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Page 9

by Aston, Jana

  "Who's here?" Luke inquires.

  "Your sister and her husband, your aunt and uncle and the Holletts are all in the living room." She smiles and holds her arm out towards the entry hall, indicating we should head in. She's a tall, trim woman with dark curly hair securely pulled back to the nape of her neck. She's wearing a very expensive-looking tan suit and black pumps. I guess house managers don't wear business casual.

  The foyer empties into a grand hallway that appears to be the central point of the house. There's a magnificent stairway leading to the second story. Clearly no expense was spared on finishing details here. I spy an exquisite dining room to my left, a quick glance telling me the Millers could easily seat sixteen for dinner if they chose to.

  We pass the dining room in favor of a formal living room. As we pass the threshold he murmurs, "We don't have to stay long." I'm not sure what to make of that. Why are we here if he's already planning our exit?

  "Luke!" A stunning woman with hair the same chocolate-brown shade as his rushes over to envelope Luke in a hug. "Mother said you were bringing someone," she says as she turns to me, grinning.

  I smile and start to introduce myself but she's hugging me before I have the chance.

  "I'm Meredith, Luke's sister," she tells me as she steps back and looks at Luke. "She's a doll. Wherever did you find her?"

  Luke and I glance at each other and he smirks at me in a way that causes a spontaneous blush to flood my cheeks.

  "This is Sophie," Luke introduces me, ignoring Meredith's question about how we met.

  The man Meredith was sitting with when we arrived has walked over to join us and shakes hands with Luke. He's tall like Luke, but leaner. He has a runner's physique and sandy blond hair and is introduced as Meredith's husband Alexander.

  "Where's my girl?" Luke asks, looking around the living room. "She's the only reason I show for these things."

  "You could at least pretend you care about seeing me, you know." But I can tell Meredith's not mad. This seems to be a running joke between them. "Your niece is napping before dinner." Her smiles fades as she drops her voice. "Mother had the nerve to ask me why I didn't leave her at home with the nanny."

  "Remind me why your mother never babysits," Alexander jokes as we proceed into the room while Meredith runs to check on their sleeping daughter.

  Luke introduces me to his father, who I learn is a doctor only when he's introduced as, "My father, Dr. Miller." He's sitting near the front of the room with Luke's aunt and uncle, whom I'm also introduced to.

  "Lucas, darling, I'm so glad you could make it." A tiny woman who looks like she could be Meredith's sister approaches us.

  Luke leans down and kisses her offered cheek. No hug. "Mother, this is my girlfriend, Sophie Tisdale," he says as he puts an arm around my waist.

  Girlfriend? Unless I missed it, he did not introduce me to his father as his girlfriend, just Sophie.

  "I told you I was bringing her."

  "Yes, I'm so glad your friend could join us." She smiles the least genuine smile imaginable and shakes my hand. "I'm Mrs. Miller. Lovely to meet you."

  Upon closer inspection I can see she's not as young as Meredith, obviously. She's definitely had work done though.

  She turns back to Luke. "The Holletts have joined us with their lovely daughter Kara. Come say hello." We follow her to a seating arrangement in front of a sizable fireplace lit with a roaring fire.

  Mr. and Mrs. Hollett are seated on a sofa with their daughter Kara. Mrs. Miller sits on the adjoining love seat, leaving Luke and I to sit in high-backed chairs. Mrs. Estes stops by to offer us drinks. This is the most formal, uncomfortable holiday ever and it's only just started.

  "Kara has just moved back to Philadelphia from Los Angeles." Mrs. Hollett beams with pride. "She was just promoted to a director-level position here in Philadelphia." Mrs. Hollett talks for a bit about Kara's accomplishments in the world of charitable fundraising with Mrs. Miller agreeing to every word.

  "Lucas, Kara is looking for a place to buy in the Rittenhouse Square area. Perhaps you can help her locate something suitable." Mrs. Miller beams, her eyes bouncing between Luke and Kara as if she's just come up with this idea. Is his mother trying to set him up with another woman right in front of me?

  Kara glances at me briefly, looking mortified, before returning her attention to Luke's mother. "Mrs. Miller, that's such a kind idea, but I have a very qualified realtor."

