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Buying A Bride

Page 8

by Cassandra Dee

“I know that feeling,” she said with a sympathetic sigh. “I’m used to working long hours myself.” She paused, once again fiddling with her fork. “I’ll confess that I work for a little pizza parlor in town. I’m one of the waitresses. Nothing fancy. Especially nothing compared to a high-flying CEO.”

  I shook my head. “There’s no need to compare. I respect your work ethic. There aren’t many people who still value a hard day’s work. If the pizza parlor is enough to put food on the table, then that should be enough. Honest work is honest work,” I said with a smile.

  A few minutes later, the waitress returned with our food. She placed the escargot in the middle of the table. The smell of melted butter wafted up to my nose. This place always had the most intoxicating aromas.

  “That actually smells really good,” Melanie commented shyly as soon as the waitress walked away.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” I said with a laugh. “Are you sure you don’t want to try some? Just try not to think about what you’re eating. I promise that it tastes good.”

  “All right.” Hesitantly, she picked up her fork. Under my gaze, Melanie brought the morsel back to her mouth, chewing slowly.

  I watched, mesmerized by her movements. There was something different about this girl. Something pure. I liked it.

  No, I liked her. A lot. And to think, the night was only just beginning.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “It’s actually pretty good,” Melanie admitted. “It’s chewy and flavorful, but I still feel a little weird about eating a snail.”

  “That’s all right. More for me.”

  She laughed. “You know, you’re actually pretty laid back for a billionaire.”

  “Did you expect something different.”

  “I honestly didn’t know what to expect,” Melanie said after taking a bite of her pasta. Her eyes widened, growing bright. “Oh. My. God. This is amazing!” she exclaimed. “You have to try this.” A second later, she was holding a forkful to my mouth.

  “Feeding me already?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Before she could pull away, I leaned forward, taking the pasta off the tongs.

  Our eyes locked.

  I grabbed her hand, wrapping my fingers around her wrist, kissing her fingertips in a gentle manner. “But, if you ask me, you’re the real pièce de résistance.”

  She blushed crimson at my words. “I…”

  Seeing her go red, I let her go. Her hand fell limply onto her lap as if her body had gone slack. She kept looking at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers.

  The longer I looked at her, the more my attraction morphed into something powerful and hot. But, this wasn’t just carnal. This was something else. Something that started in the heart.

  Could it be that I was actually falling for this woman?

  No. What was I thinking? We had only just met. Lust was clearly fogging my mind. And yet, I knew, deep down, it was much more than that. This girl was special. Very special.

  As we continued with our meal, we maintained some light conversation, talking about our various interests. It became exceedingly easy for me to talk to her and by the end of the meal I felt as if we’d known each other for years.

  As we sat over crème brûlée, the loneliness and depression that constantly lingered over my shoulders vanished into thin air. Instead, I felt lightweight and happy. My cheeks had even begun to ache from all the laughing.

  Honestly, I never wanted this night to end.

  “What do you say we go out to a club?”

  She looked hesitant. “I’ve never been to a club before. I’m not really sure it would be my scene,” Melanie laughed nervously.

  “Trust me. It’ll be a lot of fun. And, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

  She looked at me for a moment before nodding her head. “Well, okay.”

  Chapter Nine


  To my surprise, I felt electrified the second we entered the dance club. The music blared through the speakers sending vibrations along the floor right to my feet. Just standing there made me feel like there was adrenaline coursing through every vein in my body.

  “Wow, this isn’t what I expected at all!” I shouted above the sound of the music.

  “You really didn’t think I would bring you to some shitty little club, did you? This is Club Inferno. Most people here are insanely wealthy. Rich people need a place to have fun, too, you know,” Aaron laughed indulgently, suddenly looking young and almost roguish.

  I just couldn’t believe it. Movies and books had led me to believe that clubs were gross, sweat-filled places where all people did was grind and drink cheap beer. That’s why I had always stayed away from them. Well, that and the fact that I never had the time for fun.

  This surpassed any of my wildest expectations. I liked this. The music was good. The bar looked luxurious with its glass backdrop and granite countertop. There were chandeliers toward the back, hovering over the well-furnished lounge rooms. This wasn’t just a club – it was like an experience.

  “Come on, let’s head toward the back. Unless, of course, you would rather dance.”

  “No, no, I’m okay for now.” I glanced sideways at the dancefloor where beautiful people were swinging their hips and moving in ways that I couldn’t fathom doing myself. It would probably be best to save myself that sort of embarrassment. So far, things were going well with Aaron and I wanted it to stay that way.

  He took my hand, lacing our fingers together as he guided me toward the back.

  My heart quickened even further. His touch was so intoxicating. For a brief moment, I pictured his fingers roaming every inch of my body. A shiver went running down my spine just thinking about it. Wait. What was I thinking? I barely knew this man. I shouldn’t be fantasizing about getting in bed with him. But at the same time, after our dinner conversation, it almost felt like we had known each other for a long, long time.

  For some reason, I trusted him.

  Maybe I was falling for him, too. When we reached the velvet booth, Aaron pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. They were muscular, but not bulky, and I squirmed as I tried to make myself comfortable.

