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Chinchilla and the Devil

Page 6

by C. D. Gorri

  Miranda Brownsmith was the sole reason that carrot muffins were on the daily list of must-haves in the cafeteria. Along with honey buns making a close second. Her humungous bear shifter mate was known to clean out the sweets in the caf with one visit.

  Along with meatless meatballs, those were the most asked for food items at FUCN’A caf. It might not seem important to some, but securing the menu for future FUC agents so that they could focus on their training seemed pretty damn important to her!

  Still. There were some lines she just shouldn’t cross. Isn’t that what her Daddy always said?

  “Princess, boys are going to always ask for something you don’t want to give. Just say no.”

  She was not going to let her daddy down! Sofia was going to stick to her guns and say no. Regardless of how sexy the man asking her to break the rules was, she wouldn’t give in. Not one inch.

  “I can’t give you access to the records. I don’t have them,” she replied.

  “I’m sure a clever woman like yourself has an idea of how we can get them.” He leaned forward and held another tempting slice of melon to her lips.

  The fruit smelled sweet, and she knew from before it would taste even better sliding down her suddenly parched throat. Without thinking twice, Sofia snagged the fruit with her teeth. She ignored the flare of arousal that began to pulse throughout her entire body in response to the rumbling groan that left his mouth.

  Lips like his should be illegal, she thought to herself. Separately his features were too perfect to be anything but beautiful, the big dark-rimmed eyes, straight Roman nose, and plump lips were stunning. Together with that perfectly dark five o-clock shadow accenting his chiseled, handsome face, and that mane of thick, dark hair he wore pulled back in a ponytail, Tony Leeds was the epitome of bad boy good looks.

  “You know, I’d walk away right now, doll fa–, I mean Sofia, except for one little thing,” he said smoothly.

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ll tell you tonight. After you help me get those records.”

  “I told you I can’t do that.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Sometimes, you have to bend the rules to get results, doll face. You want to catch your meatball bandit?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “Good. I’ll catch you later then.” Tony winked and walked away, leaving her to sit and reflect on how badly she wanted to catch the meatball crook.

  Sigh. Maybe some rules were meant to be broken? A girl would never find out if she didn’t take a chance. Mind made up, she turned and went back to work. Sofia was uneasy about the whole records thing, but she had a crime to solve. Besides, she could always change her mind.



  Tony had to bite his fist the second he saw her to keep from groaning out loud. They sure do make them sexy as hell in the Canadian Rockies, he thought to himself as the delectable Ms. Pelosi came around the bend to where her sensible little two-door automobile was parked in the staff lot.

  He’d waited off campus all day until she texted him that she was ready. Now from his perch in the woods surrounding the lot, he watched her get in, buckle her seatbelt, and check her mirrors.

  Was it crazy he found it cute that she was so prim and proper? That was just on the outside, though. He knew from their verbal sparring that his little doll face was a spitfire. He’d texted that she’d have to leave campus as she would normally do each night if this plan was going to work, and he waited as she started the ignition.

  Tony growled lowly and let his shift come over him. From one blink to the next, he traded his human skin for thicker red skin and fur. He waited as she put the car in reverse and backed out of her spot, then began driving down the long, lonely road away from campus. Following alongside the vehicle from the woods was much easier on him in his cloven feet.

  He was nimble and agile in ways other shifters could never understand. His tale and wings giving him a surer balance than most. He’d clocked his running speed at upwards of eighty miles per hour when he really pushed it. If he needed to go faster, Tony could always fly.

  It proved unnecessary, however. His sensible Sofia did not speed in the least. She minded the traffic laws with a loyalty he thoroughly approved of. There was never a need to draw unnecessary attention to oneself. Especially from local law enforcement.

  That was something he’d learned the hard way when he’d been a teenager speeding down the parkway listening to Bon Jovi and ignoring the sounds of sirens behind him. He’d been in a shit ton of trouble that summer, but after he’d done some community service, Pop had given him back the keys to the car, and Mama had celebrated by making his favorite four-cheese manicotti.

  He watched intently as Sofia pulled into a development of neat little townhouses just off the main road about fifteen miles west of the Academy. Tony began his shift back to human, tugging on the clothing he’d brought with him in a tiny drawstring bag.

  He quickly dressed and ran over to her front door, fist lifted, he was about to knock when she surprised him by opening the door and grabbing him by the collar.

  She tugged him inside quickly and pushed him back against the front door. Her quick little intakes of breath drove his devil wild as he imagined another reason for such heavy breathing. A much more mutually enjoyable reason. His inner beast agreed.

  “Why were you coming to the front door? I thought we said you were coming through the back?” She narrowed her amber-brown eyes at him, and Tony’s lips quirked.

  He’d been so enamored of her body before he hadn’t taken the time to truly appreciate her elfin features from the tips of her rounded ears to her delicately pointed little chin. She was really very pretty with a head full of bouncy, shining curls, and plump lips glistening with pinkish gloss.

  Sofia was curvy as her namesake. The classic Neapolitan film star was a favorite of his Pop’s, and Tony could see why. His own little Sofia had his pulse racing just from being near her.

