Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 29

by Julie Shelton

  She took her time getting ready, pampering herself by applying her favorite moisturizer to every inch of her skin. She applied a light dusting of powder and blush to her cheeks and shiny pink gloss to her lips. Stealing one last glance over her shoulder at the perfectly spaced stripes on her derriere, she made her way downstairs.

  “You look gorgeous, sugar,” Jesse said, dropping a swift kiss on her upturned mouth. Adam pulled her against him and simply held her, kissing the top of her head. They were wearing only jeans, zipped, but not buttoned, chests and feet bare. The alcove table was set for two and as Adam and Jesse sat down in the only two chairs available, Sarah looked from one to the other expectantly.

  Jesse said nothing, didn’t even look at her, merely pointed to the floor beside his chair.

  Her stomach fell to her feet. Holy Moley! Heart hammering, she slid gracefully to her knees, gingerly lowering her ass down onto her legs, her eyes never leaving Jesse’s. Deliberately, she placed her hands, palms up, on the tops of her thighs in the classic slave position.

  “Good girl,” Jesse murmured, barely able to push his voice beyond the sudden constriction in his throat. “This is the Wait position. Whenever we point to the floor or tell you to go somewhere and wait for us, this is how we expect to find you.” He picked up an orange wedge from the plate in front of him and held it to Sarah’s lips. Automatically, her right hand lifted to take the fruit from him.

  “Ah!” he said sharply, pulling his hand back. He didn’t say anything further, just waited until her hand dropped before repositioning the fruit at her lips. Obviously she was not going to be allowed to touch her food.

  Feeling rather silly, she opened her mouth and took the fruit inside. As his finger and thumb lingered against her lips, she bit into the orange. The juice burst onto her tongue, filling her mouth with a starburst of pleasure. A drop of sticky juice dribbled down her chin, falling to her breast. Without thinking, she lifted her hand to wipe it away.

  “Leave it,” Jesse commanded.

  Her hand dropped and all of a sudden she didn’t feel silly anymore. She felt…aroused. Hotly, achingly, blisteringly aroused. Her insides clenched, drenching her pussy, and she drew in a deep, steadying breath as lust swept over her. Who would have thought being hand-fed by one’s Dominant could be so damned erotic?

  By the time she’d eaten several very juicy strawberries, a few dripping slices of fresh peach and more orange segments, her chin and the tops of her breasts were covered with dribbles of sticky fruit juice. Her pussy was dripping and she was practically moaning with unfulfilled need.

  Jesse briefly cupped her cheek before holding a cup of steaming hot coffee to her lips. After several cautious sips, he pulled the cup back. “Now go and kneel between Master Adam’s legs, facing him.”

  Adam fed her eggs, bacon, and home fries until her belly was full and she was in arousal overload. As he held out the last piece of bacon, she shook her head, watching through a haze of lust as he popped the morsel into his mouth and wiped his hands on his napkin. “Kneel up, love,” he commanded.

  She could barely hear him over the blood roaring in her ears. Slowly, she rose and straightened, clasping her hands behind her neck to thrust out her breasts, spreading her knees wide.

  “Are you wet for us, Sarah?” Adam asked, smiling, reaching down between her legs to find out for himself.

  A shivery moan tumbled from her lips as he stroked his first two fingers back and forth through her slippery folds. “Oh, yeah, sweet pea, you’re soaking.” He withdrew them, wet and shiny with her cream. Wordless, he held them up to her mouth.

  As the rich scent of her own arousal filled her nostrils, she closed her eyes in bliss. Opening her mouth, she took his fingers inside, swirling her tongue around them, licking and sucking, cleaning them of her essence.

  “Stand up, Sunny,” Jesse ordered, even as he, himself, stood. Scooting his chair backward with the backs of his legs, he patted the top of the table as Adam hurriedly carried the dirty dishes to the sink. “Hop up.”

  She perched on the edge of the glass surface. When Adam returned, a bunch of enormous red globe grapes dangled from his hand. They’d been in the freezer for nearly twenty minutes and were ice cold.

