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Stud Finders Incorporated

Page 7

by Alexis Fleming

  “Hi, Mom, Bart didn’t say you’d be with him.” Madison bent down and hugged her mother. She dropped a kiss on Rosa’s lacquered, bouffant hairstyle, grimacing at the taste of hairspray. She grinned as Bart hovered close, refusing to release his hold on Rosa’s hand. Just like two teenagers. “Come on in and I’ll put the coffee on.”

  Bart lifted Rosa up onto one of the high barstools as Madison switched on the coffee machine. He continued to hover beside her, his gaze trained on her every time she so much as moved.

  It was great to see her mother so happy. Bart was a dear man and perfect for Rosa. He might be sixty-five, but he had the energy of a man half his age. How else would he have been able to keep up with her ditzy mother? It was sweet to see them together, although to the outsider they appeared a mismatched pair. Bart was a big man, broad shouldered and well over six feet, where Rosa was such a tiny thing.

  Madison pressed her lips together to contain a chuckle at the thought of these two trying for a goodnight kiss. The height difference was almost ludicrous. “Have you guys got plans for today?” She placed a mug of coffee in front of each of them. When Bart sugared her mother’s drink before adding the milk, Madison’s mouth twitched with amusement. She wondered if he was going to hold the cup for her, too.

  Rosa grinned at her daughter. “We have some shopping to do so we can’t stay long.” She flicked a coy look at Bart. “Madison, how would you feel about having a new father? Well, a step-father anyway.”

  “Are you two getting married?”

  “Bart has asked me to marry him. Do you mind me putting someone else in your father’s place?”

  “I’ll look after your mom, Madison. You don’t need to worry about that.”

  Madison moved around to the far side of the breakfast bar and hugged her mother and dropped a light kiss on Bart’s cheek. “I know you will, Bart, and I think it’s great. Dad was gone by the time I was ten and my earlier memories of him aren’t so terrific.” She grinned at Rosa. “I’m glad you found someone who could make you happy, Mom.”

  “Oh, he does that.” Rosa chuckled as she reached out and grasped Bart’s hand. “Anyone who can put up with my crazy antics has to be perfect. Why, he’s even agreed to go back to that sleazy motel and play John Wayne for me.”

  “Too much information.” Madison tried not to laugh. “So when is this momentous event going to take place?”

  “We’re going shopping for an engagement ring today.” Rosa held out her left hand and waved it about.

  “Mother, how on earth are you going to fit another ring on that hand?” Madison could no longer control it. She started to laugh. Every finger, even the thumbs, of her mother’s hands sported at least two glittering rings. She couldn’t ever remember seeing her mother without her overabundance of costume jewelry.

  “Oh, these aren’t necessary.” Rosa cast a beaming glance at her new fiancé. “The only ring I’ll wear from now on is Bart’s. At least on this hand.” She wiggled the fingers of her left hand at Bart before she faced her daughter again. “So when are you free?”

  “Free?” Madison shook her head. “Sorry, you’ve lost me there.”

  “Bart’s son is home for extended leave. We haven’t told him yet. Bart is going to do that tonight. We thought we’d all get together and go out for dinner, get to know each other. After all, we’re going to be a family now.”

  “I’d like that. Just let me know when so I can clear my diary.”

  “Big social life, eh, Madison?” Bart said, his hands lingering on Rosa’s shoulders in a light caress.

  “A new social life,” she corrected, her mind immediately going off at a tangent. Thoughts of Jake filled her head. As she watched the interaction between the older couple, she realized she wanted the same. She didn’t just want a baby by the time she was thirty. She hungered for the whole lot—a cozy home, a husband who loved her to distraction, a child an extension of that love—but only with Jake.

  She mentally pulled herself up. Hang on there, when had that happened? After Clifton, the mere thought should have scared the life out of her, but somehow it didn’t. It left her with a warm, squishy sensation deep inside. But what about Jake? How did he feel? Maybe she could convince him to give up the stud business and all those other women and concentrate only on her.

  “Looks like you found the right stud,” Bart said as he looked around the living room.

