weak in comparison, and ham-sized claws designed for gripping fleeing prey and ripping and biting them apart. In the primeval wild, humans would have had no choice but to be prey to us.

  But this wasn’t the wild, and humans had these little dexterous hands that were far more agile and versatile than our clawed ones. They were better tool-users. Knives and spears and rifles and shotguns and rockets and combat helicopters. Despite the superior advantages of a large predatory reptile, there was no way we could compete with that, especially in the numbers the humans could employ them.

  It was forty years ago that our elders were transported to this world from our own homeworld. It was similar to Earth, from what they told us. There we had developed a primitive society. Not too different from what the humans once had just a few thousand years ago. Except humans evolved tools to survive, while we hunted prey by tooth and claw.

  One day, went the story, spacecraft descended from the sky and forcibly evacuated our kind from the planet. A voice emanating from the ships said simply that they were being moved for their own protection, but they didn't say from what.

  The elders never saw a single alien. Then, what seemed like moments later, my kind were dumped unceremoniously onto the more tropical climates of Earth.

  Millions of intelligent meat-eating reptiles were suddenly part of Earth’s ecosystem. This did not go well with the planet's current top inhabitants.

  And merely a week after that day, in the summer of 2025, at least one in ten dragons lay dead at the hands of the humans. Even after cooler heads prevailed, pointing out that dragons were clearly intelligent, the killing continued in the less-civilized parts of the world.

  Still, the so-called Dragon Wars slowly ground to a halt as communication was established between our two species. Dragons adjusted remarkably well to the environments on Earth as we were curiously compatible with its biology. Apparently, we dragons are genetically similar to birds and crocodiles. Some scientists believe we're related to the planet's early inhabitants known as archosaurs, during the time of dinosaurs. How we arrived here, and why, is a mystery.

  * * *

  I led this Valerie back to my hovel of a house. The mistreatment of my kind flashed through my mind. Why shouldn’t there be payback against these arrogant monkeys, and why shouldn’t I enjoy myself while doing it? It would give my existence some meaning. I grimaced. Keep rationalizing, addict.

  I knew all dragons had the same temptation from time to time, seeing these small pink or brown things scurrying by, oblivious. What predator wouldn’t want to start grabbing them and stuffing them in his maw, like popcorn on legs?

  Dragons who were discovered giving in to this kind of temptation were either outright shot or tried for murder. The latter usually died strapped to a steel table with a titanium-tipped needle of poison in their arm.

  And after each in
cident was made public, hostile stares from humans everywhere we went, harassed by law enforcement, jobs suddenly harder to find, rents going up without notice. I suppose my fellows had every right to be hostile toward dragons like me who attacked humans, since it made things that much harder for us in the long run.

  Damn it, I had to stop. It was the only sane thing to do. Yet I calmly escorted the human female to my rickety front porch with every intention to have her in my belly before the night was through. So much for willpower.

  But those big breasts… were they real? One of my earlier victims had implanted saline bags to enhance her breast size, and I had a devil of a time passing them.

  It was the darkness of dusk as we approached my house. The smell of nearby swamp was thick in the warm, moist air. It stood at the end of a grass-grown drive, partly hidden by willow, and old magnolia trees with long curtains of moss. Veiled in the foliage as if suggesting secrecy.

  A porch light flickered as we walked up the concrete steps to my place. The roofline slightly drooped to one side. Its two main support columns were delicately sculpted with wood overlays, as if an afterthought, and heavily weathered, as some hung loose or missing. Ivy encircled the columns, their tendrils clung at their bases as if slowly squirming their way up.

  I swiped a cardkey at the door and heard it click unlocked. A standard-sized door, one built for humans, it was only three feet wide, and its door jamb had worn due to abrasion from my scales. I slipped the key back into my leather waist pouch and zipped it closed. I opened the door and motioned for her to walk inside.

  “Oh—so this is your place?” she said, slurring her words slightly as I followed inside. She looked around the living room with its dingy decades-old paint and rusty steel-reinforced furniture. “Everything is so … so … big!”

  “You’ve never been to a dragon’s home before?” I said, closing the door with a click. I padded over and stood next to her in the center of the living room as she turned to look around. The carpet was worn to the concrete under our feet, and all four walls had wallpaper sporting the sickly, outdated deco designs of the 2030's, and near the water-stained ceiling, every strip was peeling and lifting at their corners. To the left, a couch sat along the wall, its leather cushions split and well-worn. Heavily-curtained bay windows on the wall opposite were covered in dust and cobwebs and looked as if they hadn't been opened in years.

  “Naw. I’ve only been with two dragons who had their own place,” she said. “Brothers, but they never took me there. They did me in the back of their pickup truck. Heh. I used to use the dragon restroom at the back of the bar for fooling around.”

  I raised an eyeridge quizzically. “Used to?”

  “One fucker got into it and pushed me into a toilet while I was bending over for him. Anyway, I guess I should have expected, you know, the size thing. Everything has to be bigger when you’re a dragon, right?” She giggled, plopping playfully onto my couch, looking like a small half-grown hatchling against its broad expanse.

  Or like a fawn with nowhere to run. My stomach lurched. God was I hungry.

  I took a hesitant step toward her. Gone was the easy confidence I'd had with the first few feedings. Stupid. I was second-guessing myself now. “Uh … what do you do?”

  She shrugged. “I’m a sales rep at a pharmaceuticals firm.”

  Just keep her talking, put her at ease. These monkeys could be quite slippery if they felt threatened, but fortunately xenophiles had high thresholds. I ran a gentle claw down a wavy length of hair beside her cheek. She shivered, then smiled brightly up at me. “So I assume you like to play around?”

