Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 28

by Julie Shelton

  The music slowed, quieted. Jesse unbuckled the gag, removing the ball carefully from behind her teeth. Gratefully she closed her mouth, gingerly moving her lower jaw from side to side, investigating the ache left behind. Adam hunkered down and released her ankles from the spreader bar. She staggered, trying to bring her feet together, but her calf and thigh muscles were too stiff to move.

  Placing their hands beneath her elbows, Jesse and Adam half-carried her over to the vaulting horse and bent her over its padded surface, quickly binding her wrists and ankles to the legs. A wide leather strap cinched around her middle, buckling snugly at the small of her back. Holy Moley! Her stomach clenched and for a second she was terrified that she’d throw up and disgrace herself even further.

  Hands began stroking the fiery skin of her ass, soothing the stinging pain, pushing the heat more deeply into her abused flesh. She tried to wiggle her hips, but the leather strap held her completely immobile. Then something else pushed across her aching buttocks—something thin and hard and long. She shivered, unable to prevent the tiny whimper that fell from her lips. She couldn’t see it, but she knew what it was. A cane. I am about to be caned!

  “This is the second part of your punishment, Sarah,” Jesse said softly, inexorably. “The disciplinary part. The part that is all about pain. Only about pain.” She shivered as his voice turned cold and remote. “Enough pain so that you will think twice before ever disobeyin’ a direct order and puttin’ yourself at risk again.” He moved to stand right behind her, letting her feel his heavy erection along the cleft of her ass. She wanted to push her hips back and grind herself against his cock, but the restraints kept her from moving.

  “You have earned six strokes with a cane. Do you know why you’re about to receive this particular punishment, Sunny?”

  “Um, y-yes, Sir. For not waiting where you told me to. But—but nothing happened, Jesse,” she added quickly in one last, desperate attempt to present her actions in a more acceptable light. “I’m okay. A-and everything turned out all right.”

  His entire body stiffened against her and she immediately regretted her words as she felt the tiny contractions of his powerful hip and thigh muscles as he struggled to gain control over the anger surging through him.

  “Is that what you think?” he asked, his voice glacial and remote. “That nothin’ happened and everythin’s okay? Well, let me disabuse you of that notion right now. By choosin’ to disobey me—and it was a choice, little girl. Everythin’ you do is a choice—you did the worst thing a sub can do to her Dom. You disrespected my authority. You showed me that you don’t trust me to know what’s best for you. Worse, you showed me that I can’t trust you. My orders are not arbitrary, Sarah. They are meant to keep you safe. I must know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can trust you to follow them to the letter.”

  Oh, God! She just wanted to curl up into a ball and die. Tears were streaming down her face as she struggled to gain control of her sobs. How could he possibly still want her after this? She’d never felt so small or worthless in her life. “I’m sorry, Jesse, I had no idea—I-I didn’t think—”

  “You’re a submissive, Sarah, you’re not supposed to think. Just obey, without question.”

  “I won’t disobey you again, Jesse, I promise—”

  “I know you won’t, sugar.” He bent over her back, practically crooning in her ear. “This punishment will guarantee it. It will reestablish the trust you were so ready to throw away. Reassure you that I love you enough to correct your lapse in judgment. And reassure myself that you have indeed learned your lesson.”

  Her body jerked and she moaned as he stroked his free hand across one heated buttock before sliding it through her dripping slit. He thrust his two middle fingers into her cunt, moving them in and out rhythmically. His thumb scraped up her perineum, lubricating her anus with her own moisture before breaching the tight opening. “Do not come.”

  A ragged convulsion lurched through her exhausted body, making her muscles twitch against the leather horse. Oh, God, I need to come! He just stood there, gently massaging her inner membrane between his thumb and first two fingers. She twitched as if electrical sparks were dancing along her skin.

  “I’m not gonna lie to you, Sarah,” he continued in that frosty tone. “This is gonna hurt. A lot. Not just tonight, but for the next couple of days.”

