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Blood Bound: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 1)

Page 2

by Idella Breen

  “I’m okay Ms. Fallon. I want Mary to take me home.”

  Cait’s head jerked in her direction, and she had a kicked puppy look on her face. Snow almost changed her mind, but Remus gripped her shoulder to remind her.

  “Really, I’m okay. I just want to go home, and I want Mary to take me.”

  Cait seemed to be struggling to find her words, nodded, and moved aside while looking down at the floor. Mary quickly moved and swept Snow away before the girl had a chance to change her mind.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow Ms. Fallon,” Snow whispered as she walked by.

  The room was still after the two left. Remus moved back around his desk to take a seat. “Please, sit.”

  Cait’s movements were jerky as she maneuvered herself into the chair Snow had occupied only moments before.

  “I take it you have some questions?” Remus’s voice was level and soothing. As if to placate.

  Cait nodded. She couldn’t think straight. She should be the one taking Snow home not that other woman. She was Snow’s teacher. Why did Snow say she wanted Mary to take her home? Was she really going to be okay?

  Her thoughts were interrupted by Remus’s calm voice. “Cait?”

  She met his gaze. “Remus, what’s happening to me?”

  He nodded. This was the problem when a person didn’t have their clan to teach them. Cait had been so young when her clan was massacred. He sighed. “Did you make any physical contact with Snow earlier today? Like, was there any type of, I guess some would call it a static shock, or warmth?”

  Cait nodded. “It was earlier today. Our hands met, and I felt an electric shock from it. It felt like it traveled straight to my heart. What’s wrong with me Remus?”

  “It’s for reasons like this that I wish you had accepted my offer to join my pack, Cait. This could be very dangerous for both you and Snow. Your a lone wolf with no master, no alpha.”

  “What’s so dangerous? What are you talking about?”

  Remus sighed. “What do you know about imprinting?”

  “Not a lot. Just that it’s how my parents met. They said it was when you fall in love with someone.”

  Remus laughed. “You must have been very young when you asked. Imprinting is when a werewolf meets their soulmate. Their one true mate. They bond with that person for eternity.”

  “What exactly are you saying Remus?”

  “That feeling you felt when you touched Snow. That’s what it feels like to touch your imprint. It’s how you know you’ve met your soulmate. Usually, I’d say congratulations, but like I was saying earlier, this could be dangerous for the both of you. When a wolf first finds their imprint a few things have to occur before the human side can regain control of the wolf.”

  “I imprinted.”

  “Yes, Cait. You imprinted. On Snow.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  Remus smile. “Why wouldn’t it be? Did you never think you would find your imprint?”

  “Not in this lifetime. Not after what I’ve done.”

  Remus’s smile fell. “But you did. Now, there are some choices you need to make.”

  “Why is it dangerous?”

  “As I was saying, a few things need to occur so you can stay in control. Usually, the alpha of the pack would take control over your wolf until you have finally completed the blood bond. Only then, would you have the strength to take back control over your wolf.”

  “But I don’t have an alpha.”

  “Therein lies the danger. Snow is a half-blood-“

  Cait growled. “Don’t call her that!”

  “I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. Her father was human and her mother a salamander. She is essentially human but with an ability passed down from her bloodline. I understand her grandmother had the same ability?”

  Cait nodded. “She did.”

  “Werewolves rarely mate to humans in this day and age. They usually imprint on stronger races. It’s in out DNA to seek out strong mates. The ones that do mate to humans usually have an alpha to help with the mating ceremony.”

  “I refuse to bow my head to you, Remus. You are a good friend, but I’m also an alpha, I won’t bow to another.”

  Remus sighed. “You always did come from a proud people. The Fallon’s were a great clan. May they rest in peace.”

  “What would happen in the case when an alpha imprinted?”

  “The omega would take on his wolf.”

  “The omega?”

  “What do you remember of your omega?”

  “She wasn’t a strong woman, but everyone in the pack respected her. She was definitely smaller than our alpha, my father, though. How could she handle an alphas wolf?”

  “The alpha of a clan protects their omega. A clan that can keep their omega alive is a proud and strong one. An alpha would never attack their omega, the weakest wolf of the pack. The omegas have a calming effect on the whole clan. Most werewolf packs are volatile, but their omega helps the clan stay together by calming the younger wolves as well as, the more short-tempered ones.”

  “What about their mate?”

  “The mate can only do so much until the blood bond is complete, only then will they be able to handle their mate's wolf. Wolves are territorial. What would you have done to that harpy?”

  Cait growled. “I’d rip her wings off and feed them to her!”

  Remus chuckled. “Exactly. Would you have normally reacted that way if it was another student.”

  Cait sighed. “I see your point Remus, but I refuse to join your pack.”

  “Pride can be a dangerous thing Cait.”

  “I’m a bad luck charm for any clan, Remus.”

  “That’s silly.”

  The red head stood. “Say what you will, but I know what I know. I’m going home. I need to think.”

  Remus sighed. “I advise you to think quickly. I’ve never seen a bond form quite so strongly, or quickly between both the wolf, and the mate. You two may both need the guidance I can offer.”