  He inhaled her scent and was pleased to taste her arousal on the air. Good. If he wasn’t the only one affected, then perhaps they could explore this thing. After his case.

  He should really walk away now, but Tony found himself pulling her closer even as she flattened her hands against his chest. Amber eyes blinked rapidly, and plump pink lips parted. He was dying for a taste. Just one small one.

  “Uh, Mr. Leeds?”

  “Call me Tony,” he growled.

  “What are you doing, Tony?”

  “There’s something about you that is driving me nuts. I need to get a handle on this before we go out and do this thing doll, or I’ll never be able to concentrate.”

  “Excuse me.” She frowned prettily. “Does it look like I’m here for you to just do what you want?”

  “You want it too. I can smell your desire, Sofia. Don’t deny it.”

  He watched her intently, noticing the way she swallowed and the slight flare of her own cute little nostrils. Fuck. She really was gorgeous.

  “You’re like no one and nothing I’ve ever come across. You remind me of wicked summer nights down the shore.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you got me all hot and bothered for you, Sof.” He drew her closer still, burrowing his face into her neck, moving the mass of curls aside and allowing himself free rein to breathe her in.

  “I do?”

  “Can’t you tell?” He grinned and dropped a kiss on her neck before drawing in another lung full of her deliciously fresh scent. Heat surged in his blood. His devil scratched against his skin.



  “What are you?” He was barely able to contain his growl of desire. He wanted more of that tempting scent, her natural flavor. And he wanted it now.

  Yes, please.

  Nonna had always insisted he use his best manners in front of females. Please and thank you were second nature. If it meant his little pastry
would give him a chance, he would please and thank her all night long.

  “What do you mean?” She swallowed.

  “You’re not a bunny or a squirrel,” he said and nipped her earlobe between his teeth, unable to help himself.

  She squeaked in shock, but that sound turned into something else as he soothed the petal-soft skin of her lobe with his tongue and lips. Oh, the things he wanted to do to her.

  He desperately wanted to press himself against her. To mark her, claim her, fuck her until they were both senseless.

  Whoa. Where the heck did that come from? He needed to slow his roll. Stomp on the brakes. Whatever the fuck. He was a lusty male. Sex was important to most shifters, but he’d never wanted to give his bite to anyone before.

  Mine. The word beat inside his brain like a tattoo. He swallowed down his groan. Was this what Grandmother Leeds had meant about his mating instinct going into hyperdrive? Maybe he should’ve listened to the old woman.

  “No, I am not,” Sofia said, rather indignantly. “Bunnies are super hyper, and squirrels are twitchy.”

  “I see. Well, you aren’t either of those things, are you, baby?” He waited for her to continue while he nuzzled her neck some more.

  What was it about this woman that had him on the brink of losing control? His devil scratched and growled. He was growing impatient. Man and beast wanting more of the succulent little morsel in his arms. He liked learning her flavors, testing the softness of her skin against his searching lips.

  Tony promised himself he’d continue this exploration later. Right then, they were kind of pressed for time. Though truth be told, he was ready to forget all about his client in favor of spending the night with the curvy woman wrapped up in his arms.

  Hell, he was just glad she was still there. He’d expected her to push him off right away, as soon as he’d grabbed her, in fact. His Sofia was full of surprises. Passion being one of them.

  Her small hands roamed from his chest to his shoulders as she leaned her head to the right, allowing him better access. The soft whimpers and sighs that escaped her lips drove him crazy. How many other noises could he draw from her in the throes of passion, he wondered.

  “You’re so soft and sweet. Whatever you are, I bet you’re a beauty,” he growled softly.

  “I’m a chinchilla,” she whispered, preening at his praise.

  “A chinchilla?” He smirked.

  Imagine that! Tony pressed kisses to her cheek and neck, drawing circles on her back and shoulders through her flowery wrap around dress. He had to touch her, couldn’t stop if his life depended on it.

  She was addictive, like caffeine, but so much better than even his beloved espresso. She leaned into his caress. It was nearly his undoing. She showed more trust in him to take care of her than anyone else ever had. And he would. Certainly, he would. She was precious and his.

  Mine. Tony nipped at her collarbone possessively. There was no denying he wanted her. Heck, he’d have a hard time trying to convince himself of that, let alone her. No way she could mistake the bulge below his belt for anything other than what it was. Evidence of the raging lust he felt for her.

  Shifters moved fast, devils even faster. He recalled bits of conversation from his one biological and newly mated cousin. Avail had been whipped the second he saw his little blonde mate trying to hop the fence at his mansion. At the time, Tony thought the couple was nuts, but maybe they were just nuts about each other.

  Definitely a possibility seeing as how he’d only met this sublime creature hours earlier, and already his devil was snarling at him to claim her with his mating mark.

  “Tony.” She moaned his name, her nails biting through the fabric of his black tee.

  Damn. How did she know he liked a bit of pain with his pleasure? Just another reason he should stop this now, before they got in over their heads.

  “So, a chinchilla, huh?” He asked and backed up an inch. This close, he could appreciate the juxtaposition of her face and all its delicate beauty with her thick, luxurious curls. Her hair was amazingly sexy. Glossy brown curls that felt soft against his cheek and smelled like flowers.

