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BAD BOY ROMANCE: FAKE FIANCEE ROMANCE: Breaking Bad (Jealous Friend Alpha Male Temporary Counterfeit Romance Secret Love Thriller) (My Fake Fiancé Obsession Romance Bad Boy Love Collection Romance)

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by Dagny Rand

  Leann walked into the living room and found Susan there dressed as well. She had on a nice pencil skirt with a white blouse and some black pumps to complete the look. Leann smiled and said, “Wow, you look good, girl. Where you off to?”

  “Out on the job hunt. I’m going to pound the pavement and find something.”

  “Oh, okay. I’m scared of you! Remember what I said about a job at Ford Enterprises. I know you want to go your own way, but we would love to have you. One meeting with my family and I’m sure you’d be in.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, but I think I’ll see what else is out there first. I actually already setup an interview. I saw a listing online and they said I could come in.”

  “Oh, that’s great. Good for you. Well, I have to go. I left a key on the island for you. Make sure you lock up before you go. You need me to drop you somewhere?”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll find my way. I want to do a bit of exploring today.”

  “Okay, well good luck. I’ll see you later.”

  “Thank you. Bye Leann.”

  Leann gave Susan a kiss on the cheek and headed out for the office. She had a fairly pleasant day at work; mostly meetings. A lot of her family was there that day, including her younger sister Natasha and her younger cousin Stacey. They were still young, wild and free, not taking anything seriously yet. Both had graduated from college a year early and had decided to take the year to enjoy life before taking on responsibility. They weren’t too bad, just loved to have fun. Leann decided to text Susan and have her come into the office so she could meet them. She figured it would be good for them to get to know each other and hang out while she was over at Ryan’s. Susan replied that she would be there as soon as she could.

  About an hour later, Susan text that she was down in the lobby. Leann told her to come on up. Susan walked into the office, visibly nervous. Leann met her at the elevators and seeing her unease, told a few jokes to try and make her feel better. Susan smiled back in gratitude. Leann took her around to meet her family members. First was her father, who seemed to take to her immediately. Her father was very charming and could make anybody feel comfortable. Leann could see Susan relaxing in his presence. Next they went down to her Aunt Tori’s office to peek their head in. In there they ran into Natasha and Stacey who were harassing her for fun. Aunt Tori shook Susan’s hand and then told Leann to get those two out of her office. They all laughed as they walked out into the hallway. Once the laughing died down Leann turned to Natasha and Stacey and said, “Hey, this is my friend Susan I was telling you about. Susan, this is my little sister Natasha and my cousin Stacey.”

  Susan gave a meek wave of the hand. Natasha moved her hand and went in for a hug. Stacey stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the both of them. They rocked and laughed like they were already great friends. With her arm around Susan’s shoulders, Natasha said, welcome to our city. You are now with the best welcoming committee in all of Chicago. Stick with us and you’ll know all of the best spots and secrets around here. We are the plug.”

  Stacey came on the other side and wrapped her arm around Susan. She said, “That’s right Susan, girl. It’s not happening in the Chi without our knowledge. We have all of the exclusives. We’ll have you loving the city in no time. You don’t have a job yet, do you?”

  “No, I’m still looking.”

  Natasha looked at her like she was crazy and said, “Girl why? You just got here. You’re rolling with us. You can worry about a job later. When the time comes just work here or one of our other businesses.”

  “That’s very nice of you, but…”

  Stacey cut in, “Unh unh, girl, as the empresses of this here city and one of the members on the board here we hereby decree that you will not be worrying about any job until further notice at which point we will find a space for you. You’re one of us now.”


  “Girl, yeah. Any good friend of Leann’s is like family to us. We’re gonna put you onto everything. We can start now. I’m sure Leann will be going over to Ryan’s to be all gross and lovey dovey later, so you can just roll with us for the night. We’re gonna hit up all of the good spots.”

  “But it’s Thursday night.”

  Natasha shrugged and said, “Every night with us is lit! We have taken the year off and girl we are getting it in for all 365 days. Possibly more.”

  Leann smiled and looked on. She had hoped that Natasha and Stacey would take Susan under their wings. She knew how they were. They loved any opportunity to show somebody new around town, so she had little doubt that they would be Susan’s enthusiastic tour guides. She just hoped they wouldn’t run her too ragged. Leann piped in, “Alright now girls. Don’t turn up too much. I know how y’all can get. Don’t have the girl out here exhausted and sick.”

  Natasha rolled her eyes and said, “Girl, hush! I’m sure Susan is no amateur. She’s a big girl. We won’t do anything too bad. Well, not with her, anyway. We’ll drop her off.”

  Stacey joined in, “Yeah, we’ll take good care of her. You’ll be alright, won’t you, Susan?”

  “I think so. I’m not a complete square. I know how to have a good time.”

  “Good, then you’re our type of girl. Now on that note, we have business to attend to. The tour starts now. We know this hot lunch spot to hit. The men in there are so fine and they have great drinks.”