  “I’ll think on it. Goodbye.”

  Cait closed the office door and made her way past Mary’s desk. She glared at it but shook her head to clear her mind. This was bad. Remus was right. How was she going to handle this if it was so strong? This need to claim what was her’s. Next thing she’d know, she’ll be peeing on Snow to mark her territory. Cait shuddered at the thought.

  Chapter 2

  Mary pulled into Snow’s apartment buildings parking lot and cut the engine.

  “Would you like me to walk you to your apartment?”

  When the girl didn’t immediately answer, Mary looked over to see that she was staring out the window, as if in a daze.


  The brunette jerked, startled, and turned to the leopard. “Yes?”

  “We’re here. Come on; I’ll walk you to your apartment.”

  “Okay.” Snow unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out of the tan Honda Civic. The leopard met her on the other side of the car, her tail flicking languidly behind her.

  “Shall we go?” Mary asked. Snow nodded and followed her.

  “Ms. Mary?”

  “I don’t mind if you just call me Mary.” She smiled, her green eyes lighting with humor.

  “Mary, then. Forgive me if I’m overstepping my bounds, but are you a werecat?”

  Mary continued to smile. “It’s no problem. I am, and I’m proud to be one. It’s kind of hard for me to hide it after all.” Her tail flicked lazily bringing a smile to Snow’s face.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “You reminded me of someone I know. She used to be my bodyguard before I left home but I never had the courage to ask what she was. Probably, because she’s been watching me ever since I was little. She doesn’t have a tail like you, though.”

  “Mmm, I’m still young in werecat terms. I’m a little under a hundred. So, I’m still learning to hide my nature. Why do you think we are alike?”

  “She moves with the same grace as you and has si
milar eyes. They are more hazel, though.”

  “I see. Well, I don’t know her, but I would have to agree with your judgment. Why were you afraid to ask her what she was?”

  “She’s kind of unapproachable. Very stoic but still kind.”

  “I see. Well, it seems her job was to protect you so I can understand her need for distance.”

  They climbed onto the elevator, and Snow pressed the button for the fourth floor. “Do you know Ms. Fallon well?”

  Mary’s tail paused a moment before picking up its lazy swishing. “Not particularly. I know Remus better, and he knows her well.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Why do you ask?”

  Snow shrugged. “I was just wondering.”

  Mary smiled. The elevator doors opened, and Mary followed the girl's lead down the hallway. “Do you know her well?”

  Snow stopped mid-step before resuming to her door. She pulled out her keys. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.” She paused and stared at the door to her apartment. Apartment 401.

  “You don’t think?” Mary urged.

  Snow sighed. “I don’t know; I just feel like I know her from somewhere. Like from when I was really little but I just can’t seem to remember.”


  Snow turned to look at the leopard. “Is that strange?”

  Mary shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’ve learned in my lifetime to trust my gut or in my case, my instinct.”

  “But, she didn’t act like she knew me from anywhere.”

  Mary nodded. “Maybe she doesn’t want you to know that she knows you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, nothing.”

  “What do you know, Mary?”

  “What don’t I know?”

  Snow laughed. “Is getting a leopard to give a straight answer always so hard.”

  “Is it?”

  “Fine, okay. I’ll figure it out myself. You’re worse than my bodyguard.” Snow unlocked the front door, walked through the entrance, before turning back to Mary. “Thank you for driving me home.”

  “It’s no problem…” She trailed off as she caught a glimpse of all the boxes inside the apartment. “Did you just move in?”

  Snow glanced behind and blushed. “Kind of.”

  Mary chuckled. “I’m going to go out on a limb. Would you like me to help you unpack? I don’t know if you know many people around here, and no offense, but you don’t look very muscular.”

  “Um, you have no idea how happy I would be if you helped me. I really don’t have any friends here, and I was dreading having to unpack all of these boxes by myself.”

  “It would be my pleasure. My schedule was clear for the rest of the day anyway.” Mary smiled and walked past Snow, pouncing on the first box in front of her. “Let’s get to work.” She sang.


  A growl ripped from Cait’s throat, as her fist flew out, connecting with the purple padded helmet of her opponent. The man’s head snapped back, and he dropped like a fly. Cait pulled her mouth guard out, panting as she walked to her corner and grabbed a towel. Nathan was waiting for her with a lopsided grin on his face. The jagged purple stripes on each side of his face moved as he spoke and ran a hand through his military cut white hair.

  “Think you’re done beating up my students today? I don’t think any more of them will be willing to get in the ring with you, even if I paid them.” He chuckled.

  Cait grunted, took the towel that he offered to wipe the sweat from her brow, and took a drink from her water bottle.

  “Come on; I deserve more than a grunt. What’s up today? The last time you took out ten of my top students in a row was when your last girlfriend cheated on you with that succubus.”

  “I never liked that bitch.”

  “That’s beside the point. What's eating at you?” Nathan followed her as she climbed out of the ring and sat down on a bench. The students that had gathered around scattered like ants and refused to make eye contact as if she would gobble them up.

