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Stud Finders Incorporated

Page 11

by Alexis Fleming

  Madison shuddered as he rolled the stocking down, so slow she felt like screaming. Goosebumps broke out on her exposed flesh. Nerve endings shrieked for release. His fingertips brushed and caressed, leaving a trail of fire down her leg. She was so darn wet it was a wonder she didn’t slide right out of her underwear.

  With a gesture, he silently asked to repeat the process. She wasn’t about to stop now, not when the breath rasped from her throat and her insides felt like they’d turned to butter. She changed legs, offered the silk-clad one and suffered the same process. And suffering it was as Jake drew out the procedure, heightening the pull of desire deep in her belly.

  “My turn to play now, sweet Madison,” he whispered as he hooked his fingers into the top of her panties and started to ease them down.

  She clasped a hand over his to stop him. “Wait.” She knew Jake had seen her naked before, but only in the semi-darkened interior of his convertible. To stand before him in a room illuminated by a mass of scented candles was a whole different ball game. So much for the sophisticated image she had tried to project. A puff of wind and it fell over like a house of cards. So how to retrieve the situation?

  Hands held out to him, she backed up a pace. “Come dance with me.”

  “Dance? Um, what—”

  “Ever slow-danced with a half-naked woman, Jake?” She was back in control. The stunned look of his face told her that. A grin tilted his lips and he grasped her hands and jumped to his feet, his eagerness making her chuckle.

  “Never let it be said I don’t give a woman what she wants,” he quipped.

  He took her into his arms and shuffled slowly to the music filtering in from the living room. She slid her hands around his waist, pressing her chest to his.

  Her breasts brushed provocatively against his rigid muscles, her nipples tightening into hard points. Jake sucked in a shaky breath and shuffled closer, his engorged cock nudging at her belly. Madison shivered. God, she wanted this man. Somehow, this had become more than just an exercise in satisfying her sexual fantasies. She had a feeling that when Jake had fulfilled his part of this venture and walked away, she may well have to deal with a level of grieving that surpassed her break-up with Clifton.

  Could she handle that? She had to, because no way could she walk away now. To hell with her makeover plan. This was all about enjoying her time with Jake. With that thought, she pushed all negative feelings to the back of her mind and concentrated on Jake.

  With the scent of gardenias weaving about them, Madison slipped her hands under the elastic of his boxers, sliding her palms down over his buttocks. She caught at the satin and started to drag on the fabric to rid him of his underwear.

  As his boxers tangled about his feet, he followed her lead and slid down her lacy panties. Then it was flesh to flesh. His muscled strength called to her softness. Thank God she was tall. He fit her like a dream, his rigid erection nestled at the juncture of her thighs. She angled her hips so his cock slipped between her thighs.

  Impatient now to satisfy the hunger that raged inside her and made her clit throb, she backed up to the bed and dropped down onto the satin sheets, pulling him down with her. He stretched out beside her, his arms reaching to pull her close.

  Madison suddenly remembered the book. She was on the wrong side. Before Jake could react, she rolled across him, dipped her head over the side of the bed and flicked up the edge of the bedskirt. Just to check. Her mind wasn’t really on high-function mode at the moment and she needed to know the manual was there should she need it.

  “What are you doing?” Jake chuckled.

  Think fast, Madison, or you’re going to look like an idiot. “Protection.” She grabbed the little box of condoms beside the book and held it aloft. She’d have to fly blind on this and use her imagination. There was no way she could refer to the book without Jake thinking she’d gone crazy. “Another of my mother’s little presents.”

  “Very liberated mother you have. I’ll have to meet her some day.” He took the box from her and tossed it on the bed. “Come here, woman,” he growled as he reached for her again.

  She went into his arms, the need to savor his heat a craving in her blood. She’d thought to ravage him. Now the scene changed, with Jake the aggressor, and she reveled in it. When he lowered his head and sought her mouth, she opened to him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. The thrust of his tongue woke a raging hunger inside her and she answered in kind.

