Blood Bound: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 1)

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Blood Bound: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 1) Page 12

by Idella Breen

  His brown eyes glinted in what Cait was able to see as excitement before he raised his muzzle to the air and let loose a howl. The rest of his clan joined him in chorus. They sang.

  “Two clans unite tonight. Fallon and Lander. To honor and to blood. Let our jaws crush, and our claws slice. Victory will be ours!”

  Their howls quieted, and Remus met Cait’s gaze. “I would be honored to kill some dark bloods alongside you. Lead the way. My teeth shall be your weapon and my body your shield. We fight for Lander! We fight for Fallon!”

  Cait nodded. She felt the power flowing into her as Remus’s wolf relinquished some of his power to her. With a bark from Cait they were running, following her into battle, following her to Snow.


  Snow woke with a sore neck. She sat up rubbing it and looked around.

  “The ice child awakens.” A dark and insidious voice said from her left. She looked over to see a man who looked to be in his forties sitting on a throne. His hair was dark brown and pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his neck. He had a five o’clock shadow, and when she met his gaze, it was to meet blood red eyes. Snow gasped, and tried to stand, but her body felt heavy and sluggish.

  “Who are you? Where am I?” She whispered.

  He smiled and waved his hand in a grand gesture of introduction. “My name? Why I’m sure, you know my name by now? But I shall welcome you to this Xavier’s home. This is one of my many homes. Don’t worry we are deep into the forest and deep into this castle. No one will bother us tonight. Well, except for your protector.”

  “Cait!” Snow yelled and attempted to stand once more only for her legs to feel like jello and give out. She plopped back onto the floor.

  “Calm yourself child. You are weak after awakening.” He said as he stood from the throne.


  “Yes! It truly is splendid. I wish I could have seen it in person, but my men took pictures, and what a sight!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  He walked towards her. With every step he took, she attempted to scoot back, but she was still weak, and his strides were strong and fast.

  “The ice my dear. All the coldness your body can produce. It was truly beautiful.” He reached her and crouched down beside her. Reaching out his hand, he took a strand of hair between his fingers. She jerked away from him, but he grabbed her face and forced her to meet his bloody gaze.

  “And it will be mine.”

  She slapped his hand away. “No!”

  Xavier chuckled and stood making his way back to the throne. “Say what you will. Tonight, the prophecy will be broken.”


  He laughed darkly. “You didn’t really think you and that puny werewolf could really kill me did you? You truly are a fool. I can’t die.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He sat down and faced her. “Well, I can die, but the likelihood of that wolf killing me are slim to none. I made sure of that when she was born.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He chuckled. “A child born without heart.” He answered lazily.

  Snow gasped. “You…you’re the one that took her soul!”

  “Yes! And how easy it was.”


  He grinned and reached into his shirt pulling out a chain with a blue stone on the end. The stone glittered in the light. It was a sapphire. “With this.”

  Snow frowned. “A rock.”

  “It’s a sapphire, and it was enchanted by a witch.”


  “To hold the soul of prophecy. Or at least one-half of it.”

  Snow gasped again and gazed at the stone. She could feel something inside of her being pulled towards it. “Give it to me.” She said before she realized what she was saying.

  Xavier laughed and tucked the stone back under his shirt. “I don’t think so. It has served me well all these years giving me all the power I could ever want.”

  Snow felt the hot flush of anger. “It’s not your’s!”

  Xavier stood again and looked across the throne room to the huge doors. Snow could hear a howling in the distance. Cait had come.


  Remus charged at the metal gate separating the werewolves from the castle. The metal screamed, and groaned as it bent, and broke under his power. The werewolves charged through the courtyard. Several dark bloods appeared, pulling their swords and guns out, only to have their arms ripped off in a matter of seconds. Remus and Cait continued into the courtyard and burst through the door leading to the main hall. Cait’s instincts were leading her to Snow. Remus followed her. He knew his wolves could handle a few dark bloods. The vampires were only as strong as their weapons. When his clan fought together, they were unstoppable. The hallways were cramped, and he had to let Cait go in front, but they stayed in their wolf forms.

