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Page 12

by Anderson, Marina

  ‘I suppose he meant he remembered talking to me. I expect he expressed himself badly. His English isn’t that good.’

  Lizzie clearly didn’t believe that. ‘He’s got an English wife, Chloe! I thought his English was excellent.’

  ‘I don’t know what you want me to say,’ said Chloe. ‘I’ve told you everything and—’

  ‘Have you really, Chloe? Do you swear you’ve told me everything?’

  Reluctantly Chloe looked Lizzie directly in the eye, and found herself unable to swear to a lie. ‘Maybe not,’ she conceded.

  Lizzie sighed. ‘I thought as much. I don’t want any details, it’s none of my business anyway, but please be careful, Chloe. You don’t belong in the kind of world men like that inhabit. One day they’ll move on and leave you behind. What will you do then?’

  ‘It’s not like that,’ said Chloe soothingly. ‘Honestly, Lizzie, I’m all right. I know what I’m doing. Besides, think what the charity can do with the money!’

  ‘Bugger the charity,’ said Lizzie sharply. ‘I’m worried about you. I’d rather we had to hold an extra fifty raffles than think you were getting caught up in things you didn’t understand, even if we got a million pounds as a result. I care about you, Chloe, and right now I’m very worried.’

  Chloe was touched. She knew that Lizzie was telling her the truth, and was grateful for the older woman’s concern, but it was far too late. She was already trapped in Carlos’s world, addicted to the disciplined sexuality that he was teaching her.

  Despite Livia’s beauty and her independent wealth, Chloe had seen flashes of fear in the Brazilian girl’s eyes over the weekend, fear that she was losing her lover. It was clear to Chloe that without Carlos Livia wouldn’t know how to exist. She’d spent so long in his world of dark, decadent pleasure that she wouldn’t be able to survive without it. Livia was a permanent warning to Chloe of the danger of total dependence on the handsome Brazilian, and a far more effective one than Lizzie’s anxious words.

  ‘You don’t need to worry,’ she said quietly. ‘I’ll be fine.’

  ‘You’re not the first girl to have said those words and realised too late that she was wrong.’

  ‘Perhaps I’ll be the first to say them and discover I was right! I must dash now. You’ve missed your badminton class, haven’t you?’

  Lizzie nodded. ‘It doesn’t matter. I had to talk to you. Now that I have, it’s your decision, but at least I’ve warned you. From now on I won’t mention anything about your private life again, okay?’

  Chloe smiled. ‘Is that a promise?’

  ‘As long as you behave at the dinner, yes, it’s a promise,’ retorted Lizzie with a laugh.

  Walking back to Carlos’s house, Chloe thought about her friend’s final words and shivered. She had a feeling that Carlos intended her to behave very badly at the dinner. She just had to hope that somehow she could disguise the fact from Lizzie, and all the other people from work who’d be there that night.

  Taking out her key to the front door, her heart started to beat faster, and her mouth went dry. It was time for the discipline to begin again.



  ‘Here she comes,’ said Carlos to Livia as he looked out of the drawing room window and saw Chloe walking towards the house.

  Livia glanced sideways at him. ‘You sound excited.’

  ‘I am excited. This evening should be very interesting for both of us.’

  ‘Both meaning you and Chloe?’

  He nodded, untroubled by her obvious irritation. It was Chloe who interested him at the moment. She would find what he had planned for her this evening difficult, and watching her struggle would arouse him in a way that Livia no longer had the power to do.

  Before Chloe had time to insert her key in the lock, Carlos opened the front door for her and saw a flicker of apprehension in her eyes, but an apprehension that was tinged with excitement.

  ‘I’ve been waiting for you,’ he said quietly. ‘Today I read a book of English nursery rhymes. Do you know the one about Little Tommy Tucker?’

  Chloe smiled. ‘Of course I do. He had to sing for his supper.’

  ‘Which is precisely what you will have to do tonight. Not literally, of course, but the concept is the same. Before you can eat tonight, you must entertain me by showing me how disciplined your sexual responses have become.’

  Chloe swallowed nervously. ‘Straight away?’

  ‘What’s the point in waiting?’