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Give me a little credit. I may be younger than you, but I’ve seen a lot in my time being what I am.”

  “I don’t know Nathan. I don’t really want to talk about it. It makes me mad just thinking about it.”

  “Come on! Talking about stuff is the way it gets better.”

  The redhead sighed. She could use another perspective, and Nathan knew how to keep a secret. “Just don’t tell anyone. It’s kind of personal.”

  Nathan sat down next to her and looked up at his students who were a little too close for Cait’s comfort. “Alright everyone, hit the showers. I don’t want to see you smelly gorillas until tomorrow.”

  The students scattered again but this time towards the locker room. They couldn’t get away fast enough. “You should come here more often. It helps keep their egos in check.” He laughed.

  Cait sighed again.

  “So what’s the problem? Girl trouble again? Need me to beat anyone up for you?”

  The werewolf cracked a smile at that. Nathan had always been like a big brother to her. He was always there to make her laugh or just hear out her problems whenever she needed someone to lend their ear.

  “I’ve imprinted.”

  His smile dropped. “Shit.”

  Cait frowned. “You know what that means?”

  “What? You didn’t?”

  “No actually. Remus just told me today, after it happened.”

  “Didn’t your clan ever teach you about it?”

  Cait’s features darkened and she simply said, “No.”

  He studied her curiously. “Huh, usually that’s taught to a pup when they hit puberty.”

  “How do you know what it is?”

  “Haven’t you figured out what I am yet?” He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

  She stared at him thoughtfully for a moment. “No.”

  “I guess I’ll just tell you then. It was a fun game while it lasted, but you won’t understand how I know about imprinting until I tell you.”


  “Drum roll please!” Cait chuckled.

  “I’m an Inu youkai.”

  “A dog demon?”

  “Our species are very similar. We don’t imprint, but we do have one true mate. I just know what imprinting is from what my mentors in my pack told me. We are taught our similarities to other species as well as our differences.”

  “I’ve heard of Inu youkai, but I had never met one. Or at least, I didn’t think I had. How come you don’t smell like a dog.”

  Nathan grinned. “What do I smell like?”

  “Spicy. Hot. Most dogs that I meet, or at least shapeshifter that shift into dogs smell earthy. Even most werewolves smell earthy.”

  “That’s the demon in me your smelling. Or at least that’s the best explanation I can come up with. It’s how I always describe it to other shifters or were beasts.”

  “Oh, that makes sense then.”

  Nathan clapped his hands. “So you met your imprint? Is she everything you imagined and more? Most people are happy to meet their soulmate. Why are you so pissed?”

  “I’m not really mad…” She trailed off as Nathan gave her a look that said, ‘tell that to my students.’ “Okay, but it’s mostly my wolf that is mad. It wants to be with my imprint. Like right now. But I can’t be.”

  “Why not? Isn’t it bad to be away from them? Especially in the beginning?”

  “Why in the beginning?”

  Nathan shrugged. “I don’t know how much werebeasts, werewolves, in particular, share in common with our demon customs, but in the beginning when an Inu youkai meets their mate there is an overwhelming need to stake their claim, so no one else will try and claim them. The only way I can describe it is, primal.”

  Cait studied him. “I do feel a strong tug on my instincts to be near, and to mark my territory, but Remus said it would be dangerous without an alpha.”

an nodded. “Remus is that werewolf friend that is also your boss?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, he would know more than I would but isn’t he also the guy that keeps trying to claim you in his clan?”

  She nodded again.

  “I would take what he says with a grain of salt. I don’t fully know your situation, but he might use all of this against you. Isn’t there someone in your own clan that can help you? I know you’re not on the best terms with them, but you might need some council without ulterior motives.”

  Cait’s features darkened again. “No. There is no one.”

  “Now isn’t the time to be prideful or picky, Cait. There’s a reason werewolves stay in their clan. I’ve never really commented on your whole lone wolf act. I’ve never understood it myself, but I’ve respected it. I really think now is the time to seek the counsel of your elders. I know you’re an alpha from your scent but even an alpha needs to know when to ask for help.”

  Cait had stood during his lecture and began walking towards the locker rooms.

  “Cait, are you listening to me?”

  She stopped and turned on him when he reached for her shoulder. She snarled, and he held up his hands in surrender. Her eyes were hard when she spoke her next words, and her voice sent a shiver of fear down Nathan’s spine.

  “They are all dead, Nathan. All of them. My whole clan and I don’t need you reminding me because of your ignorance. I have no one, and I don’t need anyone. So, you can shove your lecture up your ass, or I’ll do it for you.” She turned on her heel and went straight to the front door. Screw getting her gym bag. She needed some air, just needed to get away from all these people with opinions on what she should do with her imprint, she needed to go for a drive. Cait slammed the door on her way out and didn’t look back.


  “You have no idea how grateful I am that you stayed.” Snow said as she sat heavily on her clean couch. All the empty boxes had been thrown down the trash shoot, and everything was put in its proper place.

  “It was my pleasure. I couldn’t leave a weakling like you to try and do all the work by yourself. You probably would have hurt yourself.”


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