  She was crying now, sobbing quietly, tears and snot dripping onto the concrete floor beneath her. She couldn’t help it. With her blithe dismissal of his orders, she had betrayed Jesse, the man she loved to the bottom of her soul. How could he ever trust her again? How could she trust herself? She’d never felt so wretched in her life.

  Bending over her, his chest against her back, he placed his mouth against her ear, pistoning his fingers in and out of both her openings, leaving her gasping and shuddering as she struggled not to come. “You will not be gagged for this punishment, Sarah,” he said quietly, “because I want you to count each stroke out loud and thank me for it. If you scream or cry out, you will receive an additional stroke for each sound you make. Am I clear?”

  Oh, God, this was going to be so much worse than she ever could have imagined! “Y-yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” He removed his fingers from her holes, feeling her tight muscles rippling around him as he withdrew, as though trying to pull them back inside her. And, Christ, he wanted to be back inside her. With his fingers, with his tongue, with his rock-hard dick, fucking her until they were both screaming in pleasure.

  He stood off to her left side, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, struggling to calm himself. He’d never administered a disciplinary punishment before, and he sure as hell didn’t want to administer this one. Oh, sure, he’d caned women before. Lots of times. He’d whipped ’em, cropped ’em, used a single-tail on ’em. But those women had been professional pain sluts who had both demanded and gotten off on such harsh treatment.

  Sarah was different. She was his lifetime sub, the woman he loved more than life itself. And he never wanted to have to repeat this particular punishment again as long as he lived.

  As if by some prearranged signal, Adam stepped around in front of Sarah and put his hand on the back of her head. Some of her inner turmoil began to ease just from his nearness and the gentleness of his touch. Then he fisted his fingers in her hair, using it to lift her head high enough for her to look at him. Except she could barely see him through the tears obscuring her vision.

  Both his hands moved to frame her face. “Look at me, Sarah,” he said softly. “Do not take your eyes off of me. You will get through this, and be a better sub for it.”

  She started to give him a watery smile, just as the cane whistled through the air and Jesse gave her a solid thwack!, creating a horizontal stripe right across the fullness of both her ass cheeks.

  Oh! My! God! The pain heaving up through her belly nearly had her vomiting all over the floor as she remembered, just in time, not to scream. It was horrendous, slicing through her like a thousand knives. God, that hurt! She could feel the welt already forming, a raised line of fire searing across her shrinking flesh. Her lungs were empty and she gasped like a beached fish as she tried to remember how to fill them. Frantic for air, she bucked uncontrollably against her restraints as her vision started to dim. Just in time Adam brushed his lips over hers and blew a puff of air into her mouth.

  “Breathe, sweet pea,” he reminded her gently and she sucked in a huge, harsh lungful of air. Air that froze in place as Jesse’s tongue began licking along the painful ridge he’d just laid down on her quivering flesh. Air that subsequently exploded from her lungs as he slid his finger through her slit and thrust it up into her sopping cunt. God, I need to come! A shuddering gasp burst from her. How could such gruesome pain give birth to so much arousal?

  “Count, Sarah.”

  “O-one. Sir.” She sounded like she was being strangled.

  “What else?”

  “Um, th-thank you, Sir.” Ragged sobs shr
edded her throat, nearly choking her as she struggled to push away the pain pounding through her in waves. Sweat plastered her hair to her head and shoulders, her bangs to her face. It dripped from her chin, her nose, her nipples. It stung her eyes. Snot dripped from her nose, drool from the corners of her mouth. Tears streamed unheeded down her cheeks as she heaved air into her famished lungs.

  Still cradling her face between his palms, Adam pressed his lips against her forehead.

  “Keep your eyes open, love. Concentrate on me, on my hands touching you.”

  A whistling sound warned her the next blow was coming, but by the time she tensed up, it had already struck her “sweet spot,” the crease where the curve of her ass met the tops of her thighs. Her muscles clenched and unclenched in a futile attempt to move away from the horrific pain. She grunted, but didn’t scream, and even managed to say, “Two, thank you, Sir,” in a voice that trembled. God, she was going to die from this!