  ‘I need to shower and change.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I’ll help you shower. Come upstairs now. Remember, obedience is necessary within any discipline. The nuns must have taught you that.’

  Carlos could tell that Chloe, though clearly apprehensive, was also excited. Her eyes were bright, and there was a pink tinge to her cheeks. ‘Follow me,’ he said firmly, and without looking back he made his way up the stairs and into the bedroom that he and Livia shared.

  ‘Leave the door open. Livia will be up in a moment. Take off your clothes and leave them on the floor. The shower is through here, in the bathroom.’

  ‘I didn’t know Livia was going to be with us,’ murmured Chloe.

  Carlos smiled to himself. He knew that everything would be more difficult for Chloe with Livia looking on and helping him. Obviously Chloe knew it too. That was good. It would add an edge of fear to everything she had to do, and fear could be a wonderful aphrodisiac.

  Turning round, he saw her standing naked in the middle of the room. She looked very small and defenceless, and her almond-shaped grey eyes were enormous as she looked at him, waiting for her instructions. He had an almost overwhelming urge to take her there and then, but knew that he would only regret it. There would be time for that later, after she’d learnt to control her body’s reactions. Her struggle would inflame him even more.

  ‘Perhaps a bath, not a shower,’ he mused aloud, and gestured for her to follow him into the en suite bathroom.

  ‘Stand by the wall there while I fill the tub,’ he said curtly, then turned on the taps so that the room quickly began to fill with steam.

  Chloe watched Carlos bending over the bath and felt herself start to tremble. It was shaming, but already her body was hungry for him to begin arousing her. She was nervous as well, but that was only increasing her excitement, and she wondered what Lizzie would think if she could see her now.

  When the bath was almost full, and the bubbles threatened to spill over on to the pale blue carpet, Carlos signalled for her to move over to his side. Then he straightened up and studied her naked body before running his hands down her sides, his fingers splaying out when he reached her waist. For a moment they danced over her leaping flesh, but then his hands moved on until he was caressing the calves of her legs and her ankles.

  At another signal from him, Chloe stepped into the bath. As she lifted her right leg he rested his left hand on the inside of her thigh and brushed his fingertips against her dark pubic hair. Her breath caught in her throat, and immediately he removed his hand.

  Once she was lying down in the water, he reached down into the foam and began to knead gently at her muscles. He started with her feet and worked his way upwards, finally concentrating on her shoulders and neck.

  Her entire body seemed to become sexually alive beneath his caresses, and she couldn’t stop herself from giving tiny sighs of pleasure as she revelled in the luxury of it all. He continued to massage her for a long time, until her eyes grew heavy and her lids began to droop. Then he stopped, and helped her out of the tub, before wrapping her in a thick, warm towel and proceeding to dry her. She couldn’t remember when she’d last felt so relaxed.

  When the towel was suddenly removed and she was once more naked, she felt bereft. ‘That was wonderful,’ she murmured.

  ‘How nice,’ said Livia coldly from the doorway, and hearing her voice brought Chloe out of the cocoon of sensual pleasure in which Carlos had so cunningly enveloped her.

  ‘Recovered from your
day at the office now?’ he asked. Chloe nodded. She didn’t want to speak, didn’t want to do anything to break the spell sooner than was necessary. ‘Good, then we can begin. Come back into the bedroom.’

  Obediently she left the warm, steam-filled room and returned to the bedroom. The curtains had been shut against the early-evening sunlight, but the concealed lighting had been turned on and scented candles were burning in heavy iron candlesticks beside the bed. The heady smell of exotic spices filled Chloe’s nostrils as she inhaled deeply.

  Taking her by the hand, Carlos led her over to the bed and pushed her gently down until she was sitting near the bottom of it, while Livia stood watching her from the doorway into the bathroom. ‘Move a little further back,’ he said, and watched intently as she hitched herself up the soft duvet.

  ‘That’s excellent. I want you to masturbate yourself to orgasm for me, remembering to keep your clitoris exposed to my gaze all the time. After you’ve come once, I want you to make yourself come again as quickly as possible for a second time, with the same rule applying. Do you have any questions?’