  I blushed deeply when I felt his manhood stirring beneath me.

  He said there’d be no sex tonight, I reminded myself. But right now, that felt like a disappointment. With all this energy running through my body, my wilder side wanted to put it to good use. Yet I was still unsure about giving this man my virginity. Wasn’t that supposed to be saved for someone special – someone you really cared about?

  But what if that person never came?

  Then what was the point of waiting?

  Besides, the pleasure this man would give me would surely make it worthwhile.

  “Is everything all right?” Aaron asked, looking up at me.

  “Y-yeah,” I answered quickly. I didn’t want to give away what I was thinking about.

  He continued to look at me but before he could speak, one of the servers approached us. “Can I get you anything?” she asked.

  “A bottle of Dom Perignon please. 2009 vintage if you have it.”

  Of course they had it when Aaron asked. The waitress nodded. “Right away, Sir.”

  Dom Perignon? That was a very expensive bottle of champagne. I kept wondering why he was spending so much money on me. Was he just trying to show off or did he genuinely want to pamper me with such things? I wanted to believe the latter, but my head was spinning and I could hardly think.

  “Melanie…” Even though my name was only a whisper on Aaron’s lips, I instantly perked up and locked eyes with him.

  They were stunning. The sort of dazzling blue you only see on famous movie stars. I felt like I could just stare at them for the rest of eternity. They were that gorgeous.

  Then Aaron moved closer and kissed me, making me jump in his arms. At first the kiss took me by surprise. My heart skipped a beat. My body refused to move as my brain tried to p
rocess what was going on.

  Was a gorgeous billionaire really kissing me right now?

  It was hard to believe, but the more he kissed me, the more I melted against him. A fiery warmth spread throughout my body. Butterflies swirled around inside my stomach. Without thinking, I slipped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair, just letting my body do what felt natural.

  Before I knew it, I was kissing back, letting my lips dance against his. The sensation was out of this world. My lips tingled with the taste of him wanting more – much more.

  His hands trickled down my back until they rested on my ass, squeezing gently. He pulled me closer, our hips locking together. I moaned softly into Aaron’s mouth and ground my hips against his. His cock was throbbing hard beneath the thin material of his pants and I blushed to feel it, glad for the darkness of the club.

  Before things could progress any further, the server returned with the Perignon.

  Aaron gestured for her to place it on the table before waving her off.

  “Would you like a drink?” Aaron asked, setting me down on the couch, much to my disappointment.

  “Um sure,” I answered, still a little dazed after our passionate first kiss. It was difficult to sit still with all this energy buzzing around inside of me. A part of me wanted to make a move but instead I just sat there, accepting the glass of champagne when he handed it to me.

  “So what do you think?” He asked.


  “The club. Do you like it? Can you see yourself coming back here?”

  “Certainly not alone. But, I wouldn’t mind coming back with you. It’s been…exciting.”

  He shot me a knowing glance. “Just exciting?”

  “I mean, the kiss was invigorating,” I murmured, feeling a hot blush creep along my face. “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

  “Oh, trust me, that’s only the beginning.” Aaron smirked and placed his hand on my thigh, giving it a nice squeeze. He traced light patterns on my bare thigh with his nails, gently scratching me until I shuddered with arousal.

  I bit my lip, wanting his hand to move upwards, to find the wetness of my panties. But maybe I was getting ahead of myself. He did say there’d be no sex tonight.

  “Who’s your favorite artist? I forgot to ask you when we were at the restaurant.”

  “Hmm, that’s a tough question.” It was made even harder by the fact that all my brain seemed capable of, in that moment, was undressing Aaron and picturing what he looked like underneath all his clothes. Chiseled and toned, no doubt. By the way his arms had felt around me, I knew he had a magnificent body.

  Would I ever get to see it? Eventually.

  But I didn’t know if I could wait that long.

  As crazy as it sounded, I wanted him now. I wanted him here – right in the middle of the most luxurious club I’d ever seen.

  “I guess I’d have to go with Michelangelo. I know, that’s a pretty typical answer but I just think he’s amazing. The Pietà is absolutely stunning. To create something that beautiful on such a large scale is just mind-blowing.”

  Aaron nodded his head in understanding. “It’s even more impressive in person.”

  A lance of pain shot through my heart. I wanted to see all these beautiful pieces of artwork, but I’d probably never have enough money to do so. Meanwhile, Aaron had already seen them all – multiple times. I envied him, I had to admit.

  “You know what I think about all the time?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Where society could be right now if the Library of Alexandria hadn’t burned. Can you imagine all the pieces of literature and knowledge we’d have?”

  I nodded. “It was a grave blow to humanity.”

  We continued to talk for a little while, just enjoying each other’s company while we sipped on our champagne. Soon, half the bottle was gone, and I was starting to feel tipsy. I really was a lightweight.

  Suddenly, Aaron turned, looking straight at me with his intense blue eyes. “I know I said that I wouldn’t expect any sex from you tonight, but I think I’m going to have to go back on my word. I just can’t stand the sight of you in that red dress. It’s driving me insane. I have to have you.”

