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Chinchilla and the Devil

Page 11

by C. D. Gorri

  Beautiful, intelligent, brave, honest, and feisty, she appealed to him on every level. Tony was a lucky guy. He just had to get around to explaining the whole Jersey devil marking ritual and the changes it would bring to her. With any luck, she’d say yes anyway.

  “So, what if they can’t get their sleeper to activate? What does that have to do with meatballs?” Miranda asked.

  “What doesn’t it have to do with meatballs? Look, do you have the DNA results from the new cadets?” Tony asked Alyce, who nodded in turn.

  “And?” He persisted.

  “We have discovered three anomalies in the registration forms that were recorded for each individual cadet.” Alyce raised one eyebrow and nodded her head.

  “Three?” Sofia asked.

  The entire room seemed to tense. Tony had to admit he was also surprised by the number. What did it mean?

  “A rhino shifter from West Virginia turned out to be half donkey on his father’s side and a gopher from Vancouver is actually a woodchuck. It seemed his whole family has been misclassified for generations.”

  “Wow, that’s fucked,” whispered Miranda.

  “How is it FUC’d?” asked Chase.

  “Not that kind of fucked, honey bear.” She winked.

  The big bear blushed. Viktor sighed, and his red-headed lap-blanket, Renee, giggled. Sofia glared and shushed them, and he had to admit she looked kind of hot, just like a certain sexy teacher fantasy he’d had since his school days.

  Oofa. He’d have to ask her to use that voice on him later. He shifted in his seat, the last thing he needed was a raging boner in the borrowed gray sweats he wore.

  “The third shifter with unusual DNA results is one Homer DeFaux.” Ms. Cooper continued in her most terrifying no-nonsense voice. “He is listed as a fox shifter, and yet his blood test is either corrupted or, well, I am not sure what to think of this.”

  “Tell us,” Sofia said, she took his hand and held it as the director of FUCN’A looked at every single person in the room before glancing back down to her tablet.

  “Homer DeFaux’s DNA appears to have several representatives not found in fox shifter families.” A lengthy growl brought everyone’s head up, and all eyes turned towards Renee.

  “Oops,” she said and shrugged.

  “Look, I am not saying there is only one type of normal for fox shifters, Renee, Viktor.” Alyce nodded at the couple and continued. “But Mr. DeFaux’s blood sample shows an unusual amount of similarities with, well, with a non-sentient goat.”

  Snarls and growls of outrage rang out amongst the FUC agents, FUCN’A staff, and the one PRIC in the room.

  “So,” Tony spoke up. “It’s like I thought. These scarab crooks are tied to Ranklinger and the experiments he’d performed on my ancestors.”

  “I believe you’re right,” Ms. Cooper returned. “The question is, what do you intend to do about it?”

  “Get Chef Maude down here. We need her recipes stat.” His devil was chomping at the bit, ready to solve both cases. He had other things to do. Like mark a certain furry cutie as his own.


  “Are you sure about this?” Sofia asked for the third time since Chef Maude had cleared out.

  Together with Tony and the other agents, the eight of them had prepped two batches of Maude’s famous meatless meatballs from scratch in no time at all.

  Tony had even made sure she had a couple for herself before they cleaned up and scurried out of the cafeteria to better observe the intruder in action. The perimeter secure, they faded into the shadows.

  “Look,” Tony began. “Each theft occurred between three and five AM, just before the breakfast crews come on and right when the security system updates for the night, right?”

  Sofia nodded and noticed four pairs of eyes on Tony as he continued. “That update causes the largest surge of electricity throughout the day here at FUCN’A and, more importantly, at WANC, where the dormitories are located.”

  “So?” Asked Miranda, FUC agent extraordinaire.

  “So? Doll face, tell her what she’s missing,” Tony said, making her almost blush at his certain belief in her.

  “Well, the electrical surge most likely disrupts the magnetic field right here. That, in turn, causes our fox-goat hybrid to lose sense of his carnivorous self, and his vegetarian alter-ego emerges with his powerful craving for meatless meatballs at just the right time!” She finished with a start.