  Blow three struck midway between the first two, blow four across the tops of her thighs, barely giving her mind and body time to process the one before the other fell. Blows five and six followed in rapid succession, angled expertly across her ass cheeks, marking her with a fiery red X on her smooth, creamy skin. She went rigid, tight as a fist, as her entire body shook with silent screams of agony. Yet, somehow, she managed to keep count and thank Jesse for each and every one.

  Sobs wracked her slender body. She heard the cane rattle on the floor as Jesse threw it from him. Hands mercifully released her restraints as she sought to assimilate what had just happened to her. Pain. Piercing, searing, forbidding pain. Battering her. Brutalizing her! Setting her ass on fire, as if she’d been dipped in a river of molten lava!

  And yet…even through the fiery conflagration she could feel her inner core clenching and unclenching with unfulfilled desire. Blazing with a need that roared through her like an avalanche, threatening to swallow her alive, she lifted her head and stared at Adam, glassy-eyed and disoriented from the irreconcilable sensations ripping through her.

  “Adam,” she begged, her voice tight with the hunger that threatened to unravel her. “Jesse.” She turned her head to look over her shoulder. “Please, Master, Sir, I need—I need—” She was fighting for every breath, her lungs heaving with desperate effort. Never had she been so overcome with need. It rampaged through her veins, white-hot and destructive. It wrapped around her, threatening to suffocate her in its insidious embrace.

  Abruptly, Adam straightened, his hard fingers beneath her chin lifting her face, lifting her entire upper body. He knew what she needed. He’d been waiting for it, because he needed it, too. “Open,” he commanded harshly, barely giving her time to do so before thrusting his cock into her mouth all the way to the back of her throat. She choked before finally managing to suppress her gag reflex, her throat muscles tightening around his tip as she swallowed convulsively.

  The motion wrenched a hoarse cry out of him as a ferocious pleasure gripped him. Jesus Christ on a cracker! Her mouth was sheer ecstasy! Wet. Tight. So fucking hot! Discipline shot all to hell, he began thrusting ruthlessly in and out of her mouth.

  Jesse grabbed her hips and slammed his cock into her fiery cunt, thrusting deep, as if he were trying to pierce her very heart. The slam of his pelvis against her ass struck the newly raised welts, causing her to loosen her mouth around Adam’s penis, howling as pain resonated through her, straight to her cunt, her clit, her tortured nipples, where a perverse kind of pleasure awaited it.

  The dual sensations met, joined, spiraling and twisting deep within her core, blending together until all she felt was a pleasure so excruciating she thought she was going to die. Both men began thrusting in unison into her mouth and cunt, driving up her excitement until she was hovering right on the edge, needing just that little touch more to tip her over. Then Jesse reached around her and rasped his thumb across her clit.

  She shrieked, her entire body going rigid as she poised right on the edge, about to tip over. So close…So close.

  “Not yet, Sarah.”

  Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh—“Please. Please. I need…”

  “Look at me, sweet pea.”

  Her gaze flew up to meet the deep, deep blue of Adam’s. But there was no blue. It had been swallowed up by a lust so fierce, there was nothing left but black. The expression on his face stopped her heart, leaving it stumbling blindly around, seeking its normal rhythm. She couldn’t look away as release mounted within her like molten lava rising in a magma chamber—a release that hovered just beyond her reach.

  Adam watched his cock shuttling in and out of Sarah’s beautiful mouth, knew she was just a touch away. Knew he was even closer. The sudden pinching at the base of his spine told him his balls were about to empty. “Come, Sarah,” Adam said harshly as his spine liquefied and thick, ropy cum shot up the length of his cock and down her throat. “Come now.”

  Jesse squeezed her clit and Sarah’s body stiffened on a sharp intake of breath as she hurtled toward the edge. Both Jesse and Adam stiffened, neck muscles distended, their faces rigid masks of pleasure as simultaneous explosions ripped them apart, sending pulse after pulse of hot seed bursting into her mouth and cunt.