  Before I could say anything in response, he pulled me by the hair, repositioning me on his lap. Our lips collided once more. My heart soared. Excitement coursed through every inch of my body.

  His hands were pressed to the small of my back, pinning me against his body.

  I loved it.

  A small part of me was internally protesting against this but I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted this.

  I wanted him.

  “What do you think?” he asked as he pulled away from the kiss, his voice husky.


  His eyes widened in surprise.

  I was just as surprised. I didn’t expect myself to be that forward with him.

  He smirked. “Good.” Aaron dipped his head and began kissing the side of my neck, letting his lips trail along my skin.

  “What if someone sees us?” I whispered, panting hard as Aaron moved a hand over my breasts and squeezed. My nipples were stiff and hard against the silk of my bra. Every time they rubbed against the fabric was exquisite torture.

  He dropped his hands to my hips, pulling away so he could look at me. “The booth is semi-enclosed. That should be good enough.” His smirk deepened. “But you know, the threat of being caught has always made it more exciting for me. The thrill of it is intoxicating.”

  His words, whispered in my ear, were enough to convince me. He was right. The risk was there. Suddenly, the fact that someone could just walk in on us actually turned me on. I shifted again on Aaron’s lap, feeling the soaked crotch of my panties rubbing against my skin.

  What was happening?

  How had I turned into innocent virgin to naughty exhibitionist?

  “I hope you’re ready for it,” Aaron said darkly. There was a mischievous glint in his eye that sent a shudder of arousal through me. I could already tell that this was going to be one hell of a time.

  Before I could reply, Aaron grabbed my waist and pinned me down onto the couch, kissing me hard as his hands roamed down my body. They lingered longest on my wide hips before moving to my ass and squeezing hard. For a moment, I felt self-conscious of my body but that quickly faded away as lust started to build in my system, kindling the fire between my legs.

  I pushed my hips into the air, begging for it.

  Slowly, Aaron pushed my dress further along my thigh until he exposed the matching red thong I was wearing underneath.

  “Mmm, what do we have here?” he growled, hooking his thumb around the waistband and tugging on it slightly.

  The thin material slid further between my ass cheeks causing me to wiggle underneath him. I moaned ever so slightly, tilting my head back. My breath was coming in damp bursts and I panted eagerly, spreading my legs and exposing myself to Aaron.

  “And damn, it looks like someone is already wet,” Aaron teased me, slipping a finger under the triangle of fabric. “Someone really does want me, doesn’t she?” At an agonizing pace, he started to rub my clit back and forth. I whimpered as I felt myself growing wetter for him. Aaron locked eyes with me as he slid a finger inside of my waiting pussy. The sensation was heavenly and I bit my lip and moaned softly as his thumb brushed over my clit, again and again, in slow circles of torture.

  Everything about this moment was turning me on beyond measure. Aaron. The threat of getting caught. Even the dress bunched around my waist was adding to the heightened intensity I felt.

  He continued to tease me, fingers sliding up and down my soaking wet slit.

  Then, all of a sudden, he leaned down, took the thong between his teeth and ripped it right off my body.

  I gasped with shock but before I could compose myself, his tongue dove into my depths, lapping at the juices like a madman. I tensed, pleasure coursing through my body. Aaron wrapped his
arms around my ass and held me firmly in place as he licked and sucked at my hard clit. The musky scent of my own arousal filled the air and I gasped as Aaron’s tongue plunged inside of me. I arched my back and tangled my hands in his hair, grinding my hips against his face, desperate for more.

  Oh, God, it felt so good…

  His tongue pushed inside me, twisting this way and that, driving me absolutely insane. Eager to get deeper, he grabbed me by the thighs and hoisted my legs over his shoulders. He buried his face in my pussy, going faster and faster.

  A wonderful sensation was building in my lower belly and I gasped as it grew stronger and stronger, like something gripping me between the legs. Just as I was about to scream in climax, Aaron stopped. The cool air of the club felt chill against my pussy and I moaned and twisted my hips.

  I whimpered. “Aaron…”

  “Don’t worry,” he chuckled. “I’m not done with you yet.” He shrugged off his blazer and tossed it on the table. Next came his shirt.

  My jaw nearly dropped when I saw his well-defined abs.


  Just when I thought this guy couldn’t get any hotter, he had to take his shirt off.

  Before I could stop drooling, he moved on top of me, fingers returning to my pussy. Only, this time, he pushed them into my wet hole. First one, then two.


  I tilted my head back, biting back a moan. To my surprise, it felt good to have something inside of me.

  “How’s that?” he whispered, nipping at my ear. “It doesn’t hurt, does it?”

  I shook my head.

  “Good.” Slowly, he started to move his hand back and forth, taking his time. As he fingered me, his other hand danced over my curves, enjoying the feel of them. He stroked my nipples through the material of my dress and bra and I found myself gasping in pleasure. Then, he added another finger to the mix.

  This time, I felt a little bit of discomfort. I winced, pulling away slightly.

  “Shh.” He ran his fingers through my hair, kissing the top of my head. “Just relax. It’ll feel good. I promise. I just need to stretch you out a bit or you’ll never be able to handle my cock.” Aaron’s words sent a chill through my body and I shivered.


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