  Holy crap. That’s how he was doing it!

  “Hey, but–” Miranda interrupted.

  “Shh.” Her husband clamped his hand down over her mouth once more, and Sofia swore he did it on purpose just so the bouncy blonde would lick his palm.

  The sound of the back door being forced open reached their ears. Sofia grabbed Tony’s hand. Her heart pounded, pulse raced as the sounds of heavy breathing, snarling, and bleating came closer.

  Sofia’s eyes widened. This was an image she would surely never forget. A humanoid shifter approached on two legs, or should she say hooves. But unlike Tony’s perfectly symmetrical, crimson coated form, this man had short legs and a long fluffy tail.

  His arms ended in claw-tipped fingers. His features were mostly canid. Pointed ears, long snout, and red-colored fur. Everything from his waist up appeared fox-like except for the large, square teeth protruding from his mouth.

  Perfect for chomping meatballs, thought Sofia. The bi-ped was not at all what a typical shifter looked like. Sympathy bubbled inside of her at the sight. Poor guy. First, he was kidnapped, then someone did this to him. Scarab needed to be stopped!

  With a growled baaaaa the cadet known as Homer DeFaux, who they now knew was actually Todd Grano, kidnapped and experimented on by the scarab gang, ripped open the newly repaired walk-in fridge and started devouring the meatballs they’d all hand-rolled mere minutes ago.

  “Not this time!” Chef Maude, who wielding a cast iron frying pan, yelled before delivering a thwack to the poor cadet’s head. Unfortunately, he had the thick skull of a goat, and he merely bleated and continued eating his fill of meatless meatballs.

  “Hey, put the meatballs down!” Shouted Miranda, but her husband lifted her up before the goat-fox could charge her. Head down, he was ready to attack.

  “Holy cow, er, goat!” Quipped Renee, who was also lifted out of harm’s way by her husband when the goat-fox charged in her direction.

  “Enough of this,” Tony said and stood up unleashing a series of shots from the 9mm he’d had tucked into the waistband of his sweats. The gun had been loaded with powerful tranquilizer darts, which were starting to take effect on the poor cadet.

  “That should knock him out for a while,” Tony said as they all watched Todd slump forward mid-chomp.


  The next few hours flew by in a tizzy. The medics took Todd Grano to the hospital, where they discovered more on top of the genetic mutation he’d received as a result of his kidnapping.

  The poor man also had a device implanted into his hippocampus, that part of the brain responsible for long term memories that prevented him from recalling any of his time under Scarab’s influence.

  Where they knew he’d been brainwashed as a sleeper agent, they were unsure as of yet if he’d managed to accomplish any of the nefarious deeds Scarab had planned.

  They had yet to determine whether or not Mr. Grano had been able to send any classified information to Scarab. Jessie Brownsmith was leading the investigation into his communications. They were going over his computer, tablet, and phone to try and trace the movement of all of his communication.

  Reports were made. A phone call to Joe Canary had ensured that Tony’s boss was up to date and another to Gianni Grano saw the excited father on a plane to Canada to reunite with his son. PRIC would make sure the Grano’s received medical attention and counseling to reintegrate Todd with his family once FUC was finished with their investigation.

  “So, that’s it then,” Sofia whispered softly as she wandered over by Tony.

  “We solved both cases, baby,” he agreed.

  Fear and trepidation made her queasy as unfamiliar emotions began to bubble to the surface. Uncertainty was right up there with anxiety. Was this it? Was he leaving?

  She’d only known him two days, and yet it was as if her entire world had turned upside down. She couldn’t picture life without her huge red-skinned Jersey devil at her side warming her nights and making her laugh with his outrageous accent and silly pet names.

  Still, she couldn’t deny the facts. Tony did not live here. He had a life to get back to.

  “When are you headed back to Jersey?”

  “In the morning,” he answered. “I figured we’d get there the long way, after a quick stop at Vegas. Then I’ll take you to meet Mama and Pop, and I suppose we have to see the Leeds side as well,” he grumbled, but she’d stopped listening after he said Vegas.