  “Depends. Sometimes I enjoy anticipating a ... ah, an encounter.” I’d almost said meal. Careful, make sure she’s completely trapped before you reveal anything. “Why don’t you remove your clothes?” I said matter-of-factly. Dragons were known for their bluntness, while humans meandered, and might eventually get to the point.

  She beamed, all playful anticipation.

  I removed the leather belt pack from around my waist and hung it on a wall hook near the front door. It was the only “clothes” I wore. Dragons were usually seen with fanny packs out in public and nothing else, unless they were at work, and then uniforms were usually required.

  The little morsel laid her purse at the base of the couch, and began to undress. She took her time, peeling away her shirt and jeans, swaying her hips back and forth as she looked into my predatory gaze. I had enough of an understanding of human women to know she was doing her best to seduce me. In other circumstances it might have been tempting, to a degree.

  My stomach grumbled.

  My claws splayed out from my sides. I took a heavy step forward, and she suddenly straightened and ran to her purse. Crap! Was she going for a gun? I tensed.

  “I just remembered,” she said, dressed only in her black lacy bra and panties, and pulled out a small bottle of amber liquid. “I thought you might like this…”

  I unclenched my claws and lowered my eyeridges with suspicion. “What is it?” I had no interest engaging this woman.

  “Synthetic pheromone! From a female. A female dragon,” she said, flashing her eyes up at me. "The company I work for makes it. As a sales rep I get access to a lot of stuff from our labs. They don’t know anything about my “hobby,” but I hardly mind doing my part to, heh, field-test this stuff for 'em.” She splashed some of the liquid onto her hands and rubbed it over her shoulders, chest, and buttocks. It glistened on her smooth skin. “What do you think?” She took a breath and blew across her shoulder toward me.

  I curled my lip. I really needed to end this farce. I took a heavy step toward her with my arms outstretched, and fingerclaws spread dangerously. My head dipped low, ready to charge if she tried to run. I saw her eyes open wide. A shame. For the first time, her pretty face looked truly frightened.

  Then it hit me.

  At first it was repulsive, like goat-blood beer that was far too sweet. But my nostrils flared wide of their own accord. I breathed in deep mechanically, suddenly ravenous for more of it. My muscles trembled, and impossibly, the grumbling hunger I had felt just a moment before was pushed from my mind.

  Her eyes looked down, and she let out a little gasp. Without looking I knew her gaze was fixed on my member, already swollen and hard, pulsing up toward her.

  A feral growl escaped my jaws. She swallowed, and backed up until she hit the arm of the couch and stopped, raising her hands. “N-now, Seth, I didn’t think the pheromone would be like this—”

  A small part of my mind was still lucid, still paying attention to events. Yet detached. I was powerless to prevent what happened next, like a buck being stampeded off a cliff by his herdmates.

  I padded to her. Claws flashed out, tearing at the remaining bits of cloth that were standing between me and the object of my craving. Val yelped as my sharp talons grazed across her soft, trembling flesh.

  The scents were confusing: a mixture of sex and prey.

  It only added to the mounting fervor in my loins. The quivering human morsel dripping with the smell of fear—an estrus-scented goddess—turned and ran. I caught her by the arm before she took two steps, throwing her into the couch. I roared, exerting my dominance over her and making sure she understood.

  She curled into a ball, arms over her head. Good. As nice a gesture of submission as I could hope for. With ease I lifted and unwound her, despite her feeble efforts to resist, and bent her across the arm of the couch with her vulnerable hindquarters high in the air.

  It was a sight all males appreciated, your female in position, mewling in submission with her sex exposed. I rested my shaft in the fleshy valley of her rump, slowly rubbing it back and forth lewdly between her soft cheeks. My fingerclaw dipped to her slit, running the scaly side of it up and down roughly, enjoying my property.

  “Wait!” she cried, looking back at me, finding coherent words at last. “I’m not ready!”

  I grabbed a hand and bent it back behind her. She squeal
ed in submission. I lowered my head to her and inhaled. I growled. I opened my jaws and took her shoulder between my many pointed teeth. I closed my jaws so the pointed tips of my fangs exerted a slight but threatening pressure. Stupid female, submit!

  She screamed out and immediately settled down to whimpering again.

  My claws moved around her hips, yanking her against me and immobilizing her. I took a deep breath. The smell of her sex. Its rich aroma filled the air around her. I released her from my jaws, gliding my tongue across her smooth salty flesh, took a deep breath and huffed as I lined myself with her soft opening and plunged in hard.

  Val cried out. I didn’t care. All I wanted was her heat and tightness. I pumped into her, going in hard, but some instinct made me stop short of ramming my member in fully to avoid damaging her.

  She braced herself as best as she could one-handed. I lowered my snout and instinctively nibbled and lapped at the back of her shoulders, the saltiness of her sweat adding to my quickly mounting lust. I growled as I slammed my member into her pussy, her head pushed into the back cushions.

  I’d had sex with my meals before, but this was nothing like those awkward halting sessions. This was pure lust. Feral. Fucking for the sake of fucking. The overpowering instinct of cock in pussy and nothing more.

  The sensations mounted quickly and my tail lashed behind me. A haze of ecstasy crowded my vision. The wet tightness around my pumping probe was unbearable, an electric tingling in my groin expanding to my spine and out across my body. I seized up for a moment as I felt my cock pump load after load of hot, sticky seed into her mammalian folds, flooding her womb. Her whimpering cries degenerated into sobbing as I inseminated my female properly.

  Huffing, I slumped over her, as clear-white ropes of semen drooped down between our legs. I lowered myself over her, pressing her into the cushions and gasped for breath.


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