Page 7
It felt as though all her internal muscles were being drawn inwards, and despite the slight discomfort, she knew that yet another orgasm was building inexorably within her. She was ashamed of her body’s reaction, but was again frantic for release, and pressed herself backwards so that his finger penetrated her more deeply.
The discomfort immediately increased, and she gave a cry of protest, but Carlos ignored her and continued to keep her shoulders pinned to the cushions. Felipe moved his left hand round beneath Chloe’s body and between her thighs. Within seconds he began to caress the sides of her clitoris as well, and after a few seconds of this combined stimulation an orgasm swept through her as her body jackknifed with the cruel intensity of the sensation.
‘Your third orgasm,’ said Carlos, satisfaction evident in his voice.
Felipe stopped stimulating Chloe and lay motionless behind her, waiting to see what he had to do next.
Determined to regain control, Chloe sat up and looked at Carlos. ‘I want Felipe’s hands tied behind him again.’
‘Then do it yourself.’
Her fingers fumbled with the leather cuffs, and she had to order him off the bed, but finally she had him as he’d been when she’d entered the room, hands bound behind his back, naked and helpless, standing waiting for her to do what she liked with him.
For the first time she was able to appreciate the pleasure of it all, and her overstimulated body drove her on as she walked towards Felipe. She pushed at his shoulders until he was standing against the wall, then wrapped her arms round his neck and pulled herself up his oiled body.
Felipe braced himself as well as he could with his hands tied, and when she wrapped her legs round his waist she saw a look of fear in his eyes, but she didn’t care. All that she wanted was to have him inside her, to feel his rigid erection sliding into her, with the metal rings touching her internal walls.
He was bigger than she’d expected, and she caught her breath for a moment as she impaled herself on him, but then some deep primeval instinct took over and she moved herself frantically up and down on him. The cold touch of the metal rings against her hot, damp flesh was exquisite, and she moved faster and faster as the first gentle tingles expanded and spread.
Felipe was moaning now, clearly terrified of climaxing himself, but Chloe didn’t care what happened to him. The heat was rushing through her belly, her throbbing breasts were being caressed by his chest as she moved, and finally, with one massive explosion, she came and the contractions seemed to go on for ever.
When the last flickers of pleasure had completely died away, she lifted herself off him and slid down to the floor. Only when she felt the thick stickiness between her thighs did she realise that she’d made Felipe come as well.
‘You did well,’ said Carlos, helping her up and putting an arm round her shoulders. ‘I have to confess that I hadn’t expected you to show such aptitude for domination.’
Chloe was surprised as well, surprised and ashamed. ‘It doesn’t seem right,’ she murmured.
‘You enjoyed it, didn’t you?’
‘Yes, but …’
‘Now you begin to learn the advantages of the discipline. Without me to guide you, how would you ever have learnt this about yourself?’
‘But what about Felipe?’ she asked, as she saw Livia leading the still bound young man out of the room, riding crop in hand.
‘I thought that Felipe looked to be enjoying himself too. People get sexual pleasure in many strange ways, Chloe, as you’re beginning to learn.’
At that moment, Felipe’s voice could be heard crying out in obvious pain, and Chloe took a step towards the door through which he and Livia had gone. Carlos tightened his grip on her. ‘Leave them alone. It’s Livia’s turn to enjoy herself now, and Felipe did fail. He’s well trained, and knew what to expect once he lost control of himself.’
Chloe liked having his arm round her, and her body was still glowing with satisfaction, but she couldn’t quite shake off her feelings of guilt.
‘I need to shower,’ she said abruptly.
Later that night, when she was trying to get to sleep, she found herself playing the scene with Felipe over and over in her mind. It still had the power to arouse her, and it was only by masturbating herself to orgasm that she was finally able to sleep.
In the morning, Chloe lay in bed thinking about everything that had happened to her since she’d moved into Carlos’s house. Now, in the cold light of day, the events of the night before made her feel ashamed. She couldn’t believe what she’d done, and how much she’d enjoyed it. It was as though Carlos had her in some kind of spell, but it was a spell that she knew she had to break.
