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Welcome To Winterville: A Small Town Holiday Romance

Page 16

by Carrie Elks

  “’Night, Everley.”

  She couldn’t sleep. Which was laughable, because her whole body ached as though she’d competed in two Ironman Triathlons in a row. Instead, she was staring at the patterns in the plaster of the Winterville Inn ceiling, wondering why her stomach was still tied in knots.

  Because you’re not a liar. Or at least, she wasn’t a good one. And she’d never wanted to be. She prided herself on honesty and integrity. That’s what made her job all the more delicious.

  A glance at her phone told her it was just after midnight. There was a message from Josh on there wishing her sweet dreams. She tapped out a quick reply.

  Are you awake? – H

  A moment later, Josh’s reply appeared on the screen.

  I’m just getting ready for bed. Are you okay?– J

  Instead of replying, she hit the call button. He answered before she could even exhale.

  “Hey.” His voice was warm and soft. It sent a shiver down her spine. “Are you missing me already?”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “A little,” she confessed. “But my lady parts aren’t. They just sent me a thank you note for giving them the night off.”

  Josh laughed. “How was your night?”

  “It was good.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Do you have a plan for what happens to Winterville right after the escrow goes through?”

  Josh paused, as though considering her words. “Yeah, we do. But I figure you wouldn’t want to know about that.”

  “I don’t think I do.” Damn, this was confusing. “Would you in my position?”


  “Okay then.” She exhaled heavily.

  “And I couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to. It would be commercial suicide. If something went wrong because I opened my mouth I’d have to explain that to our investors and employees.” He paused for a moment. “You understand that, don’t you?”

  More than he knew. “Yeah, I understand.”

  “Are we still good? Because this isn’t personal. It’s not about you and me. That’s completely separate.”

  Just like Everley said. “We’re still good,” she said softly.

  “I’m glad.” His voice was warm. “Because I don’t want to spend another night without you. My bed is way too big.”

  She smiled. For the first time all night, it felt genuine. “I can’t sleep without you, either,” she confessed.

  “You want me to come over?”

  Her smile widened. “No. Because then we definitely won’t get any rest. Maybe just talk to me for a while. Your voice might bore me to sleep.”

  He laughed again. Damn, he was sexy, even over the phone. “Have you checked your purse today?”

  “Yeah.” She tipped her head to the side. Why was he talking about her purse.

  “How about in the pocket at the front?”

  “I don’t use that pocket.”

  “Look in it,” he urged.

  She switched him over to speaker and climbed out of bed, grabbing her purse. Sliding her free hand into the pocket, she felt the cool, smooth surface of a pebble.

  Josh’s pebble.

  It felt heavy in her hand. “I found it,” she said softly.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t find it before. It’s been there all day.”

  The corner of her lips curled up. “Why did you put it in there?”

  “I don’t know.” He sounded almost shy. “Maybe since I can’t be with you tonight, I wanted a little part of me with you instead.”

  That was so sweet it made her heart ache. She’d never have believed him to be the kind of man who kept something so sentimental for all these years. Or who’d anticipate that she’d need that sentimental something to make her feel safe while all alone in her bed. It warmed her insides.

  Is this what it was like to fall for somebody? She felt off balance, like she’d just stepped off a rollercoaster and was swaying to one side. It would be so easy to fall in love with Josh Gerber if she let herself.

  And so easy to get hurt by him. He was confusing and beautiful and so different to anybody she’d met before. Not the heartless businessman she’d written him off as that first day at the Inn.

  “I’ll look after it,” she promised. “And give it back to you tomorrow.”

  “It’s weird, because I keep shoving my hand in my pocket and being surprised it isn’t there.”

  “Do you always keep it in your pocket?”


  “For all these years?”

  He laughed. “You think I’m crazy, right?”

  “Not at all. Some guys have a security blanket, you have a security pebble. It’s quite sweet.”

  “Ugh. The curse of quite sweet. No guy wants to be called that.”

  “What do you want to be called?”

  “A sex god.”

  It was her turn to laugh. She lay back on the bed, phone in one hand, the pebble in the other. And it was weird, but she did feel better holding it in her hand. “Maybe you can be both. A sex god with a pebble fetish.” Her voice was heavy. She was starting to feel sleepy now.

  “I’ll take that.”

  “You do that.” She yawned.

  “Are you tired now?” he asked gently.

  “Getting there.”

  “Want me to keep talking?”

  “Yes please.”

  He started telling her a story about a phone call he’d had with one of his investors, whose wife had gone out for the day, leaving him with three children under the age of four. He hadn’t even gotten to the punch line before her eyes had fluttered closed and her breath had evened out. Hearing his low, warm voice was enough to make her feel content.


  And a little bit in love with the one man she shouldn’t fall for.


  Holly rolled over in bed, her eyes blinking open. A slow smile pulled at her lips when she saw him looking at her.

  “What time is it?” she asked him.

  “Early. Just after six.”

  She stretched her arms. “I promised I’d meet Everley at the theater this morning. She wants to check out all the angles from the stage.”