  “Dessert,” Jesse said with a wicked smile at her questioning look. “Lie back. Put your feet on the edge. Spread your legs. Arms above your head.” Even as he was helping her move into the frankly obscene position, Adam pulled his chair closer, his blond head between her thighs. Holding her wide open, he spent a long time just looking at her, pausing to kiss her clit or dance his fingertips through her wet furrow. He blew hot breath directly on her clit, a move that had her undulating her hips and moaning with pleasure. His mouth closed over her tiny pearl, and she let out a groan as he sucked and licked, making her entire body jerk with pleasure as it spiraled toward release. “Oh, God! Oh, God—Adam!”

  And as he suckled, he plucked one of the nearly frozen grapes and pressed it into her vagina.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh!” she shrieked. “Take it out! Take it out!” She tried to sit up and push him away, but Jesse’s one hand on her belly and the other shackling her wrists above her head kept her in place. “Oh, my God, Adam, that’s cold!”

  Chuckling against her flesh, Adam pushed the round globe as far into her sheath as it would go, triggering a seismic convulsion and a tide of pussy juice. She let out a moan as he pushed another frosty grape into her depths. The blood retreated from her sex, turning to ice in her veins, sending another wave of goose bumps coursing over her skin.

  She sagged back onto the table, panting for breath, trying not to squirm as Adam continued the process of stuffing her vagina until it was full of ice-cold grapes. So full, he had to pinch her outer labia together to keep the last ones from tumbling out onto the floor. “Um, Jess…?” he said bemusedly without bothering to look up from admiring the swollen, glistening pussy lips he was squeezing between his fingers. His pussy. His and Jess’s. The thought turned his already hard cock into a bar of red-hot iron. “Got any ideas?”

  “Just a sec.” Jesse rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a long plastic clip, the kind made for bags of chips. “Here, try this.”

  “Ah, yes.” A note of wicked satisfaction crept into Adam’s voice. “That will do very nicely.” Sarah shivered uncontrollably, her body wracked with tremors as Adam clamped her pussy lips shut. “Very nicely indeed. We’ll have to get some of these for the Play Room.” He stood up and bent forward, placing his hands on either side of her shoulders. The lust glazing his eyes sent an answering wave of lust rushing through her.

  “I’ve got another idea.” Jesse handed him a smaller bag clip, keeping one for himself. As if on cue, both heads descended and two hot, wet mouths closed over Sarah’s breasts, making her shudder. They took turns suckling her nipples, scraping them with their teeth, extending them until they were hard, aching points and she was writhing and begging them to stop. Wordless, they lifted their heads and clamped the plastic clips over the throbbing red tips.

  She gasped with a pleasurable burn she could feel all the way to her clit. Cold air brushed over her wet skin. Though it didn’t seem possible, her shivering increased in intensity, wrenching a moan from the depths of her throat. She clenched her teeth in a futile effort to keep them from chattering.

  Adam sat back down and pushed against her knees, spreading her thighs obscenely wide. “Look at that beautiful pussy,” he whispered on a note of awe. “So pink and wet and swollen. So ready to receive the pleasure that awaits it.” He removed the clamp holding her pussy lips closed, pinching them between his thumb and two fingers.

  She arched her back, crying out at the pleasure of his touch. Breath held, she lay there, trembling, canting her hips upward, seeking that one touch that would send her careening into a powerful orgasm.

  “Greedy little sub,” Adam chuckled. He manipulated her slick, swollen pussy lips, sliding them back and forth until one of the round red grapes popped from its dewy prison
. It sat, glistening lewdly, nestled between her sopping wet lips like some obscene sex organ. “Do not come,” he instructed quietly, working his tongue beneath the grape and sliding it all the way up her slit. He flicked it rapidly across her frazzled clit before pulling the grape into his mouth and chewing noisily.

  She was gasping like a beached fish, desperately trying to hold off her climax.

  “Do not come,” he repeated, squeezing another grape free and looking at it for a long moment before taking it into his mouth. “God, you taste delicious,” he murmured, sliding his tongue back and forth along the length of her slit, just barely touching that nerve-ridden nubbin of flesh that was the center of both her pleasure and her torment. “Like sunshine and flowers and sweet, sweet cream.”

