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Love Me, Master Me (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 6)

Page 13

by Anya Summers

She'd been such a horrible judge of character, her feelings for Bastian dredged up every old fear and made her question her sanity. It wasn't like they'd known each other that long. How could she even think that he might want more than just a week filled with carnal bliss? Their careers took them to separate parts of the globe. They wouldn't even be in the same time zone, for pity's sake.

  Declan, Zoey, and the rest of the wedding party arrived in the ballroom, with Bastian introducing them. Delilah wished she could have said she paid attention to the bride and groom but she only had eyes for Bastian. Even when Jared stood as best man and gave his toast, she had difficulty concentrating.

  Delilah was aware that as Bastian sang of love and devotion, she felt it squarely in her heart. Any time she glanced at him, it was as if he'd intended the song for her. After the bride and groom had their first dance as husband and wife, the dance floor filled up with couples.

  Delilah joined him on stage for their number. He gave her a wink as he addressed the wedding guests.

  "I'd like you to help welcome to the stage Delilah Gregory. Delilah and I wrote a special song for the bride and groom. Declan and Zoey, congratulations, this one's for you."

  She held the microphone as Eric rapped his drumsticks. Just like when they had rehearsed, the rest of the room dimmed, and for Delilah, it was just the two of them. They weren't singing to the wedding guests, or for Declan and Zoey, but to each other. Her heart trembled. They finished Until I Met You to rousing applause. Declan and Zoey gave her enormous hugs as she departed the stage and headed back to her seat.

  In between sets, Bastian sauntered over to her.

  "Dance with me."

  Her belly fluttered at the passion in his eyes. She felt so good tonight, she couldn't deny him.

  Placing her hand in his he pulled her onto the dance floor, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close at the slow number playing over the speakers.

  "You look good enough to eat," he murmured, leading her in a slow sway.

  "I could say the same for you." She grinned up at him, feeling light of heart.

  "I have a confession. All through the wedding ceremony, I couldn't think of anything but last night, and the sweet song we made at the piano."

  "Me too. I still can't believe I did that, that we did that in there."

  His hands roamed over her rear, cupping the flesh through her dress as he nuzzled her neck. "Spend the night with me tonight. I'll find you once we finish the last set. What do you say? I promise to make you come again until you pass out from the pleasure."

  Lust riddled her system. "How could I refuse such an offer?"

  He chuckled. "You can't. I'd seduce you until you gave in anyway. But if I'd known you'd be this agreeable because of the wedding, I'd have brought my cuffs with me."

  "Maybe we can give them a trial run tonight."

  He stilled their swaying and gazed at her with intensity before he spoke. "I'd like that."

  Her heart thudded in response. Bastian kissed her. His lips held the promise of more; more care, more heat, and possibly love? He moved her, invading the darkest recesses of her soul. She returned his kiss with all the emotions she was too afraid to voice just yet, showing him with more than mere words how much he had come to matter to her in such a short amount of time. That this was more than just a fling. He rocked her world with his kiss. The rest of the wedding guests receded. The music dimmed. The world just fell away until it seemed like they were the only two people on the planet, let alone in the room.

  Bastian broke the kiss with a low groan, his breathing heavy as he cupped her face. "If I didn't have to get back up on that stage, I'd be going caveman on you right now. As it is, hold that thought for another hour, tops. The boys and I plan to finish the set before the midnight toast to help ring in the New Year. I'll come find you. We'll begin our night with a New Year's kiss."

  He kissed the tip of her nose. Totally off balance after their embrace, she stood unmoving on the dance floor, watching him retreat to the stage.

  At the tap on her shoulder, she glanced up into Jared's friendly face.

  "How's about a dance, lass?"

  "Absolutely. Has anyone told you how very dashing you look today?" She accepted his outstretched hand with a laugh.

  "A few." His eyes crinkled as he grinned.

  After Jared led her around the dance floor for not one but three of The Harbingers songs, Delilah excused herself for a break. Grabbing her black clutch from the table, she stepped out of the ballroom and went to the nearest powder room.

