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A Poison Manicure & Peach Liqueur

Page 18

by Traci Andrighetti

  A corner of Detective Marshall's frown rose. "At home, during his nap."

  I gasped. What kind of monster could sleep after leaving someone, i.e., me, to die?

  My aunt patted my shoulder. "Now that he's goin' to the Graybar Hotel, that's the last sleep he's gonna git."

  Gia shook out her Ursula Andress wet look. "What I want to know is why he would kill to hide his Viagra use. So he serves boneless pork." She threw up her hands and did a dramatic eye roll. "Is it really that big a deal?"

  "My pig." Magnolia scurried toward the back.

  Detective Ohlsen looked like he wanted to leave with my aunt.

  And the corner of Detective Marshall's frown went back down. "Let me put it to you this way. He wasn't using the Viagra with his wife."

  That explained why Randall would buy illegal Viagra rather than getting a prescription. He cheated on Olivia because he thought of marriage as a "merger."

  But I still wanted answers in the murder of my uncle. "I know you can't tell me the names of the other victims, but do you think there's a connection between this case and my uncle's murder, besides the Viagra list?"

  Detective Ohlsen glanced at Detective Marshall. "We haven't been able to rule it out."

  * * *

  By the time I'd done my hair and makeup and put on my retro white halter one-piece, the reverse Christmas was raging. I came downstairs to a 1960s party worthy of Venice Beach. Jan and Dean's "Surf City" was blaring, and a group of dancers were doing The Swim, The Twist, The Hitch Hike, and, because Gia had hired them, The Jersey Turnpike. Also owing to her influence, there were tanned body builders lifting weights, and the staff and female clients all had a beehive, a bouffant, or a bob. And the odd Jeannie ponytail.

  Since my aunt had insisted on working my shift, I decided to mingle with the clients. I walked to my station, where former crossing guard Mabel Henderson was ditching her gray pin curls in favor of a pixie. "Don't you look nice?"

  "Oh, Cassidi." Her cloudy eyes glowed. "I was telling Magnolia that with the snow outside, this event reminds me of Ski Party."

  "Was that a TV show?"

  "No, dear. A Frankie Avalon and Deborah Walley beach movie set on the ski slopes."

  I didn't know what to think except that the '60s was a weird time.

  "Pardon us for a minute, Mabel." My aunt took my wrist and pulled me aside. She was so excited, the fringe on her bathing suit shook. "I got a message from Barry."

  The last thing I wanted to do at a beach party was talk about Mr. Manilow, but she'd done so much for me I had to play along. "What did he have to say?"

  "'Looks Like We Made It.'" She elbowed me in the side. "Isn't he the wisest, most wonderful man?"

  "M-hm. I suppose he is." I hurried to Gia's station.

  She glanced at my aunt and then resumed the work of giving Amy Brigitte Bardot's cat-eyed look. "What was that about?"


  Amy slurped a piña colada from a coconut cup. "You know, you really ought to call him and thank him for his help."

  I looked into her lined eyes, hoping she was drunk.

  "What she ought to do is have Magnolia checked out." Gia leaned in with the eyeliner wand. "Now do me a favor—well, all of us, really—and don't talk."

  I glanced over my shoulder to make sure my aunt was with Mabel. "She's not crazy. She's got a sixth sense."

  Gia shot me a look. "I think you mean a sick sense."

  "Amy said it best. Sometimes things happen we can't explain, and in my aunt's case, I think we should leave it at that."

  "Whatever." She painted a black line above Amy's eye. "I've got to finish this before The Ferret comes in."

  "Tiffany's coming?" Even though I hadn't pressed charges for the vandalism, I was shocked she would come to the salon, especially given the Donatello debacle. "And you didn't cancel her appointment?"

  "Nope." Gia screwed on the eyeliner cap. "She doesn't know it, but I'm going to frost her hair like a ferret's."

  "Uh-uh. You won't."