  The sound of high-heeled shoes closing in on them had both their heads turning around, and Sofia was surprised to see an older woman closing the distance. The surprised look on Tony’s face had her wondering if he knew the woman and how? She was nice looking, but generations older than either of them. Still, the familiarity with which she smiled at him made Sofia wonder.


  “What are you doing here?” He grumbled but allowed the well-dressed woman to embrace him in a tight though brief hug.

  “I came as soon as Joe sent word you’d closed the case. After you promptly asked him to book you a flight to Vegas. Tony, I demand to know what is going on here,” shouted the older woman. “But first, introduce me to your mate.”

  “Uh, Tony?” Sofia gasped.

  “Fine,” he growled and wrapped an arm around Sofia protectively. “This is Sofia Pelosi. She is my mate. Sofia, this is Grandmother Leeds. Wait a second, what do you mean Joe called you? Joe who?”

  “Oh, you silly boy, haven’t you figured it out yet?” She smiled, and Sofia immediately saw the resemblance. Her smooth skin and thick white hair spoke of maturity but belied her age. That’s when it hit her.

  “Tony!” Sofia exclaimed. “Your grandmother is a PRIC!”

  “Sofia!” Shouted Miranda.

  “Ms. Pelosi,” chided Alyce.

  Followed by tsks and no’s, Sofia rolled her eyes as Tony’s wide shoulders shook with mirth. Really? He thought this was funny.

  “No, guys, she’s right. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. You’re my boss, aren’t you.”

  Grandmother Leeds smiled widely and nodded her head. “That’s right. I’m not a PRIC, I’m the head PRIC. The boss at Private Resourceful Investigative Contractors and I’ve spent the last three years in Egypt tracking down Scarab based on your deductions, Antonio.”

  “You have? Avail said you were off globe-trotting?”

  “Yes,” she returned. “Your cousin is not as intuitive as you are. Besides now that he and Stephanie are expecting another set of twins, I’ll likely be spending more time at home. Especially if I have two grandsons granting me more great-grandbabies this year?” She fished. “ Too soon? Oh well, tell me Antonio, has your mate changed like Stephanie?”

  “Oh, uh, well, I haven’t quite marked her yet–”

  Sofia’s face flamed, and her embarrassment grew as Grandmother Leeds shrieked and grabbed them both by the hands, propelling them out the door. “What are you dawdling for my boy, you have a good one here. Off you go. Take my jet, if you wish to elope, fine, but we shall have a reception at Leeds house in the summer. Invite your family, dear, and I will wrap everything up here with these FUC’s.”

  Tony stopped and turned around, his heart in his eyes as he embraced his grandmother.

  “Thank you,” he said and turned to Sofia. “Well, will you have me, doll face?”

  “Tony,” she said and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I thought you knew by now that you’re the only PRIC for me.”

  “You got that right, mi pasticcino,” he said and chuckled deep in his throat before dipping his head and capturing her mouth in a kiss that had the other agents in the room clearing their throats and wolf-whistling at them.

  Sofia stopped the kiss abruptly, worry making her brow furrow. “What about FUC? My career?”

  “You’re really worried about this, huh?” Tony traced a line from her eyebrow along her cheek to her chin before turning to where his Grandmother was chatting with Ms. Cooper.

  “Excuse me, Grandmother Leeds?”

  “Yes, Antonio,” the older woman said brightly.

  “My mate here is worried about me being able to do my job from Canada, so I think I’m going to have to resign–”


  “Nonsense!” Shouted Margot Leeds over both Sofia’s outburst and Tony’s suggestion. “As I was just discussing with Ms. Cooper here, I think it is time that PRIC and FUC get together on this. I will need you here, Antonio, to head the PRIC offices investigation into Scarab. It seems the group you call SCARAB, short for Shifter Child Abduction Ring and Actual Banishment, is a real danger. This organization is seeking to remove shifters from the face of the planet by perverting our DNA and making us infertile. We cannot allow them to continue on this route.”

  “Hell no, we can’t,” growled Tony.

  “Good. Then you will stay here with your mate. After your vacation, of course.”