  “That makes perfect sense.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “You’re so soft and petite. Really beautiful, you know that, don’t you? There’s something warm and delicate about you. I can see it just there in your eyes.” He smiled.

  “I’m not delicate or petite. I’m just Sofia.” She shrugged and bit her lip.

  “You’re perfect.”

  “No, I’m not, and you don’t have to say that to me for this.” She growled and pulled his head down for a long, hard kiss.

  “Sooofeeeaaa.” He drew out the sound of her name, touching her lips with his as he did so. “I like your name, and I like kissing you, but I would never say things that aren’t true. Ti voglio, Sofia Pelosi.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I want you,” he growled.

  And did he ever. Wanted her, needed her too. Like he needed air to breathe, he thought madly. He’d never been much for romance, certainly not love at first sight, or sniff, whatever the case may be, but Tony was about to change his mind.

  “You want me?” Her wide amber eyes held his captive. Head tilted, pulse racing, he couldn’t resist claiming her swollen lips once more.

  Madonna mia!

  It was worse than an addiction to caffeine. He felt like an addict looking for his fix, only she was the drug. He craved her like nothing else.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered as he claimed her lips for his own.


  The sensuous exploration of Sofia’s mouth in the hallway left Tony completely unprepared and shocked even by the way she affected him.

  His devil scratched against his skin, demanding to be let out. His gums ached with the need to release his fangs, fingers pulsed with the need to free his claws. All signs of the mating fever Grandmother Leeds had told him would hit like a ton of bricks when he met his one promised mate.

  Of course, he’d scoffed at the old lady when she’d told him the stories of uncontrollable lust and love that could take hold of a devil. Especially one so close to the last quarter moon. Darn the moon and its phases! Its effects on creatures like him were too many to chart.

  Right now, the beast in him wanted to be closer to her. To the luscious female who smelled good and tasted even better.

  “Daffodils,” he murmured as he sipped nectar from her lips.

  “What?” She moaned the question.

  “You taste like daffodils and sunshine.” He wrapped his arms around her and brought her body full flesh against his, bringing her into direct contact with his magnificent arousal.

  Yes, magnificent. He had that on good authority. Never the ladies’ man, Tony still indulged in his physical appetites even if infrequently. Not that anyone else mattered. Only Sofia. His Sofia.

  Mine. Again, the possessive word filled every space inside his mind. He wanted her badly. He was desperate to sink into her and stake his claim. To mark her with his bite.

  He hadn’t felt this damn crazy for a woman in, well, ever. She was soft and feminine, curvy in all the right places. Places he was dying to explore. He caught her mouth with his.

  Encouraged by her sweet submission, he allowed his hands to roam her back all the way down to the curve of her ass. He fondled the rounded globes, squeezing gently before running his palms back up to the dip of her tiny waist, and then down once more to the sexy little flare of her hips.

  She was all curves and softness. He imagined that beneath her clothing her skin would feel like silk. He’d traced the outline of her panties and knew they were trimmed in lace. He wondered if they were pink or black? No, his little chinchilla would probably wear red.


  He nearly went cross-eyed picturing her in a sexy little red lace number. Even better, he wanted her naked. Perfectly bare and naked before him like some sacrifice he could fully consume.

  Grrr. She th
rust her tongue inside his mouth, and Tony growled appreciatively. Every luscious swipe of her tongue was hypnotizing. She was a witch, that’s what she was! Weaving her sensual spell around him, like a rope.

  Color him captured then, because Tony was down for anything she wanted. He swallowed each moan and sigh, savoring them as he drew another then another from her precious lips. The feel of her through her dress was mesmerizing, but not enough. Not nearly enough.

  He reached down, lifting the hem and running his hands up her outer leg, tracing the muscle and fleshy part greedily. He wanted more, always more of her. He wanted it all.

  Just as things started to get interesting, a certain incessant buzzing at his hip stopped him mid-discovery. Sofia squeaked and scurried across the hall.


  “What is that?” She asked from her new position a few feet away from him.

  He hated the distance but respected her need to compose herself. Even if it was a few feet away from him. Hell, any more of that and they’d never get back to campus for those records he needed so desperately to complete his assignment.

  Would that be so bad?

  Yes, dammit.

  Shit. He was arguing with himself. It was never a good sign when a PRIC started talking to himself. Tony acknowledged the woman was incredibly tempting. Okay, she was hot as fuck.

  Yes, he was, by all means, a red-blooded devil. Sex was good. He liked sex. But this wasn’t sex. He barely knew her, and yet, enough time had passed for him to determine that he’d never felt quite like that before about anyone else.

  Like never. Tony felt as if his beast was about to burst from his skin. The devil paced and pushed against him. He needed to stake his claim. To sink into her heat as soon as possible and mark her with his bite.


  Easy boy. Okay, so he wanted her. Fine. He was an adult and so was she. Consensual sex was perfectly acceptable amongst peers and distant colleagues. She was going to help him solve his case, and he would help her discover the identity of the mysterious meatless meatball marauder of FUCN’A. Any shenanigans should probably wait until after both things were resolved.


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