  "Hello, it's me." She gave a hands-up shrug. "Of course I will."

  Obviously, I had to assign Tiffany to another stylist when she came in.

  Amy slipped coke-bottle glasses over her cat eyes. "Does that mean you and Donatello are done?"

  Gia leaned against her station. "Duh. This beach body is my revenge."

  "How's he going to see it?" I asked. And then panic pierced my gut. "He's not coming too, is he?"

  "Relax, cug. I took a slander lesson from the snake's playbook."

  My chest constricted like a boa was squeezing it. There was nothing relaxing about that.

  Gia glanced at her steel tips. "I told Duncan Pickles we wouldn't sue him in exchange for a front-page spread on the event."

  I looked at the sand and considered burying myself in it. No matter how hard I worked to disassociate The Clip and Sip from its promiscuous past, someone came along and sexed it back up.

  "OMG." Amy sucked her straw like she was sounding an alarm. "Speak of the snake, she just slid in."

  Ivy approached us with a duffle bag on her shoulder. Despite the dunes, she still managed to strut in her stilettos—to the tune of The Beach Boys' "California Girls."

  "Look, everyone," Gia shouted. "The Grinch crashed our party."

  Amy slunk to the break room, and Ivy struck an I'm-so-over-this pose. "Bah, humbug to you too."

  Gia pointed to the window overlooking the street, where Ivy's Lexus was parked. "I see your sleigh is packed with boxes. Are they the toys you stole from the Whos down in Whoville?"

  She flipped her hair like a whip. "They're my belongings. I'm leaving Danger Cove."

  My cousin's fake-bronzed cheeks took on a natural glow.

  Ivy handed me the bag. "These are brand new styling tools. I won't need this stuff at my LA salon, and I thought you might like to have it."

  "Thanks?" I phrased my gratitude as a question because I wasn't sure what she was up to. "But why would you leave now when you've been cleared of any involvement in Jade's murder?"

  "Because I'm safer in Los Angeles." She side-eyed the entire salon. "This town is crawling with criminals."

  I should have been offended, but based on my experiences, I suspected she was right.

  "You know…" Ivy pursed her lips and took a breath. "When I first met you, I had you pegged as the spoiled princess type. You inherited a salon, a house, a Ferrari, and to get where I am I had to fight like a dog."

  "You mean, strike like a snake." Gia flashed a venomous smile.

  I bumped the knife on my cousin's hip to send her a poisonous message of my own.

  "Um, I have been really fortunate, Ivy. I admit it."

  "But you haven't had it easy, either. Look at what that loser Randall Olcott did to you. And yet somehow you're always a class act." She paused. "I respect that."

  I extended my hand. As we shook, I wondered whether her heart had grown like the Grinch's. The holidays had that effect on some people.

  Ivy released my grip and smirked at Gia. "You should study your cousin's style, Jersey Girl. Because yours isn't working for you."

  If Ivy's heart had grown, it was only a size or two.

  Gia recovered from her shock and went after Ivy.

  But I grabbed the back of her bikini top, and held on until Ivy had gone. "Chill out, cuz. You should be happy. Your enemy is leaving town, so it's like you won."

  She glared at me and adjusted her top. "I've still got The McCurmudgeon. For a year."

  "Call her Harriet," I said. "You have to be nice to her now that she saved my life."

  "I know." Gia sneered. "That was a dirty trick."

  I rolled my eyes and walked to my station. Bree had entered the waiting room, and I had an important transaction to make.

  I grabbed a box from my supply cabinet and carried it to her. "Here are those nail products you wanted."

  Bree stiffened as though she'd frozen outside in the snow.

  "It's not really products," I s
aid. "It's the grammar book?"

  "Right. I knew that." She rolled her shoulders like a boulder had dropped off her back. "I'll tell the police I found it today. And thank you for not confessing that you had this."

  "I wasn't going to rat you out after you risked jail for me. Can I offer you a haircut or something to pay you back?"