  “Huh?” His words dragged her out of her daydream. “What—”

  “See you’ve got your paintings up. Most important to find the stud to hang them off. Can’t get into any trouble then.”

  For a moment, Madison had forgotten the beams behind the wallboards were called studs. “Oh, yeah, I found the right stud.” She grinned, enjoying her private joke. She turned to help her mother down off the barstool. “Bart, do you mind if I borrow Mom for a moment? I need some advice.”

  “Girlie stuff, eh?” Bart laughed. “No, you two ladies go right ahead. I’ll get on with the inspection.”

  Rosa grasped Madison’s hand and dragged her off to the bedroom, closing the door on the rest of the cottage. She perched herself on the bed, legs tucked up under her as she faced her daughter. “Come on, baby girl, give me all the dirty details.”

  “Mom, you’re incorrigible.” Madison chuckled as she hugged her mother. “Don’t ever change, will you?”

  “Yeah, I love you too, sweetie,” Rosa said, returning the hug. “But let’s get down to the nitty gritty. I thought you were going to swallow your tongue when Bart asked about your stud.”

  Madison couldn’t help but laugh at her mother’s avid expression. “Yeah, it took me a moment to work out what he was on about. And as far as my stud goes, I have no intention of telling you all the details.” She lay back on the bed and lifted her hands above her head, stretching like a contented cat. “Suffice it to say, I don’t think I’m frigid.”

  “Told you so,” Rosa crowed. “Clifton was just selfish in bed, more interested in his own satisfaction than yours. So have you done it yet?”

  “Mother.” Madison sat up and laughed. “I’m not going into that, but I do want your advice. We’re going out to dinner tonight, somewhere flash. Help me choose a dress. Something that will knock his socks off.”

  “Oh, that’s easy.” Rosa headed for the built-in wardrobe. She disappeared inside and when she re-emerged, she clutched a coat hanger from which a black dress hung. “What about this one? I knew it was perfect when I bought it for you, but you’ve never worn it.”

  Madison took the dress from her mother and posed in front of the mirror, the garment held in front of her. The fabric was soft and slinky, a shiny black, the hem brushing the floor. She’d have to wear her new high heels. Something Clifton would never have allowed her to do.

  “Try it on, baby girl.”

  Madison slipped off her light summer shift, pulled the black dress over her head and held still while her mother zipped it up. She stared at her image in the mirror. The gown clung like a second skin. Her pale pink bra straps showed where the top cut away over her shoulders, and she could see a definite panty line when she twisted her body,. The split in the left side of the dress ended at the top of her thigh.

  “Too much, you think?” She watched the split separate every time she moved.

  “Never. It’s perfect for a fancy dinner and it’s sure to turn any guy on.” Rosa tilted her head on the side. “Mind you, you need to get rid of the pink underwear. Why not wear the new black set I bought you? The bra won’t show and the thong will get rid of that panty line. With sheer black stockings and high heels, it will look great.”

  “Hey, you girls about finished in there?” Bart called from beyond the closed door. “I need to check the bathroom.”

  “Give us a few minutes, sweetie.” Rosa raised her voice to answer him as Madison stripped the dress off. She waited until Madison was suitably dressed before opening the door. “Now don’t be long, sweetie pie,” she said, reaching up on tiptoes to pat B
art on the cheek. “We have to hit the shops yet.”

  Madison wandered out into the living room, her mother by her side. “You reckon I can bring my stud to dinner when we all get together?”

  Rosa frowned. “No, I think we’d better keep this to family only. Bart’s been on his own a long time. We don’t know how the son is going to take it yet. I understand from Bart he’s just come out of a disastrous relationship, doesn’t think much of women at the moment.”

  “But surely that won’t make him any less happy his father’s found love?”

  “Well, he’s a lawyer, does divorce and family law or something. Sees lots of broken marriages. Maybe he’s a bit jaded, and what if he doesn’t like me? I can be a bit strange at times.”

  “Mother, how could anyone fail to love you?” Madison placed her arm about Rosa’s shoulder. “You’re perfect in every way.” Just then, Bart entered the living room. She dropped her voice to a whisper. “And don’t worry, I won’t bring my stud to dinner. At least, not yet.”

