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“Oh, my—” Colonel Starkes simply stared at the small can in her hands, momentarily taken aback.
“Major tells me you especially like those, right?” asked Stimpy.
“Oh, my—” Colonel Starkes studied the small can in her hands and then glanced to recheck the contents in the boxes. By quick count, she figured there were at least twenty more cans of Vienna sausage. Salivating, she wiped her lips and felt a savage desire to rip open the can. Worried that her wanton emotion was on display, she calmed, looking at the men and Nicole. They were all smiling, as if she was the favorite child given a special gift on Christmas. “Yeah, Stimpy. I, uh, do favor a good Armour Vienna when—circumstances permit.” Colonel Starkes caressed the can in her hand, quickly setting her coffee on the table. She reached in and grabbed two more cans. Boldly, she slipped both cans into her pant pockets, both embarrassed and shameless in her actions.
“Well, seems like circumstances permit, ma’am. They’re all yours.”
Smiling, Colonel Starkes appreciated the grand gesture, feeling warmth for the men under her command.
“Sergeants Ren, Stimpy, you two are awesome!”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“Thanks, ma’am.”
“And, I appreciate the gesture, but we share our food and play no favorites.”
“Yes ma’am. That’s what the major told us you’d say.” Ren smiled, reaching into his box to pull a small canvas bag from the back of the pile. He walked the few feet to the colonel, handing it over. Sensing the contents by feel, she opened the drawstring and looked inside. There were fifteen additional cans of Vienna sausage.
“It’s a gift from your team, ma’am. The rest of the stuff in there’s for us men—and Nicole and Amanda and CJ.”
Tears forming, Colonel Starkes sat the bag on the table, snatching up her coffee to walk a few feet away. With her back turned, she took a deep sip, burning her mouth. She tried her best to compose herself. Not surprisingly, Nicole and the men waited. After a few more seconds, Colonel Starkes turned back and smiled, quickly wiping her eyes.
“Thank you. Thank you all.”
“Our pleasure, ma’am,” said Stimpy. His look of satisfaction nearly made her cry all over again.
Brushing emotions aside, Colonel Starkes walked up to Ren and Stimpy and stared, as if angry. Seeing their confusion, she smiled. “These aren’t the easy-open lids. Tell me one of you has a damn can opener.”
“Right here, Hannah.” Nicole pulled the can opener from her back pocket.
“Thanks.” Brazenly, Colonel Starkes grabbed another Vienna sausage from the box and motioned toward the door. “Grab some food everyone and let’s head over to the bird for breakfast. Bring something for the major, that son-of-a-bitch. We’re going to eat like kings and queens this morning! Ren, go wake up Amanda. Here, hold this, Nicole,” said Colonel Starkes, handing over her coffee.
The colonel's hands shook in anticipation, as she slipped the opener onto the small can. She walked toward the door and opened it with the team following close behind. Tossing the lid away, she held the can to her nose and stopped. The team stopped with her. “Oh. My. Wow!” Reaching in delicate fingers, she pulled a small, pale sausage and slipped it into her mouth. Unable to move after the burst of raw flavor, she simply moaned, uncaring if the men saw her as less than their commanding officer.
“It’s good, huh?” asked Nicole. She smiled, studying the evident pleasure.
“You don’t know the half of it, Nicole. This is one of my absolute favorites.”
“Yeah, so Mike’s told me.”
“Oh, my—”
"Did you see the four pounds of coffee in Ren's box? Mike said to make sure I told you he found some new coffee for you."
Colonel Starkes laughed as she pulled another sausage out of the can. "Yeah, I hafta be sure to thank him on that."
CHAPTER 9.6-Talking to Connor Mac
“You’re safe now, Renaldo Miguel. Over.”
“Says who?”
“I’m Colonel Connor MacMillen. We’re sittin’ about one hundred yards from you, at the KFC. Have the sergeant bring you here.”
“And if I don’t want to?”