  ‘I don’t know if I can do that,’ cried Chloe. ‘What if—’

  ‘There are no what ifs here tonight, Chloe. Begin now, and remember, I shall know if you try to fake it.’

  Chloe had no intention of trying to fake an orgasm, because she didn’t know how to do it. Neither did she know if she’d be able to make herself come, not so coldly, without any help. However, as Carlos remained standing at the foot of the bed, his blue eyes hard and glittering with excitement, she felt her body start to respond to the challenge he’d set her.

  Sliding her right hand down between her thighs, she lay back against the cushions in the middle of the bed, and then pulled her knees up towards her before letting them fall open so that she was totally exposed to Carlos’s gaze.

  She pressed the palm of her hand against herself, making sure that she was stimulating the top join of her outer sex lips. Slowly the first flickers of arousal began to dart through her lower belly, and she whimpered to herself as her sex lips started to part.

  Glancing upwards, she saw that Carlos was breathing deeply, his tongue flicking over his lower lip to moisten it. She started to imagine what it would feel like to have his tongue where her fingers were, and immediately her juices began to flow.

  Her sex was opening up rapidly now, and she withdrew her hand for a moment so that she could moisten her middle finger in her mouth. Then, when she let her hand snake down her body and between her outspread thighs again, it was easy for the damp finger to stroke the sides of her rapidly swelling clitoris.

  Immediately she felt her abdominal muscles tighten, and her hips moved restlessly on the bed. The pressure began to build from deep inside her belly but then, as the sensations grew even more intense, her clitoris tried to retract beneath its protective hood.

  ‘Push down,’ demanded Carlos harshly. ‘I told you to keep your clitoris visible to me at all times.’

  Whimpering with the effort, Chloe did as she was told, and as her fingertip stroked the tip of the overstimulated bunch of nerve endings, the sensations overwhelmed her and a violent orgasm ripped through her body. With a sharp cry she felt her body spasm with ecstasy, and her legs trembled violently until the last delicious tendrils of pleasure died away.

  ‘Again,’ said Carlos firmly.

  ‘Please, not yet!’ cried Chloe, who knew how sensitive her clitoris would be at this moment.

  ‘You have no choice. It’s my wish, and you must obey my orders without question. That’s what discipline is all about, remember?’

  The fact that he and Livia were watching her, and that she was lying so utterly and shamelessly exposed should have made it impossible for Chloe to obey, but instead it had the opposite effect. Her treacherous body wanted to do as Carlos demanded, and craved the intense satisfaction of another climax.

  Slowly, hesitantly, she moved her hand back between her thighs. This time she pressed against her pubic mound before moving her hand lower, and immediately tiny sparks started to run through her whole body. Without thinking, she began to massage her breasts with her left hand, and this increased her overall excitement.

  By the time her fingers reached the hub of her sexuality, she was soaking wet there again, and the tip of her middle finger slid over the swollen flesh, making her entire body swell and grow hot.

  Her clitoris was tight and hard, aching with need, but the moment she allowed herself to touch it, she felt it disappear from beneath her finger. She groaned aloud with a mixture of disappointment and fear at Carlos’s reaction.

  ‘That’s the second time I’ve lost sight of it, Chloe,’ he reminded her.

  ‘I didn’t mean it to happen, I swear I didn’t,’ she cried, trying desperately to push back the covering membrane.

  ‘Livia, you’ll have to assist,’ said Carlos. ‘Chloe will be punished later. First I want to see her make herself come for the second time.’

  Within seconds the Brazilian girl was sitting next to Chloe. Her skilled fingers pushed at the offending skin until the throbbing, overstimulated clitoris was once more exposed. Aware of how sensitive it was, Chloe touched it very lightly on its side, but the resulting sensation was like a red-hot burning pain which lanced through her lower body, making her scream aloud.

  ‘Continue,’ ordered Carlos.

  Chloe’s body was in turmoil. The sensations were too intense, threatening to overwhelm her, and now she knew that when this was over she was going to be punished, yet still she continued to arouse her own throbbing flesh.

  Gradually, as she adjusted to the painfully intense sensations she was causing herself, her body began to take perverse enjoyment in the sharp, searing flashes that were coursing through her. She could feel her stomach growing tight, and her breasts were throbbing, the nipples standing out rigidly from the surrounding flesh.