  "You're sweet, but I've got an appointment next week for a soiree I'm going to, and I want to pay for that." Bree looked over my shoulder and bit her lower lip. "But…do those body builders offer massage?"

  "They're only for show."

  "You should have massage as a service. I know I'd come in a lot more." She opened the door, and Zac stepped onto the porch. "I'll bet this one gives a good massage."

  His brow furrowed, and she darted out. He closed the door and caught sight of the beach scene. "Ha. This is wild."

  "It did come from the mind of Gia."

  "It's packed," he said. "Why don't I come back when you're closed?"

  I grabbed him by the collar. "Don't you dare leave, Zac Taylor. I've always got time for you."

  He gave me one of his blazing smiles that scorched me to the bone. "I came to see how you were doing." His gaze traveled the length of my body. "But I can see that you're fine."

  Despite the dropping temperature outside, the heat was rising in the salon.

  "It's Marilyn Monroe and JFK." Donna Bocca peered over the top of a Celebrity Hairstyles magazine from the waiting room couch. "Are you going to put on a show?"

  The Clip and Sip turned cold. She'd probably eavesdropped on my conversation with Bree, and if I knew Woman Mouth, I'd have reason to rue the day.

  I turned to Zac. "Why don't we go out front?"

  "In that?" He pointed to my bathing suit.

  If Frankie Avalon and Deborah Walley did it, so could I. "You can keep me warm."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  He opened the door, and I went onto the porch. It was freezing cold—as bad as the cave—but it felt so great to be alive.

  I cuddled inside his coat. "I've been wanting to tell you how sorry I am the yacht deal with Randall isn't going to happen."

  "Are you kidding? I can't even think about that after the hell he put you through." He held me tight and nuzzled my neck. "But one thing he did might help me get my dad's business back."

  I pulled away. "What's that?"

  "Clark and I went to the smugglers' caves this morning. And when Randall moved those rocks, he uncovered a small indention in the floor that contained these." He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out two pesos.

  I flipped them over on his palm, examining both sides. "They're the same as the one I found in the bay on Pirate's Hook."

  He pocketed the coins. "We're hoping it means the treasure is somewhere in the caves."

  Although I was thrilled about the discovery, the idea of Zac spelunking in the place I'd almost died was too frightening to consider. I snuggled up to him, savoring his strength, his warmth, the moment.

  "But that's not the best part." His voice was low and loving. "I also found this."

  "What?" I looked at his hands.

  He was holding a sprig of mistletoe.

  I laughed and gave him a mock punch. "You made it sound like it was treasure."

  "It is." He held it over me, and his blue eyes softened. "And it's priceless."

  I closed my eyes and waited for the kiss. And when his lips touched mine, I knew it was going to be a Merry Christmas.

  * * * * *


  The Mistletoe

  Cassidi is a big fan of mistletoe, but only if Zac's around. Gia likes this drink too because it has flavored vodka and it's the colors of the Italian flag. Oh, and Christmas.


  1 oz cherry vodka

  tonic water

  a splash of sour mix

  rosemary sprig



  Combine all the ingredients in a glass, and garnish with the rosemary and cherry.

  The Candy Cane

  Gia loves candy canes as much as she loves flavored vodka, and this recipe combines the two. With crushed peppermints around the rim of the glass, it's a fun party drink.


  ¾ oz berry vodka

  ¾ oz peppermint schnapps

  ¾ oz crème de cacao

  ¼ oz grenadine

  ¾ oz half-and-half or heavy cream

  crushed peppermint candy


  Mix the vodka, Schnapps, grenadine, and crème de cacao with ice in a cocktail shaker. Rim a cocktail glass with crushed peppermint candy, and pour the shaken mixture into the glass. Top the drink with cream.

  Texas Hot Chocolate

  Magnolia sticks to what is familiar. And even though she considers alcohol to be the devil's drink, she occasionally has some in her cocoa. But just a skosh!