“Well, in that case, I’ll have ‘em give up an automatic weapon and a few magazines to send you on your way, better equipped than that handgun. I’ll even have him pass along some supplies and water so you can go on your way with your friend. Over.”
“She’s my sister. Can I have his binoculars?”
“I guess, sure. Okay. Your call. But you’d do better to fall in with us than take your chances. From what you mentioned, there’s menace afoot. Have you happened to meet up with anyone interesting today? Over.”
“Maybe. Ahh…yeah, a puta named Phoenix. Over.”
“You catch on quick with radio protocol, kid. Phoenix you say? A puta no less? Love it! C’mon in and we’ll talk. Bring your handgun, loaded if you must. Bring your sister. Over.”
“I might. Over.”
Renaldo stared at the radio and then at the men surrounding him. As if in a dream, he raised the radio to his lips. “Are you for real?”
“That I am, Renaldo. Remember, My name's Connor Mac. Over.”
“How can I trust you? Over.”
“Well, think of it from my perspective. You’d be dead already if I didn’t think you’d add value to my team. Over.”
Renaldo studied the men staring at him. He was sure that they were not about to kill him and appeared genuinely interested in taking him to this Colonel MacMillen—to discuss what he might know and possibly trade for. Reaching a decision, he waved Gabriella to come in.
“I see what you mean but I’m taking a big chance, colonel. Over.”
“And I’m not? Over?”
Renaldo considered the situation from the viewpoint of this Colonel MacMillen. The fact that this colonel was devoting this amount of time talking to him made him realize that the colonel was a rather smart man, seeking to gain advantage by having current and updated local tactical data at his fingertips. His confidence that he’d made a good choice continued to climb. Gabriella came near, studying the fierce men around her, clutching the bag in her left hand. The men were concerned at the large handgun floating in Gabriella’s right hand, though, so far, she had not waved it in a dangerous way.
“Nully? It’s okay?”
“I think so, Gabby. Hey, put that on safe and in the bag for now.”
“Yeah, I think it’s gonna be okay.”
Gabriella safed the weapon and slipped the Colt into the bag, staring at the big men around her. They visibly relaxed at the gesture. Cautiously, she came to stand by Renaldo’s side. Protectively, he wrapped his arm around her, holding the radio to his lips.
“I hope I’ve done good, colonel. My dad would kill me if I’m wrong. Over.”
“Bring him in too, Renaldo. Where’s your dad? Bring your mom. Over.”
“They’re dead, colonel. Over.”
There was a hesitation in Connor responding to the revelation.
“I see. I’m thinking he’s taught you well. What’s your sister’s name? Over.”
“Gabriella. Over.”
“Gabriella, okay. You and Gabriella come in and see what’s up. You can become part of our team or leave us better than you came after a quick discussion. Your call, Renaldo. Over.”
“Right now—I think you're the real deal. Over.”
“I am, Renaldo. Come on in and tell me what you know about this Phoenix before we get the hell outta here. Over.”
“Yeah, well colonel, we better move quick—he’s probably right around the corner—from where I dropped him off. Over.”
“Figured as much. This, I gotta hear. Get in here. Over and out.”
CHAPTER 9.7-Preparing the Team
“Hi there, Renaldo.”
“You Colonel MacMillen?”
“No, I’m Major John. Come on this way.”
Renaldo followed John McLeod. S
topping, John caught the attention of the men behind the boy. Stretch waited.
“Stretch, Mac says to run on in and grab some food, you and your team.”
“I hear that.”
“He’s sent out a team for rear guard near your last position.
“Yes, sir. Good.”
“I’ll take him from here.”
“Sure, sir?”
“Yeah, I got them now.
“Okay,” said Stretch, "Thank you, sir."
John McLeod squatted in front of Gabriella.
"You must be Gabriella. Hi there.”
“Hi,” said Gabriella, bashful.
"C'mon, you two, let's go over to meet the colonel."