  Her phone rang, buzzing in her clutch as she stepped back into the hallway when she'd finished. She pulled it out thinking it was her parents or brother calling to wish her a Happy New Year.

  Her blood turned to ice when she spied the caller ID. Against her better judgement, she answered the phone, stepping away from any prying ears into the smaller ballroom.

  "Ethan, this is a surprise. I thought we'd agreed it would be best if we didn't speak to each other."

  "Now is that any way to talk to me, after all we meant to each other?"

  "Cut the crap, Ethan. Or did you forget that I walked in on you having sex with Greta?"

  "Listen up, you fat cow. You will do exactly what I tell you to do, or I will make sure everyone knows that the little opera angel likes her sex on the rougher side."

  His vitriolic words stung. No matter how much stronger she felt, they rattled her composure and it took everything she had inside her not to crawl back into the space where she believed those hateful words. Finding her courage, she steeled herself and said, "It's not like anyone will believe you. Not when I let slip why I broke off our relationship in the first place."

  His laugh, which at one time had made her think of sunshine, sent tremors of unease whipping through her body. "Actually, they will, when a certain sex tape is anonymously released to the press."

  Delilah's world came to a blinding, shuddering halt.

  "What?" Fear unlike anything she'd ever known rattled her core. He couldn't be serious. Surely she'd heard him incorrectly. She had never been filmed.

  "See it for yourself. Check your email. I'll call you back in ten minutes so you can digest this bit of news, and we will discuss exactly how things are going to proceed from here on out."

  In a blind panic, Delilah scurried away from the reception, all but running to the elevator. She took it up to Declan's office. She was sure he wouldn't mind her using his computer. Once inside, she logged in as a guest to his computer, thankful her password was still valid.

  She opened her email account and her heart shattered. He'd taped them. Ethan had taped one of their scenes. She was writhing and moaning loudly on all fours as he caned her, all while she was strapped to a fucking machine. Her moans of ecstasy were rising as the dildo thrust inside her. The scene deteriorated before her eyes as he finished with her discipline. And then he proceeded to stuff his cock into her mouth while the machine plunged inside her sex.

  Horrified, Delilah wasn't sure she would ever breathe again. Her phone rang once more, and she answered on autopilot. How could she have been so stupid to ever trust him? Why was he doing this to her? What had she ever done to deserve being treated with such callous disregard? She bit back her sob. Her mom would probably say if only she'd lose twenty pounds, this never would have happened.

  "Now listen up, you will meet me in Paris in two days' time. We will discuss in detail how you are going to tell the opera world you made a mistake in firing me. If you don't do this, if you aren't there, I have copies of this tape ready to disperse to every news outlet on the globe. Your career will be over. Understood?" Ethan said.

  He would do it, too. There was no doubt in her mind he would make good on his threat. She'd watched him one too many times with other people, watched him seek revenge whenever he'd felt slighted. Why it hadn't even occurred to her that he might do something similar to her, made her feel like the dumbest person alive.

  "Did you hear me?"

  She saw her life, her choices, swept away in a single swipe. He'd make it so that she was no more than a marionette on strings, directing her life and not allowing her freedom of any kind. Her heart tumbled into an abyss so deep and dark, she didn't think she would ever be able to retrieve it.

  "Yes. Tell me where and I will be there."

  "I'll text you the information. Oh, and Delilah, don't tell anyone or I'll leak it to the press. This is between you and me, understood?" Ethan ordered, his voice calm with his assured victory.

  "Yes." She felt dead inside.

  "Happy New Year." He chortled as he disconnected the line.

  Delilah left Declan's office feeling like a bomb had gone off inside her chest. All the warmth, all the hope she'd begun to feel had been erased with a single call. She didn't even go back to the reception. She couldn't be around so many happy people when it felt like her world was caving in.

  In her room, she practically ripped her dress off, changing into the most comfortable clothes she'd thought to pack, and began collecting her things from the bathroom. She was running. Again. But she didn't care. She had to leave this place before anyone could stop her or she'd crumble.