  2 oz white chocolate liqueur or crème de cacao (nonalcoholic: use chocolate syrup)

  4 oz unsweetened chocolate

  4 cups milk

  2 cups heavy cream

  ¾ cup sugar

  1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon

  2 eggs

  3 teaspoons vanilla extract

  ½ oz peppermint schnapps (optional)


  Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. In a separate saucepan, heat the milk and cream over low heat, but do not bring to a boil. Add three tablespoons of the heated milk and cream to the melted chocolate, and then blend in the rest. Add the sugar and cinnamon.

  Combine the eggs and vanilla, and beat in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of the chocolate mixture to the eggs, and beat well. Slowly stir the egg mixture into the chocolate mixture. Whisk the chocolate in the double boiler for three minutes.

  Pour white chocolate liqueur or crème de cacao into mugs. Add peppermint schnapps, if desired. Add chocolate mixture, and serve.

  * * * * *

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  Secret of the Painted Lady

  Murder and Mai Tais

  Death by Scones

  Four-Patch of Trouble

  Deadly Dye and a Soy Chai

  Killer Closet Case

  Tree of Life and Death

  A Killing in the Market (short story in the Killer Beach Reads collection)

  Killer Colada

  Passion, Poison, & Puppy Dogs

  A Novel Death

  Robbing Peter to Kill Paul

  Sinister Snickerdoodles

  Heroes and Hurricanes

  A Death in the Flower Garden

  Divas, Diamonds & Death

  A Slaying in the Orchard

  A Secret in the Pumpkin Patch

  Deadly Dirty Martinis

  A Poison Manicure & Peach Liqueur

  * * * * *


  In her previous life, Traci Andrighetti was a lecturer of Italian at the University of Texas at Austin, where she earned a PhD in applied linguistics. But then she got wise and ditched that academic stuff for a life of crime—writing, that is. These days Traci is the USA TODAY bestselling author of the Franki Amato mysteries and the Danger Cove Hair Salon mysteries.

  To learn more about Traci, visit her online at

  USA Today bestselling author Elizabeth Ashby was born and raised in Danger Cove and now uses her literary talent to tell stories about the town she knows and loves. Ms. Ashby has penned several Danger Cove Mysteries, which are published by Gemma Halliday Publishing. While she does admit to taking some poetic license in her storytelling, she loves to incorporate the re
al people and places of her hometown into her stories. She says anyone who visits Danger Cove is fair game for her poisoned pen, so tourists beware! When she's not writing, Ms. Ashby enjoys gardening, taking long walks along the Pacific coastline, and curling up with a hot cup of tea, her cat, Sherlock, and a thrilling novel.

  * * * * *


  Danger Cove Hair Salon Mysteries:

  Deadly Dye and a Soy Chai

  A Poison Manicure & Peach Liqueur

  Franki Amato Mysteries:

  Limoncello Yellow

  Prosecco Pink

  Rosolio Red (holiday short story)

  Amaretto Amber

  * * * * *


  Grazie for reading A Poison Manicure and Peach Liqueur!

  Dear Reader,

  I had so much fun being back in Danger Cove, but I'm not sure Cassidi, Gia, Amy, and Zac had as good a time as I did. ;)

  On the subject of fun, because I've spent the past several years writing about Danger Cove and New Orleans, I decided to throw a bit of Texas in. I hope you enjoyed Aunt Magnolia's visit. Just like Cassidi and Gia, I was not expecting her to show up. After I started writing this story, I came to point where I needed a character to make a dramatic entrance, and Magnolia appeared with pink Marge Simpson hair and Granny from The Beverly Hillbillies' spunk!

  In other news, the Danger Cove Hair Salon gang will return for a third book so that I can solve the ongoing mystery of Uncle Vinnie's death. As you've probably noticed, he was quite the character when he was alive (and even while he's been dead), so I hope you'll come back to find out what happened to him. Since this is Vinnie we're talking about, it should be interesting, to put it mildly.


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