  She needed to come, needed release from the terrible tension that was consuming her, and so she forced herself to stroke the cruelly exposed bunch of nerve endings one more time.

  Immediately her body responded. All her muscles tightened yet further for one brief second, and then she was racked by another climax. She heard herself crying out incoherently as her body thrashed helplessly on the bed while Livia continued to prevent her clitoris from retreating beneath its protective hood.

  Only when she was finally still, the sweat trickling between her breasts, did Carlos call Livia away from Chloe’s side, and then the pair of them stood looking down at her as she shivered and gasped in the aftermath of her second orgasm.

  ‘It seems that you still have difficulty in obeying my instructions,’ remarked Carlos when she was finally still. ‘I’m disappointed in you.’

  ‘But really I tried!’ she protested. ‘It isn’t something I’ve done before and—’

  ‘Don’t try and make excuses for yourself. I find it tedious in the extreme. Perhaps your punishment will help you to become more disciplined. Livia, fetch the footstool.’

  Pushing herself up on one elbow, Chloe watched as the Brazilian girl placed a small padded footstool near the curtained window, just beneath one of the concealed lights. Then Carlos took hold of her hand, helping her off the huge bed before leading her over to the footstool. ‘Stand on that,’ he commanded her.

  Chloe could feel her heart thudding against her ribs, and her breathing seemed constricted by fear. She didn’t know what her punishment was going to be, but she was certain that it was going to test her in ways that she didn’t even dare begin to imagine.

  As soon as she’d stepped on to the low stool, Carlos pulled her hands roughly behind her back, and then she felt the touch of cold metal against her skin and heard a tiny click as handcuffs were fastened around her wrists. As a result, her shoulders were pulled back, and her breasts jutted out, caught in the beam from the concealed light.

  Carlos ran the palm of his right hand over each of her nipples in turn, then gave a low laugh as they quickly grew hard
beneath his touch. ‘Such eager little tips,’ he murmured to himself. Chloe felt ashamed of her own response.

  ‘Fetch the wooden box,’ continued Carlos, and now Chloe’s eyes turned to Livia, who opened one of the drawers in the dressing table and drew out a mahogany box with a lacquered lid. ‘Stay where you are,’ Carlos instructed Chloe as he opened the box and drew out a long ivory stick, thick at the base but tapering to a narrow point.

  Next he poured some oil from a small glass phial into the palm of his left hand before rubbing this over the stick, which he then studied thoughtfully. ‘Yes, that should be ideal, don’t you think, Livia?’

  ‘Perfect,’ agreed his mistress with a smile.

  Without saying another word, Carlos walked round behind Chloe. Then she felt him parting the cheeks of her bottom before, with a swift twisting movement, he inserted the ivory taper deep inside her rectum.

  Chloe gave a gasp of protest, but he ignored her. ‘Clench your muscles and keep it inside you,’ he said curtly. ‘If you let it fall out, I shall be very angry. This is your punishment, and I don’t expect you to fail me again.’

  Panic-stricken by the tone of his voice, Chloe quickly tightened her internal muscles, trying to get a grip on the slippery object, but it was difficult and she felt it start to slide out of her before finally managing to pull it back a little. In order to do as Carlos said, she had to keep her muscles tightly clenched and concentrate all the time.

  Carlos nodded with satisfaction, and then patted her lightly on the bottom, an action that nearly made her release it by mistake. ‘Excellent. Remember, no matter what I do to you, the ivory taper has to remain inside you.’

  He was standing in front of her now, his strange blue eyes staring intently into her grey ones, but there was no flicker of sympathy on his face. Instead he looked both intrigued by her plight, and fiercely determined to teach her how to control herself in the way he wanted.

  When he crouched down at her feet and ran his hands up the insides of her legs, she felt her heart sink. She knew that if he distracted her for even a moment, the taper would slip and she would have failed him yet again. ‘Please don’t touch me,’ she whispered, but if he heard, he didn’t acknowledge her words. His hands moved inexorably higher, and then he parted her sex lips and very gently inserted a finger inside her.


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