  "Well then, Lucas must take you to dinner soon so you two can catch up." Mrs. Miller smiles indulgently.

  Wow. I'd be speechless if anyone was actually speaking to me. She really is trying to set Luke up on a date right in front of me. I glance at Luke. He's got a tumbler of water casually hanging from one hand while his other taps against the armrest. He looks completely relaxed, leaning back in the chair with his leg crossed, one foot resting on the opposite knee.

  "Sure, Sophie and I would be happy to have dinner with Kara, Mother. We'll arrange something soon."

  Kara shoots me another apologetic look. Luke never looks in my direction at all. I'm so confused. I'm excited he shot his mother down by including me in the theoretical plans, but this feels off. Why did he bring me to this train wreck?

  "Oh, I think Sophie would be bored, don't you, Lucas?"

  Luke sets his glass down with a thud that makes me jump. "Mother," he begins before being interrupted by a screech as a blur of pink tulle flies past.

  "Uncle Luke!" A tiny girl wearing a pink party dress and sweet pink ballet flats launches herself onto Luke's lap. Her dark blonde hair is pulled into a ballerina bun and her tiny fingernails are coated in a sparkly pink polish. I'm already a little bit in love with her.

  "Meredith, can you control her, please?" Mrs. Miller's perfect composure looks close to snapping.

  "Bella, I think we're having too much fun for your grandmother." Luke stresses the word grandmother and I swear Mrs. Miller's botoxed mouth twitches.

  Luke stands with Bella hanging from his neck and holds out a hand, gesturing for me to follow. Bella peers at me over Luke's shoulder as we head out of the living room. Her green eyes sparkle when she spots me. "Hi! I'm Bella! What's your name?"

  "I'm Sophie." I smile back at her.

  "Are you my family or are you my friend?" she asks me.

  "Sophie is my friend," Luke interjects, responding for me. He kisses the top of her head and, turning his head, winks at me.

  I'm fairly sure I ovulate right then and there.

  We walk through the entry hall of the house and Luke asks Bella if she brought any toys to play with. She wiggles out of his hold and sprints down the hall with Luke and I following. We end up in a casual living area on the opposite side of the house with a view of the back yard. I can see a pool closed up for the season surrounded by more immaculate landscaping with a wooded area beyond that.

  There's a TV in this room and a big sectional couch. Huge wooden beams cross the vaulted ceiling. It's almost cozy in here. There's a few toys strewn about and a pink blankie on top of the couch. I assume this was where Bella was napping when we arrived. Bella runs to the other side of the couch and scoops something off the floor.

  "Found her!" She beams and cradles the toy to her chest as she walks it back to us. "This is my baby. Her name is Lili. You hold her?" This is directed at me.

  "I'd love to hold her, Bella, thank you."

  "You have to sit down," she tells me. "You can't hold the baby if you're standing."

  I sit on the couch and cuddle the baby doll while Bella hovers over me, tucking a blanket around the doll and offering me her bottle so I can feed her. She offers a lot of tips about how I should handle the baby and I'm wondering if Luke's sister is having another when Bella climbs up on the couch next to me and wraps her arm around mine and snuggles close. I'm about to melt, that is how sweet she is being, when she pats my tummy with her tiny hand and asks me if I have a baby inside my tummy.


  That came from Luke. If there
's a way to say the word no that is more unyielding than the way Luke just uttered the one syllable I've never heard it. He pinches the bridge of his nose and addresses Bella.

  "Bella Love Halliday, you are not to ask women if they have babies in their stomach. Do you understand me?"

  "Mommy does." Bella giggles. "It's a see rat."

  "What?" Luke is staring at both of us like we've lost our minds. I'm not sure what I've done, and Bella is three so I think Luke's the one who might need to reassess.

  "It's a see rat! Mommy is having a see rat!"

  "I think Bella means it's a secret." I look at Luke. For a guy who's as in love with his niece as he clearly is he could use a toddler dictionary.

  "Yes! One of those! That is what Mommy is having. I no tell anyone," she adds, shaking her head.

  "Have you been practicing being a big sister with Lili?" I ask her, indicating the doll.