  The perfect prelude to the act of love, and she knew without doubt it was love. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Jake, wanted to make babies with him. Not cold-bloodedly as her makeover plan suggested, but a forever type of relationship, built on honesty, love and mutual respect.

  Rational thought disappeared as Jake broke off the kiss and slid down her body. His lips left a trail of fire on her sensitized skin. His teeth grazed the hardened tip of her breast, dragging a whimper from her. When he drew it into his mouth and suckled, she cried out, the sound needy and filled with tension.

  Sensation streaked from her breast, down her body to gather between her thighs. Tension coiled low in her belly. Her body throbbed with unrelieved sexual frustration. The scent of the bayberry candles and the perfume of the gardenias seemed to intensify, curling about them. And mixed in with it all was the warmth of Jake’s body, the hint of his aftershave, as he moved further down her body.

  His lips followed where his hands led. His tongue swirled around her belly button before it dipped inside, driving her crazy with his light caress. She hadn’t thought her navel could be classed as an erogenous zone, but Jake proved her wrong. He ran the tip of his tongue along her hipbone before moving further down her body, pushing the tension higher. Her hips bucked in reaction.

  She gave in to his gentle urging and opened her legs, creating a place for him in the cradle of her thighs. His warm breath feathered across the hot dampness of her nether lips, making her squirm and sob with need. The breath caught in her throat as he ran his tongue along the length of her vulva. When he parted her and tongued her clit, she cried out, her hips lifting off the bed.

  Madison’s heart beat so hard she felt sure she would pass out. Surely she couldn’t take any more? Then Jake proved her wrong again.

  He brought his hands into play, his thumb rubbing her clit while he feasted on her. Madison lost all reason. She buried her hands in his dark hair and hung on, her body raised to meet the movement of his mouth as he thrust and suckled at that most sensitive part of her. He increased the speed and depth of his strokes and her hips moved in response. The air rushed from her lungs in harsh gasps, her throat burning with the struggle to breathe in a maelstrom of overwhelming sexual tension.

  Jake raised his head and she moaned in disappointment. So close. So very close. She teetered on the edge of experiencing the same mind-blowing orgasm Jake had coaxed from her in the cramped interior of his convertible. Please God, don’t stop.

  “Don’t fight it, sweet Madison. Let it come,” he whispered.

  Before she could respond, he dipped his head again and placed his lips over her swollen clit and sucked, his tongue stabbing and flicking at the sensitive nub. At the same time he inserted two fingers, his movements deep and fast. Madison met his every thrust. Sensation caught her up, tossed her higher as the pressure built to an unbelievable level. When she thought she’d go crazy with need, waves of pleasure broke over her, the ripples spreading out from where Jake loved her with his mouth and his hands, both at the same time.

  Before the last of the spasms faded, Jake sheathed himself in the condom and moved up her body. As he caught her lips in a drugging kiss, he buried himself inside her. Madison groaned and took him deep, welcoming the weight of him over her body. She could taste her own desire on his lips, his tongue. The scent of their lovemaking surrounded them, an aphrodisiac in itself.

  She wrapped her arms about his shoulders and hung on as his movements became frenzied. The wild ride caught her up again. The force built inside her, cente
red on that place where they were joined. She mirrored his movements, urging him on.

  When the first of the spasms gathered strength inside her and broke free to spread throughout her body, she heard Jake call out her name as he reached his own climax. A final thrust and he pushed them over the edge into a place where only lovers can go. The outside world ceased to exist. She clung to him, fearful she’d never find her way back without Jake as her anchor.

  When the room finally righted itself, she opened her eyes to find Jake had rolled them onto their sides. She smiled at him, feeling totally satiated. Then she started to chuckle.

  “Holy guacam—”

  Jake burst out laughing. When he could catch his breath, he said, “Oh, yeah, whoopty-do.”