  Natasha jumped up and down and said, “Midday turn up!” She and Stacey began to twerk around. Leann and Susan laughed as they danced. Leann put an arm around Susan and whispered in her ear, “Look out for them, girl. They will run you ragged.” Susan whispered back, “I will. I’m excited. I think it’ll be fun.”

  “Oh yeah, these two are a barrel of laughs.”

  Natasha stopped and said, “Y’all talkin about us? Unh unh, Stacey, they talking about us.”

  Stacey scrunched up her face and said, “It’s cool though, Susan, don’t listen to her. We are perfect angels in the lord.” Natasha and Stacey put their hands together as if in prayer. Leann pushed them and laughed. Natasha grabbed Susan’s left hand and Stacey grabbed the right, saying, “Alright sis, it’s time to go. Bye Leann. Have fun working.” Leann stuck her tongue out at them and waved as they bustled Susan to the elevator. As they stepped inside Susan smiled from ear to ear. Leann winked at her and chuckled as she made her way back to her office.

  After a few more hours of phone calls and paperwork, Leann was ready to leave the office. She had to stop at home and take a quick shower and get dolled up for a romantic evening with Ryan. In spite of how long they had been together she still got butterflies every time she knew she was going to see him. She still felt like a teenage girl in love for the first time. She took extra care to look nice for him. She even got him a little present just to make him feel good. Before she left out for Ryan’s, she texted Susan to check up on her. Susan assured her that she was fine and that she was having a great time. Leann told her that she would be staying over at Ryan’s so she would see her the next day.

  Leann drove over to Ryan’s house and parked in his driveway. She took one more look at herself in her rearview mirror, before getting out and walking up to the door. Ryan had given her a key a while ago, but she still rang the doorbell. Ryan came to the door with his sleeves rolled up and his top buttons undone. He was clearly in the process of cooking. The smells wafted out of the house towards her as soon as he opened the door. He greeted her with a sweet smile and an even sweeter kiss. He took her hand and led her into the house, letting the door close behind them. Leann had always been impressed with how beautifully decorated his home was. His mother had come in and done most of it for him, but he had added his own touches that made it truly endearing. Ryan led her into the living room area right off of the kitchen and let her hand go to check in the pots on the stove. Leann slipped out of her coat, put down her purse, and walked into the kitchen after him to see if she could help. When Ryan turned around from the pots his eyes lit up and went wide. Leann was s
tanding there in a stunning, body-hugging short black number that could have replaced the stop signs on the street. The dark dress looked sensational against her tanned skin. She had completed the look with the diamond earrings and pendant Ryan had given her along with some sexy 5 inch heels and her hair clipped up in a messy bun to complete the look. Ryan’s eyes feasted on her like she was the most glorious thing they had ever seen. His mouth had actually dropped open and he was looking her up and down from head to foot.

  Leann blushed at the look and continued to walk towards him looking around to see what needed to be done. As soon as she was in arm’s reach, Ryan grabbed her up into an embrace, holding her body against his and sprinkling kisses from her shoulder up her neck and finally to her lips for one lingering, passionate kiss. Leann allowed herself to melt into him, countering his passion with her own. After what seemed like hours, she pulled away before it went any farther. Ryan stood there panting, clearly not ready to let go. Leann gave him one last kiss on the cheek before slipping around him and looking to see what he was cooking. She looked into a pot of potatoes and onions before looking over into another and seeing asparagus spears. From the smell wafting from the oven she could tell that he was pan-searing some steaks. As she stood there investigating she could feel Ryan’s eyes on her body, specifically centered at her butt. She felt a hand rub across it and swatted it away playfully. She turned and looked at him. Even with his shirt a bit messy, he was still a very handsome, well put together man. He had the most dazzling smile, clean cut dirty blonde hair, sparkling light blue eyes, chiseled features and a body to boot. She knew her eyes were feasting just as much as his were. Tall and handsome. She was a truly lucky woman.

  She turned back around to check the oven. After seeing the steaks were not done she turned to him and said, “What can I do?”

  “Nothing. I got this.”

  “There’s nothing I can help you with? Maybe some bread or something? Can I help you start cleaning up?”

  “No, what you can do is put that beautiful derriere in a seat and let your man serve you.”

  “ How about the wine?”

  “See woman, you just can’t be still and let me work. Fine! You can pick out a wine and uncork it. Dinner should be ready in another 15 or 20 minutes.”

  “Oh, yeah. I got you something.” Leann went back over to her purse and took out a box with a ribbon around it. She put it on the counter and slid it towards Ryan.

  He looked down at the box, then back up at her and said, “What did I tell you about getting me presents? You’re gift enough. If it isn’t a holiday you don’t have to give me anything, but you.”

  “I know, but I wanted to get you something nice. You’re always giving me things.”

  “I’m your man. I’m gonna give you the world. That doesn’t mean you have to buy me things.”

  “Now who’s being stubborn? Just open it and see what it is.”