  She was on the phone, booking a cab to ferret her away from the manor tonight, when there was a knock on the door.

  "Your driver will be there within the hour, Miss Gregory. Is there anything else I can do to assist you this evening?" the sweet, heavily accented voice said through her receiver.

  "No, thank you," she replied dully.

  "Very well, miss. Happy New Year, and thank you for selecting Scots Limos International to serve you."

  "Umhumm, you too," she said as she opened the door.

  Bastian stood on the opposite side, his face a mask of concern. He studied her appearance, taking note of the clothing change.

  "What can I do for you, Bastian?"

  "What's going on, Delilah? You left the ballroom and didn't say anything."

  "I decided it wasn't for me." Her voice came out harsher than she'd intended but she squelched any softer feelings or remorse. It had to be done this way. She was out of options.

  "What wasn't?" he asked.

  "Our little arrangement. I had fun, don't get me wrong, but it was getting far too serious for my tastes. I don't want to lead you on or give you the wrong impression. I don't want you to be my Dom, Bastian. I'm sorry but I will never wear your cuffs. I got swept up in the wedding madness for a bit, was all."

  "I see. So you were faking it all week?"

  "Pretty much." Lies, lies, lies. But she had to do it. It was the only way she could protect him. She couldn't let Ethan get his hooks into him, or any of the people she loved. He already had far too much control as it was.

  "Bullshit. I don't buy that. Not after everything—"

  She bluffed and schooled her features as she cut him off. "It was fun. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the sex, stud, but that's all it could ever be between us."

  He flinched and then covered it with a stern mask as he narrowed his gaze. "I see."

  "If you don't mind, my ride to the airport will be here shortly."

  "You're leaving tonight?" he accused her, with a stony expression devoid of any tender feelings he'd shown her hours before. It devastated her. Having him look at her with so much distance in his eyes—that she'd put there.

  "Yes. I have no reason to stay." Her heart squeezed.

  "Best of luck to you." He tipped his head in a sardonic salute and stormed away. She couldn't watch him walk away or she'd call him back.

  Delilah shut the door, feeling the heart she had very much questioned and thought would never see light again break into ragged pieces. She covered her mouth with her hands to try and contain the sob. She'd been so cruel, but she knew if she'd been anything less than that, he would have pressed her. The man was relentless when he wanted something.

  Delilah kept herself from going after him, wishing like hell she could explain, that she could have him hold her one more time. Except she knew if she involved anyone, Ethan would make good on his promise and deliver the tape to the media. She could withstand the scrutiny and potential damage to her career. Delilah had made more than enough money, had invested smartly with Declan's advice, so she didn't have to worry about making a living. So if her career was over, so be it. That was not why she'd cut Bastian out. It was the threat of exposure for Declan and all of her friends in the DFC. She had to protect them. Her connection to the club could endanger them all. She couldn't risk all those she loved for the sake of her own happiness.

  As much as she wanted to tell Ethan to piss off and withstand whatever destruction she might face, she couldn't let him taint the one place she'd always felt like she could be herself.

  Swallowing her sobs, her disappointment, and even her love for Bastian, Delilah finished packing, and in the dead of night, left the manor house without a backward glance.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Get up, man. Don't make me drag you out of bed."

  Bastian snarled as he came to. Everything hurt. There wasn't a part of his body that didn't ache. "Get the fuck out of my room."

  "Christ, man, Delilah is in trouble and you want to lie about all day, be my guest."

  That had him blinking back the blinding sunshine. He glared at Jared. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

  Not that it mattered to him in the slightest, or at least, it shouldn't matter after everything she'd said to him the night before. As it was, he was hip deep in love with the songbird, and if she needed help… Fuck.

  "I can't tell you, you have to see it for yourself. Get up and follow me to Declan's office."

  Bastian stumbled out of bed. His head pounded and his mouth was thick with the amount of scotch he'd imbibed after Delilah had ended things between them last night. Shoving his legs into the pair of jeans Jared tossed his way, he grabbed a shirt and followed Jared out of the room, not even bothering with shoes.