Renaldo followed behind John McLeod with Gabby, close behind. Observation and analysis training by his father kicked into overdrive and Renaldo saw many men clustered in batches, talking. All were armed, giving him barely a glance. He walked behind John McLeod to the entrance of the KFC, seeing many more people inside. Upon his entrance, everyone turned.
“Renaldo Miguel, nice to meet you,” said Connor. He walked toward the entrance.
Renaldo had pegged the brown-eyed man with the small scar above his eye as the clear leader. At the man’s approach, Renaldo sensed his energy and charismatic command presence. Several other men followed behind to stand near.
“I see you still have that gun in your hand, a Taurus Judge I see.”
Renaldo glanced at the weapon. Feeling a bit silly, he hit the safety, tucking the gun in the front of his pants.
“Thank you. A good sign, Renaldo. We’re not out to take advantage of you.”
“You Colonel MacMillen?”
“I am.”
“Who’s he?”
“That’s Captain Marty.”
“Nice hair.”
“Thanks,” said Marty. Self-consciously, he brushed back the long, blonde bangs that kept trying to settle before his eyes.
“Marty and John, who you’ve met, have been with me for awhile before we formed up with the rest of the men around you.”
“These two others are Captain Daubney and First Sergeant Mickey. And don’t let that fierce glare from Top scare you.”
Renaldo caught the intense stare, but refused to accept it. “I won’t.”
“Captain and Top think I’m pushing the envelope, paying a bit too much attention to you.”
Renaldo studied the men surrounding the colonel. Reaching a decision, he took a step forward, standing in front of the colonel. “Phoenix’s army is around that corner by now. His men are all wearing body armor.”
“You had a run in with him?”
“You could say that.”
“Go on…”
Renaldo began his story. Gabriella could not help but stare at the meat grilling on the three makeshift fires in the back of the KFC. Mouth watering, she hesitated at the mention of Phoenix being in the truck with them.
“I didn’t like him at all, Nully!”
“I know, Gabby. I’ll be sure to tell the colonel. Can she get us something to eat, sir?”
“Go on, go grab us some food, Gabby.”
Connor crouched down in front of her and smiled. “Is it okay if I call you Gabby?"
"Good. Thank you. Gabby, go ahead. Go see Jackson and Rhonda over there for some food. Bring your brother over a plate, okay?"
Gabriella rushed over to where Rhonda and Jackson were grilling meat in the back kitchen, or rather, what was left of it. Renaldo filled Connor and his team in on recent events. The words came fast, knowing time was of the essence. Everyone within earshot listened without a sound; it was only Gabriella’s reappearance, handing over a plate that prompted questions.
“You say there are hundreds of men?” asked Connor.
“The crazy puta said 3000 men, but he was full of crap. I counted 520 men with more men coming around before I lost track. It was hard to track 'em all they were moving around setting camp.”
“They were using horses and white trucks?”
“Right, exactly like the one I stole. There were fifty-six of them pickups. Lots and lots of horses. Couldn’t get a real count. Over 200 hundred for sure. There were some four-wheelers, too, about fifteen. A few dirt bikes.”
“Tell me about the trucks,” insisted Mickey.
“Yeah, tell us about them. We took out a few flying over downtown Pittsburgh,” said Captain Daubney.
Marty, Captain Daubney and John McLeod stared at Renaldo, waiting for further details. Mickey leaned in closer, causing Renaldo to back up a step. Connor noticed.
“Give him some room to breathe, Top.”
“Sorry, sir.”
Renaldo hesitated, studying Connor.
“Sir? You seem to have a burning question?”
“You are perceptive, son. I do.”
“What is it?”
Connor laughed aloud. “Did you really shoot the son-of-a-bitch?”
Renaldo turned serious. "I did. Had to get his attention. He deserved it.”
Connor laughed hard. “Damn, son, you got some serious stones for your age.” He smiled, thinking through the new information Renaldo provided. “By best guess, how much time do you think we got before they’re on us?”