  “There’s another thing,” Rosa whispered in turn. “Just remember, he’s a paid stud. Don’t you go and build dreams on him. I want you educated, not hurt. Reminds me, I haven’t had a bill from that stud service yet.” Bart moved closer and Rosa quickly changed the subject. “So are we ready to go, sweetie?”

  “All done. Let’s get at those shops.” Bart took Rosa’s hand and walked toward the front door.

  “Oh, before I go.” Rosa dug into her large handbag. “I’ve bought you another present. If you’re lucky you might need it tonight.” She handed the package to Madison before waving a cheery goodbye.

  Madison stood in the doorway and watched the car drive off before opening her mother’s latest gift. “Okay, Mom, what now?” She leaned up against the doorframe and laughed. “I don’t believe it. A box of condoms. Twenty-four of the little suckers. Wow.”


  It took Jake three attempts to get his credit card out of his wallet. He fumbled and dropped it on the floor before he could hand it to the woman behind the counter of the fancy restaurant he’d chosen for his romantic dinner with Madison. He was all fingers and thumbs, his equilibrium thrown by the vision beside him.

  He couldn’t remember being this flustered on a date. Hell, he felt like a teenager on his first foray into the world of romance. And romance was the right word. This went way beyond a simple exercise in sexual education. Madison’s education, that is, but he had a feeling he was learning some valuable lessons as well. Number one being he wanted this to be more than a chance encounter built on deception.

  From the little he knew about Madison’s history with her ex-husband, he figured she wasn’t going to be too happy he’d lied to her. What person would, man or woman? He’d wanted to tell her the truth over dinner, but it wasn’t the time or place. Besides, he’d been enjoying her company so much. Coming clean would have spoiled things, but he knew he couldn’t delay much longer. Just long enough for her to be interested in him as a man, a potential partner, and not just a paid stud.

  “Excuse me, sir.”

  “Sorry?” He dragged his gaze away from the oh-so-high split in Madison’s dress and focused on the woman behind the counter. “Oh, right.” He felt like a fool as he grabbed the pen she held out to him and scrawled his name across the bottom of the credit card printout. He tried to ignore the knowing grin on her face as he retrieved his copy and stuffed it into his pocket.

  “Let’s go,” he whispered to Madison, his hand on the small of her back to guide her out of the restaurant. He walked her up the street to where he’d parked the car. Heat slid through the fine fabric of her dress and branded his palm. He fumbled twice before he could get the key into the lock and open the car door.

  Madison slide into the low-slung sports car and he caught a glimpse of thigh clad in dark stockings. His pulse accelerated and a fire ignited low in his gut. Heat streaked south and his cock hardened, pushing against the front of his trousers. Tension tightened every nerve in his body and the blood pounded through his veins.

  As she settled herself deeper into the seat, the dress parted even more and he finally had the answer to the question that had nagged at him all night. Panty hose. Not stockings and garters as he’d hoped. He hadn’t though so. The fall of her dress was smooth, no visible lines to speak of. Did that mean the panty hose was all she had on?

  Bloody hell, Jake, now you really are acting like a randy teenager on his first date.

  He took himself to task, silently telling his libido to stand down. His breathing raspy, he bent down to lift the hem of her dress into the car and started to close the door. A thought hit him and suddenly he paused. “Damn.”

  “What’s the problem?” Madison frowned up at him.

  “I forgot to pick up my credit card when I paid the tab.” He felt like a blithering idiot. His head was so full of pictures of what Madison was or was not wearing under that sexy dress, it had driven everything else out of his mind. “Lock yourself in. I’ll dive back to the restaurant and grab it.” He couldn’t help himself; he just had to touch. He ran his finger down over the curve of her cheek. “Won’t be a moment.”

  Madison locked the car door, a delighted shiver feathering across her arms. The skin on her face felt highly sensitized where Jake had touched. “Oh, Mother, when you’re right, you’re right. This dress is dynamite.” She chuckled as she remembered the look on Jake’s face when she’d walked out to meet him. Talk about a boost to a girl’s ego.