  She lay there, shuddering and twitching as he tunneled his tongue into the depths of her cunt, releasing two more grapes and sending her body spiraling up, up, up toward the orgasm that hovered so tantalizingly out of reach. The orgasm she so desperately craved, yet knew she must not have. The one she fought with every trembling muscle in her body.

  Adam pushed her right up to the edge. Then stopped.

  He straightened, watching her entire body shudder helplessly as yet another orgasm retreated. He reveled in the power her submission gave him. Power to control, to direct, to manipulate. Power to render her helpless against her body’s own dark needs even as he drove her to the ultimate in sexual pleasure. “You do not have permission to come,” he reminded her as, one by one, he pulled more round, red globes into his mouth. He released her pussy lips and stood up to allow Jesse to take his place.

  A sob heaved from her lungs as she frantically fought her body’s brutal need to climax.

  Jesse spread her labia apart with his thumbs, revealing her entire slit from her clenching asshole at the bottom to the portal of her vagina and her clit at the very top. Her flesh was pink and swollen and dripping with the cream of her arousal. By now the remaining grapes were held firmly in place within her vaginal walls. Jesse rubbed his nose along her cleft, lapping his tongue at her dripping entrance. Placing his palm over her mound, he pressed down. “Push,” he said and a grape popped out onto his tongue.

  He bit into the crisp flesh and was rewarded with a burst of tart sweetness that blended with Sarah’s own unique flavor, making it the most delicious treat he’d ever eaten. He ate all the remaining grapes, taking his time to dig each one out, finger-fucking her, building her arousal to a fever pitch. By the time he finished the last one, she was moaning and writhing and burning with the need to come. “Please, Jesse,” she begged, her voice hoarse with passion. “Please…”

  “Please what?” he asked perversely, grinning as he slowly circled his finger around her clit, manipulating the surrounding flesh without actually touching the pearl itself, keeping her teetering on the edge.

  It was pure torture and she gritted her teeth and stiffened her muscles in a losing effort to keep her climax at bay. She knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. “Please let me come,” she begged.

  “I don’t know.” Jesse tilted his head, appearing to consider. As he did so, he began tapping his thumb repeatedly against her clit, increasing her suffering a hundredfold.

  Oh. My. God! The breath shuddered from her lungs. Her muscles clenched so tight she feared she’d never get them to relax again. She squirmed as her need to climax threatened to swallow her alive.

  “Whaddya think, Adam? Has she earned the right to come?”

  Sarah’s beseeching gaze flew to her other tormenter, who gave her a sly smile as he reached for her clamped breasts. “Yeah. She’s been a pretty good girl.”

  “Then come for us, Sarah.” Jesse toggled her clit, Adam released the clips on her nipples, and she let out a shriek as her orgasm hit her with the force of an avalanche, blasting through her, leveling everything in its path. Her back arched into a rigid bow as pleasure clenched her muscles so tight, she thought she heard bones snapping. And while she was still screaming and jerking about wildly, Jesse stood and unzipped his jeans, freeing his iron-hard cock. Grabbing her hips, he thrust into her, stroking savagely in and out until she came again, her muscles clamping around him so tightly his eyes crossed.

  And again she came, with tremors so violent they rivaled a magnitude 10 earthquake, even as Jesse spilled his seed deep inside her. He pulled out and Adam took his place until he, too, climaxed, emptying himself inside her still-convulsing cunt. He remained deeply buried, rocking his hips hard against her, letting the long, liquid pulls of her inner muscles milk every last drop of cum from his pumping cock. There was so much it splatted onto the floor in thick, milky blobs. Finally, with a hoarse cry, he pulled out, staggering backward to collapse into the chair behind him, his hand still stroking his dwindling cock, wet and slick with the combination of all their juices.

  Sarah flopped back on the table, jerking like a spastic marionette, totally spent, wondering desperately where all the oxygen had gone.

  She was dimly aware of Jesse scooping her up off the table and flopping into the nearest chair with her straddling his lap, holding her close, crooning softly in her ear. His cock, still inexplicably hard, nestled within the slippery folds of her cleft. His voice came at her from a great distance, gradually fading until there was nothing but silence. She had passed out.