  Jake rolled over and stretched, only to be bought up short by the feel of the warm body beside him. His mind engaged and he remembered. Madison—and the torrid passion they had shared.

  What a night it had been. Madison had dropped off to sleep after their first frenzied bout of lovemaking and he hadn’t been far behind. But that wasn’t the end of it. Some time in the early hours of the morning, she’d woken him with the soft caress of her mouth. Soft? Fucking hell, it was more like pure fire.

  Always, in the past, he had been the one in control, but this time Madison had been the aggressor. Even Courtney had expected him to be the instigator. Ah, but sweet Madison had taken the term ravish and turned it into an art form. Was he complaining? No way. Her imagination knew no bounds and he’d enjoyed every fantasy she’d invented.

  He ran his hand over his stomach, around his navel. His skin was still sticky from where she’d poured champagne and proceeded to lap it up. His cock tightened in remembrance. He released a deep breath, willing his libido to drop down a notch. There would be plenty of time later for more play.

  Propped up on one arm, he stared at Madison. Her face in repose was beautiful, although there were faint shadows under her eyes, the result of their disturbed night. Her blond-streaked hair was disheveled, but that just made her more alluring.

  The sheet had slipped off her shoulder. Her exposed breast beckoned, tempting him to lean down and lap at the rosy crest. He resisted. It was still early. Better to let her get some more sleep. Meanwhile, he’d surprise her and prepare breakfast. He slid from under the sheet, careful not to disturb her.

  After a quick search, he found his boxers lying on the carpet at the foot of the bed. As he bent over to drag them on, he spotted the platter on the floor on Madison’s side of the bed. He grinned as he remembered their feast in the wee hours. He’d never realized how erotic it was to feed someone tidbits in the dark.

  Not just anyone—Madison. He had one of those moments of absolute clarity. He wanted to wake up every day with her by his side. He couldn’t believe how much he’d changed since he’d come home. The corporate world, the world of high-profile divorce cases, had lost all appeal.

  The simple life called to him now. Madison as his wife, the mother of his children, a life of love and contentment. The type of love his father had shared with his mother, and now with Rosa. All he had to do was convince Madison she wanted the same. But first, he had to tell her the truth. Today. As soon as she wakened.

  His heart pounded with trepidation at the coming confrontation as he bent down to pick up the platter. He paused when he spied the open book half hidden by the bed linen. He slid it out and flipped it over to look at the title.

  The How-To of Female Orgasm.

  A chuckle threatened to escape so he clamped his lips together and exited the room before he lost control. By the time he’d reached the kitchen, he was grinning. He’d wondered where that book had gone.

  Seems Madison had wanted to do a little research of her own. Now he knew where last night’s scenario had come from. It was there in black and white in the chapter on setting the scene. The candles, the perfumed atmosphere, soft music. The rest of it had been straight from Madison’s imagination. And, boy, did she have some great ideas.

  The grin still in place, he opened the refrigerator and dragged out a melon and a bunch of grapes, along with apples and a couple of oranges. In no time at all, he had sliced the fruit into segments and arranged them on a fresh plate. After that, he hunted for something to drink. It was too early in the day for champagne, but there was a bottle of non-alcoholic grape juice. Perfect. They could have that while they waited for the coffee to brew.

  It was one of those bottles with the plastic cork so he opened the top drawer near the sink to look for a corkscrew. Nope. Maybe he’d have more success with the next one. He slid out the drawer and stared. On top of the jumbled contents was a piece of notepaper.

  He didn’t mean to read it, but the title on the top of the page reached out and hit him smack between the eyes.


  Before he knew what he was doing, he’d skimmed down to the bottom of the page. And what was written there stunned him.

  Man needed for sperm only.

  That was bad enough, but the next sentence made him see red. She’d crossed out the line about sperm and written under it: Jake. Possible sperm donor?