  The hallway opened up into a giant room, and Cait stopped. Remus came up beside her. In front of them were two large doors, but the reason Cait had stopped, was because of the boy standing in front of her. Remus remembered the boy from school, but he couldn’t remember the kid's name.

  “Move!” Cait growled.

  Aiden sneered. “Make me.”

  Remus stepped forward. The boy may be a student, but he was in their way. “I’ll take care of him. You go on ahead.” He spoke to Cait over their link. She nodded. Remus charged at the boy. Aiden jumped away from his place in front of the door to miss being eaten alive, and Remus followed him, chasing him. Cait took her chance and charged through the double doors. Her body slammed into them, breaking the wood from the force, and pushing then open. She skidded to a halt in what looked to be a throne room if the throne on the other end was any clue. She took in the room in front of her, her eyes first rested on Snow who was sitting on the ground. Her heart leaped with joy. Until her eyes were drawn away by a loud clapping.

  “And the protector makes her appearance! Good to see you again, Cait. Did you miss me?”

  “Xavier!” Cait snarled.

  “The one and only.”

  “I’ll kill you!”

  He tsked. “I don’t think so.”

  Cait growled and charged at him. Snow screamed as Cait crashed into the throne when Xavier jumped out of the way, flipped, and landed behind her. He pulled a sword from his side and held it out. Cait could smell the silver in the blade and only hesitated a second before charging again. Xavier jeered as she came within reach and he slashed at her shoulder. She whimpered in agony but knocked him to the ground. Her shoulder burned. The wound wouldn’t heal right away like usual, but she had fought many an opponent in the past, who thought they could get one over on her by using silver. She wasn’t going to go down easy!

  Cait circled the man that had made her life a living hell. She couldn’t wait to feel his bones crunch between her jaws.

  “You can’t kill me Cait.” He taunted.

  “Watch me!” She lunged, but he rolled out of the way. They circled each other again.

  “You are too weak. A child without heart can’t kill me!”

  Cait growled and made to lunge at him again, but he pulled a necklace out from under his shirt, and Cait suddenly felt weak. What was that?

  “This is your heart Cait!”


  “Yes, I’ve had it all along. I’ve had your soul since the day you were born, and the seer told me you would be the protector.”

  Cait was at a loss for words. She could feel the pull to the stone and knew what he was saying was the truth.

  “It’s amazing. The things the Sluagh, the monsters in the shadows, will do for the right price. I asked for your soul, and they delivered by stealing it from you while you slept in your mother arms. I have the power of the protector. You can’t defeat me.”

  Cait snarled, charged at the man, and slashed her claws at him. He managed to prevent her from getting the necklace, but her nails bit into his back electing a scream from him. He stumbled back.

bsp; “You bitch!” He yelled.

  Cait felt her anger rising. Xavier began to laugh. The werewolf watched as the wound instantly closed, leaving only blood, and ripped clothing behind. “I told you I couldn't die.”

  The werewolf felt a sinking feeling in her gut and jumped at Xavier attempting to sink her teeth into him. His long sword came up and connected with the side of her neck. It burned, but she pushed through it enough, to sink her teeth into his shoulder. He cried out, but she held on biting down harder. Xavier screamed and raised his sword.

  “Cait!” Snow screamed.

  The sword pierced her shoulder, and she bit down harder as the blade burned its way inside of her. She shook her head, tearing the skin beneath her teeth, and ripping a chunk of his shoulder off as she jumped back. Xavier groaned as he staggered. His blade was sticking out of Cait’s shoulder as she stumbled back, and fell to the ground, spitting out the chunk of flesh she had taken with her.

  Xavier fell to the ground and inspected his shoulder. His mind was numb with pain as he watched the bone and skin reproduce and stitch back together. Cait could feel the silver from the sword begin to enter her bloodstream like poison. Her power was waning, and her body began to feel heavier, as she struggled to stand.