  "Yes!" Bella is ecstatic that I understand the connection. "I pray ice with Lili!"

  Mrs. Estes stops in then to tell us dinner is ready. Luke scoops Bella up and we go ahead to the dining room to find Meredith sliding a chair into the table next to her husband and placing a Disney sippy cup on the table.

  "Really, Mother? You thought a three-year-old would eat Thanksgiving dinner alone in the kitchen?"

  Mrs. Miller has no reaction to that other than to respond, "No, I thought she'd eat dinner at home with her nanny, but you gave her the day off."

  "We gave her the week off, actually," Alexander interjects from his seat to Mrs. Miller's left. "We enjoy spending time with Bella."

  Luke places Bella on the seat between her parents before escorting me to the other side of the table and pulling out a chair for me between him and his dad, who is seated at the opposite end of the table from his mom.

  I notice Mrs. Miller's seating arrangement has Luke sitting between me and Kara. Our side of the table is me, Luke, Kara, Mrs. Hollett and Mr. Hollett. Across from me is Luke's aunt, then his uncle, Meredith, Bella and Alexander. I look longingly towards Meredith's end of the table, wishing I was closer to friendly faces. Then again, I'm about as far as I can get from Mrs. Miller so I'll take what I can get.

  "Lucas, how are things at Baldwin?" The elder Dr. Miller ignores me completely and starts questioning Luke about the hospital. "I saw Dr. Tan last week at a conference. She said your department profits are the talk of the hospital."

  Luke's face is expressionless, but his jaw is doing that tick thing he does when he's annoyed.

  They go back and forth with this oddly polite bickering until the food is placed before us. Placed, on individual plates, like in a restaurant. No carved-up turkey or casserole dish of sweet potatoes covered in mini-marshmallows on this table. I wonder what Mrs. Miller would do if I wiped my plate clean of mashed potatoes and asked for more. I have to suppress a giggle, that's how ridiculous the thought of asking Mrs. Miller for seconds is.

  The plates are set in front of us with precision by a woman in a chef's uniform. Luke murmurs, "Thank you, Heidi," as she places a plate in front of him, so I gather that the Millers have a full-time chef on staff as well as the house manager.

  I wonder if it was Mrs. Miller or Heidi who taught Luke how to make his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Wait, why am I even asking myself? Clearly it was Heidi.

  Dr. Miller turns his attention to his brother and sister-in-law and I breathe a sigh of relief. My hands are folded in my lap while everyone is being served. Luke reaches under the table and briefly squeezes my hand before picking up his knife and fork. I glance at him and smile as I pick up my utensils as well. I'd have preferred takeout and Luke's couch over this experience, but this is… okay. It's interesting learning more about Luke if nothing else. I relax and take a bite of turkey. Heidi is a whiz, this is delicious.

  "Lucas, have you seen Gina? I heard she's back in Philadelphia," Mrs. Miller says.

  Gina? Mrs. Miller knows the redheaded troll? Of course she does.

  "I have and she is," Luke replies with a finality that indicates he's done discussing the topic.

  Crap. I want to know more about Gina! But I don't want to ask Luke about her directly, obviously.

  Mrs. Miller takes a sip of wine. "It's a shame things didn't work out between you two."

  I knew it! I knew those two were together. My moment of smugness fades. Be an adult, Sophie, I chastise myself. You can't date an older man and expect him not to have a history. Besides, he's really good in bed and I am enjoying the benefits of that. Wait, he practiced with her. Stop thinking about Gina and Luke in bed together!

  "I was surprised when your engagement ended. You seemed so well suited." Mrs. Miller's eyes flicker over me.

  Wow, that stung. My heart races at the snub and my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

  "That engagement ended six years ago, Mother, I think you've had sufficient time to get past your surprise."

  Six years ago? Six years ago Luke was engaged and I was in high school. I sit on that thought for a moment. Engaged. What did Luke tell me about her? That she was no one important? Yet he was having dinner with her a month ago, and he was with her again when he walked into Grind Me the following week.

  "I heard she just took a position running the cardiovascular department at Baldwin Memorial," Luke's father interjects.

  "She did, yes." Luke spears a piece of turkey with his fork.

  "She was a highly sought-after candidate. Well-regarded."