At eight o’clock, before anyone was up, she packed a few essential things into an overnight bag and slipped out of the house. Unknown to her, Carlos was watching as she walked down the front path, her bag over her shoulder.
It was too early to go into the office, so she decided to stop off at a nearby café. There she sat at a table by the window drinking coffee, looking out at the people hurrying by on their way to work. For the first time, she wondered about other people’s secret lives, and whether there were many like Carlos and Livia.
When she finally got up to leave, a young man from a nearby table also stood up and held the door open to let her through. She smiled her thanks, and he smiled back. Idly, her mind registered the fact that he was very attractive in a fresh-faced way, something she wouldn’t have thought about before she’d become involved with Carlos.
Walking swiftly away, she was overtaken by the young man, who then turned and started to move towards her. Chloe’s first thought was that she’d left her purse on the table, and he’d picked it up for her.
‘I hope you don’t mind me chasing after you,’ he said apologetically. ‘It’s just that I was watching you back at the café, and you looked a little lost. I wondered if you were new to London?’
‘No, I’m not,’ said Chloe briskly.
‘That’s a pity. I was going to offer to show you around one evening.’
‘Thank you, but that’s not necessary. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to be late for work if I don’t hurry.’
He looked disappointed. ‘Perhaps we could go out for a meal one evening then?’
Chloe couldn’t believe her ears. She was wearing a plain summer dress and hadn’t even put on any make-up that morning. There didn’t seem to be any reason why a handsome young man would want to pick her up, let alone think she’d be interested.
‘No, thank you,’ she said firmly, afraid that she was subconsciously sending out the wrong kind of signals after her encounter with Felipe the night before.
‘We’d have a good time,’ said the stranger confidently.
Looking directly into his face, Chloe, with her new-found experience, knew that he was right. She felt a fluttering in her stomach and a desire to know what it would be like with this man. Slowly an idea formed in her mind.
‘I can’t make dinner,’ she said slowly. ‘I’m working late. I’m connected with a charity that helps Brazilian street children. Why don’t you call in at our office instead and make a donation that will enable them to be fed?’
The stranger’s eyes sparkled. ‘If I do, will you at least come out for a drink with me tonight?’
‘Yes, a drink would be nice,’ she agreed. Then, before she had time to change her mind, she gave him one of the charity’s cards and hurried off, wondering if she’d gone completely mad.
‘What’s with the suitcase?’ asked Lizzie as Chloe sat down at her workstation. ‘Hope you’re not leaving Senhor Rocca’s mansion. We don’t want to upset our next patron before he’s taken over.’
‘I hope I’m not expected to run my private life the way Carlos wants me to, just to keep the money rolling in,’ retorted Chloe.
‘Hey, steady on! It was a joke. Is there some kind of problem?’
Chloe, who was thoroughly confused by her own
behaviour minutes earlier, shook her head. ‘Of course not. This is an overnight bag, that’s all. I’m seeing a friend tonight.’
‘Right,’ said Lizzie, sounding totally unconvinced. ‘I’ll leave you to deal with the phone. The list for cold calling is pinned to the notice board. Start after the last ticked name. Victoria was doing some yesterday, but she spends more time on the phone to her friends than possible supporters. Unfortunately I can’t get rid of her; her father’s one of the founders.’
‘It’s strange: I left religious orders because the charity was corrupt, but it’s no better here,’ commented Chloe.
‘That’s a dreadful thing to say!’ exclaimed Lizzie. ‘We don’t pay backhanders to people, or bribe anyone. We just have to be willing to be flexible about things, but that’s true in every walk of life.’
‘We’d do anything to keep our chief benefactors happy,’ replied Chloe, taking down the list and seeing that Victoria had only managed eight phone calls in an afternoon.