  “Thank you, Grandmother,” he said with more affection than she’d ever heard him inject in the word. Sofia felt hope blossom inside of her.


  Two days later, in Las Vegas, Nevada…

  Sofia listened to the strong, steady rhythm of Tony’s heartbeat and smiled. She’d never been so full of happiness and joy. Last night she and Tony tied the knot at the most gaudy chapel he could find in all of Vegas. Complete with an Elvis impersonator to give her away, Sofia had never had so much fun.

  Afterwards they fell into their suite, a tangle of sweaty limbs desperate to consummate their vows. Tony kissed, licked, and sucked every inch of her body, and this time, she was able to return the attention on all six-feet of him.

  “What are you smiling about, doll?”

  “I was just thinking how happy I am now that I’ve got you.”

  “Mmm.” His chest rumbled with the noise. Tony leaned down, dropping sweet kisses on her forehead, her cheek, her chin, and her neck. He grazed his teeth lightly over her already healed mating mark, and shivers danced up and down her spine.

  “Oh, Tony,” she moaned. “That feels so good, but seriously I think you broke my vagina with that last position.”

  “Then I’ll have to kiss it and make it better, pasticcino,” he grunted and moved down her body.

  Her devil loved calling her his little cupcake. Must be because of his enormous appetite for cream. Her cream.

  Not that she was complaining. Sofia had never felt so extravagantly tended to, and Tony knew exactly how to make her moan. He spread her legs wide, using his shoulders to maneuver her right where he wanted her. Settling in, he leaned down and breathed in her natural scent. The rumbling in his chest grew louder.

  “Mine,” he growled and parted her already slick folds with his fingers, petting the swollen flesh and bringing her to new heights with just the gentle slide of his hand.

  He dipped down and placed an open-mouthed kiss on her clit, suckling and licking the tiny nub until she bucked wildly against him. No one could turn her on so hot and fast as Tony. Her husband.

  She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that seventy-two hours after meeting him, they’d gotten married and mated, but like her devilish lover said, that was the way it went for some shifters. The lucky ones, at any rate.

  Sofia moaned his name and tugged on his hair, but he wouldn’t budge until her orgasm burst through her hot and fast. She was still reeling from pleasure when Tony slid up her body and thrust his hips, impaling her in one deliberate movement.

  “Tony,” she groaned, rocking her body in time with his.

  The bed creaked as he gro
und his pelvis into hers. Faster and harder, he swiveled his hips. Brushing and stroking that special spot inside of her that only he had ever found, Sofia moaned as the pleasure built.

  “Mine,” he growled.

  “Yes, yours,” she replied immediately, loving his fierce possessive streak.

  It was only fair seeing as how her inner chinchilla echoed the feeling right back to him. In fact, her inner beastie seemed hell-bent on making sure every female who came anywhere near Tony would know he was taken.

  As they spiraled into ecstasy together, Sofia allowed instinct to take over. True, she’d bitten him the first time they’d made love, but something wild inside of her demanded she bite down on his shoulder right now. So, she did, breaking skin and marking him with fangs she never had before.

  Tiny tremors of bliss raked her body for long minutes after they both were spent. Sofia snuggled into her husband and let sleep take her. Forgetting about the bizarre biting incident.

  Sigh. Hours later, Sofia laid her head on the cool pillow that carried Tony’s scent and opened her eyes slowly. The smells of something wonderful coming from the small kitchen of their hotel suite had her salivating. Her stomach rumbled loudly. Blushing, she sat up and covered herself with the sheet. Just then, Tony came into the room with a tray of delicious smelling food, and a wide smile on his gorgeous face.

  “Good morning, mate,” he said, and she savored the word. “I have something you’re gonna love.” He sat down next to her with his bounty. On the tray was a single plate loaded with a steaming pile of pasta covered in succulent-smelling tomato sauce with two piles of meatballs on either side. There were two forks and napkins as well.

  “These are meatless, courtesy of Maude’s recipe.” He pointed to one pile and winked.

  “Mmm.” Sofia chewed carefully and sipped from a glass of water on the tray.


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