  Ryan gave her a look, but pulled the box towards him and began to pull off the ribbon. He took the top off the box and looked in. Leann had gotten him a custom pocket watch complete with a chain, an inscription, and diamonds on the outside. In it Leann had it engraved to say “With each tick of this clock, with each second that passes, I love you more and more and more. Forever is too short. Love Leann.” Ryan stared down at the engraving for a few moments, clearly allowing it to sink in. He then set the watch down on the counter and walked around to where Leann stood. Her arms were already open and waiting for him. He walked into them and squeezed her tight. They stood there for some moments, letting the love pass between them. Ryan put his lips to her ear and whispered, “You’re right. Forever is too short.” Then he jumped out of her arms and ran to look into the oven. He put on an oven mitt and took the pan with the steaks out and set it on an empty eye on the stove. He then stirred his potatoes and onions before heading to the refrigerator to add cheese. He had turned the eye with the asparagus off already.

  After cutting up some bread and spreading it with butter, he instructed Leann to take a seat so they could eat dinner. He set the table, complete with the meal before dimming the lights and lighting two candles in the center. Leann completed the table with the wine she had uncorked, but Ryan put it back, replacing it with champagne. He declared the night a celebration of their love and they ate and sipped the bubbly. Once they were finished, he placed the plates in the sink and turned on some slow music. Grabbing Leann to prevent her from washing the dishes, he pulled her into him and they began to dance slowly around the dining room. They were so engrossed in the magic; they did not even realize when the music had gone off. They continued swaying until they heard the silence and laughed at each other. Leann thought briefly about checking on Susan again, but decided she was fine and carried on with her evening. She and Ryan made love and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  The next few days were hectic at work with new deals in the works, so Leann was really busy. She tried to check in on Susan at regular intervals, but she was swamped. Susan was still hanging around with Natasha and Stacey. Leann had to cancel plans to go to a movie with Ryan, so she suggested that he and Susan go together. They agreed, which made her feel better about neglecting them and she went on back to work. She was working long hours, staying late into the night, barely closing her eyes to sleep. These business deals were incredibly important and could take Ford Enterprises to the next level. No one in the office rested until the ink was dry on the contracts on Saturday afternoon. They held a small celebration and each went home to try and get some sleep.

  Leann drove to her condo, eyes red-rimmed and watery and was pleasantly surprised to find Ryan there waiting for her. He was sitting in the living room with Susan having a very animated conversation. There was a basketball game on the TV. The two of them barely noticed when Leann walked in. Once they did, Ryan got up and kissed her and Susan came around to give her a hug. Leann gave them a tired smile and said, “Well, hello you two. What are you up to?”

  Ryan replied, “We were just sitting around watching some games. Susan is a big fan of basketball too, so we were just talking about it. I brought my game over too so we could play 2K.”

  “That’s good, baby. Did you all eat?”

  “Yeah, I ordered in. I got you something too. It’s in the microwave waiting for you. Damn, baby, you look tired. You need to go lay down.”

  Susan chimed in, “Yeah, girl, you look dead on your feet. Go on to bed.”

  Leann shook her head and said, “Oh, no. I can hang with you guys for a minute.”

  Ryan got a stern look on his face and said, “You need to rest. Go take yourself a bath and go to sleep. We’ll be alright.”

  He kissed her and guided her towards the bathroom. Leann did not have enough energy to protest. She went ahead and ran some bathwater and got ready to get in. She felt like there was something different about her bathroom, but she thought she was probably just tired. Maybe Susan had moved something around, she wasn’t sure. She just stepped into the nice hot bathwater and began to soak away all of the weariness from her work week. She washed over herself and then let some of the bathwater out so she could warm it up again. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep. The next thing she knew she was being shaken awake. Ryan was kneeling beside the tub smiling down at her. He said, “I knew you were tired. Get on out, baby. I’ll drain and wash out the tub. Go to bed.” He helped Leann step out and put on her robe. She swayed sleepily into her room and fell into her bed. It felt slept in, but she may have left it that way. She had come in a few times throughout the week and slept in her clothes. She barely had any time to think this before she was drifting into sleep.

  Leann woke up the next morning to noises coming from the living room. She rolled over and realized she was still in just her robe. She put on some clothes and went out into the living room to see where the noise was coming from. She found Susan and Ryan seated next to each other on the floor playing 2K. They were whooping and talking smack, completely engrossed in the game.
Ryan tried to make a shot and Susan dropped her remote and began to wrestle him down to stop him. They struggled on the floor, laughing until they looked up and saw Leann. Ryan rolled off of the floor and got up to greet her. He put his arms around her and said, “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  Leann shook off a feeling of uneasiness and smiled at him and said, Good morning.”

  “Hey, I made you some breakfast. It’s on the warmer in the oven.”

  “Thank you, baby. You’re so good to me.”

  They hugged again and Leann peeked over his shoulder. She could’ve sworn she saw a look of hostility on Susan’s face, but when she looked again she was wearing a sweet smile. She said, “Aw, you guys are so cute.” Leann readjusted in Ryan’s arms and asked, “Susan, have you talked to Natasha or Stacey. I texted them, but they haven’t responded.”


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