  “How’s she holding up?” he asked. “There’s only a week until the show.”

  “I know. She’s pretty manic, but then Everley’s always manic. She doesn’t know how to rest. She’s like our grandma.”

  “Whereas you could stay in bed all day,” he teased.

  “I could if it was with you.”

  He ran his tongue over his lip. “Did I tell you I got a ticket to the show? Two, actually. I was wondering if you’d go with me.”

  Holly blinked. “You want us to go to the show together?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe it’s what the town needs. Two opposing sides coming together for Christmas. Goodwill to all men and all that.”

  “You seem to know a lot about Christmas for a guy who doesn’t celebrate.”

  “I’m agnostic, not a heathen.” He brushed his lips across hers. “So what do you say? Will you come with me to the show?”

  “I might need to be backstage for some of it,” Holly said. “But you can come backstage, too. I’ll clear it with Everley.” A little vee formed between her brows. “I’m surprised you got a ticket. They sold out within an hour. You must have been pressing refresh every five seconds.”

  He smiled. “I bought a resale.”

  “You’re still giving funds to the enemy, though.”

  His eyes caught hers. “I figure my money isn’t going to make a difference one way or the other. And anyway, I wanted to be with you.”

  She was smiling again. And it made his body feel warm. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this content. It wasn’t just the sex, although that was good enough. It was being with her. Watching her when she didn’t know he was looking. Knowing the sharp sound of her inhales when he kissed her neck or caught her by th
e waist as she walked past him.

  Yes, there were issues between them. Like the fate of this town. But when it was over, they’d work things out. He’d find a way to make everybody happy. And to make her smile again.

  “So you’re definitely going to be here for Christmas?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “I guess I am.”

  “What are you going to do on Christmas Day?” There was a strange look on her face.

  “Work, I guess. The same thing I always do.”

  “You should come to the Inn for dinner. The chef is cooking up a storm. Maybe you’ll even enjoy it.”

  “Are you asking me to join you and your family for Christmas dinner?” His chest felt weirdly congested.

  She swallowed. “I guess I am. But only if you want to.”

  He kissed her softly. “I’d like that very much.”

  “We need to do something about this place, too. You haven’t even got a tree.”

  “You want me to decorate?” He was bemused. “Even though I don’t celebrate?”

  She shook her head. “Not if you don’t want to. I just wanted to do something nice. Show you how we do things. But I get that you’re not big on Christmas, and that’s fine, too.”

  There was a lump in his throat. She was trying to do something nice for him and it touched him. “I do want to,” he said, his voice thick. “Maybe we could decorate it together.”

  “Do you have any meetings this afternoon?” she asked him, tipping her head to the side.

  “Only a couple. And nothing that can’t be moved. Why?”

  “I thought we could go to the Christmas tree farm and choose our own. It’s more fun that way.”

  “To North’s Christmas tree farm? Is that a good idea?”

  Her gaze was soft. “Probably not. But I want to do it anyway.”

  “People will see us together. Talk about us.” He wasn’t sure why he was giving her this warning. The fact was, he wanted people to see them together. He wanted people to know about them.

  “I can live with it if you can.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, trailing his finger across her cheek.

  Her face lit up. “What time can you be ready?”

  “I have a meeting until lunchtime. How about we meet at the coffee shop at one?”

  “Cold Fingers Café at one.” She nodded, lifting her head to kiss him again, her soft tongue running along the seam of his lips. “Be there or be square.”

  Her cousin was so talented, it made Holly’s heart ache to watch her. Everley was a human dynamo, running through stage directions with the crew, playing the backtrack to each song that would be sung at the show, putting cut out pieces of cardboard where each singer would be standing.

  And then she sang the final song, her sweet, clear voice echoing through the empty auditorium. Gabe was sitting on the other side of the venue to Holly, and Alaska was in the middle, checking the acoustics on the left side, while Holly checked them on the right, taking notes during each song so they could give feedback to Everley afterward.

  It was amazing how much she sounded like their grandma. It made Holly feel wistful and full of memories. Candy Winter had always dominated the stage in the Jingle Bell Theater. People had traveled from all over the country – all over the globe, even – to attend one of her many Christmas shows each year.

  As she’d gotten older, she’d cut down her appearances, though she was always available to sing the finale, much to the pleasure of the crowds.

  And now Everley was singing Candy’s signature song, in a voice that sounded so much like their grandma it brought tears to Holly’s eyes. This had to succeed. They were going to save this town and all these bittersweet memories of her grandma.

  Everley hit the final note, holding it as it reverberated throughout the theater. When she finished, a smile tugged at her lips. Holly, Alaska, and Gabe jumped to their feet and applauded wildly.

  Everley walked down the aisle, slumping into a chair next to Holly. “Tell me it was okay.”

  “It was more than okay. It was amazing. You were amazing.”

  Everley’s lips curled. “It’s going to work, isn’t it? We’re going to save this place.”

  Holly nodded, her chest tight. “Yes we are.”