‘You might,’ said Lizzie frostily, ‘but I certainly wouldn’t. Perhaps that’s why you’re the one Carlos Rocca wants sitting next to him at the dinner next month. If you’re annoyed with yourself, Chloe, please don’t take it out on me.’
Chloe sighed. ‘Sorry, Lizzie. Think I got out of bed the wrong side this morning. I’ll feel better once I’m busy.’
Soon she was immersed in phone calls, and when she went out into the front office at midday, she’d almost convinced herself that her bizarre early-morning encounter had never happened. The sight of the blond-haired stranger handing over a cheque to a smiling Lizzie soon shattered that delusion.
‘That’s very generous of you,’ said Lizzie, putting the cheque into a black metal box. ‘How did you get to hear about us?’
‘I met that young lady this morning,’ he replied, looking straight at Chloe.
‘Really? I must send her out canvassing for us on a daily basis then.’
The young man smiled. ‘I’m sure she’d do very well. I’ll collect you from here this evening if you like,’ he added to Chloe. ‘What time do you expect to finish?’
‘About nine; we’ve got a committee meeting that starts at seven.’
‘Nine it is then. See you later.’
Lizzie watched him go and then turned to Chloe. ‘Is that the friend you said you were staying with tonight? If so, you seem to make friends very quickly.’
‘Of course I’m not staying with him,’ muttered Chloe. ‘We’re having a drink together, that’s all.’
Lizzie put a hand on Chloe’s arm. ‘Be careful,’ she said softly. ‘This isn’t like you, Chloe. You’re changing, but I don’t think you understand that behaving like this can be dangerous. You’ve had a very protected life and—’
‘I’ll be fine,’ Chloe assured her, although she wasn’t certain that was true. The one thing she did know was that she’d been over-hasty in thinking that she must leave her lodgings that morning. The truth was, it was already too late for her to leave Carlos. He’d started to awaken the dark side of her sexuality, and she needed him to teach her more before she could hope to be ready to go out into the world and cope with her new-found knowledge on her own.
She’d go back tonight, and he needn’t ever know she’d intended to leave. First, though, she would have one drink with the blond stranger.
‘Sorry I’m late. These committee meetings always go on longer than they’re meant to,’ said Chloe as she got into the dark-blue BMW that was parked on a double yellow line outside the building where she worked.
‘I’m relieved you’re here. I had a feeling you might stand me up at the last minute.’
‘I nearly did,’ she confessed, putting her overnight case on the back seat. ‘You know, I don’t think you ever told me your name.’
‘Let’s leave it that way,’ he said softly. ‘It makes it all the more exciting, don’t you think?’
She nodded, aware that she was already trembling with excitement. ‘Where are we going?’
‘You’ll see. Sit back and enjoy the ride.’
Chloe began to feel nervous. ‘I want to know where we’re going.’
The stranger turned his head to look at her, and smiled his pleasant smile. ‘For a drink, of course. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?’
‘I meant, which pub are we going to?’
‘It’s in Richmond, near the river. You’ll like it.’
‘We haven’t got time to go to Richmond,’ she protested. ‘It’s nine o’clock already.’ He didn’t answer her. Instead he put a classical CD on the player and turned up the volume, drowning out any further attempts at conversation on her part.
As they sped through the streets of London, jumping lights and overtaking on bends, Chloe sat in terrified silence, remembering Lizzie’s words of warning and wishing that she’d heeded them. It was too late now. All she could do was wait until the car stopped and then make a run for it.
The car didn’t stop. It didn’t even slow down until they approached Richmond, and then, to her surprise, she realised that they really were pulling into the car park of a pub by the river. When she threw the passenger door open and stumbled out, she could hear the sound of people chattering and laughing coming from the open windows.
The stranger got out from behind the wheel and stood watching her in silence. ‘You’ve never done anything like this before, have you?’ he asked at last.
Chloe shook her head.
‘How did you feel during the drive?’
‘Scared,’ she admitted.
‘Excited too?’