  Given the fact her birthday was only a few weeks away, last night’s little excursion into the delights of the flesh suddenly made sense. She had used him. She had damn well used him. Here he was thinking of a permanent relationship and all she wanted was to steal his sperm and get pregnant.

  Hey, Jake, back up a moment. He tried to control the anger bubbling up inside as his mind went over the details of the night before. She’d been the one to hand him the condoms. So what was this makeover plan all about? Maybe she wanted to lull him into a false sense of security and then wham…she’d find herself in the family way.

  His mouth dropped open in shock. He crumpled the piece of paper up in his fist as a thought filtered into his brain. Fuck, she’d done it. When she’d ravaged him in the early hours of the morning, they hadn’t used protection. She could be well on the way to being pregnant even now.

  Rage flashed through his body like a bushfire out of control. The little thief. Okay, so he was being irrational. Maybe it wasn’t classed as theft, but she’d taken something from him without his consent.

  The crumpled list still balled up in his fist, he started for the bedroom, halting just outside the room. He was too angry to discuss this right now. He needed to calm down, to think it through before he taxed her. Right now his faith in her had taken a serious beating.


  Her soft voice sounded sleepy, the tone husky and full of satiated contentment. He shoved his hand behind his back before he entered the room. After a quick glance at her, he hurried over to where his trousers lay crumpled on the floor. His movements were uncoordinated. He hopped from one leg to the other as he dragged his pants on. Bloody hell, he had to get out of here before he blew up.

  “Good morning, Super Stud.” Madison smiled as she pushed herself up on the pillows. Her body ached in the most surprising places. She frowned as she watched Jake search for his belt. His head was bowed as he threaded it through the belt loops and secured his trousers.

  “Jake?” A sense of dread filled her, burying itself deep down in her heart. What was wrong? Did he regret the night they’d shared? Please, no.

  “Are you all right, Jake?”

  Finally, he looked at her, trying to keep his face devoid of all expression.

  “Jake, what’s wrong?”

  He ignored her question, grabbing up his shoes and socks. “I made you breakfast. It’s in the kitchen.” After looking under the bed, he moved toward the bedroom door, pausing at the last moment. “I have to go.”

  Madison struggled to sit up, the satin sheet about her naked breasts. “You have to leave already? Why? It’s still early.”

  “I’ve just remembered I have an appointment. Another commitment I…ah, can’t get out of.”

  Damn him, how can he do this? She’d thought last night had meant as
much to him as it had to her. How gullible can a girl be? Anger swept through her, anger at herself for being such a stupid fool. At Jake, for his abrupt leave-taking and for not being what she needed him to be.

  She was damned if she was going to show him just how much he’d hurt her. “If you’re looking for your shirt, it’s in the living room.”

  He backed further out of the room. “I’ll…um… I’ll try to ring you tonight.”

  “Don’t bother, I won’t be here. I, too, have another commitment. Although I think it will be more pleasure than the word implies.” Yep, the tone was right, nonchalant and off-hand, but it was just a cover for the pain that lanced through her body.

  She listened to his footsteps as he moved into the living room to collect his shirt. The slam of the front door was like a death-knell resounding inside her head. She heard the muted roar as he gunned the engine of the little red convertible and took off along the country road.

  After that, there was nothing but silence.

  Madison went on a whirlwind housecleaning session. Anger at Jake kept her at work long after the house was aired and dusted, polished to within an inch of its life. Her little cottage hadn’t really needed it, but it kept her busy and didn’t allow her any time to think. But now there was nothing left to do.

  She was too fired up to sit at her studies. The words just wouldn’t penetrate the haze in her mind. She wandered into the bedroom and stripped off her clothes and reached for her blue swimsuit, the one that Jake had admired. Memories of their aborted picnic on the beach tumbled through her brain. She tossed the swimsuit from her and grabbed out another of her new purchases, one she hadn’t had the confidence to wear before now.


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