  Gabe and Alaska sat down on Everley’s other side. “That’s only the beginning though, right?” Gabe asked, running his hand along his jaw.

  “What do you mean?” Everley frowned.

  “I mean once we’ve saved it from redevelopment then we need to make it profitable. Otherwise it’s only a matter of time before the place goes bankrupt. Gerber Enterprises will still own most of the land and property, right? They’ll still want a return on their investment.”

  “Maybe they’ll sell it back to us,” Alaska said. “Or lease it.”

  “Maybe they’ll back out of the sale and our parents will own it again.” Gabe raised an eyebrow. “Though the thought of that makes my blood turn cold. They’ll only try to sell it again.”

  “We’ll make it work,” Everley said. “Okay, so everything got a little neglected after grandma got ill. But we can start building it up again. Getting the tourists back here. The publicity from next week will help.”

  “We’re going to need a business plan,” Holly said.

  “I won’t be able to stay around,” Gabe murmured. “I have to get back to training. And Kris won’t be here either.”

  “And I’m great at putting on a show, but terrible with numbers.” Everley grimaced.

  Alaska lifted her eyebrows but said nothing. She knew her sister well.

  The next moment, all three of them were looking at Holly.

  She lifted her hands up. “No way. I have my career. My own apartment. I can’t stay here and run Winterville.”

  “Couldn’t you take a break?” Alaska asked, her voice quiet. “Just until we get the place back on track.”

  “I’m not a businessperson. I’m an accountant. They’re two different things. North could do it. He’s great at bossing everybody around.” Holly was starting to panic. They were all staring at her like she had all the answers.

  Gabe chuckled. “Yeah, but he’s got his own business to run. He’d be able to help, but he’s always so busy down there.”

  “And I’m busy, too,” Holly pointed out.

  “You told me you could choose your own cases and hours.” Gabe tipped his head toward her. “Just a few months would help.”

  “And it would be so amazing to have you here with us,” Everley said, smiling hopefully at her.

  “We haven’t even stopped the redevelopment yet,” Holly said. “There’s no point in making any plans until we do.”

  It was a lie. Of course they should be making plans. Josh would in their position. He had a whole new resort designed, after all.

  And they just had a concert and an ancient clause in the town deeds with no plans for the future.

  “That wasn’t a no,” Gabe said, grinning.

  “It wasn’t a yes, either.” Holly tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. She wished she could talk to Josh about this. He’d listen and advise, the way he did when she overheard him on video calls. He never got heated or riled. His answers were always measured and considered.

  He was exactly the kind of person she wanted on her side. And the one person who couldn’t be.

  “Let me think about it,” she murmured.

  Everley let out a whoop and kissed her cheek. “Take all the time you need.” Then she grinned. “It’s going to be amazing having you living here. It really is.”

  “Your usual?” Dolores asked as Josh walked into the Cold Fingers Café. His usual. Josh smiled at the sound of that.

  “Yes, please. And an Americano with room.”

  “Maybe a pastry, too?” Dolores lifted a brow. “Holly likes those.”

  He didn’t ask how she knew he was meeting Holly. Dolores wasn’t stupid.

  “Yeah, that would be great.”

  “And would you lik
e me to put it on your tab or Holly’s?” Her eyes sparkled. “Because strictly speaking, if you’re ordering it goes on Holly’s, and if she’s ordering it goes on yours.”

  “Put it on mine.” His voice was firm.

  “Good choice.” Dolores winked at him, then turned to the coffee machine, grabbing two cups.

  Josh’s phone started to ring. He pulled it out, frowning when he saw his grandfather’s name lighting up the screen. He diverted the call to voicemail, then turned his phone off for good measure. If he was going to be playing hooky from work, he’d do it in style.

  “Hi.” Holly walked in, the cold breeze lifting the ends of her hair beneath her wool hat. Her cheeks were pink, and her lips swollen. “Sorry I’m late.”

  She hesitated for a moment, then rolled to her toes and pressed her lips to his cheek.

  And damn if his heart didn’t pound against his ribs.

  “Two coffees and a pastry.” Dolores passed them over the counter, and gave Holly a strange look. “He insisted I put them on his tab. I tried to resist, but the man’s irresistible.”

  Holly’s eyes met his again. “So I hear.” Her lips twitched, and he smiled at her.

  “Are you ready?” he asked her, inclining his head at the door.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  She was quiet as they walked to his car, sipping at her coffee as he clicked the keyfob to open the locks. He held the door open for her and she climbed in. When he walked to the other side, he pulled the driver’s door closed before he turned to her, a questioning look in his eye.

  “Are you okay? You’re really quiet.”

  “It’s been a long morning.” She gave him a small smile. “And my ears are still ringing from the music.”

  “Are you worried about us doing this? Because we don’t have to. I can live without a Christmas tree.”

  She let out a long breath, then sat up straight. “No, I’m not worried about doing this. I promised you a Christmas tree and we’re getting it. It’s going to be fun. I just need to decompress a bit.”

  “I know a good way to do that,” he murmured.


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