‘A little.’
He took a step towards her. ‘And are you still excited?’
She stared at him, seeing the desire in his eyes and knowing that he wanted her. ‘Yes.’
Reaching out, he pushed her hair back behind her ears and stroked the side of her neck. ‘Carlos was right, you’re lovely.’
Chloe was stunned. ‘What do you mean? Do you know Carlos?’
‘I work for him. I’m sorry, Chloe. I’d love to spend the evening with you, but Carlos is waiting to take you back to London. Perhaps one day we’ll have a chance to do this properly.’ As he spoke, he slid a tiny card into her left hand, and she quickly put it into her shoulder bag, just before Carlos and Livia came out of the pub together.
‘I told you she’d like Mike,’ laughed Livia, kissing the blond man on both cheeks.
‘It seems you were right,’ said Carlos, staring intently at Chloe as she stood awkwardly by the car. ‘I feel a little insulted that you were leaving me in order to pick up strange men, Chloe. Clearly I need to offer you more variety in your life. I had no idea quite how quickly you’d progressed.’
‘I wasn’t leaving you!’ she protested. ‘I’m a free agent. Why can’t I make a date with a man if I want to?’
‘You were leaving me. You have an overnight case in the car, and you had no intention of returning. Please remember, you are not a free agent. Behaviour like this is completely undisciplined. At the moment, your sexuality is being defined within the framework of my rules, and under my roof. I told you before that once you’d begun, there was no turning back. It seems you didn’t believe me.’
‘I was confused this morning. I needed time to think,’ she protested
Carlos laughed. ‘You didn’t waste much time on thinking. I phoned Mike the moment you left the house with that little case of yours, and half an hour later you’d agreed to go out with a perfect stranger tonight. I admire your spirit of adventure. It’s just a pity that in this particular instance you will have to be punished for it.’
‘And punished now,’ added Livia, satisfaction evident in her voice.
Chloe looked nervously at Carlos. ‘What does she mean, now?’
‘As you were so adventurous this morning, when Mike here tried to pick you up, we thought it would be a good idea if you went into this pub, became friendly with one of the men and then brought him outside and had sex with him.’
couldn’t!’ she protested.
‘You don’t have any choice,’ said Carlos firmly. ‘Hurry, it’s nearly closing time.’
Chloe looked at Mike, and saw that he was watching her with interest. She realised that he was excited by what Carlos was proposing, and his excitement aroused her too. Without another word, she walked away from the three of them and into the crowded pub.
At the bar she ordered herself a glass of red wine, and as she sipped at it she glanced around the room, looking for likely men. After only a few minutes she made eye contact with a young man of about her own age sitting on the opposite side of the room with a group of friends.
He had dark-brown curly hair, and green eyes which brightened with interest when she looked his way. When he got to his feet and walked over to the bar, Chloe felt a buzz of excitement.
‘On your own?’ he asked casually, ordering himself a pint of beer.
‘Yes. I finished work late and wanted to unwind before I went home.’
He glanced at her left hand. ‘No husband, I take it?’
Chloe laughed. ‘No attachments at all. I’m a free spirit.’ She was amazed at how much she was beginning to enjoy herself.
‘That’s the kind of girl I like. My name’s Jamie, what’s yours?’
‘Jemma,’ she lied. It suddenly seemed important that Jamie never knew the real her.
‘Hi, Jemma. Let me get you another glass of wine.’
‘What about your friends?’ she asked, seeing them watching what was happening.
‘They’re just leaving. I’m a free spirit too. There’s no one waiting at home for me.’
Chloe looked straight into his eyes and smiled provocatively. ‘That’s lucky.’
He smiled back at her. ‘My thoughts exactly.’
For the next five minutes they chatted idly about inconsequential things, and all the time Chloe was flirting with him. She touched him lightly on the arm to emphasise a point, tucked her hair behind her ears as she listened to him talking, and the sexual tension between them grew until she thought it must be obvious to everyone nearby.