“I dunno, like maybe twenty or thirty minutes—they’re pretty pissed. They're probably gathering together…regrouping before they come this way.”
“Oh, I imagine you’re quite right—we’ll talk some more later.” Bursting with a voice built to shout orders, Connor pushed each man into action. “That means you, too, Rhonda.”
Rhonda quickened the pace of her packing. “Yes, sir!”
Within seconds, purposed movement spread around the KFC. Radios blared and a defensive exit strategy was put in place. Brownsville Road had become a hot zone and each man responded as trained. Within the new command structure, plans were laid out based on the new information.
“We head away down Brownsville with a squad running counter. We move fast, captain. With your hand-picked men, you’ll lead us up front to the primary evac point,” said Connor.
“Understood, sir”
“Team designation: Black.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I want you runnin’ the back team to cover our exit.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Designation: Team Green. Got it?”
“Yes, sir. Team Green."
"Take as many men as you require from your prior unit.”
"Yes, sir." Mickey bustled away to a group of men gathering up their gear for transport.
“Surf Boy? BB?”
“Yeah, sir?”
“Go on…sir.”
“Run tight overwatch. Mainly behind us. Designation: Team Blue.”
“Got it, sir," said BB.
“Copy that.”
“Roger? Stick with me. Jackson? John? Jason? Jude? Take those horses and ride ‘em around us up front and keep us safe. Cody, you manage BB’s horse. You’re all designated Team Red right now, got it??”
All agreed, moving out.
“Captain Daubney?”
“Every so often, personally hang tight near me as we walk. Let’s keep this thing tight like a gnat’s ass to the junction of Route 51.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Renaldo? You and Gabriella stay close to Rhonda and Cody over there. Got it?”
“Ahh, yeah.”
“Eat while you move, son. Get going.”
“Keep an eye on your little sister.”
CHAPTER 9.8-Pushing Through the Night
“They’re situated near a shopping center. At a KFC. They got a perimeter set at about one hundred yards. They're vigilant, expecting trouble.”
“What else, Luke
“Jon’s best count when he got back is there’s at least twenty or so.”
“That all? That boy and girl with ‘em?”
“If you mean Renaldo and Gabriella, I believe so, Phoenix.”
Luke grinned at the tunnel vision of Phoenix Justice. Larry Reed, standing beside Luke simply shook his head and briefly rolled his eyes. Phoenix caught the exchange.
“Don’t worry, you assholes. I know what I’m doing. I was only wondering if there was a bonus in the mix—seems there is.”
“Okay,” said Larry.
“You bring that boy to me alive and I’ll make sure you get 3000 credits.”
“Yes, sir.”
“But right now, let’s focus on the needs of the moment.”
“They’re armed and military trained.”
“You sure, Luke?”
“Answer the damn question, Luke,” said Larry Reed. Leg hurting painfully from the bullet that had passed through his quadriceps, he was in no mood to deal with Luke’s little quirk of not repeating himself.
“They are, sir. Their perimeter team moves with precision as a unit. Their weapons are top military grade and their uniforms are well tended. I believe they're wearing Kevlar. They have radios.”
“Mobility?” asked Phoenix.
“A few horses were spotted.”
“That’s it?”
“Piece of cake. Let’s take ‘em,” said Larry.
“Hold on. This team’s not attached to the president’s team, is it?” asked Phoenix.
“There’s no ‘copter in site nor any place to land it nearby. Though Jon did say a few guys looked kinda familiar, but he was too far away.”
“Jon see Starkes?”
“If he would’ve, I woulda told you outright, sir.”
“Yeah, well, don’t worry about it, Luke. We'll find them.” Phoenix did enjoy the fact that his comment irritated Luke. Continuing to regain his cold, calculating demeanor, Phoenix thought for a moment longer and turned to Larry Reed. “Can we loop around and catch them from behind? In a pincher? How ‘bout it, uncle?”