  Shame about the shoes though. She should have known better than to wear her new high-heeled sandals without breaking them in first. Her feet hurt like the devil. She stretched her legs out as much as the limited space would allow. When the toe of her shoe connected with something on the floor, she frowned and bent forward to scrabble around in the semi-darkened interior until she found the object.

  Jake’s sunglasses. They must have fallen off the center console. She laid them among the welter of old receipts, the stray screwdriver and loose screws that cluttered up the little compartment, only to have them slide off again. With a shrug, she picked them up and decided to put them in the glove box in the dash.

  The first thing that caught her eye was the dating techniques book Jake had dropped on the beach. A trill of laughter bubbled up. The man didn’t need any help. He was doing fine on his own, thank you very much. As she placed the sunglasses in the glove box, she glanced at the spine of the second book thrown haphazardly into the compartment.

  Her eyes widened and she twisted her head to one side to read it again. Just to make certain she had it right. The How-to of Female Orgasm.

  Oh, my. The man believed in doing his research. I wonder if he puts this much time in on his other clients?

  An unaccountable arrow of jealousy speared through her heart at the thought of Jake with another woman. She knew it was unreasonable—after all, it was his job—but she wished things could be different. She was tired of sharing. Clifton had forced that on her for the better part of ten years. If only this was a real relationship.

  Come on, Madison, Jake could have his pick of any woman in town. Why would he want you? Although…maybe if she educated herself, knew more about what a man wanted in a woman… With a quick glance through the window to check Jake wasn’t in sight, she grabbed the book out of the glove box. Opening it at the back, she let the pages flick through her fingers, although she had to tilt the book up to read it in the glow from the illuminated shop windows.

  There are two kinds of clitoral stimulation: manual and lingual.

  The words caught at her imagination. Madison jammed her hand on the page and glanced at the chapter heading. Oral Sex.

  Heat arrowed down her belly to center between her legs. She quickly skimmed over a few more paragraphs, visions of the two of them on her massive bed and Jake… Oh, wow. She cut the thought off before she really got herself into trouble.

  Her hands shook and the breath caught in her throat as she allowed the pages to slide thr
ough her fingers. Another chapter heading caught her eye.

  The G Spot.

  She’d heard about it. She’d read about it, but she didn’t have the faintest idea where it was. A glance over her shoulder toward the restaurant told her time had run out. Jake strode purposefully down the footpath toward the car.

  Yikes. How embarrassing to get caught reading his research material. She slammed the book shut and started to replace it in the glove compartment. Then she paused. Would Jake miss it if she appropriated it? Just for a little while? She could replace it on their next date. Surely she was smart enough to get him away from the car long enough to hide it back in the glove box?

  She had to make a decision now. Jake was almost at the car. She slammed the glove box closed and bent down to fumble for her handbag. It wasn’t a big bag, more an evening purse, but she pushed the book inside, removing her house keys so she wouldn’t give herself away when they got back to her place. It was a snug fit, but she managed it. Closing the bag was a different matter.

  She heard the keys twist in the lock on the driver’s door as she struggled with the clasp. Jake folded his tall frame behind the steering wheel, glancing across at her with a frown.

  “Are you all right? Did you drop something on the floor?” He reached to turn on the interior light on the dash.

  Madison reacted quickly, placing her hand over his before he could flick on the light. “No, it’s okay. My feet are killing me. New shoes. Do you mind if I take them off?”

  Jake chuckled. “Be my guest. New shoes can be the pits until you break them in.”

  She bent down, unbuckled the straps of her sandals and kicked them off. While she was head down, she gently eased her handbag closed in order to hide the results of her petty pilfering. She could feel the flush of heat staining her face with embarrassment. And something else.

  The words lingual stimulation reverberated inside her head. Erotic pictures caught at her mind, threatened to drive her body temperature even higher. As she sat up again and reached for her seat belt, she could only pray Jake would think her red face—oh, she was pretty sure it was red, sexual titillation will do that every time—was a result of bending over to undo her shoes.


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