  “Cait!” Snow pushed herself up but struggled to keep her balance. She still felt weak, but she had to get to the werewolf.

  Deep laughter filled the air and Snow looked at the dark blood. He was standing again across from Cait. “Is that all the great protector has?” He taunted.

  Cait snarled and pushed herself back up.

  “Come on!” He yelled. “Or do I need to move on to the ice child?”

  The werewolf growled and charged. Snow felt dread in her stomach as she saw a glint of silver. Xavier was hiding a dagger behind his back. He was going to kill her. He was going to kill Cait. He was going to kill her mate. Snow felt the burn of ice burst from her chest and out her fingertips again. She could feel the power flowing out of her and watched as ice spread from her as if she was winter itself.

  The floor beneath her instantly froze and traveled with speed towards Xavier. He didn’t even have the chance to scream as his body was encased in ice all the way up to his shoulders, and Cait’s jaws clamped over his head, tearing it from his neck. The werewolf landed covered in blood and spit out the head of the man who had cost her so much in her life. She fell to the ground.

  “Cait!” Snow stumbled and skidded across the ice until she was standing next to the werewolf. The red head transformed back into the woman as the wolf’s words rang out in her mind.

  ‘The oath has been fulfilled, the promise kept, the betrayal is forgiven. We are one once more.’

  “Hey, stay awake,” Snow whispered as she rolled Cait over so she could touch her face. The red head groaned from the movement.

  “Take out the sword.” She moaned in pain.

  Snow hesitated, but rested the werewolf’s head in her lap, and wrapped both of her hands around the hilt of the long sword. She gripped and pulled. It was released with a sickening slurping sound and blood began to flow freely from the wound it made. Snow cried out and held her hands over the wound to slow down the bleeding.


  “It’s fine…it will…heal.” She gasped out.

  “There’s too much blood!”

  “The…necklace.” Cait lifted her shaky hand and pointed to where she had spat out Xavier’s head. Snow grimaced but gently set Cait down and ran over to it. She picked up the bloody stone, pulling it off the severed neck, and felt her stomach roll. She ran back over to Cait and kneeled down beside her.

  “What do I do?” She asked.


  “You big dummy! What do you mean you don’t know? Cait!”

  “Kiss me.” She whispered out.


  “Accept my devotion.”

  “What are you talking about now?”

  “You promised you would think about it.”

  Snow remembered their first kiss and blushed. Gwen had told her the kiss was to tell Cait, as well as the wolf, that she would think about accepting the imprint. Now it seemed that Cait wanted an answer. Did she want to be her friend or her lover? What sort of bond would they create? Snow felt her heart pick up, thumping in her chest. Cait coughed up blood. Snow helped her sit up a little bit. This woman was completely devoted to her. She had never wavered from her loyalty. She had given everything for her.

  Snow smiled. The answer really was a simple one. She tilted Cait’s head back, one hand her chin, and touched her cold lips to bloody ones. Cait gasped at the feeling of the girl's cold but soft lips. She felt Snow’s hand touch her chest while the other held her head up. Suddenly, there was a warm burning feeling on her chest where Snow’s hand was. She groaned but the pain increased. Snow pulled back when the woman beneath her whimpered to see the werewolf grimacing.


  “It’s hot.” She moaned out, and Snow looked down to see that the Sapphire had broken into pieces. She gasped.


  “I feel so hot.” Cait breathed. Snow placed her hand against the woman’s head, but she felt normal to her. Cait grabbed Snow’s hand and placed it over her heart again. She let out a breath.

  “What is that heaviness that I feel?” Cait whispered.

  As Snow’s hand was placed over the werewolf’s heart, she felt her own calling out to it. She felt her chest fill with the warmth that was traveling up from her hand and into her heart. She gasped as she felt something connect inside of her as if she was filled with another presence. A feeling of wholeness settled over her.

  “Do you feel that?” Snow asked.

  “I feel-“

  “What Cait? What do you feel?”

  “I feel complete.”