  "She's a very talented surgeon," Luke agrees noncommittally.

  I feel so stupid. They work at the same hospital? Is he still with her? She's clearly not "no one" as he indicated to me weeks ago. She was his fiancée at one time. And I'm just a college student. I don't even have a job lined up after graduation.

  On that note, as if he's just remembering I'm at the table, Luke's father glances at me and asks if I’m a part of the high-school volunteer program at Luke's hospital.

  I'm defeated. These people are awful.

  "That's enough," Luke begins to reply before I have to, but he's cut off by Bella. She's been quiet throughout most of the meal, but she chooses this moment to stand on her chair and boom, "I'm having a bay bee!" Then she claps her hands excitedly and jumps up and down on her chair.

  I knew I liked that kid. The tension is broken and the attention is now on Meredith.

  Heidi clears our plates and offers coffee. She's serving tiny individual pumpkin pies as Luke's phone rings and he excuses himself from the table.

  I feel a jolt of panic at being left alone with these people without him, but Kara engages me in conversation now that we can see each other without Luke between us. She's very sweet and I enjoy chatting with her. I don't think she had a clue that her mom and Mrs. Miller were planning to set her up with Luke today.

  The pies are served and coffee is poured and Luke is still not back. Everyone continues on without him, and it reminds me of Gina at the restaurant weeks ago. I was right about her being used to the frequent interruptions that accompany time spent with Luke. Though now I realize she can probably relate since she is a doctor herself.

  I swirl my fork through the whipped-cream dollop on top of my pie. I love pumpkin pie, but I'm not hungry and I'm a little melancholy anyway. I'm a bit shell-shocked from this day.

  Heidi clears the dessert plates and announces there is fresh coffee in the living room. Luke meets us there, finishing his call as he walks into the room. He stops briefly to say something to Alexander before heading over to me, apologizing and stating there's an emergency at the hospital he needs to attend to. No objection here.

  Mrs. Estes meets us by the door with our coats. Meredith follows us with Bella on her hip. "Luke, do you need me to drive Sophie home so you can get to the hospital?" She smiles and Bella waves at me. "I'd love more time to chat with Sophie." She grins mischievously at Luke.

  "Sophie not have a baby in her tummy," Bella adds helpfully and shakes her head.

  Meredith's eyes widen. "Bella!" She shoot
s me an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry. Stupid parenting books advised to be as honest with her as possible. I wish I had lied and told her a gnome would be dropping the baby off like I wanted to."

  “It’s fine.” I wave off her apology.

  "Thank you for the altruistic offer, Meredith, but I'm going to send Sophie home in my car and have Alexander drop me at the hospital."

  Meredith pouts. "You just don't want me to have any time alone with Sophie."

  "You're correct." He smiles at her. "Besides, you can use the time working on manners with my niece," he tells her as he ushers me through the front door.

  Chapter 19

  "You drive, right?" Luke asks as he walks me to his car and opens the driver's side door for me.

  "Of course."

  "Great." He reaches past me and pushes a button and the car roars to life. He drops the keys onto the center console before tapping the built-in GPS screen. "I'll grab a cab from the hospital when I'm done," he tells me as he buckles me into the seat and presses a button, sliding the seat forward to accommodate my shorter height.

  "I'm sorry, Sophie," he says and then he's gone, walking back towards the front door where Alexander is waiting. I'm left alone with a car that I suspect costs more than my college education.

  I put it into drive and the GPS immediately encourages me to turn right at the end of the driveway. I'm not even sure if I'm headed to my dorm or Luke's condo, but the car seems to know.

  The gates swing open automatically as I near them and I turn onto Monk Road. I'm numb as I drive, replaying the day. Was that as horrible as I think it was? I want to call Jeannie or Everly but I have no idea how to operate the hands-free phone system in this car.

  Why did he invite me today? His mother is a nightmare. Was I just a distraction to foil her setup attempt? The only person he introduced me to as his girlfriend was his mother.

  Learning Gina is his ex-fiancée makes me uncomfortable, like he lied to me. Did he? Kind of. She's way more than the no one he indicated she was, but was it my business at the time I asked? Whatever, I'm still pissed.


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