  For several long minutes the only sound in the room was the harshness of the men’s breathing. Then Jesse’s cell phone rang.

  “Colter.” Adam watched Jesse’s body tense, his frown deepening as he listened to the other end of the conversation. “Good work, Ned. Call Lt. Sean Sullivan of the Boston PD. His number’s in my BlackBerry. Tell him I need to find this guy ASAP. If he gives you any lip tell him he’s a whiny-assed bastard and he’d better not make me sorry I kept him from drownin’ durin’ Hell Week.”

  It was a standing joke between the two good friends. But Jesse wasn’t smiling. He snapped the phone shut, his jaw muscles working furiously. “Damn it, I should have known.”

  “What?” Adam asked.

  “Nugent.” Jesse practically spat the word through clenched teeth. “Phillip. Asshole. Nugent.” He looked at Adam. “I had Ned run a check on him. Turns out he’s under investigation by the SEC for investment fraud, to the tune of nearly five million dollars. And he hasn’t been in his office since Thursday. No one seems to know where he is. I don’t know if he’s a threat to her or not, but I’m not takin’ any chances.” He stood carefully with Sarah in his arms and passed her to Adam without waking her. “I’m goin’ in. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out anythin’.” Briefly he touched Sarah’s cheek, his expression softening despite the clenching of his jaw hard enough to crack his teeth.

  “Don’t worry,” Adam said quietly, lifting his hand to hold her head against his chest. “She’s mine, too. I’ll keep her safe.”

  Chapter Ten

  Sarah came to in stages, letting her awakening senses slowly fill in the missing pieces. She was lying in someone’s lap, her cheek resting against a warm chest. A warm, hairy chest. Adam. She inhaled deeply, letting his citrusy male musk fill her nostrils. The tip of her tongue came out to lick his salty skin and she felt his arms tighten around her, his lips pressing against the top of her head. His heart was a steady rhythm beneath her ear, beating in sync with her own.

  She sighed, opened her eyes, and rolled her head back to look up at him. They were in the great room, sitting in one of the oversized leather chairs. Realizing she was still completely naked, while he was wearing jeans, she gave him a shy smile. “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself,” he answered with a warm smile of his own. “How do you feel? Are you sore?”

  “Maybe—just a little.” She yawned, stretching against him. “How long have we been sitting here?”

  “Not long. Couple hours.”

  “A couple of hours! For heaven’s sake, Adam, why didn’t you wake me?” Pushing against his chest with both hands, she struggled to get up. “You must be stiff as a bo

  “Be still,” he ordered in a tone that brooked no argument, so she subsided without further protest. “I love holding you,” he added softly, settling her back into position against his chest. Tilting her chin upward, he feathered a kiss across her lips. “I love feeling your luscious body against mine. I love you.” He nuzzled her neck, inhaling deeply. “Christ, love, you smell…”

  “Ripe?” she suggested wryly.

  “Delectable. Like juicy peaches and flowers all rolled into one.”

  “I smell like sex and sweat,” she countered, snuggling against him with a contented sigh. “Where’s Jesse?” she asked after several minutes.

  “He had to go take care of a few things.”

  “What kinds of things?”

  He shrugged. “Oh, you know. This and that kinds of things. We’re meeting him for lunch.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Do you want me to go dressed like this?” she asked impishly, glancing down at her naked body.

  “No.” His eyes darkened. “But I can think of a few other things I want you to do dressed like that.” Placing his hands beneath her arms, he lifted her to stand in front of him between his legs. She started to sink to her knees, her hands automatically seeking the zipper of his jeans, but he stopped her by grabbing her wrists. “No,” he said quietly, scooting his hips forward and unzipping his jeans himself to free the iron rod of his engorged cock. “I want you to mount me. Ride me.”

  Still holding her wrists, he helped her straddle him, her knees on the chair cushion on either side of his hips. Grabbing his jerking penis, he held it upright as she slowly sank down over it, taking it into her hot, juicy cunt. When her moist outer lips met his hand, he released himself and wrapped both arms around her, thrusting his hips sharply upward to complete his impalement of her. With a shuddering cry, she sank against him, burying her face in the side of his neck as they sat without moving, savoring the heat and intimacy of their connection.


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