  "You can't give me any inkling of what kind of trouble she is in? Was she hurt? Did she have an accident?" His heart almost stopped at the thought of her being injured or worse.

  "Relax, she's not hurt physically, that we are aware of, but you're not going to like it."

  At Jared's cryptic reply, dread settled in the pit of his stomach. Or it could just be the scotch on a campaign to incinerate his innards. Neither option was better than the other. He knew though, that for Jared and Declan to be involved like this meant it was bad.


  Jared didn't knock at Declan's office door, he just pushed his way inside, expecting Bastian to follow. He did and was brought up short. Declan stood behind his desk with Will Evans sitting in his seat. Will's fingers were tapping against the computer keyboard in a flurry of strokes.

  "I'm in."

  "Good. See what you can dig up on this end. I have a PI I use for things like this," Theo Brown said, pulling out his cell.

  His brain still muddled, Bastian said, "What the hell is going on?"

  Declan shot him a glance. "Come see for yourself. I thought it was odd when Delilah left last night without saying goodbye in person, and it seems my feelings weren't that far off base. She's being blackmailed."

  She was being what? Bastian strode over to Declan's desk and rounded it until he could get a good look at the computer screen. At first his brain didn't compute what it was looking at. He rubbed the hangover from his eyes as best he could and focused on the screen.

  "What am I looking for?"

  "Here. I will warn you, it's pretty graphic." Will hit a few keystrokes and a video popped up on the screen.

  "Jared saw her on the phone outside the ballroom last night looking less than pleased. He mentioned it to me in passing, and when I received her text saying she'd had to leave, I figured there was a family emergency, and was going to contact her in the next day or so to make sure everything was all right. Then I put it out of my mind and thought nothing of it until I stopped by here this morning," Declan explained.
  It took Bastian's befuddled, hungover brain a few minutes to comprehend what it was he was watching. At first he thought it was a porn video, until the woman in it moved her head, and then his breath stopped in his chest. It was Delilah, being rather vigorously caned, while a fucking machine plunged a dildo inside her pussy.

  Rage filled his soul. This wasn't an emergency. This was Delilah having a good time. There was a lot of that going on with her, apparently.

  "Why do think that she's blackmailed? It looks to me like the little songbird made a sex tape. So what?" He shrugged his shoulders, attempting to alleviate the pressure in his chest. He averted his eyes from the video, unable to watch the spectacle.

  Declan gave him a level glare. "I've known Delilah a long time. She never would have given her consent to be filmed. She forgot to close out of the video before she left my office. I'm assuming it was out of shock. I did a little digging before I called Will and came across the email she'd been sent with the video attachment. Take a look, and then tell me she's not being blackmailed."

  Will hit another key, bringing the email up for his viewing.

  As Bastian read the email, he felt physically ill.

  Delilah, if you do not do exactly as I instruct you to, this video of our little scene will go public. I have it primed and ready to go out to all the news media with a click of a button should you fail to comply. Do not disappoint me. Ethan

  "Her ex," Bastian snarled. Son of a bitch! When he got his hands on that bastard he'd never walk again.

  "What do you know about her ex?" he asked Declan.

  "She never talked about him much, and he's not a member of the DFC. He never even approached me about becoming a member. I do know he's a Dom, or at least played one with Delilah. After seeing this, I'm starting to wonder how much was real and what was a sham."

  "When was this opened on the computer, Will? Can you tell me that?" Bastian had to know.

  "Sure." Will hit a few more keys and said, "A little bit before midnight."

  Christ! She'd gotten the call and must have come in here straight away. He had wondered, after he had sulked and raged for a bit last night, about her one-eighty mood swing. But he'd been too angry and hurt to think clearly before he'd started downing scotch. He knew her, and the words she'd spoken must have been prompted by the video and email. Had to be. And at the end of the day, even if they weren't, he loved her too much to leave her defenseless against such a shark.


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