  Chapter 12

  When Cait woke, it was to an immense feeling of comfort, and warmth. She made to sit up only to feel a weight against her side. Looking down she saw Snow sleeping next to her. The girl had her arm slung over Cait’s waist and her head buried into the pillow. The werewolf smiled and trailed her fingertips along the girl's arm. The brunette broke out in goosebumps and rubbed her eyes as she woke. Snow yawned.

  “Hey,” Cait whispered.

  “Morning-“ Snow’s eyes shot open. “Cait!” She pulled the woman into her arms fully.

  Cait chuckled. “Hey, calm down.”

  Snow buried her face into the werewolf’s neck, and Cait was shocked to hear sniffles. “Hey, what’s the matter.”

  Snow pulled back to meet her gaze. “I didn’t think you would ever wake up.”

  The redhead frowned. “How long was I out for?”

  “Four days.”

  Cait sighed. “It’s because of the silver. It usually takes longer for me to heal from those wounds.”

  Snow nodded. “You just fully healed yesterday and Gwen said you would be waking up soon.”

  Cait smiled and took a strand of white hair between her fingers. “Your hair…”

  Snow smiled. “Yeah. Gwen thinks it’s from my powers awakening fully.”

  The werewolf smiled and tucked the strand behind the girl’s ear. “You accepted.”

  Snow blushed and nodded.

  “You were sure.” It was a statement but the girl's answered anyway.

  “I am.”

  Cait smiled and bent down to kiss her. It was tender and light. The werewolf pulled back. “Thank you.”

  Snow smiled but seemed to hesitate before speaking. “I want to go through the blood bond of lovers with you.”

  Cait paused in playing with her hair and met her gaze. “Are you ready? We just-“

  She cut her off. “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life. I want to be your’s and for you to be mine, fully.”

  The werewolf smiled, and their lips touched once more but with more force this time. Cait ran her fingers through Snow’s hair, and tilted the girl's chin, before trailing her hand dow
n the slender neck to rest above her heart. She could feel it beating faster, and their tongues danced against each other. She pulled back when she felt something inside her own chest warm up.


  “What?” Snow asked.

  Cait studied her hand that was resting against Snow’s chest. It felt hot underneath. She felt like her own heart was calling out to the beating of Snow’s. “Nothing, it just felt funny.”

  Snow smiled. “It should.”

  The werewolf looked up at her questioningly.

  Snow giggled. “It will never be said again that you are a werewolf without heart. It calls to mine and mine answers back.”

  The redhead felt the sting of tears at the girl's softly spoken words.


  “You guys are sure about this?” Gwen asked as she followed Cait and Snow into Cait’s apartment.

  “For the last time Gwen, we are sure.”

  Cait looked thoughtfully at her living room. It had been cleared of the usual things, and all that remained was her king sized bed. “Will you be in the next room or in here Gwen?”

  The omega sighed and rested against the wall. “It’s really up to you. Do you get performance anxiety?”

  Cait growled.

  “I’m serious. Some people do. I can be in the other room to make it easier. Just having me in the vicinity should keep your wolf in check. When it comes out during the ritual, it will sense me nearby, and that will calm it down. So I can be in the room with you, or I can be in the kitchen. Either is fine.”

  Snow cleared her throat. “Um, I prefer the kitchen.”

  Gwen chuckled and pushed off the wall. “The kitchen it is then. Now do you two remember everything we talked about?”

  They both nodded.

  “Well, then have at it!” She giggled when Snow blushed, gave a mock salute, and walked over to the next room, pulling out a book from her bag.

  The girl didn’t know how to feel about the omega reading a book while they did the deed in the next room but she guessed it was necessary. She sighed and looked up when she felt Cait pulling her towards the bed.


  Snow nodded and let the werewolf guide her. She settled at the head of the bed and lay there as Cait kneeled between her legs. Snow was wearing a yellow summer dress, and Cait trailed her hands up the girl's legs, drawing the dress along with it. She paused when she reached mid thigh. She could feel how tense Snow was.


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