  A shuddering cry wrenched from Sarah’s throat as her orgasm smashed through her body like a nuclear blast, contracting her muscles so hard, she feared they would be ripped from her bones. A climax so huge and violent, it blasted its way through the top of her head, out her fingertips and toes like jagged bolts of lightning. An explosion so powerful it pulverized her with a pleasure that heaved through her again and again, even as semen continued to erupt from the two cocks jerking within her body. For what seemed like an eternity the three of them writhed and twisted in agonizing pleasure until the two men finally collapsed, their bodies still convulsing as they emptied their souls into the precious receptacle that was their Sarah.

  * * * *

  She was sweating, panting for breath. Hot. Why is it so hot? At first she thought someone had turned the furnace on, until she realized that the heat was being supplied by two hard male bodies, one at her front, one at her back. She scrunched up her face, trying to get her bearings as disjointed images of the previous night’s events floated through her mind.

  Images of herself being released from her bindings and lifted from the vaulting horse. Drifting in and out of consciousness as her two men wrapped her in a soft, warm blanket and cradled her in their loving arms. Images of them feeding her chocolate and making her drink ice-cold water. Images of them holding her in the hot tub, massaging her aching muscles with scented oil, rubbing a soothing cream into the painful welts crisscrossing her ass cheeks.

  Speaking of…Cautiously she sent tendrils of thought down to that very region of her body, waiting for the sharp, stinging pain to manifest itself. There was none. Just a low, dull ache.

  “Mornin’, sugar,” Jesse’s low voice rumbled in her ear as his arm tightened around her abdomen and he nuzzled his face against the back of her neck. His hands closed over her breasts from behind, plumping them, stroking his thumbs across nipples so insanely sensitive she shuddered and cried out in pain. “Still sore, I see.” He pulled away from her. “C’mon, baby, up and at ’em.”

  The three of them showered together, the heat and force from the pulsing jets of water reigniting the sharp, stinging pain from last night’s caning. The two men bathed her thoroughly before quickly washing and rinsing themselves. Each grabbing a towel, they dried her carefully, taking time to stroke, nibble, and kiss every inch of her until her skin was pink with arousal and her body was humming with pleasure, the pain in her ass nearly forgotten.

  “Go bend over the counter,” Jesse ordered, giving her neck one last nibble before standing up and throwing the towel in the hamper. “I wanna inspect that gorgeous ass of ours.”

  Ours. Breath hitching, she did as she was told, the coldness of the marble against her belly and breasts a delicious contrast to the heat in her buttocks. She watched in the mirror as her
two men moved to stand shoulder to shoulder behind her, both still naked.

  Adam lifted a hand to skim lightly across the surface of her butt cheeks with gentle, almost reverent fingertips. Though no longer raised and hot, the welts were, nevertheless, still livid, enough to make Sarah wince and hiss her breath in sharply at each touch.

  “Beautiful,” Adam murmured, almost to himself. “Perfect placement.”

  Jesse grinned. “And did you notice that the juncture of the X, where it meets the horizontal, is right over”—he used both hands to spread her ass cheeks apart, making Sarah gasp—“her beautiful hole?”

  “I would expect no less.” The tip of Adam’s index finger rimmed her puckered opening, making it clench spasmodically. His steely blue gaze met hers in the mirror. “You were caned by a master, Sunny,” he said in that impersonal, almost icy Dom voice both men used with such great effectiveness. “Anyone less skilled would have drawn blood and left permanent scars. As it is, painful though they may be right now, these marks will fade completely over the next three days, taking the pain and the memories with them. But not, I trust, the lesson learned.”

  “N-No, Master, it is a l-lesson I will never forget.”

  “Good girl.”

  “Here, sugar.” Jesse held up his first two fingers to show her a dollop of a lavender-colored cream. “It’s a mixture of procaine, arnica, and some other healin’ herbs. It’ll lessen the pain and help prevent bruisin’.” He spread the cool salve over the abused flesh of her buttocks with his fingertips, his movements gentle and soothing. When he was done, he capped the jar and kissed her right in the middle of each buttock. “You look beautiful wearin’ my marks, sugar. Wear them with pride that you took your punishment so magnificently.” He straightened. “Come down when you’re ready, baby, just remember, no clothes. We want to celebrate your beautiful body.” Both men bent to kiss her lingeringly before going downstairs to start breakfast.


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